Today is, Monday August 13, 2007

Well, take this as a warning. A little kid is going to be speaking in this chapter, so basically some r and l are going to be replaced by a w. So if you see a word you don't understand try putting an l or an r where the w is.

Happily Ever After

Chapter 3: A New Member in the family


"Seto… we've been married for 1 year now, we've known each other for 3 years… and umm… haven't you thought about having a little one?" Yami asks as he slowly stripped out of his clothes, watching as how Seto did the same.

"But… I already have a little one." He grabbed his little one a kissed him in the neck. "It's you…" He seductively whispered into Yami's ear, nibbling it.

"Stop it!" He tried to push him away, but failed at the first attempt. "I mean… a kid, of our own… you know, a baby…"

"But baby… it doesn't matter how much we try, I'll never get you pregnant." He licked Yami's ear.

"Seto Kaiba!" Yami pushed Seto's head away. "I know you can't get me pregnant… but I want to adopt a kid, like Malik and Marik did…Can we?"

"But," Seto grabbed Yami from his back and lifted him up into the air and into his arms, holding him tight. "I don't want a kid, running around the house, crying and shitting, don't you have enough with Mokuba?" He gave his baby a kiss in the cheek.

Yami giggled. "One thing is that Mokuba is a 20 year old man that acts like a 6 year old kid, but… I want to experience being a father, I want to have a kid of my own and raise him…"

"Are you sure you want a kid… I mean, taking him places, cooking for him, buying him stuff, taking him to school, tolerating his every tantrum… You're going to get tired of it."

"I don't care… that's the beauty of being a father… And I know that you took care of Mokuba in his teenage years, and I know it was tough for you, but… this is going to be different… You're older know, and you have me to help you care for the baby…"

Hearing Yami, Seto got to a conclusion; "You want us to get closer as a family by adopting a kid, right?" Yami nodded, as he got hold of Seto, because he was slipping of. The brunet grabbed the little man from his butt and pushed him upwards, so that he wouldn't fall. "Okay, we'll adopt a kid. But with one condition." Seto put his finger on his baby's nose and kissed his lips.

"What condition?"

Seto let go of Yami's nose, and bumped their foreheads together so that their noses touched. "We adopt a boy."

End of Flashback

Domino Adoption Center. That's what read in the sign that hung from the building in front of Seto and his little love.

Today is the day, the day that they are going to adopt a child. Today is a hot August Sunday; they are walking closer and closer to the building, holding hands. Reaching the steps, Seto halts, watching the building, with a bit of fear.

"Seto?" Yami inquires, looking up at his tall husband.

"I'm not going in." Seto lets go of Yami's hand and turns around. When he starts to walk, Yami catches his hand and pulls him back.

Yami embraces him from the back and says, "Seto, we already talked about this. I know you don't like it here, I know that you had a rough time here with Mokuba, but think about it this way; the kid that we're going to get out of there, is going to thank us, because we're taking him out of his little hell."

Seto turns around and hugs his baby. "Okay…" He whispers, letting go of him. He takes Yami's hand, and step-by-step, he goes up the stairs, reaching the door and opening it. Yami goes in first, dragging Seto with him.

"Umm… Where do we go now?" Yami was confused; he saw three hallways, each leading to three different doors.

"The right one, that's where the main office is." Seto says coldly, remembering when Gozaburo adopted him.

Yami starts walking and forcefully, drags Seto with him, once more. Getting there, he knocks on the door. "Come in." A voice of a woman came form inside the room. Yami, who was closest to the doorknob, opens the door and enters, Seto following behind. The woman stops reading an archive that was on her hands and puts it down to see who they where. "Oh… so you must be the homosexual couple that send in the papers, right?"

"Ah…" Yami giggles. "Yeah… I'm Yami Mutou." He greets, stretching out his hand.

The woman stands up and takes the tri-colored haired man's hand. "My name is Ai Izawa." They let go of each other's hands and Ai stares at the brunet.

"I'm Seto Kaiba." He, coldly, stretches his hand and Ai takes it.

"Well sit down." She invites them to sit, as she sits down as well. "Well I was just reading a part of your papers…" She picks them up from her desk and organizes them. "So, tell me, why are you interested in adopting a kid?"

"Well, we've been married for 1 year now, and I want us to get closer as a family, in a way, and thinking about it, I got to the conclusion that it was going to be easier to adopt a child than to do other procedures." Yami explains, Seto not making even a peep.

"Oh…" She says interested. "Tell me then, how old is the kid that you would want to adopt?"

"We're thinking about adopting a kid that's old enough to know how to speak and go to the bathroom, but young enough so that we could raise him, and spend several years with him." Seto finally spoke, though he did it with and icy cold voice.

"Oh okay… and I'm guessing that you want a boy, right?"

"Yep." Yami says in a cheering voice.

"Well… follow me." Ai stands up with a bright look on her face, knowing that one of his little ones is going to be adopted today. Yami and Seto followed through, entering the room that was in the middle hallway. "This is where we have the little kids, from the littlest ones that are 3 years old to the oldest ones that are 8. Older kids are in the other hallway door. Feel free to interact with them, they're used to grown-ups."

"Sure, thanks." Yami bows and taking his husband's hand and they go in. "Come on Seto."

The room is quite big. Toys everywhere, and kids too. On the left wall there is a coloring area where colors and papers are scattered all around. Next to it there is a vanity area, where girls stood around putting make up and playing 'Salon'. And right there far in that corner, there is a big, big, pile of blocks and legos, where kids of all ages where doing towers and pyramids.

On the other wall there is a ramp, a big and long ramp, where boys throw their cars and they land in a pile of cushions. Next to it, there is a basket, full of balls of all colors and sizes. And even though all of that mess is surprising for Yami, the thing, or better said the kid, that surprised him the most was that little kid that is cornered up in the left corner, sitting there, alone, playing with a bear.

"Who's he?" Yami asks to Ai, directing his sight to that little particular boy.

"Oh God." She says worried, as she got closer to the couple. "That kid was brought here by the Domino's Kids Hospital, his parents and him had a car accident and his parents died, but he survived, and because there was no one that could of taken care of him, they send him here. And well, he was friends with a kid, but he was adopted and because he is 3 years old, he is bugged by the bigger guys."

"Oh…" Yami says looking up at Seto, who is looking down at the ground, with a blue face expression.

"And well, when he corners up in there it means that he was just bullied."

Yami lets go of Seto hands and goes on walking towards the kid. Seto looks up to see where his love was going and just stood there, not wanting to advance. "What's wrong? I'm sensing that you're scared of this place, why?"

Seto turns his head around to look at the woman and says, "Look, about 15 years ago, I was dropped in this place too, with my little brother Mokuba. Those were the worst years I ever had in my whole life… I will never forget those years… and it hurts me to see all this little people, here, some of them suffering…"

"Oh… well, to be honest, I also lived in this orphanage… I was adopted, but came back, 'cause I know it is though to be here, and I want to be with the kids, and make it better, you know, find them a real family, that is willing to take care of a child, and love him." Seto smiled. "Come on, let's go with your husband." She starts walking and Seto goes with her.

Yami went into his knees, and sat down on the floor, looking at the little kid curiously. The little boy noticed Yami's company and looked up, to see who it was. "Hi little one, I'm Yami, and who are you?" Yami says nicely and in a soft tone of his voice.

"Am Yume." The little kid talked.

"That's a beautiful name, how old are you Yume?"

"Am twee yeaws old."

"Oh, so you're just a baby."

"No, am a big boy." Yami smiles at Yume's response.

At that moment Seto crunches down and sits next to Yami, touching his shoulder to take his attention. Yami looks back and the brunet asks, "Who's he?"

"His name is Yume, and he's 3 years old, and really cute too." Yami responds.

"Who you?" Yume asks to Seto.

"Me? I'm his husband." He points to Yami. "My name is Seto."

"Hi. Me Yume." He waves his hand.

Seto smiles at his cuteness and says, "Hello."

Yume smiles and with that smile on his face he stands up and slowly, with his little feet, walks towards Seto and Yami and says, "Aw you going to be my new pawents?"

Ai hearing that says, "Oh, no, no, no Yume. Don't ask that. You know that you don't ask people that." Ai runs towards the little boy.

"No, it's okay." Yami says. "Do you want us to be your new parents?" Yami asks the little innocent boy.

"Mhm." Yume's eyes widen as hope for him to be adopted went into his mind.

"Seto?" Yami turns his head around, giving his husband a facial expression that said do-you-want-him-to-be-our-child? Seto just smiled, closed his eyes and nodded his head, saying, yes. Yami, glad that his husband had accepted, he grabs the kid by his waste and lifts him up and into his arms. "Yes, we are going to be your new parents." He whispers.

"See Ai, they aw going to be my new pawents." Yume, curiously, says, and Ai just smiles in relief.

"Yume, go and grab your stuff from your bed." Ai says.

"No, it's okay. We'll buy him new stuff; we are planning to go to the mall. Just grab your most priced possession, understood?" Seto says in a normal tone.

"Pwiced possession? What dat?" He, now on the ground, tilts his head in questioning.

Yami giggles at Yume's cuteness. "He meant that you should grab the things that you value the most, the things that are more important to you."

"Oh… Hew they aw." He shows them his blue and green blanket and his brown fluffy teddy bear.

"So, are you ready to go?" Yume nods with his eyes wide open and a cheering smile, knowing that from now on, they are going to be his new parents.

"Well, follow me you three… Hey, that rimed." Ai pointed out. She turns around, and Yami and Seto stand up, Yami holding Yume's little hand and Seto holding Yami's, they start to walk. They pass through the room, kids looking at Yume, and some even with an envy look.

Once they were in the hallway, Seto had to let Yami go, because they weren't going to fit. They got to the office and Seto and Yami sat down on their chairs and Yume is sat down in Yami's lap, the little boy, happy as life.

Ai takes out a big bundle of papers. "Umm… okay, this is the contract." She gives them a big document. "You'll both have to sign where it says 'Father' and 'Mother' and well in this case, one will have to sign as the mother." Ai takes out a pen and a single paper. "But before you sign there, we'll have to register the little as yours."

"Hey Yume, from now on, you'll call us daddy," Yami points to himself. "And dad," He points to Seto. "Or if you want you can call me daddy Yami and you can call him daddy Seto, ok?"

"Okay… but whews (where's) mommy?" He raises his hand in questioning.

"Oh, you wont have a mommy… but you'll have two daddies."

"Okay." He nods innocently, not quiet understanding why isn't he going to have a mom.

"Okay… to which surname are you going to register him as?" She looks at both males.

Seto and Yami, before coming here, they talked about it and they decided, "Under Kaiba." Seto affirms.

"Okay… Yu-me Kai-ba... Oh! I forgot to tell you, his birthday was yesterday, but well… we couldn't give him anything, only a little cupcake I baked." She says, as she hands them the paper.

"Well, do you want to go to Toys R Us?" Seto asks the boy.

"Yeah… Aha." He nods, exited.

Ai giggles. "Well, now you'll have to sing here, here, here and here." Seto stands up and starts to sign, writing his very elegant signature. "What you are signing right now is like a promise, you're promising that you will take care of the boy, like if he were your own, you'll cherish him, love and a keep him safe, until he is able to live on his own. That will be when he turns 18."

Seto finishes writing and Yami passes the little kid onto the brunet's arms and Yami starts signing. "Also, it says that you'll give him an education, feed him and bring him and keep him in a good heath. If not, that kid will be removed from you and you'll can and maybe will be sentence in years in jail."

"Okay, what are you doing to my hair little kid?" Seto, kind of snapped as he felt some movement around his hear.

"Am making bwaids." Yume responds, like if it was normal for a boy to stile someone's hair.

"What?" Seto asks not understanding, his 'dialect'.

"He's making braids… Yume, you know you aren't supposed to do that if you aren't asked to." Ai scolds him.

"But it fun."

"Yes, it's fun, but I don't think he is liking that."

Yume looks at Seto firm face and he blinks, looking for some expression on his face. "Oh God." Seto brakes, he couldn't contain it, Yume's cuteness broke Seto's coldness. Yume notices that he overcame the tall man and he giggles swinging his arms around Seto's neck and hugging him.

"Aw." Yami looks at the cute picture of his husband being hugged by a three year old, and, leaving the pen on the table, he goes and hugs Seto, resting his head on his abdomen.

Ai smiles. 'They're going to be great parents, Yume is going to love them…' Ai grabs the papers, puts them all together and interrupting the lovable scene, she says, "Sorry to interrupt, but you are ready to go. Here are Yume's new and old paper works." She pushes a stack of paper.

Yami grabs the paper and says, "Thank you."

"Okay, what are you doing now?!" Seto yells as he felt something pull on his hair.

"Am putting wubbe (rubber) bands on the bwaids."

"Oh God! Get this kid away from my hair!"

- - - - - - - - - - - Toys R Us

After they got out of the orphanage and Yami helped Yume undo the braids, they went to Toys R Us…

"Uh!" Yume was admiring a white helmet with a blue and red star on the middle. "Pwetty staw." Yami was next to him, watching him have fun and Seto was behind them, with a cart, full of legos, hot wheels ramps and cars, coloring books, colors, a Power Ranger movie, and a very peculiar toy boat, for him to play while he took a shower.

Yume, curious, puts on the helmet, and having his head really small for such big helmet, the helmet covered all his little head, not letting him see. "Hey! It's dak." Yume starts to wonder around, Yami and Seto laughing at how cute he was. "Ouch!" He had hit the shopping cart and fallen flat on his butt. "Dat huit." He said rubbing his butt.

"Are you okay?" Yami gets the helmet of the little kid.

"Again!" He says looking at Yami in a cheerful way; may the fall didn't hurt him that much.

"No." He pokes his little nose. "Come on, get up. Let's go pay for all your stuff." Yume stands up as Yami leaves the helmet where it was. Seto goes around them with the cart and he goes towards the paying area. Yami grabs Yume's hand and they start to walk behind the tall brunet.

"Ball." Yume stops as he pointed towards a big blue ball that was on top of a lot of big ball. "Me want ball." He stretches out hoping that he could reach the balls, but he was to short to. Yami, seeing that the little boy couldn't grab the ball, he grabs the blue ball and hands it to Yume. "Thanku."

"You know, the ball is bigger than you." Yami points out. And indeed, the ball IS bigger than him; if you put the ball in the ground, the only thing you see are a few brown hairs from Yume's head. But Yume didn't care, all he wanted is that big blue ball.

"I know." He says as he starts to walk forward, carrying the ball in his arms, covering his view.

Yami 'drives' him all the way to where Seto is, and when they were arriving there, Seto said, "Why does that ball have feet?"

Yami makes him a face and goes with Seto so that he could hit him on the arm, for being so annoying. "Don't be like that!"

"Okay…" Seto looks down at Yami. "Could you help me get the things out?" Seto asks.

"Sure." Yami grabs a one of those sticks that separates ones things form the other person as Seto starts to take the things out of the cart…

Once the other man finished paying, it was their turn. The things are register in the computer and then they are passed to the other side of that counter so that they could put the thing in the cart; and before they could pay and go, Seto lifted Yume up, who was still happy holding his ball and sat him in the counter so that the woman could register the ball.

"The total is… 146 dollars."

Seto takes out his wallet as Yami went for Yume and put him in the cart as if he were one of the things they bought. Seto takes 200 dollars and gives them to the woman. "Just give me 50 dollars for change." Seto states.

"Umm…okay…" The woman says; then she takes out the 50 dollars and with the recite, she gives them to the brunet. "Here's your change, your recite and thank you for buying at Toys R Us."

"Hmph." Seto says…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Shoe store

"Lets see…" Yami moves Yume's little foot so that he could tell what size he was. "You're a… five."

"Five?" He curiously asks tilting his head.

"Yep." Yami, who is on his knees, stands up from that position. "So… where did Seto go?" He inquires, seeing that his husband was nowhere to be seen. "Come on." He stretches down his hand so that Yume could hold it. "Let's go see where your father went." Yami started to walk, and Yume, with his left shoe on his hand walked next to his daddy.

"Seto." Yami calls.

"Seto." Yume repeats what Yami said.

"I'm over here." Seto pops his head from one of the kids' shoes isle.

"Come on Yume." Yami pulls a little on the kid and Yume starts to walk faster.

Two isles later, they were next to Seto. "Look, here are some read converse, and blue vans." He puts two little shoes boxes next to where Yume was sitting. "And I also found elegant shoes if we go to some kind of party, and because he likes power rangers here is a pair of power ranger shoes." He puts the other two boxes on top of the other ones. "Also, I likes this black converse, and found this sketcher's green with white tennis. And also, a pair of blue slippers so that he can be like that around the house." He puts the last to boxes on the stool.

Yume was only looking at how tall that tower of boxes was and Yami was amazed that he found all of those shoes in just seconds. "Oh, and I forgot one thing." Seto leans down to Yami's level, wrapping his left hand around Yami's lean and soothing figure and pulling him towards his body, until both of them touch. "Your kiss." He whispers and immediately, not caring who was watching, he places his soft lips upon Yami silky ones.

Yume, curious, stands up and goes to stare at his new parents kiss. "Yucky." He says covering his eyes.

Yami, once he felt Seto's tongue wanting to enter him, he grabs and shoe box and hits Seto's head with it, making the tall brunet separate from him. "You don't want kiss?" Seto pouts.

"Get away from me!" Yami pushes him back and Seto laughing at the tri-colored haired man reaction.

Seto looks to his left finding his son covering his eyes with his little hands. "What are you hiding from?"

Yume peeks, to see if they were still at it, and seeing that they had stop kissing, he takes his hands of his eyes. "Kissing gwoss."

"Aw." Yami leans down and crawls towards his son. "Kissing isn't gross." He embraces him and then lifts him up.

"Yes it is."

"Well, when you are older, you will be wanting to kiss a girl." Seto taunts with the little boy, putting himself next to Yami.

"No. Giwls yucky too."

"Oh, so they have cuties?"

"Mmmhmm, cuties." He nods and both Yami and Seto snigger…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Clothes store

"Umm… Does this one fit?" Yami questions.

The boys are now at a clothes store buying various things. In their cart they already have pants, shorts, jeans, overalls, shirts, pajamas, and socks, and right know they are looking for underwear that will fit him.

Yume grabs the underwear he was shown and puts it on top of his jeans. "I think." He says looking down at them and seeing that they didn't fall.

"Seto… do you think that is his size?"

Seto, who was near the cart, walks over where those two little men are and leans down to see. "Well, they aren't falling down… and they're somewhat squishing his hips, so I say that size is it." He formulates.

"Thank God." Yami stands up and grabs 4 packs of kids underwear form that size. Meanwhile, Seto was helping Yume get that underwear off of him. Once they were of, Seto hands them to Yami and he folds it and puts it in the pack. "Come one little one." He gives Yume his hand.

Yume grabs his hand and they start walking heading towards the cart. Yami leaves the bags in the cart and Seto grabs it and they walk out of the kid's underwear area. "So… What's left to buy?"

"I don't know… we already have shirts, pants and… Wait…" Yami turns around; suddenly he didn't felt Yume's hand. "Yume?!" He shouts, worried.

"Weren't you holding his hand?" Seto leaves the cart and turns around.

"Yeah, but it's like if he slipped out my grip and left."

"That kid!" He mutters, mad. "Yume!" He begins to walk back, watching carefully around to see if he saw the little one. "Yume!"

"Yume!" Yami runs to the isles and looks around them, trying to spot that little maple brown hair. "God damn it!"

"Excuse me sir." A voice of a woman came from behind Yami and he turns around. "Is this what you're looking for?" The woman was carrying that meddling three year old.

"Yume!" Yami run towards the girl and grabs Yume carefully, embracing him onto his arms. "Oh God Yume…" He hugs him tight, assuring he wasn't going to fall. "Thank you… where was he?"

"He was near the swimming suits, looking around them." She states.

"Thank you… how can I ever repay you?" Yami offers.

"No, it's okay..." She smiles, seeing Yami's happy face. "Excuse me… I have to go." She turns around and walks away.

"Let's go with Seto." The three-colored haired man whispers, as he walks, carrying his son to where Seto is supposed to be.

"Yume!" Seto spots the two men and runs towards them. "Is he okay?" He hugs them both.

"Mmmhmm… A nice girl found him peeping around the swimming suit area." Yami looks up at his handsome husband.

"And what where you doing in there, Yume?" He asks looking down at them.

"I wanted a swim suit." Yume, regardless of the things he caused them, said.

"And why didn't you tell us?" Yami, kindly and gently asks.

"I did, but you wewen't listening."

"Mmm…" Yami looks up at Seto, once more, this time disappointed of himself.

Seto bends down and kisses his Baby's forehead, making him smile slightly. "Come on love, let's go and see some swim shorts for him." The big guy lets go of them and goes and grabs the cart.

"Okay…" He small smile, became bigger, as he got happier…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - At the way home

After buying Yume all of those clothes, they headed outside, and on their way to the car, there was a cotton candy stand, and guess who wanted cotton candy?

No, it wasn't Yume… It was the five-year-old kid, Yami, who actually almost cried in front of everyone because Seto said no to his sugary needs. And now, on their way home, Yami is enjoying his large blue cotton candy, not wanting to share even the littlest, tinniest bite; and because of that, Seto had to buy two cotton candies, one for Yume, and one for the five year old.

"It's all gone…" Yami regrets himself for eating it so fast; but he couldn't help it, it was so sugary and delicious.

Seto, aware that if he laughed of the situation Yami was going to get mad, he laughs. "That's what you get for being so selfish." Yami sticks out his tongue. "You know, your tongue is blue."

"It is?" He rapidly gets out a mirror, that apparently was under his seat and he sticks out his whole tongue to look at it. "It is blue." He had forgot about what his husband had told him.

"Whew (where) do I put this?" He shows Yami the candy's stick.

"Oh…" He grabs the stick and puts it in the bag where his stick lies. "Here Seto." He puts the trash on Seto's lap.

"Get if off of me." He glares, keeping his view at the road.

"But, trash is supposed to go where all the trash is." He innocently says.

"What? You're calling me trash!" He yells.

"You're catching up fast…" Yami's childish voice suddenly became deep and masculine…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - At the mansion

Well, good thing that they where nearing the mansion, because when they finished their arguing, those two love birds got romantic; and right now their tongues are twirling around in each others mouth, trying possess the other one's mouth.

And while those two are making their way, Yume is in front of the house, holding his teddy bear in one hand and his blanket in the other, looking at it amused. Never in his life he had seen a house so big, and for his stature, he saw the mansion like a skyscraper.

He looked at it curiously, examining it, knowing that that big house was his new house, where he was going to live for now on… While examining the house, a big growl he heard. The maple brown haired boy looks down at his tummy and noticed that he was really hungry, even though he had eaten that cotton candy.

Yume turns around and heads to the car, where his parents were now getting intimate. " Cuse me." The little one tugs on Yami's shirt.

Yume waits for a response; Yami got his tongue out of Seto and whispered in his ear. "We'll do this in bed later…" Separating from Seto and turning around, he looks down at his son. "Yes Yume." He asks nicely.

"Am hungwy." The kid responds looking innocently at one of his fathers.

"You are hungry, huh? Well, first we should get your things out of the car and into the house and in there, we'll tell Terry to cook us a delicious meal, how about it?"

Yume nods, with one question in mind, "Who's Tewy?"

"Umm…" Seto speaks, walking near his son and bending down to his level. "Well Yume, as you can see, I have a big house." Yume nods, hearing the explanation. "And I have a big house because I'm the owner of a big business, that makes a lot of money. And well, because I have a big house and neither Yami and I are around much, we need people to clean the house, and one of them is miss Terry, who cooks delicious home meals."

"Oh…" He says, comprehending every word that Seto said, well almost all… "So you have a wot of money?"

"Well yeah…" Seto says, not wanting to be arrogant. "Why do you ask?"

" 'Cause my daddy and mommy didn't have a wot of money. We wived in a one flow(r) house and my dad's caw was bowowed fom a fwiend. But my mommy and daddy always weu (were) happy, 'cause they say they had me and that made them happy." The little kid's eyes slowly hide in tears.

Seto lowers his head, hearing such story. "Don't cry, come here." Yami opens his arms to the kid.

Yume, rubbing his left eye with his mini hand, he approaches Yami, going into his tight embrace. "You not going to die like mommy and daddy did, wight?" He aks, Yami knowing that the kid was in a kind of a pain.

"Off course not my little one." Yami kisses his head. Seto slowly crawled to them and tightly embrace them, kissing Yami on the neck and Yume on his forehead.

"Sugoi nee!" "Hai, hai!" Those two distinguished voices came from the front door. Two of the maids were looking at the new family, hugging and comforting each other when they needed it the most.

"Don't cry…" Seto wipes the tears away from his kid's eyes. "Yume, I know that it's hurtful to think that your parents are up there in heaven, and that they'll never come back, but Yami and I we'll be here for you, to care and love you… And if you don't like how we treat you, just tell us and we'll try to change it. Okay?" Seto voice was soft and tranquil.

Yume nods. "Come on, let's get the things inside the house." Yami stands up leaving Yume down on the ground. "Did you already open the trunk?" Yami asks, directing his view up to his husband.

"Yeah." Seto states, walking of to the trunk of the car.

"Yume, you're going to help us carry things to the house, okay?"

"Yes." He nods, eyes still red and a little puffy.

"Yeah, leave them in the kids room." Yami suddenly hears an order coming from his husband. He turns around to see, only to find out that the butlers and some maids are helping him, actually, they are doing the job for him, by taking all the bags inside.

"Seto you lazy ass!" He goes with the lazy ass, stomping his feet. "Why did you made the maids and the butlers carry everything inside?"

"I was to lazy to carry the things in." He grabs Yami from his thin waste.

Yami gazes up with an annoyed look. "You call master Kaiba?" A young 27 year-old woman comes up to his boss.

"Yes Terry." Seto pulls Yami's body closer to his. "The little kid is hungry and I was wondering if you had time to cook something for us."

"Of course master Kaiba. What do you want me to cook you?" A sweet tone of voice was emitted from the girl.

"Ask him." The brunet points to his son, who is looking up at them, curious of why did this entire people were here.

The girl bends down. "Hi."

"Hi." He tilts his head, wondering if she was Terry.

"Your parents want me to cook something for you to eat. What do you want to eat?"

"Sghetti." He answers.

"S…ghetti?" The girl stumbled not knowing what that was.

"Spaghetti." Yami traduced his weird word.

Yami had always lived around kids because before he finished with the university and had an invite form Seto to work for him, he worked part time in a nursery, and took care of a lot of kids, and actually learned their language.

"Oh, you want spaghetti?" Yume nods. "Do you want it with meat balls or just with butter?"

"Meat balls."

Terry smiles at the kid's innocence. "Okay." She pokes his nose and he gives out a little laugh. Terry stands up. "Do I serve the food in the kitchen, the dinning room or where?"

"Outside baby?" He asks his baby.

"Sure, outside at the patio."

"Okay. Excuse me." She bows down and turns around to walk away into the house.

"Come on Yume, we'll show you around the house." Yami escapes from Seto's arousing embrace and takes his son's hand and then his husband's.

The three men begin to walk heading to the main entrance. They enter the mansion and the first thing Yume sees is a big and long hallway. Seto lets go of Yami's hand and bends down to grab Yume and carries him in his arms. "Over there is the TV room." Seto says, walking towards the said room, which is located in the left side of the house.

"Big." Yume's eyes open wide when he entered the room. Yume starts to examines the room from left to right; first in the left wall there is a bookcase full of books Seto has read; it's amazing how much he reads, considering that the whole wall is the book case; then next was the TV room set, with 3 couches, a center table, and another table with the TV on top; Seto went somewhere so that a bunch of people will make his TV room the way that he wanted, with brown beautiful couches that are larger than normal ones. And the TV… well, what did you expect from that guy, that rich bastard, as Yami calls him… Yep, he has a big plasma TV with surround sound. And to put the cherry on top, Mokuba has practically every single gaming console in existence, amusing Yume.

"I see you like it." Yami says looking up at Yume's trilled face.

Yume didn't talk, he just nodded. "Let's go to the kitchen." They get out of the living from the second entrance; the TV room had 2 entrances, and both of them are wide enough so that more around then people together would fit; and if you wonder why two entrances, well is because the TV room is so wide that one entrance is when you enter the house and the other one, next to where the stairs start.

They enter the kitchen, and the savoring smell of tomato sauce and meatballs that it was containing, was released, the trio of guys, falling in submission of that delicious smell. "These is our kitchen… Say hello to Terry."

"Hi Tewwy." He waves smiling wide.

"Hello little dude." She says while mixing the home made sauce.

The kitchen is actually really big, though smaller then the TV room. The kitchen was made especially for him, taking in mind that professional chefs will be cooking in it, but it turned out that they didn't satisfy Seto and he has fired them all, until he found Terry, and she now cooks for this family.

The kitchen had a lot of cabinets, full of spices, bread, cookies… and food that Seto and Yami always crave when they are in bed… that's all I can say… And the fridge was always full; milk, vegetables, eggs, and much more. And when there was something missing, like a spice, they just go inside the food closet that is in the right. And in the middle of the kitchen is a table for 4, which they use to eat fast in the morning, while enjoying the sun coming form the window behind it.

"Let's show you one of the bathrooms." They walk out of the embracing smell of the kitchen and walk to the down stairs bathroom. They walk a little and next to where the stairs start so did the bathroom. Yami opens the door and Seto and Yume enter. The bathroom, compared to the rest of the house was less fancy, though it is quiet abundant. "Do you know how to pee… you know… ahh… standing?"

"I miss sometimes." Yume declares.

Seto glances down at his Baby. "… I will not do that!" He opposes.

"Come on, you're better at teaching that I am."

"Mmm…" He growls annoyed. "Let's show him the dinning room… before I decide to kick your fucking asshole…" He murmurs the last part.

"What's dinnew woom?" He inquires while being carried to that room.

"It's a room where when we have invites or when we just feel like eating there, we eat there." Seto explains.

"Oh." They keep on walking through the right passageway, next to the stairs. The room isn't so far from the bathroom so they got there fast; and because there is no door they just go in there. The dining room has two windows, both of them huge. One had view to the backyard and the other one to the fence; there are Picasso paintings all around the room, and in the middle of the room a big oval like table stood there, with 12 seats around it.

"Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Kaiba, Mr. Mutou. But Terry already served the food. And the table is ready outside." Ai, one of the maids, Terry's little sister, says.

"Okay, thank you." The girl bows down and walks away. "Let's go outside to eat, and after that, we'll show you your room, okay?" The tall brunet asks.


Seto leans down and puts his kid on the floor. "Follow me little one." Yami says and then he starts to walk out of the room and Yume follows trough. After they got out of the passageway, they pass the stairs and then they get into the living room.

"This is the living room, here we spend time together, just talking and when it's cold we turn on the chimney." Yami states.

Yume while walking through the room, he examines it. The room is larger than the TV room; actually, it's the guest bathroom and the dining room put together. It has two couches and a table in front of them, and back there in the first wall you see when you enter there's the chimney. And the last things you see, in the right corner there's a little bookcase, with about 30 books, and in the opposite of it there's a large wine storage, where Seto has one of his finest wines, though those ones are just there to show off.

The last thing Yume saw was a large crystal doors. Yami grabs one and slides it, opening the way to the outdoors. Yami goes out, and Yume goes right after him; the kid took just two steps into the back yard and stopped. He was amazed, more than amazed, he is… astound… He couldn't believe if… a back yard full of green vivid grass, trees, an outdoor kitchen and outdoor living area.

His eyes sparkle and a big wide grin of happiness forms in his lips. "You like the back yard don't you?" Seto questions, seeing the kid's thrilled face.

"Aha…" That's the only thing that he could say.

"Come on Yume. Let's go eat first and then you can play as much as you can."

"Okay!" Yume starts running through the field, heading towards a table where a bowl of spaghetti awaited him…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After their meal

Yume and Yami are now kicking a ball back and forward to each other, and Seto is in the middle just watching. "It's hot." Yume says resting down on the grass under a tree.

Yami, smiling, grabs Seto hand and drags him under the tree, making his husband sit and he sitting in between his legs, resting his head on the brunet's chest. "Comfy." He closes his eyes.

"What that?" Yume, still lying on the ground, asks, pointing to what looked like water.

Yami didn't even bother to open his eyes, so he let Seto with no option. "We haven't shown you that part of the yard yet, do you want to go and see?"

"Yeah." He stands up and Seto does too, but he had to carry his Baby in his arms, because if he let Yami down he'll start making a tantrum, and Seto didn't want that.

The trio walks to the other side of the yard and once they passed the brick wall that hid that part, Yume found himself in heaven. "Pool!" He shouted as he runs towards it.

Yume is now watching the pool from the right corner of the house; the pool goes from the right side of the house's territory to the other one, making it's length wider than the house its self. The pool has no corner, only rounded sides… well… I don't think it has sides… but it does have a lump. This pool has two diving boards; one is 5 meters tall and the other one is 10; on the lump of the pool there is water slide, which twirls around for 10 meters. From where the diving boards are the pool is 8 feet deep and the other side is 1 foot deep.

"I wanna get in the pool!" Yume shouts exited.

"Let's go get our swimming shorts on, then." Seto says, waiting for Yume to come running towards where he is.

And while Yume ran toward his fathers like crazy, Yami was quiet, still on Seto arms, hugging his husband tight, just because he loves him. "Lets go!" His scream sounded like he just ate a pound of sugar.

Seto laughs. "Run inside, I'll be there in a few seconds." Seto says.

Yume did as he father told him to do, and ran as fast as he could towards the entrance; and Seto just walks after Yume, because if he ran, he could fall with his baby and maybe hurt him.

About a minute later, Seto was inside, Yume waiting for him, anxious. "Follow me." Seto says, and Yume tags on behind him.

They pass the living room and they head up the stairs, Seto being careful with the package he was carrying, he didn't want to hurt such a fragile thing. "Whews my room?" Yume asks as he saw a long hallway with all the doors closed.

"You're room is over here." Seto walks over to the left side of the hallway, and gets to where the second door is. Yume follows him from behind and stops in front of the door. "Open it Yume." Seto tells him.

Yume does as he was ordered to; he stretches his hand, grabs the doorknob and turns it, pushing the door and entering the room. "Ahhh!" He shouts exited to see such a big room for him.

"Go in, it's you're room."

"Aha." He says running inside directly to where the twin sized bed is. He, with a lot of effort gets on it and stars to jump up and down on the mattress.

Seto giggles. "Go and look at those boxes over there." He points to the left wall of the room, where different colored boxes are stack, with the lids facing front so that it could be easy for him to open them.

Yume gets down from the now messed up bed and runs to those boxes. He opens the first one he sees and inside of it there are his colors and coloring books. "Cowows!" He shouts, getting out a box and a coloring book.

"And here is where you color." He sits on Yume's brand new desk that is on the left wall, right next to the door. "But before you color, weren't you going to go to swim?" Yume stops on his tracks, remembering the cause of why he was here.

"Oh…" He stands up from the ground. "Whews my clothes?"

"Over there," He points to the opposite wall. "In your closet." Yume nods, and he was about to run towards there when, "But before you go there, pick up the mess you did."

"Okay." Yume turns around and leans down a little to pick up the box where the colors are and the coloring book. Once there where back in the blue box, Yume ran to his closet and stretching really hard, he finally opened the closet door.

For him the closet was huge, but everything was at his reach. Yume stars to look around the drawers until he found the underwear, and he was intelligent enough to actually look for it there. "Here." He got them out, his little red and white swim shorts.

"You know how to put them on, right?" Seto asks, getting off of the desk.

"Yes." Yume confirms.

"Okay. We'll be in our bedroom changing." Yume nods and Seto walks away to his bedroom.

The couple's bedroom is the first door on the right wall of the hallway. Seto, getting there, opens the door and walks to his bed, laying his baby on bed. Yami immediately starts to crawl over to where the pillows are, resting his little body on them. "Are you going to swim with us?" Seto inquires.

"Yes." He answers in a really childish tone.

"Are you planning to put on your swim shorts by yourself?"


"You want me to put your swim trousers on, don't you?"


"Hmph…" He smiles. "I'll put mine shorts on then I'll put yours."


Seto walks away into the closet and minutes later, he gets out of there, wearing only his trousers and holding Yami's. Seto gets in bed and crawls to where Yami is. Yami saw his husband approaching so he turned around so that his chest faced the brunet. "Hi." He salutes.

"Hi little one." He steals him a kiss. Seto, with a smirk, takes Yami's shirt off, revealing his smooth and silky skin. "Nipples…" He whispers getting his on his Baby's nipples.

"You ass… Get your hands off me!" He orders and Seto, not wanting to get his hand off him, did.

"Now, for the fun part." He smirks once more, and unzips Yami's pants. He grabs both Yami's pants and boxers, pulling them down until all of his skin was revealed. "Look at the huge thing." Seto emphasized huge, licking his lips and gazing straight at Yami's part. "I wanna eat it…"

Seto was about to grab it when Yami hit his hand. "Just put on my swim shorts before I kill you…" He says menacingly.

"Alright already… I just wanted to have some fun, but you don't let me." Seto pouts putting the blue and purple swim shorts on his baby.

"Am weady." Both Seto and Yami look directly at the door, finding a very happy kid, smiling, because he was going to get in the pool.

"Okay." Seto says, and then he takes his view away from his son and puts it back on his baby. "Do you want me to carry you, or are you going to walk?"

"I'll walk… I don't want you abusing my cuteness and innocence." Yami pouts a little and Seto gives out a small laugh.

"Hmph." Seto starts to crawl to the edge of his bed and gets off of it. Yami does the same, getting to where Seto and Yume are standing. "Let's go." Seto grabs Yami's hand and Yami grabs Yume's hand, Yami being in the middle.

The three men walk down the stairs and go through the living room, getting outside. Once outside, Yume runs on the grass towards the pool, screaming, "WATER!! WATER!!" His fathers seeing that he was getting closer to the pool, they start to run, looking at each other with a challenging look.

When they got there, the couple started to look around the pool, trying to spot Yume, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Look!" A cheerful call came from the big slide, and Seto and Yami look up there.

"Yume! What are you doing?!" Seto shouts, seeing that if he slides from there, he was going to fall in 5 feet of deep.

"Am goin' to slide!" He declares, sitting on the yellow slide.

"No you wont!" Yami yells. "Get down from there!" But it was too late…

Yume had already let go of the pole he was grabbing, and he is now sliding his way down into the pool. "Yume!" Both of their fathers scream, running towards the kid.

Both men jump in the water as Yume splashes in. Yami dives in to see if he was underwater and Seto just looked around. One minute later, there was no sign of the little three year-old. "Seto." Yami hugs his husband; with a, I'm going to cry face.

"Don't cry. He's around here somewhere. It's just irrelevant that he disappeared like that."

"He's gone!" He cries out.

"No he isn't." Seto comforts his husband.

While those two hugged, Yume was floating behind them, not understanding why was one of his fathers crying. Yume, slowly moving his feet underwater, he swims next to Yami and Seto, and getting closer, he hugs Yami from the side, saying, "Don't cwy. Evything okay."

The second Yami heard that cute voice, he turned his head to his right and saw his little kid hugging his arm. "Yume." He says, then he lets go of his husband and takes Yume onto his arms, hugging him and then putting him in between his and his husband's bodies, squeezing him as he hugged them both. "Why didn't you tell us you could swim?" Yume just shrugs his shoulders. "Mmm…"

Yami hugs them tight, this time resting his head on Seto's shoulder. "I love you." Seto says to Yami; and Yume who is in the middle, looks up at Seto tilting his head. "That goes the same for you." He pokes Yume's nose making him show all of his pearly teeth.

Yami separates from them, Yume no longer being crushed by his two fathers. "Tell me Yume, who taught you how to swim?"

"My daddy. He was a gweat swimme', and my mommy too. Evewy satuday we went to a pool and swim thewe. And he taught me a wot of things."

"So your daddy and mommy taught you how to swim?" Seto asks, just to be sure he understood. Yume just nods. "Can I see how fast do you swim?"


"I want you to swim from this edge to the other one, back and forward one time, okay?" Seto explains.

"Okay. Cwawl oh backwards?" He doggy swims to the nearest edge.

"This kid knows the stiles…" Yami points out as his husband embraced him.

"Crawl." Seto states and Yume nods.

Yume grabs the edge with one of his hands, and pushes himself forward with his feet, submerging his head in the water, and slowly lowering until his whole body was covered with that fluid.

"He has talent." The three-colored hair man says, holding onto his husband's chest.

The kid, in the middle of his trial, popped out his head for air without stopping, and immediately after he took the air in, he went into the water again. Reaching the other side of the pool, he pooped out his head a pushed himself from the wall and continued to swim to the other side.

Once there, his head popped out and he his hand grabs the border of the pool. "Kid…" Seto said quiet coldly, amazed at his velocity and his ease for swimming. "Did your dad ever took you to swimming classes?"

"Ah Ah." He nods saying no. "My daddy wanted me to go to swimmin' class but he didn't have much money to pay the classes."

"Oh…" Seto pauses looking down at Yami, who was peacefully playing around with the brunet's chest, poking everything he could. "Yami."

Yami looks up while he poked one of Seto's nipples. "Mine." He hugs his husband, thinking that Seto was going to tell him to stop.

"No that Yami, I mean… Do I have your permission to hire a private swimming teacher for Yume?"

"No." He states cutely, without any doubt.

"But why not?"

"Because he needs to socialize, and if we get him a private teacher he wont get to do that, and he could be a total fraud in the future." Yami reached a certain point of Seto's head that made him realize that what Yami was telling him is quiet true.

"Oh! Come on!" The tall man whines.

"Oh come on, my ass!!" Yami shouts annoyed.

A small smirk forms on Seto's mouth, catching something different from what Yami actually meant with 'Oh come on, my ass!' "Are you sure you really want me to cum on your ass?" He pauses when he sees Yami glaring face looking at his. " 'Cause I prefer coming in you."

"Shut up!" He hits his tall perverted husband in the chest.

While those two settled their differences, Yume just stared at him, wondering, what did Seto meant with 'I prefer to come in you?' Yume is still to innocent to know what he meant…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 o'clock

"Night, night." Yami kisses his son on the forehead.

"Good night." Seto whispers while tucking him in. "Sleep well." He kisses him on the forehead too.

"Night." He snuggles in his new twin size bed.

Both Seto and Yami walk to the door; the little man gets out first, then Seto, turning of the lights and closing the door.

Seto's beautiful smile quickly turns into a mischievous grin, as he turns around to face his little husband. "It's been a long night… Why don't I give you a massage?"

"A… massage…?" Yami doubts Seto's kindness. "Okay, what going on with you? Why so kind?" Yami inquires, crossing his arms across his chest.

"What?" Seto walks closer to Yami and leans down, meeting face to face with his little baby. "Can't I do something nice to my little cute baby once and a while?" He taunts with him, kissing him on the neck.

"You want something…" He glares menacingly.

"You know me really well, Yami." The brunet slowly gets his hand in Yami's shirt, caressing his silky chest.

Yami moans and grabs his husband's hand. "Seto…" He says as he steps closer to him and places his hand in Seto's boxers, slowly stroking his partner's member.

"Ahh…" He moans.

"You like this don't you bitch?" Yami squishes his member and Seto nods, eyes half open. "Ha, ha." He laughs as he stuck his tongue in Seto's mouth...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

25 five pages… n.nU a lot. Well hope you enjoy. And actually… I was planning to make it longer… but… it was going to be just to many…