Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

This is the last chapter! Wow, the last chapter. I never knew this day will come...

I kinda' feel happy and sad at the same time. This story was fun to write; I'll miss them. I'll call that...'sunny (funny plus sad equals sunny)' Now, I will tell you this at the beginning. I am not really good at typing fighting scenes yet. I never knew that fighting scenes will be this hard...

This chapter includes one word of Japanese in Japanese text. The term 'dossunn' or 'dossun' is just a sound effect for someone or something being dropped. Hope you enjoy the last chapter.

Everyone stared at the man awkwardly. ...Is that Saga...? He interrupted me. How rude. Shanks frowned. They also noticed that Zoro's body was gripping onto his arms and trembling very uncontrollably. Zoro remained frozen, staring at the man whose eyes were burning into his. "S..S..Saga...W-why..?"

Saga's head tilted to the side and made a smile that-any person that loves Zoro will want to punch him in the face. "My wonderful father-in-law told me everything about where you lived. I am so glad that your dad loves money." Zoro's eyes cracked open. His body couldn't support him anymore; he sank on his knees and started to choke from tears. Saga's eyes suddenly glowed with anger, "You were supposed to stay by my side forever...Why...DID YOU RUN AWAY!?"

Saga walked toward Zoro, grabbed his neck, and lifted him few inches off the ground. Zoro quickly grabbed the arm that was tightly gripping his neck and tried to flee himself. Saga's purple eyes continued to flare with mortal terror."Zoro."

"...Ack...ah...kh..." Zoro-even though he was in a very dangerous state and situation-flashed an angry glare down at Saga.

Saga frowned. "I think I need to teach you to behave so this wouldn't happen again." With his other free hand, it went forward to slap Zoro's face. Zoro quickly closed his eyes and turned his head away to-loosen the force.

It all happened in a flash. A hand blocked Saga's hand and sent it straight forward the other direction. Yelling in pain, Saga backed away and fell on his back, dropping Zoro along with it. DOSSUNN (どっすん) .Zoro cracked one eye open to find himself landed safely on-Luffy's back, Shanks' arms, and Sanji's legs. Zoro massaged his own neck and coughed. "T-th..an..ks.."

Sanji hoisted Zoro back on the ground and ordered in a stern tone, "Zoro, stay in the house."


"I said, STAY IN THE HOUSE!! Do you want to get hurt again!?" Zoro hesitated, but quickly got up on his feet and started to run toward his door. Before he locked himself in, Zoro whispered in Sanji's ears, "Please be careful. He has a sword."

Sanji laughed, "I already have seen a person who carries swords all the time."

Saga clutched his hand that was thrown off-it was badly burned. He furiously glared up at Ace who was smiling down at him. That face! Luffy shivered. He's doing it again! Ace stuck his tongue out and pulled out his middle finger at Saga that instantly flared with fire. Ace bent down to meet Saga's eyes, still having the flaring middle finger in front of him. "You know, it's really rude to ignore a person-and to hurt my Zoro!"

Saga's eyes widened. "You..."

Ace leaned back. "You...what? 'You are sexy?' 'You have awesome sense of style?' 'You-"


Ace scratched his head with his other hand. "You are very rude, aren't you? Do I look like a monster to you?"

"You act like one!" Saga shoved away Ace's hand and his eyes narrowed. "-And what do you mean, 'to hurt my Zoro?' Zoro is mine-my property! You stole him from m-..."

Out of the blue, a fist flew past Ace's face and perfectly aimed Saga's face. The fist flew Saga from one end of the street and crashed into another wall. Bits of rocks and sand spread in all directions. Ace wiped his right cheek; there was a small cut, trickling with blood. He turned to see Luffy waiting for his right fist back into his original place. When it came back, he drew back both of his arms and started to rapidly punch all areas near or center of the wall where Saga had crashed. Ace crossed both of his arms and slumped his back on a wall as he amusingly watched Luffy's many fists charging into one corner. "Gatlig. Luffy, you should stop. You'll break the whole town if you keep using that attack." Luffy drew back his arms again, but stomped over to a debris of brick, cement, and dirt and yanked out the bleeding Saga out and spat in his face. "DON'T EVER CALL ZORO 'PROPERTY!' HE'S NOT A 'THING!'"

Ace walked over and placed his hand on Luffy's shoulder. "That's true Luffy, that is very true. But..." He pointed to the cut on his cheek, "You cut my face."

Luffy slightly bent down his head, so it looked like he was apologizing. "Gomen Ace." Luffy suddenly yelped when he felt a sting on some of the fingers that were gripping onto Saga. He quickly retrieved and realized that his fingers were cut and were bleeding badly. "What the...!?" Luffy and Ace looked up to see Saga with a long green bladed sword. The sword absorbed the blood on the edges of the blade from Luffy's cut and it dimly glowed.

Luffy sweat dropped. "Yikes! A sword!"

Ace calmly stated, "Ew. It drinks blood."

Saga cleaned his face with his red scarf and yelling in a rather frightened tone, "I hope you're the only monsters!!"

"Luckily for you, they are the only monsters." Ace and Luffy stepped back and let Sanji and Shanks walk in between them.

Ace scowled. "Thanks for calling us monsters." Shanks ignored him and drew out his sword. Shanks' sword didn't shine like Saga's, however, it was shining for an owner who has been tending and using it very well. Shanks slightly frowned and placed the sword into his left hand. "I never use this arm in a long time. I really hope my sword skills didn't dull out." His frown slowly turned to a smile as he looked at Saga, "Let's give it a test, shall we?"

With the sword firmly in his left hand, he swung a clean cut across Saga's face. Saga barely blocked it with his own, causing him to only have a dash along his cheek to the ear. Saga slashed at Shanks; Shanks blocked it or dodged it smoothly. Ace whistled. "Wow, Shanks is good. I thought he was a 'no good' teacher."

"He if foog. Fo Fanfs!!!" Luffy was stuffing popcorn in his mouth and spat few times as he spoke. Saga spinned to the right and swung the blade; Shanks defended it a little too late. It slashed a part of Shanks' right side of the body. Shanks frowned as he stopped a blow from Saga's sword and kept it. "Aw, I can't use that pocket anymore."


Shanks loosened his grip and kicked him to the ground. Shanks drew the sword up close to his throat. "I can talk however I want." he peered over to Sanji, "Do you want to finish him off? You seem like it."

Sanji smiled as lighted up a cigarette and flicked the burnt match on the ground. Saga gasped when he saw Sanji disappear and reappear in front of his face. Sanji gave him advice before he disappeared again, "You shouldn't blink in a fight, you'll miss something."

Sanji disappeared, quickly ducked under Saga and pinned his right feet on his upper jaw. The other three saw Saga's head thrown back, flew few feet up in the air, and crashed back down. Using his feet, he swung Saga back into the air and gave him few blows of heel kicks in his chest, face, and stomach areas. Sanji bent his knees and jumped up to meet Saga in the air. Sanji gave him a wink, flipped his body, and gave him a final kick straight down to the asphalt ground. Luffy's eyes glittered with delight. "GOAL!!!!"

"Amazing." Ace agreed as he also filled his mouth with popcorn.

"Nice." Shanks replied as he tied his arm tight with his own clothes.

The four heard a shatter of glass and they saw that the green blade had broke in half. The green blade lost its shine and it slowly turned to dust. Saga's eyes widened and screamed. "Look!...Ew!!" Luffy yelped and made a sour face. Saga placed his hands to his head and fell on his knees, slowly his body turning into muscle, skin, and blood. Saga painfully looked up at the four with his only eye almost out of his socket, his voice sounding like a dry husky mummy. "Damn you" They watched him twist in a distorted way and disappear the same way as the sword.

"Well, that was nasty."


"Let's see what Zoro's making for dinner this evening."
"Yeay! Dinner!"

Forgetting (completely I should add) of what happened, they unlocked the front door and let themselves in. The dinner was bubbling in the kitchen ready to be eaten. Zoro walked out from the kitchen and stared at the group. "Wow, back already?...A-are you okay? What happened to Saga? Did he leave?"

Shanks smiled, "Yup, he's gone. Gone from this world." Zoro cocked his head to the side, not understanding what he meant.

"Okay...Shanks, you're clothes are all ripped. Let me help you clean up." Zoro led Shanks out of the kitchen and toward the bathroom. Shanks quickly turned to the group and stuck a tongue at them. Luffy charged forward, but Ace stopped him. "Let him be."

Sanji agreed. "Yeah, he won this time...but next time..."

he's going to be mine.


Yeay It ended!!! In my opinion, the ending took way way way way too long compared to the other chapters I did. Nod nod.

Obviously you can tell that Saga didn't disappear like in the movie so he was kinda' a 'out of character' character. I hope you guys liked this story and ending.

I might make a sequel of this but it depends on the reviews. If it goes up to 45 reviews, then I'll make a sequel of them going on a date...together. Thank you so much for being with me and this story.

Read and review.