March 4... Five Years Later

"Wake up pretty girl, it's you're birthday."

Brooke rolled over, "Do I have to get out of bed? You know today is just another day."

"It's not though baby, it's your 30th birthday." Lucas kissed her, "Come on we have celebrated everyone else's you can do it."

Brooke huffed, "Why did I marry you Lucas Scott? Why can't I just lay in bed today."

Lucas heard the crying start on the baby monitor, "You love me, you can't live without me. I'm going to go get the kids they made you a card." Lucas hopped out of bed, "Smile pretty girl. 30 is going to be great."

Brooke huffed again and sat up, she reached over and grabbed her wedding bands from the holder on her nightstand. She picked up the pictures and smiled, 'I guess 30 will be alright.' The door opened and she saw Ezra come in, "Mommy why is Juliet so loud?"

She scooped up her three year old son, "She's still a baby Ez, she can't tell mommy and daddy what she needs yet so she screams till we help her." She cuddled him on her lap, "Do you want to know a secret baby?" Ezra nodded, tufts of blond waves getting in his hazel eyes. "Your sister has nothing on you. You were a colicky one, Grandma Karen would come over and just rock you all night long. She said it reminded her of when daddy was a boy."

Lucas came in the room holding a now quiet 18 month old, they were both wearing party hats. "Alright Ez, you ready to sing to mama. We have a big day planned don't we?" Lucas and Juliet joined them on the bed. "I'll be right back, don't start without me."

Brooke picked up Juliet, "Good morning my sweet girl." Juliet was smiling, chocolate brown curls brushed her face, Brooke moved a few strands of hair out of her bright blue eyes.

Lucas came back in holding a cupcake with a single candle, "Okay Ez you start."

Brooke smiled as Lucas and Ezra began to sing an off key version of Happy Birthday while Juliet clapped excitedly. "Make a wish mama." Ezra said brushing hair out of his face again.

Brooke looked lovingly at the two little lives her and Lucas had made, she began to cry. "What's the matter pretty girl?" Lucas asked with concern on his face.

Brooke wiped away the tears, "Nothing our life is perfect I don't know what to wish for." She shrugged, "Here Etta, Ez you blow it out."

Ezra was excited now, "Really mama. It's your birthday." Brooke nodded and laughed as Ezra blew hard and Juliet spit all over her cupcake.

"All gone," Juliet said clapping. She smiled and her whole face lit up, she had Brooke's dimples.


Brooke and Lucas sat down on the sofa while the kids napped, "We have an hour before everyone gets here, have you had a good day pretty girl?" Lucas leaned over and put his arm around her.

Brooke smiled, "It's been wonderful." She put her head on Lucas's shoulder, "Thank you Luke."

Lucas stretched, "For what?"

"For completing my life. Our life together has been a dream, our children are like a little piece of Heaven and I have you to thank for all of this."

Lucas laughed, "Have you been dipping into the secret bourbon stash again?" Brooke shook her head, "Well I do what I can I guess. I plan on loving you for a lifetime Brooke Penelope Scott."

"I don't think 30 is going to be that bad. Thank you for making me get up this morning." Brooke looked at the picture of them over the fireplace. "Do you think those kids had any idea the adventure they were about to embark on when they said I Do?"

Lucas laughed again, "Nope, I didn't. All I kept telling myself was that I needed to hold it together because I have the ugliest cry face and you would cut me if I ruined your wedding pictures."

Brooke slapped him, "Lucas Scott. I wouldn't have hurt you. Marrying you was all I wanted. I didn't care about how the pictures turned out. At the end of the day you were my husband and that was all that mattered."

"Sure, pretty girl if that's what you tell yourself."

Brooke picked up the picture of them kissing from the coffee table, "What about this one?"

"That's from Nathan and Haley's back yard, that's the day you made me a father." Lucas shifted a little on the couch, "I was scared out of my mind, we had only been married what... 2 months, but there was no way I was going to tell you that."

"What do you think the future holds broody?" Brooke asked as she cuddled back into his chest.

Lucas sighed, "I don't know. I plan on loving you for the rest of my days." Lucas kissed her on the forehead, "So happily ever after I suppose."

Brooke smiled, "I'll take that. Happily ever after sounds amazing."


Alright there you have it... A Wedding in Tree Hill is finished. :-)

Please read and review... And check out my other stories if you're interested.

Lots of Love!
