In the bright morning's light 3 girls were playing in the meadow when they heard one of the servants calling them. "Princess Ami! Princess Serenity! Princess Minako!" she ran towards them. "Yes Minda did you call us?" Ami answered for the other two who were at the moment rolling around the grass having a fun time. "Yes my lady, your parents are requesting you come home to dinner!" she breathed as she stopped for air. "Oh Mindaa" the girl in odangos whined, "Do we have to go home now?"

"Yes my lady you do I am afraid," Minda answered as she straightens her hair and clothes from her run from the castle to the meadows. With a pout from serenity the other girls gave her a hug, "Serenity we can come back tomorrow morning," Ami said with a smile. "Yeah Sere, lighten up! We'll go ride horses in the silver meadows tomorrow!" Minako chirped cheerfully. "OK!" the girl smiled as she left the others in her dust, leaving them to trail behind for the castle.

In front of the court yard just before the castle doors, two people can be heard yelling, "Come back here with my notebook Seiya!"As the two fought the tallest boy who had long dark brown hair that hung to his lower back in a pony tail held his novel in front of him while shaking his head in irritation. "Please refrain from further embarrassing scenes in front of the castle you two." Finally giving up speaking he took one glance of the two, then pushing his glasses in place he continued to read, further ignoring his brothers brawling. "Not until I get my notebook back!" the shorter boy with long silver hair demanded as he continued to wrestle the other boy with long raven black hair to the ground. "But Yaten I just wanted to see what you write in this thing," the raven haired boy laughed as he tried to open the notebook. "No! Don't you dare! Give it back Seiya!" the silver haired boy screamed as he fiercely tried to grab hold of the raven haired boys arm and lowering it to get the notebook away from him. Before almost getting his precious notebook away from his brother, suddenly the sound of the royal trumpets echo alerted the tallest boy to attention as he glared at his brothers to do the same.

After a long walk or race back to the castle the girls all panted, completely out of breath but still laughing as they slowed to a walk as they entered the archway to the courtyards.

"Sere, you cheated!" the gold haired girl said as she gave the odango haired girl a noogie. "But we all arrived at the same time!" blue haired stated as she laughed at the two bickering sisters. "Yeah Minako don't be such a glory hog!" the odango haired girl stuck her tongue out as the three girls giggled walking over to the doors. After another round of giggles, Ami finally noticed the new knights standing at the entrance. "Minako, Serenity, I believe we have new knights," Ami whispered as the girls corrected their postures as they walk towards the three boys. About few steps in front of them, Minako noticed a black book on the ground. Gracefully she bent down and picked up the book and went to stand next to her sisters. "Good evening gentlemen," Ami smiled as she introduced herself. "I am Mizuno Ami," she curtsied. "Pleased to meet you," she smiled. Stepping aside for her other sisters to introduce themselves, Ami straightened and smiled at the three knights. Stepping towards the knights the odango haired girl curtsied as her eyes closed, "Welcome, I am Tsukino Usagi," she smiled. "Please make yourselves at home here." Rising to her full height she opened her eyes to a pair of dark blue ones. With a light blush she stepped to the side as her last sister introduced herself. "I hope that we can get to know each other fair knights. I am Aino Minako," she curtied. "We are the crowned princesses of the planet Earth." She finished as she rose back to eye level, joining her sisters.

The tallest boy bowed and smiled, "Please to meet you all princesses. I am Kou Taiki, we hope to be of service to you," as he stepped aside to allow one of his brothers introduce themselves. Stepping out of the line, a raven haired boy smiled and bowed. "It is a pleasure to be of service to you beautiful ladies. I am Kou Seiya. He stood and kissed the princesses hands. All three girls blushed and giggled as he fell back to the line.

As the last knight came forward he took a side glance at Seiya who was still smirking arrogantly. "I am Kou Yaten from the same night hood as my brothers Taiki and Seiya, please call upon us if ever you need assistance.' He finished with a bow, still frowning from his earlier brawl with Seiya.

As the princesses curtsied them good evening as they turned to enter the castle, Minako stopped and walked back to the knights, "Excuse me dear knights but I found a black notebook on the ground." She paused to reveal the item, "Does it belong to any of you?" Minako asked as she turned to each of them.

"Yes! That belongs to me, princess." Yaten replied as he snatched the book from her hands. A bit irritated for his rough handling, Minako huffed throwing her princess act in the process. "Hey! I didn't read it alright! I was just returning it to you! Sheesh!" With a swoosh of her hair she headed towards the doors, head held high in an irritated state.

After the doors slammed shut, Seiya let out a low whistle, 'Whew Man that Aino princess sure was mad at you!" He hooted as he felt the glares of his brother on his back. "It was your fault that I was mad in the first place, Seiya!" He huffed, "And what was up with those three anyways! They are just like us kids yet they acted like they were older than us!" Yaten slid his sword into his hilt as he slumped to the ground with another huff.

"Yaten let me remind you that they are different from us. They are princesses!" He sighed annoyed. "Of course they'll speak like adults. But I think that they are very nice."

"Yeah but man did you see them all? I bet they are plain boring." Seiya stated as he left for the knights quarters. "What did you expect that they'd be just like us common people?" Taiki stated as he went in after Seiya. The shortest brother just brushed off the dust of his uniform and stomped off towards the horse stables. "They are all the same unfeeling, snobbish, high strung princesses like all the others," he mumbled as he petted the horses.