A/N: Love and thanks go out to daciangoddess, who so sportingly agreed to beta this spontaneous addition to this tale at the last minute. She deserves a big box of chocolate-covered Severuses for her trouble! Also, once more I want to thank my readers and reviewers, both the new and the old who followed me over here. Your thoughts and comments have been much appreciated.

This is the end of the line for this fic. Some of you have asked for a sequel, but I haven't decided if I want to do that or not. I have a new fic, safely ensconced in the loving arms of my betas, that will hit archives near you soon, so once I have worked all of that out, I will decide whether I want to keep writing in that world or this one. At any rate, it makes me very happy that you have enjoyed this story so much that you would like to see more.

Obligatory: No galleons were made, and no Slytherins were hurt, in the making of this fic. Everything belongs to JKR.


"You would think that the father of one of the most powerful witches in England would not be required to wear this ridiculous Muggle costume to these events," Severus grumbled as he fought with the black bowtie around his neck.

For much of Zoe's childhood, it had been a joke around Hogwarts that the peace between two worlds to which the prophecy had referred was the peace between Hermione and Severus. Often when they would fight, their precocious child would stand on a chair or table and beg her parents to be reasonable. It almost always worked, because her entreaties would usually shame the couple into submission.

However, considering all that had happened, no one was quite convinced that keeping Severus and Hermione from killing each other was really the reason Zoe had been brought into the world. In fact, as she grew into her magical potential, the possibilities for her future became even more exciting to those around her. When she married James Potter at age 23, one of the most publicized unions of the post-war period (second only to the marriage of Harry and Ginny Potter), the papers were filled with speculation about the couple. Half of it was certainly destined to be Minister of Magic, or inherit leadership of the Order of the Phoenix, or crush the shadow of dark magic for good.

It thus came as a shock to the entire magical world when it was revealed that Zoe and James were moving into a Muggle neighborhood and that Zoe had been elected to the House of Commons. It was no mystery that Zoe had an unusual interest in Muggle studies, but that was generally written off as her way of keeping in touch with the world of her parents' childhoods. Why do such a ridiculous thing as become a Muggle politician, when the entire Wizarding world would give Zoe Potter anything she desired on a silver platter?

Hermione hadn't batted an eyelash, however, when her daughter became the head of the Labour party and was set to become the youngest female ever to take up the position of Prime Minister. Zoe's skill in keeping order in their household and settling disputes was indication enough of her talent for leadership. Severus would lament in private to his wife about his disappointment that Zoe had not decided to become a Potions mistress, but Hermione would scold him, reminding him that Zoe was smart enough to figure out what she wanted to do on her own, and that it would be wise for Severus to keep his nose out of it.

Far from the eyes of the Muggle press, Zoe worked closely with the aging Minister of Magic, Arthur Weasley, to come up with ways of slowly introducing the magical world to the Muggle one. They didn't want to create a massive panic in Muggle England, but they had decided that the time for magical elitism was over, and they wanted to introduce Muggles to the wonders of the secret world that existed right under their noses.

"If she succeeds, Severus, we will never have to worry about what we wear and when ever again. I would advise you to hold your tongue." Hermione waved her finger at Severus as she scolded him.

"You know that these events make me uncomfortable," he replied sternly as Hermione took over the task of tying his tie.

"Honestly! If I didn't know any better, I would say that you weren't proud of everything your daughter has accomplished!" She threw her hands up in frustration.

"You know that I am, Hermione, but it is hard enough for me to behave properly in magical company. It has been a long time since I had to pretend to be a powerless Muggle like my father." His face contorted into an ugly scowl.

Hermione stepped back and regarded him with a stern expression, her arms folded over her chest. "You will behave yourself this evening, Severus Snape."

Suddenly, Severus began to chuckle. "I believe you inherited more from Minerva than her position, Madam Snape. That face would strike fear in the heart of the most incorrigible Gryffindor."

Hermione's face softened and she laughed along with him. "Perhaps it's because I have to look at that face so often in her painting in my office," she remarked with a touch of sadness.

"You are as formidable a woman as she ever was, Hermione, and I have never doubted that Zoe would be just as impressive. Even if she did marry a Potter." He smirked at her annoyed expression.

"I would watch it, if I were you. Your grandchildren are Potters." She patted his arm in mock comfort.

"As you never tire of reminding me." He reached out to brush a stray lock of graying hair from her face. "You look lovely. Perhaps we should stay in this evening." He grinned mischievously.

"Ah, darling, but I am not as young as I used to be." She pressed his hand against her cheek.

"Nonsense; you are every bit as vivacious and beautiful as you were when we married. I will hear no more on the subject." He bent down to kiss her forehead.

Hermione sighed and closed her eyes at the pleasure of the contact of her husband's lips with her skin. They may not have been as energetic as they once were, but age had done nothing to dampen the fires of passion that had long burned between them. "You are a liar, Severus, but I appreciate it." She looked up at the clock over the fireplace. "It is getting late. We should leave."

"I am proud of Zoe, Hermione. I always have been. Is it not natural for a father to want the world for his only child?" He gently placed Hermione's traveling cloak about her shoulders.

She turned back to face him. "I know, Severus, and I think that she may surprise even you. Tonight, she will publicly introduce Muggles to magic for the first intended time, and, if the prophecy is at all true, she will succeed in integrating the two worlds. Did you ever dream that such a thing was possible?"

Severus chuckled again. "Ah, that damnable prophecy; if it were not for that, she probably would have gone on to be a Potions scholar."

"Or Transfiguration," she amended serenely. "You shouldn't be so down on that damnable prophecy, Severus. After all, if it hadn't been for that, we may never have found our way back to each other."

"Do you ever regret taking me back, Hermione?" He turned his back to her to retrieve his own cloak.

Hermione laughed. "You have waited over forty years to ask me that question? Really, Severus, I thought you more efficient than that. Do you regret that I forgave you and took you back?"

Severus spun around and took Hermione in his arms, pressing an insistent kiss on her lips. "Never," he replied firmly. "Not for an instant. You and Zoe have made me a very happy man."

Hermione returned his kiss with one of her own. "And tonight, we celebrate her. Just be the doting father that you've always been, and I won't shoot too many hexes at you."

"I am not so young either, Hermione. Would you want to hex your husband to an early grave simply because he made a snide remark at some insufferable Muggle minister?" He quirked an eyebrow at his wife and smirked.

"Only if you give me a very good reason." She smiled before walking towards the door. Just as she reached out to open it, she turned and looked at Severus again. "I love you, Severus."

"And I love you. Now, let us go. I certainly do not want to miss the cocktails."

With one last roll of Hermione's eyes, husband and wife left to see their daughter in all her glory.