Author's Note: Okay, so, this is my first try at a Wicked fic. Please read and REVIEW to let me know how I did.

Elphaba Thropp was a night person. Elphaba Thropp would also be the first to admit (though never out loud…pointless) that she was a bit of a rebel. So, the fact that it was 12:35 on a Saturday morning and not considered very "ladylike" to be out and about made such an endeavor all the more appealing to said young woman. She clambered out of bed and into her carpet slippers, making very little effort to keep quiet. Halfway to the door of the dorm room she shared with Galinda Upland, Elphaba paused, turning around to be positive that her roommate was still sleeping. Assured by the gentle snores coming from Galinda's bed, Elphaba left.

Shaking back her midnight black hair, Elphaba strolled through the completely deserted halls of Shiz Academy. It was a nice change, actually, not having loads of people to navigate around on her way to class. She smiled, gazing around. For some reason, though she knew that to most people the moonlit halls would look creepy, she found them more pleasant this way. Before she knew it, she stood in front of the library, and when she tried the door, she found it unlocked.

Odd. But for some reason, Elphaba felt like she was being drawn into the library…so in she went. The light of the nearly full moon illuminated the shelves, and in order to entertain herself, she began to scan the titles. When the door finally shut it squeaked rather loudly, having taken forever to actually close. The handsome boy sleeping with his head on a book at a table in the corner jerked awake and spotted Elphaba, who had her back to him. "What are you doing?" he inquired.

She spun around, desperately trying not to show that she'd been startled. "What in Oz is wrong with you?" she hissed, glaring. "And anyway, I could ask the same question."

"I was sleeping..." the boy, Fiyero, yawned, cutting off anything that he might have been adding to this statement.

"Congratulations," she told him dryly, seizing a book that she had, coincidentally, been searching for earlier in the day.

He stretched, showing no sign of noticing her frosty tone. "Incidentally, I didn't just pop by and decide to take a nap in the library. I've just been extremely busy and not had much time to do…this. I've been working on it for nearly two hours." He held up a mostly completed assignment with evident distaste.

She didn't even glance at it, sitting down and opening her book.

"You never said why you were here." He reminded her.

"I never said I was going to, did I?"

Fiyero drew in a deep breath. She certainly wasn't making conversation easy, but he wanted to talk to her. Her differences intrigued him, even though most people at Shiz considered her a loser. She, however, didn't seem to care how anyone else felt about her. He moved his chair closer to her, hoping she wouldn't run off. "Miss Elphaba," he began lightly, a smile in his voice, "haven't you been taught that reading in the dark is horrible for your eyes?"

She looked directly into his shining blue ones, trying to ignore the fact that her heartbeat had begun to race at an alarming speed. He'd gotten closer. "Master Fiyero," she started, mimicking his formal tone, "do you see that rather large, whitish silver object up there in the sky?" She pointed out the window as if to ensure that he knew what she was referring to. "That is called the moon. It gives off a thing that we refer to as light. This light makes it easier for us to see whatever it is that we are looking at."

He laughed. "I surrender."

"You should." She sounded preoccupied now, having begun to flip quickly through the books pages in search of something. He jumped a little when she slammed it shut. "Nothing in that one either…"

"What are you looking for?"

"Isn't there anything in here about Animal rights? I've looked in at least a dozen books." She threw her arms up in disgust.

"Of course there isn't." He raised an eyebrow. "Besides the fact that there's practically no student interest, there's no staff interest. And if they don't care about it, they don't think we should either."

"That is absolutely the most idiotic thing that I have ever heard." Elphaba spoke in a low, dangerous sounding voice and leapt to her feet. "What about you? Don't you care about the Animals?"

"You know I do." He stood as well, moving even closer to her. "In fact, I don't understand how there are people who don't."

She crossed her arms and glared out the window. "I think Animals are morally superior to humans, and they're the ones who are constantly treated like crap. Just because they're different…" She'd gotten so caught up in her own words that she didn't notice that Fiyero now stood only inches away.

"I agree." He spoke softly, gently. "It's kind of like making fun of someone…because of the color of her skin." He reached out and took her hand, only a few shades lighter than an emerald, in his own.

She stiffened, whipping around for the second time that night. Her heart was in her throat, and she was starting to feel nauseous because of how fast it was beating. "…"

He'd stopped speaking now and was facing her with an expression on his face that she'd never seen directed toward her before. They were moving closer and closer…She found suddenly that she couldn't turn away. Her eyes slowly closed…and the door flew open.

"Fiyero, man, what are you doing? Do you have any idea what you're missing?"

And just like that, Elphaba was gone.

Author's Note 2: If you want me to, I could make this a series of Elphiyero oneshots...not that I'm suggesting that this was so great that you want to read more and more. But just let me know if you want me to do that.