Cherry Red

Summary: So you read all these stories about Tommy being part of a gang or illegal occurrences, but what if it was Jude? She was fifteen when she entered the Instant Star Competition, that's fifteen years that she could have gotten into trouble. Fifteen years that someone could have lured her onto the wrong wide of the tracks. Maybe now she is headed back there? Slightly AU, Tommy never left. Jude is now nineteen and big things are happening.

Jude heard the phone ring; it was the familiar chime of her cell phone. Jude groaned and looked at the digital clock, "Seven a.m.?" She asked no one in particular. "Who's calling me now?"

Jude buried her head deeper into the pillow but the phone kept ringing. She felt the arm that was resting on her hip move, "Jude, get it…" Tommy said. Jude looked over at her lover, annoyed. "Why don't you?" She snapped. Tommy sat up, his bed-head looking unbelievable adorable, "Because if I get it people are going to know that you are with me, and if you are with me at seven in the morning then you were also with me last night, and unless you want to explain what we did last night…" he smirked in remembrance, then shook his head, "Just get it!" Tommy pulled the covers up over him again and tried to go back to sleep. Jude just laughed and waited for the phone to stop ringing, she didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

Once the phone stopped ringing Jude sighed happily and lied back down, but then it started ringing again. "Damn whoever that is straight to hell!" Jude yelled. She finally got up and walked over to where her jeans were. She bent over and picked them up, fishing the cellular device out of her pocket. Tommy enjoyed the view seeing as Jude didn't bother to take the covers with her when she exited the bed.

Jude looked down at the called ID, completely ignoring the lust filled holes being burned in her back by Tommy's eyes. "1-570-764-6787" Jude mumbled, the number was unfamiliar to her. She shrugged and flipped open her cell and held it to her ear. "Hello?"

"He's out…" Was the only response and then Jude heard the dial tone.

But that was all that needed to be said. Jude's jaw dropped, she would know that voice anywhere, and there was only one person she could be talking about.

Jude jumped when two strong arms wrapped around her waist. Tommy started kissing her neck, "We don't have to be in the studio for another 4 hours. And you don't need to sneak home until another two…" He said between wet kisses moving from behind her ear, slowly down to her shoulder.

Jude groaned and pulled away. "I actually need to go now…" She quickly started gathering her clothes and started getting dressed.

Tommy looked at her confused. "Where you going? You never leave this early…"

Yes, this was an almost daily thing for them. It all started when Jude turned eighteen, finally legal and Tommy used it to his advantage. But at that point Jude wanted to make him suffer; she wasn't going to be with him just because it was finally convenient for him. So after awhile of dating around and avoiding Tommy, they both cracked. So now, they hooked up just about every night at Tommy's penthouse, no one knew and they could finally be together with no one judging them. Then Jude would sneak home in the morning, and at the studio they acted totally normal, except for the few times they sneaked off to Tom's office or the cleaning supplies closet.

Jude finally pulled her shirt over her head from the night before and started quickly running down the stairs. She was dialing a number along the way; Tommy quickly grabbed a sheet to wrap around his waist and then followed her.

"Hey, I just got the call…yeah of course I'm heading over…you don't think I should?...I know it's been forever…well I'm sorry I never saw him…I'll talk to him when I get there….I am surprised she called me…whatever…am I going to meet you there?...I'm heading over to G-Major Studios now…you can pick me up?...five minutes?...great, I'll be there…thanks Brooke." Jude hung up her phone and grabbed her back from the floor where it was carelessly dropped last night.

She slipped her phone into the side pocket of the bag and went to open the door but Tommy stopped her, "Okay first of all, what's going on? Second of all, who was on the phone before? Third of all, who's Brooke? You don't have a friend named Brooke. And what guy are you talking about?" Tommy had now memorized all of the friends Jude had, he needed to make sure she didn't hand out with guys too much.

Jude just rolled her eyes at him, "Tommy, we hook up every night and that's it. So stop acting like a jealous boyfriend!"

Tommy felt like he had just gotten smacked in the face. "Jude, you don't mean that…"

"I don't?" Jude asked sarcastically. "I need to go now, I am heading over to the studios so my friend can pick me up and I gotta leave now if I will make it there on time." Jude was pulling on her Vans sneakers as she talked, "I might not be back for a few days so don't expect me, okay?"

When Tommy didn't say anything Jude just rolled her eyes again. She kissed his jaw and walked out the door. When she was at the end of the hallways Tommy shouted out the door, "Wait, I'll drive you."

Jude slicked her wrist at him, as if to say 'forget it,' "Tommy, you're still in a sheet and I need to run there now. I will be late and then Brooke won't be there to pick me up and then I have no ride."

Tommy shrugged, "So I'll take you wherever you need to go."

Jude shook her head and looked down, "This is something I don't want you to get involved in, look if you are really worried about me call my cell but other then that I will see you in a few days." She blew him a kiss and ran down the stairs. 'What would she not want me involved in?' Tommy silently thought to himself. He padded back up the stairs to get dressed, there was no going back to sleep now.