A/N: I'm probably going to hell. Began this whilst I was in the hospital, finished after a hot bath and some cocoa. I come up with strange pairings sometimes... As SOON as I get my tablet hooked up I'm gonna do fanart of these two. Hoyeah.

It was originally titled 'Hitohada'(and it still is I think, in my profile...), but I changed it after a few revisions. This WAS a one-shot... until I decided that it would be cooler if it wasn't. I intend for this to last for at least five chapters. Maybe more. Hah.

Pairings? Vincette! First Vincette EVAR!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, or anything else that's copyrighted.

Flamers: Will be responded to with various 'your mom' jokes in rapid succession via review response. Don't flame me, I'll eat your children.

Summary: AU; Vincent/Olette, one-sided Roxette "Freaking VAMPIRES in my HOUSE eating my DOG." "...You don't have a dog." "NOT ANYMORE I DON'T!"

WARNING: I am the very model


Vampire in the Tower

01 :: Anfangen


Olette was stalking a vampire.

Really. Who doesn't stalk vampires?

Hayner had gotten the idea. Pence said it would be fun. Olette reminded them of their homework responsibilities. Of course, Hayner found a way to integrate homework into his little adventure. They were doing a report on the History of Twilight Town. More specifically, the creepy buildings that nobody goes into anymore. The Old Mansion, the Twilight Tower, Hayner's basement, and anything else creepy old ladies that bake children could be in.

Maybe it was the feeling of absence that caused them to fill their time with childish fancies. It had been almost a year since Sora and Kairi left, since those white and black creatures stopped showing up. What did Sora call them? It didn't matter. Hayner and Seifer were still having their little ego war; Rai, Pence, Fuu, and Olette were just along for the ride.

The fights always felt uneven, even though they were perfectly matched.

The decided the tower would be a good place to start. Despite it's upbeat appearance, the Twilight Tower was home to quite a few spooky stories. The trio would always hang out on the top, but that's not where the stories originated. Apparently, there was a secret abandoned lab underneath the structure. All they needed to do was find it, claim the discovery, and become rich and famous because of it.

Or get assassinated by evil government ninjas.

It was a 50/50 chance.

In her mind, Olette was hiding under her bed with the boogeyman. In reality, she, Hayner, and Pence were standing in front of an incredibly spooky tower. It normally wasn't scary at all, they would visit frequently. However, with the loom of thunderheads and a flash of lightning it suddenly became very ominous. Who's job was it to check the weather reports? Naturally, Hayner's.

Pence was shaking, of course he was. Despite the fact that Olette was more emotional, it was clear that he was the weakest. Then again, Hayner was quite possibly the dumbest... What did that make Olette? She wasn't the ring leader(that job was mistakenly left to Hayner), nor the strongest. She was just the tomboyish, slightly sophisticated one.

Hah. Sophisticated, right. She used to be able to beat Hayner at arm wrestling. What ever happened to that?

Olette adjusted her orange hoodie, hanging her orange umbrella(with a yellow flower on it) on her arm. Orange and yellow reminded her of the sun, high in the sky melting the snow and heating the planet. Olette couldn't see the sun right then.

The brunette glanced at her watch. 6:00PM.

"Do you think this is a good idea? The last train home is going to be here in an hour." Hayner gave her a sideways glance.

"We'll be back in plenty of time, Olette. We're probably not even going to find anything."

"Then why are we going?" Olette asked, Hayner glared and marched forward, Pence followed. Olette sighed loudly, pulling up her hood. There was no way she was going to get any bugs or dust in her hair; she wasn't going to have enough time to shower tonight. Lightning flashed again just as the door closed.

Four doorways: one to the stairs, one to the living quarters, one to the kitchen, one to the library. Olette inwardly groaned, she knew what Hayner was going to suggest...

"We should split up." Did she win a prize for guess correctly, Bob?

"That's a really stupid idea." Olette commented, Hayner glared again. It is! Olette knew he'd seen slasher movies before, they ninja'd there way in to see one. Olette did not want to become the youngest person in the obituary the next morning.

"You're just a chicken." Damn right she was, he should have been too! The were going into an unfamiliar place famous for its ghost stories.

"I'm not scared," she stated, placing a hand on her hip, "I just don't want you two to get lost and make me miss my train!" Well, it wasn't like they would know she lied.

"How about we just leave at 6:50? If either of you gets lost I'll come back in the morning and get'cha." Like he had such a great sense of direction.

"Fine!" Olette nearly shouted, crossing her arms. If Pence could, he would have sweat dropped, but this wasn't an anime. Olette huffed and stormed into the library, Hayner went in the opposite direction. Pence... decided to go in the remaining doorway.

Such a promising beginning.

The library was full of dusty, old bookshelves and broken glass. Some of the windows were boarded up, most were just covered in scotch tape. Thirty years before Olette was born there was a horrible blizzard that covered half the town in ten feet of snow. According to her father quite a few people died, including the keeper of the tower. It was a sad event, there was no warning of it. The memorial ceremony was being held in a few weeks.

Olette cooled down rather fast, she couldn't stay mad at Hayner for very long. They were childhood friends, after all. Hayner had probably calmed down as well.

There was nothing interesting about the library. It wasn't even scary anymore. There were no giant books to fall over and kill her, no creepy bats flying around. The cobwebs were in corners, nowhere near her hair. Olette browsed through the isles, looking for anything interesting enough for her report. Nothing so-

That's when she spotted it. A large, white binder titled 'Case Reports' glaring at her from the highest shelf. No doubt it would have something to do with Twilight Tower and, if it didn't, she'd at least have something for show. Olette wasn't nearly tall enough to reach it alone, but there was a small stool by the door...

It was a really bad idea. Hayner's really bad ideas always seemed to work, why wouldn't hers?

Because Olette was the sophisticated one.


Olette placed the stool directly under the binder because it was the easiest place to reach it from. What she didn't know is that she was standing over a door that was made of wood. Wood that happened to have rotted to the point where it was very breakable. She just managed to grab the binder when the floor gave in. Olette attempted to grab the bookcase to steady herself, but instead it came with her.

Instead of hitting the ground and being crushed, Olette went through the floor.

Cue the loud scream and the blacking out.


When Olette came to she noticed three very distinct things. One, she was on a flight of stairs. Two, the bookcase was blocking her only escape route. Three, there was a dim light coming from the opposite direction.

Now, Olette knew she should have called for Hayner or Pence but... that light was so enticing. She had to check it out. Maybe she'd discover something to rub Hayner's nose in.

The room wasn't very large, maybe the size of a standard locker room. It was full of ancient(by today's standards) scientific equipment. Test tubes and large machines lined up every which way. Broken glass and torn paper. The area looked to have gone through hell. Or it was the last room Hayner occupied.

That's when she spotted it. Then again, it was hard to miss. A large, black coffin with a red cross painted across the cover. Everything in the room was technical, dusty, and broken except for this. It was in near perfect condition and looked well cared for. Olette's ankle pain seemed to dull away as she inched closer to it. What could a peak inside hurt? It wasn't like there were any real vampires in the tower.

She grabbed the edge of the coffin and found it incredibly easy to move. Its care wasn't just for show, it worked well too. Olette slid the lid to one side... before dropping it with a loud thunk. She quickly slapped a hand over her mouth to muffle her scream.

There was a man in the coffin.

Not just a skeleton, oh no. Olette could handle a skeleton. A real man with long black hair and sickly pale skin(no duh). His clothing was funny, a black-belt shirt... thing and a red cloak. One of his arms was encased in a gold colored claw. Despite the situation Olette thought his cloak looked incredibly cool.

She didn't really know what to do. There was a man in a coffin in a secret lab. What could she do? Run around like a chicken with her head cut off? Call the police?

Calling the police would be a good idea, but her arms wouldn't move. Thus, she couldn't get her orange cellphone and deliver a hysteric 911 call at 6:29PM, February 3rd.

The second she moved her hands the mans eyes snapped open. Olette froze again. Maybe he was like a T-rex and couldn't see her unless she moved. Yeah, where had she heard that? Most likely Hayner again.

He was staring right at her. His eyes - they reminded her of Fuu's. Deep red with a tinge of pain, no other emotion.

Olette screamed.


Vampire in the Tower

01 :: End


A/N: Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go wash the dye out of my hair. It's starting to burn...

Review, please. -puppy dog eyes-