A/N: I know Chobits isn't mine but I can imaginate. Enjoy the show:)

After all you put me through,

Boy, I'm still in love with you.

Although, you don't seem to care,

You keep pushing my love down the stairs.

You got me crying,

So I'm leaving you be-hind.

Chapter Three: Sunshine and Rain Clouds

Shinbo was sitting in the middle of English class. His head rested on the palm of his hand. He couldn't help but remember the look on Yumi's face when she smiled a him…

Today was the day he could see Takako after 2 weeks of hard study and patience. Lately, their relationship had gone down on by a mudslide. She began to complain more on the little things. He never expected that she would ask for a break after they had gone on their 1st anniversary to the Islands. He planned it to perfection, but yet Takako asked for more time. Was she seeing someone else? Or was the love just fading? He had killed time by hanging out with Hideki and Chii who had recently just got married. Their were the couple of disaster. Chii still didn't know how to use the kitchen. Shinbo laughed at the memory of when he came over and saw Hideki trying to put the flames out from the oven.

"Shinbo…' a loud whisper came from behind Shinbo.

He looked back and saw that Hideki was trying to get his attention. He gave him a glare showing that he had his full attention. Hideki pointed to the guy next to him and he had a note ready to give to him. It was from Hideki.

Hey buddy!
Something bugging you?
You've been sighing for the past 15 minutes.
Talk to me.

Shinbo smiled at Hideki's consideration of hi pain. He wrote back,

I just have a lot on my mind.
That's all.
Sorry. :(

Hideki received the letter and the bell rang before he could write back. Hideki was the first one out and he waited for Shinbo, but found out that Shinbo was all ready walking out the school. "What's killing him that his best friend can't know?" Hideki thought to himself.

Shinbo had to leave. He didn't want Hideki to know he had "girl" problems. He wasn't in the mood for sharing. He went straight to Takako's school to pick her up and walk her home as usual. As he entered the school he saw Yumi putting on her shoes, her face drowning with tears. Shinbo walked up to her quickly.

"Yumi. What's wrong?" Shinbo said has he put one arm around her shoulder.

"My mother is sending me away like some diseased animal! And she won't listen to me! I don't want to leave!-"

"Calm down Yumi. Sit down. Talk to me." Shinbo held Yumi's hand and waited for her to stop sobbing.

"My mom came to school today, during lunch. She said problems here were nothing but a burden to me. That I needed to get away from this place. She said she was sending me to boarding school, across the seas. I told her I didn't want to go anywhere. This is my home. I don't want to leave. So many good memories behind. But she still opposed and said I am leaving at the end of this week." Yumi sniffled and she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Oh Yumi", Shinbo held her in his arms in an embrace.

Never in her life had she felt so helpless weak alone. But here in his arms she felt safe, protected, loved. Everything around her was a blur. She couldn't see the smiling face that once filled her mind.

Shinbo could feel her small quivering figure. The tears that stained his shirt. He pulled her back, he caressed her face and wiped her tears away. She looked at his eyes deeply, with such happiness and despair. He bent down to kiss her. And in surprise, Yumi wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.

Moments later Shinbo heard his name being said in a familiar voice…Takako

"Shinbo? What's going on?" Takako said as she took a caution step forward.

"It's not what it looks like-" Shinbo said defensively.

Yumi got up quickly and bowed down to Ms. Takako and Shinbo.

"I'm sorry I must leave. I'm sorry Ms. Takako. It won't happen again." Yumi then walked out the door.

Takako walked up to Shinbo, before Shinbo could say anything she slapped him.

"With a high school student? How disgusting!" Takako sneered at him.

"Like you're any better than me. You dated and slept with a prep student. Don't think yourself a saint." Shinbo got up to get on her level and he rubbed his cheek.

Takako was ready to cry, but she promised herself she wouldn't. Then everything went down hill.

"Takako honey. Are you ready to go? Who's this man? Is he bothering you?" a man a little bit taller than Shinbo walked up to Takako and kissed her on the cheek. His hair was a light brown but his eyes showed strain. Takako's old husband.

"Who is this Ms. Takako? Is this your husband? Does he even know what you have done?" Shinbo said sarcastically, but he began to get mad.

"Shinbo, please! I can explain!-" Shinbo cut off Takako.

"No" Shinbo bowed down to the stranger and lifted his head in a cynical smile, "Nice to meet you. I am now Takako's ex-boyfriend. You are one lucky man."

Shinbo turned around and walked away, leaving the man with a confused look on his face. He felt like screaming on top of his lungs. How could he have been so stupid? He know eventually she would go back to her husband…As he was walking back to his apartment, it began to rain. He hurried home, Sumomo started to complain that his backpack was getting wet and she hated getting wet in a packed bag. Shinbo got to his apartment in a short period of time.; and waiting for him by his door was Yumi. She smiled at him and spoke.

"I came to apologize."

Shinbo couldn't wait to hold her in his arms.