Dear Readers,

It is with a heavy heart that I finally admit I just no longer have the time to write fanfiction. My last ditch attempt to finish them by posting them to my livejournal, with my last upload being almost a year ago, unfortunately did not work. I'm sorry to those of you who followed me there that I was unable to finish them.

I am placing all my uncompleted stories up for adoption. If you choose to adopt a story, please pm me (on ) so that I may let those interested know by posting your penname in the story in question.

I will very shortly be privatizing the fanfiction posts on my livejournal (if I haven't already), and hosting them solely on . The few fanfictions that were introduced to my livejournal but not on , will be posted on fanfiction shortly after. I will also be uploading any remaining written portions and notes for each chapter to fanfiction. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your time,


Below you will find the remainder of written parts/notes I have for the rest of this story.

Remaining Written Portions

Last Time:

"Do you see Naruto?" Kakashi asked. Iruka suddenly tensed, and frantically searched the playground with his eyes. Iruka paled quickly.

"No." The single word made Kakashi's heart beat faster. Naruto was missing.

Naruto had meant to say 'Let me go, you bastard!' but it didn't come out right.

"Shut it brat," Hoshigaki Kisame said, bouncing his shoulder, and by extension Naruto. The sudden jolting movement sent Naruto slightly forward, knocking the blonde's head against the hilt of Samehada, knocking him out.

Chapter Six

Fallen to the Power of Cuteness


"I'll have Ebisu watch the rest of the Chibis," Tsunade said to Kakashi, Iruka, and Baki. "You three, get whoever you need on your team, and find Naruto." Kakashi, Iruka, and Baki nodded, and left the Chibis with the Hokage, as they left to gather their team. Ibiki, Anko, Inoichi, Shikaku, Chouza, and Tsume should be a good start. Perhaps they should get Hiashi and Shibi as well.


Shino twitched again. His thoughts where in chaos, though they seemed to be intent on one thing. Missing. Missing. Naruto was missing. No, no, no, no, no! He can't be missing! Oh, he was definitely feeding someone to his bugs. Kakashi had better find the person who made Naruto missing, or it was going to be him.

Sasuke twitched as well. His thoughts were also on Naruto. Dobe. My Dobe. Where did they take him? Why did they take him? And most importantly, who are they? Someone was going to get a fire jutsu to the face. Kakashi had better find out who 'they' were, or it was likely to be him.


"You're late," Pein said.

"Took a little while to get to him. The Hokage's not stupid. She had ANBU guards watching over them," Kisame said. Konan blinked as Kisame plopped a small blonde bundle at her feet. Pein stared down at it curiously, and was startled when Konan squealed.

"KAWAII!" she yelled, picking up Naruto and cuddling him close to her chest.

'No,' Pein thought. 'Don't get it attached. Please don't get attached. Dammit – she's gotten attached.' Naruto quite quickly figured out a plan to keep from getting killed.

"Nee-chan!" he yelled, hugging her back. Pein groaned.

"Konan, you can't-" Pein started.

"Mine," Konan said.







"Fine," Pein said, ignoring Konan's squeal of joy. "We'll just have to get all the rest, and hope we can do it without the Kyuubi." His eye twitched, and he watched Konan squeeze the blonde in another hug, hoping half-heartedly that she squeezed hard enough to make his head pop.

Well, he was sorta cute. Pein shook his head. Dammit, now he was falling for the cuteness. He had to get away.


Despite being kidnapped, Naruto was actually pretty happy. He had gained a nee-chan, and several new friends in the process (one of which even made him a nice puppet which he could use to out-puppet Kankuro). And getting Kisame into trouble was always fun. Speaking of Kisame, there he was, walking around the corner. And if Naruto wasn't mistaken, Konan was just around the other corner.


Kisame felt a terrible sense of foreboding as the Chibified blonde Jinchuuriki grinned at him. Then he started crying. What the hell? Oh shit – here came Konan!


And there was Deidara right behind her.

"What the hell, un? You made him cry!"

"I didn't, I swear!" Kisame said, but it was no use.

"My poor little Naru-chan," Konan said, cuddling Naruto while glaring at Kisame. "Don't worry, Dei-kun and I will keep you safe from the big bad shark man."

"You're a dead shark-man, un!" Deidara added, fingering the pocket where he kept his exploding clay.


Itachi watched, both fascinated and horrified, as Naruto manipulated Konan and Deidara into almost killing Kisame, who just barely got away. The Akatsuki was split down the middle, with Kisame, Pein, Kakuzu, and himself not being very friendly with Naruto, and Konan, Deidara, Sasori, and Hidan being friendly with the blonde.

How the Chibi got a hold of Hidan, Itachi still hadn't made sense of. Something about convincing him bad guys having more powerful energy to resurrect Jashin with?

Either way, the blonde had managed to split the Akatsuki in half, and if Kisame were any indication, the blonde was preparing to make his half of the Akatsuki destroy Pein's half. Hmm…maybe it was time to think about switching sides. The blonde had Deidara, who Itachi didn't really want to fight (too many explosions to worry about).

Kisame would be rather easy to kill. Pein's real body was the only one that actually needed to die. And Kakuzu was only immortal as long as he had multiple hearts.

Hidan could survive decapitation. Sasori kept his heart carefully guarded. Deidara managed to survive blowing himself up so often that fire probably wouldn't faze him very much. And Konan, while not immortal, could make simple pieces of paper become deadly weapons (which, incidentally, was how the Akatsuki knew Hidan could survive decapitation). Then there was Naruto's healing factor.

Hmm…Naruto or Pein…Naruto or Pein…decisions, decisions.


It wasn't really that hard to get away from Ebisu, or to get the likely culprits of who took Naruto out of him before escaping. Shino and Sasuke both went after Akatsuki for Naruto. Sakura followed because she was a Sasuke fangirl. Kiba and Hinata followed to give support to Shino. Lee, not to be outdone, claimed that he needed to rescue "NARUTO-KUN'S FLAMES OF YOUTH!"

Neji and Tenten followed to keep Lee from getting killed. Gaara followed because he liked Lee, and Naruto, but mostly Lee. Temari and Kankuro followed Gaara so he wouldn't kill them for not coming. Ino, not to be left out, drug Shikamaru and Choji along behind her screaming for everyone to "Hey! Wait up!"

It was a Chibi Rescue Attempt. And it may have succeeded if chaos didn't follow them everywhere they went. They managed to get past the first town without any incidents, but once they hit the second town, Sakura started yelling about how Naruto would never steal her Sasuke-kun from her. The two defacto leaders were split on that – Sasuke wanted Naruto not Sakura, and Shino wanted Naruto meaning Sakura could have Sasuke. This of course led to a splitting of the group.

Group one, led by Sasuke, consisted of Sakura (because she was Sasuke's fangirl), Ino (who followed Sakura), Tenten (whose new obsession consisted of cutting Sasuke's hair), Kiba (who actually supported Shino, but had accidentally ripped another Barbie head off causing Hinata to give him the evil eye), and Temari (who didn't really support either team, but joined Sasuke's to get away from the now whimpering Kankuro).

Group two, led by Shino, consisted of Hinata (who for some reason was perfectly fine with Shino's claim on Naruto), Shikamaru (who joined Shino's team to get away from Ino), Choji (who followed Shikamaru), Lee (who didn't really like Sasuke much), Neji (both to keep Lee from killing himself, and to get away from Tenten), Gaara (who was following Lee), and Kankuro (who was being comforted by Hinata for the 'death' of his Barbie).

Team Sasuke and Team Shino went their separate ways, both intent on getting to Naruto first, despite the fact that none of them knew where the Akatsuki was holding them.


Preview of Next Chapter

The Cause of Over-thinking


There on the horizon, running towards them was…Ebisu? What the hell was he doing here? He was supposed to be watching the Chibis.


Itachi's eye twitched as Naruto bounced around him singing the poem over and over again. He was sure Naruto had chosen this particular rhyme on purpose, just for him, but still, being compared to her. He had much better weapons than an axe. Naruto started the poem over again.

"Lizzy Bourdon had an axe, gave her mother forty whacks, when she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one."

Itachi's eye twitched again, and he wondered, not for the last time, if he made the right decision.


Madara shivered as he saw the blatant manipulation of the Akatsuki members. He had severely underestimated the blonde demon container. The boy was obviously a master of manipulation. How else could he have gotten control over half the organization under his control? Damn. He would have to do something. There were people calling them out in Wind Country. He'd send Deidara and Sasori to take care of it. That would lessen the boy's grip. Surely he, Pein, Kisame, Kakuzu, and Itachi could take on Konan, Hidan, and the little brat, right?


Group One: Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Kiba, Temari

Group Two: Shino, Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, Lee, Neji, Gaara, Kankuro

Akatsuki Naruto: Konan, Deidara, Sasori, Hidan, Itachi

Akatsuki Pein: Kisame, Kakuzu, Madara

Kakashi: Iruka, Baki, Anko

Inoichi: Shukaku, Chouza, Ebisu

Ibiki: Shibi, Hiashi, Tsume

Kakashi and co split into Teams

Team Kakashi: still tasked with finding Naruto

Team Inoichi: tasked with finding information, and keeping eyes open for Naruto and other Chibis

Team Ibiki: tasked with finding Chibis

Team Sasuke: calls out Akatsuki while in Wind Country. Ends up meeting Deidara and Sasori. Chiyo finds out. Deidara offers to blow her up. Sasori and Temari tell him to go ahead. Deidara and Sasori take Chibis to Akatsuki HQ.

Team Shino: finds Kisame's trail and follows it. Meets up with Team Ibiki. Gets away from Team Ibiki. Continues following trail to Akatsuki HQ.

Team Inoichi: finds out where Akatsuki HQ is. Contacts Teams Kakashi and Ibiki. They head to Akatsuki HQ.

Akatsuki: Pein, Kisame, Kakuzu, Madara, and Itachi attack Naruto, Konan, and Hidan, only for Itachi to reveal he had chosen Naruto's side. Konan vs. Pein. Hidan vs. Kakuzu. Itachi vs. Kisame. Naruto vs. Madara. All Naruto's Akatsuki revealed to be clones. Pein's body stops working (real ones took out Pein's real body). Naruto clones give Kisame swirlies until he passes out, and Hidan kills him. Konan and Itachi confront Madara. Hidan battles it out with Kakuzu. Madara captures Naruto right as Team Sasuke shows up. Sasuke flying kicks Madara away from Naruto. Madara goes through Hidan's scythe. Team Shino shows up. Shino flying kicks Sasuke away from Naruto. Sasuke hits Itachi. Itachi vs. Sasuke until Teams Kakashi Inoichi and Ibiki show up. Itachi hands Sasuke to Kakashi by ankle. Chibis gang up on Kakuzu.

Konoha: Everyone (left) goes to Konoha. Itachi, Konan, Hidan, Deidara, and Sasori held by Ibiki for short while. Danzo, Homura, Koharu executed. Suna allows them to keep Sasori in return for watching Chibi Gaara.



Kakashi sighed in relief. It was finally over. They were all back to their normal sizes.

Kiba and Hinata were curled up together in one of his chairs…actually, the only chair he had left. It still had that burn mark on it from Sasuke too.

Sakura and Sasuke were half-lying on the couch, Sakura drooling on Sasuke's shoulder. Sasuke wasn't likely to be happy about that when he woke up.

Temari and Kankuro were sitting on the other side of the couch together, still poised to hit each other with their respective items, although Kankuro's Barbie was missing its head.

Gaara was curled up around Lee, sleeping for once in his life, and still gnawing on Lee, just on his shoulder instead of his head.

Ino was still latched onto Shikamaru's arm, and it didn't look like she ever planned to let go.

Tenten was similarly latched on to Neji's arm, and Kakashi could see the kunai in her one hand, pointed towards Neji, as if daring him to try and get her off.

Naruto and Shino were against the wall, curled up together, Naruto's head under Shino's chin.

Kakashi saw Iruka sleeping against the wall near Naruto and Shino, and decided that he could really use a nap. He fell asleep using Iruka's lap as a pillow, thanking whatever deities did exist, that the chaos was over!

Feel free to adopt this story. If you do, please remember to PM me so I may add your penname below.

Adopted by: No one yet.