Naruto is copyrighted to the creator, Masashi Kimimoto. This story is purely fan-made and is in no way associated with the anime company or the artist who created it.

At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to make a tenth chapter or not. But so many people requested one, I decided, hey why not?

So here it is, the tenth, and FINAL chapter, no exceptions!

And yes, I know it's short. Its not really a chapter, but more of an Epilouge.

((Iruka's PoV))

I stood solemnly over the grave, choking back the tears that I knew I could not hide.

It had been one year, today, since I'd lost my student, Naruto, and it didn't seem to be getting any easier. Every day, I woke up, and the waves of pain washed over me, as if it had happened only yesterday.

Not a day went by that I didn't wonder where he was now, or how he was doing. I wished I could see him, ask him how he was, and talk with him again, just like old times. But I stared at the slowly-fading numbers carved into the stone, and they reminded me that he was not coming home. Not today, not tomorrow, and not ever.

But today, and just like every other day, I wiped the tears from my eyes, easing my pain with this one solid fact:

Wherever he was, Gaara was with him.

I smiled, as the sun slowly crept over the hilltop, casting its tender rays onto the cemetery. Yes, he and Gaara where together. I could feel it.

Quietly, I knelt down at the grave of my student, and at the accompanying grave next to it, and softly traced the words with my fingers.


October 10th, 1993 – September 12th, 2007


January 19th, 1993 – September 12th, 2007


Yes, I know it was short, but it was kind of just a little summary to tie everything together. Alright, well, I really really hope everyone enjoyed the story! I'm done with this one, but I have a GaaHina one going, and also a sort of post-Sasusaku one also in progress.

Oh, and I've also started a c2! It's called "The Tanuki and the Fox" and as you can tell, it's a compilation of GaaNaru or NaruGaa fanfictions. If you'd like to join, or be a staff member, send me a message, please! It's new, and needs people! Here's the URL, if anybody's interested.

h t t p / w w w . f a n f i c t i o n . n e t / c o m m u n i t y / T h e T a n u k i a n d T h e F o x / 4 9 2 3 5 /

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story. I hope to hear from you again!

Much Love,
