Whoot! Welcome to Aquarius! It's another of the serious side of Ayumi's fanfics, even though at first there's some slight comedy.

Now, Aquarius is based on a song called…well, Aquarius, by Within Temptation. But in that, Aquarius is a guy, and the singer is in love with him. I love that song a lot, and then suddenly I got this idea. And I never ignore fanfic ideas…so…

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Full Metal Alchemist, I just borrowed some stuff, so don't sue..cause you'd lose anyway. XP


Ed cried out in alarm as the salty blue-green waves enveloped him. It burned at his eyes, forcing them to shut as the sudden current dragged him deeper into the sea. His lungs were on fire, begging for air. He struggled to keep his breath, but suddenly his mouth burst open. A large stream of bubbles spewed out of his mouth, water rushing into his burning lungs. He gagged and coughed, only being met with more water.

Just then, a face melted into his faint vision. A girl's face, beautiful and smiling. Her hair was long and silver, floating gently through the suddenly still water. Her skin was slick looking and pale, her smile a dazzling white. Her eyes were a blue-green matching the water, large and pupiless, like it's own sea, and shone with love and also sadness. The rest of her image faded in. She was barely wearing anything…and yet…Long strips of thin, clear, ribbon-like cloth wrapper around her torso, curling around her neck, arms and legs.

"Edward…" She sang, her voice resonating through the ocean. She slowly blew a kiss to him, keeping her gaze on him.

Ed watched her through blurry eyes. He felt a sudden tug upward, closer to the brightness and further away from the girl. The world around him grew dark.


Ayumi broke through the surface of the warm water, lugging Ed through after her. "Ugh, so heavy." She muttered, starting to slowly drag Ed to shore. Her hair, tied in a long ponytail, trailed behind her, floating at the top, and she was wearing a thin, black bathing suit that barely covered her anyway. She waved one arm at the beach. "I got him!" She called as she pulled him up onto the sand.

"Is he okay?" Al asked, kneeling in the sand next to him as Ayumi stood up.

Ayumi looked over Ed for a moment, squeezing water from her midnight hair. "He's just unconscious…but he's not breathing. He needs CPR."

"All right." Al said, clamping Ed's nose shut.

"Move it Al." Ayumi shoved Al out of the way, leaving him sprawled on the sand with a confused look on his face and a large sweatdrop on the back of his head.

Ayumi set her mouth on Ed's and blew a few times. She felt him squirm slightly as he coughed, water dribbling down his cheek.

Ayumi helped him sit up, patting on his back. "I'm really really sorry Ed!" She said quickly as she handed him his clothes. (since you don't know, he was only in his boxers before this, myahaha) "I thought you were only kidding when you said you couldn't swim."

Ed spat out some water and weakly glared at her. "That's no reason to strip me to my underwear and throw me in!" He snapped.

She pouted. "I said I was sorry. Look, I'll make it up to you." She said, softly kissing his cheek and standing up, ignoring the blush that just spread across his face. "I'll take you to dinner or something…or…better yet, I'll teach you to swim!"

Ed blinked and tilted his head. "I don't think you can...my automail's kinda heavy in the water." He started nervously.

"So? How do you think I learned? My mom tied down weights to me." She grimaced at the thought. "I swallowed more water that year then I had when I didn't know how to swim…" She pouted again and sucked on her finger. "Please don't say no."

"I hate it when you do the face." Ed grumbled, trying to ignore Ayumi's arms wrapping around his neck. "Pwease Ed? If you don't say yes, I'm just going to have to find a better way to apologize." She whispered seductively, creeping her hands down to Ed's wet boxers.

Al turned red along with Ed and covered his eyes. "Ayumi!"

"Okay, okay, fine!" Ed yelled, prying Ayumi's hands away from his underwear.

"Awwww, this is gonna be more fun though." Ayumi said playfully, snatching Ed's face and pulling him closer to her own.

"Ayumi!" Ed yelled, squeezing his eyes shut.

"I love how gullible you are." She taunted, letting go. She grabbed Al's arm and dragged him off. "Come on Al, we have to go get something to eat!"

"O-okay, see ya Brother!" Al waved over his shoulder.

Ed sighed, tugging his arm through his shirt sleeve. "Geez…"

"Edward…" Sang the waves quietly as they flowed back and forth. "Edward, come back to me."

He blinked. "Who…?"

"Come closer Edward…I'll show you who I am."

Unsure of what to do, Ed stayed where he was, staring out at the ocean. But something invisible was tugging him closer, until he finally stood up and walked to the water's edge.

The girl's face appeared again, this time; she stood slowly from the water. She placed both of her hands on either side of Ed's cheek, as he froze from the sight of her, staring at her eyes. She smiled. "You may call me Aquarius."

"Aquarius…" Ed repeated dizzily.

"Yes Edward…and you're mine now." Aquarius closed the distance between them, forcing his mouth open, and letting her tongue explore his mouth. Sparkling water rushed up her throat into her mouth, then into Ed's.

He sputtered, but unable to pull away, felt the water slide down his throat, feeling it twist inside him, spreading throughout his body. A strange feeling washed over him.

"It is done…" She let him go and sunk back into the waves, as he crumpled, falling slowly to the ground.


So, how's that as a first chapter, eh? –nod- Think it was pretty good, added a bit of suspense, had some detail, nice, nice. If you're confused, things will be explained later.

Please review!