The Ring

Disclaimer: Don't own Sailor Moon.

Chapter One: Moving.

"Serena! We need to go if we're going to get there in time!" Irene yelled up the stairs as her husband came down the stairs carrying one of his daughters suitcases.

"I'm coming mom! I'm just making sure I have everything." Serena yelled back as she turning around to look one last time at her room before she left for college

Serena noticed how empty it felt now. True, there was a lot of clothes left in her closet and dresser, but it was clothing she never wore and most of her posters and pictures still hung on the wall. But the one's of her and her friends, family, and most importantly, her boyfriend were all packed and already in the car. Picking up her backpack that held her laptop and purse, Serena looked around one last time before she walked out of her bedroom to move in to her new home in Sacramento.


"Hi, Welcome to Unit 2. I'm Rita, first floor RA. What's your name?" A brown haired woman asked, her green eyes happy to introduce herself to Serena.

"Serena Tsukino." Serena answered as Rita's eyes lit up.

"You're Andrews cousin, aren't you?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess he's told all of you that I was coming here, didn't he?" Serena confirmed, a cringe on her face.

"Yeah, he did. Let me take you to your room. Here's your key." Rita said with a smile as she lead Serena up the stairs to her room. "There's good news and bad news about this building, good news, it's made of brick so it stays cool in the summer and warm in the winter; bad news, no elevator. But it is only three floors." Rita commented as they climbed to the third floor.

"Hmm... It seems I live the farthest away from the main stairwell." Serena commented as they reached the end of the hall.

"Yeah." Rita agreed as she stood beside the door, "Go on, open it." She then urged.

Serena opened the door and looked into the room, to her surprise; someone was already in there.

Serena assumed the other person was her roommate. She has long blonde hair, like her own , and blue eyes, again, like hers. They could have been twins. The only difference was that the girl in the room wore her hair down while Serena had her hair in pig-tails.

"Hi, I'm Mina. I guess you're my roommate." Mina introduced herself as she stood up to greet Serena.

"Yeah, hi, I'm Serena." Serena introduced herself as she put her back pack and duffle bag down on the empty bed.

"It's good to meet you." Mina smiled at her.

"Yeah, me too." Serena answered, "Um. I have some more stuff I have to bring up; so, I'll be coming in and out." Serena said, unsure of what to say.

"Of course." Mina said as Serena walked towards the door.

It only took one trip with her mother, brother, father, and cousin helping. It's not that she brought a lot of stuff, it's just that they didn't have any big suitcases; so everything had to be packed in small suitcases and boxes. After everything was brought up to the room, Serena's family left. Leaving her to un-pack and get to know her new roommate.

"Wow, I thought I had brought a lot of stuff." Mina commented as they both looked at all the boxes that were piled up on the floor and Serena's bed.

"Well, we didn't really have any big suitcases, so I had to use what we had; which was small boxes, a couple of small suitcases, and my duffle bag. Moving out's going to be the hard thing." Serena commented.

"Yeah, but we have a year before that. So, where are you from?" Mina asked as Serena started to un-pack her clothing.

"I'm from Watsonville; It's near Santa Cruz. You?" Serena asked.

"SLO. I mean, San Luis Obispo." Mina answered.

"Cool, I hear it's like another Santa Cruz down there." Serena commented.

"Yeah, it is." Mina said as Serena began to un-pack

Throughout the rest of the day and that night, Serena and Mina became acquainted with each other. Serena found out that Mina had one younger sister and that her parents were currently separated, but close to getting back together. Mina's leaving for college as shown them that they did need each other and that without Mina around, they couldn't avoid each other and continue lying about their feelings. It always seems easier to say you hate someone when you don't see them. Serena also shared things about her life. About her little brother and her parents, as well as how her cousin was an RA in one of the other buildings, and that they could never have any real wild parties in the room because he'd find out about it then tell her parents.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much Serena. I like going to parties, but wouldn't want to have one. I mean, you have to clean up after them and things tend to get broken." Mina said as they walked back from the DC after dinner.

"Yeah, that's how I see it too." Serena agreed.

"There's an ice cream social in the Rec Room tonight, do you want to go?" Mina asked as they walked into their room.

"Sure, I don't see why not." Serena answered as she looked at what was left for her to un-pack, " I only have one more box, when does it start?"

"In about an hour, so we have time." Mina answered as she sat down at her desk.

"Ok. Have you met anyone in the hall yet?" Serena asked as she opened the box.

"Not really, I got here yesterday and have been un-packing since." Mina answered.

"It looks like everyone's in the same boat then." Serena commented as she began putting things in their place in her room.


"Wow, a lot of people live here." Mina commented as they came downstairs into the Rec Room for the social.

"Hey Serena, the posters were wrong, this isn't just a Unit 2 social, it's a combination of Unit 2 and 3 social." Rita informed her.

"Oh, Cool. Well, let's mingle." Serena said as she and Mina looked at the crowed of people and decided to dive head first into meeting people.

It was a productive night. Both Mina and Serena met a lot of people. But three girls stuck out in Serena's mind. She knew she'd be friends with them. They had the same sense of humor and enjoyed the same things. They were Lita, Amy, and Raye. Lita and Amy lived in her Unit, both on the second floor. Raye lived in Unit 3, on the second floor. Deciding to skip out on the ice cream, Mina, Serena, Raye, Lita, and Amy decided to hang out in someone's room to talk some more with out the constant interruption of guys asking them about their relationship status.

"Leaving so soon?" A man with stormy blue eyes and jet black hair asked as they walked through the doors back into Unit 2.

"Yeah. You look familiar, do I know you?" Serena asked as she looked at the man.

"Darien Chiba. I'm friends with Andrew. We went bowling together this past summer." Darien told her.

"Oh yeah, now I remember. So, you're an RA in this building?" Serena asked.

"Yeah, first floor. I have to get out there, it was good seeing you." Darien said as he walked out to where the social was.

"See ya around." Serena said after him as they walked up to Serena and Mina's room.

"Serena, that's a beautiful ring, where did you get it?" Amy asked as she pointed to the ring that sat on Serena's right ring finger.

"My mother gave it to me last year. I wanted a class ring, but didn't want to pay a hundred and fifty dollars for it. So my mom got me this one so I would have a ring on my hand." Serena said sweetly.

"What kind of design is that? I think I've seen it before." Lita asked as she took a closer look at Serena's ring.

"It's called a Claddagh ring. It's an Irish ring. Here, see how there are two hands holding a heart and a crown on top of the heart?" Serena asked as she took off her ring and held it out to show them.

After getting a nod or yes Serena continued, " When it's worn on the right hand with the heart facing out, away from the body, it means the wearers heart is available; when the crown is facing out, away from the body, it means love is being considered. And when it's worn on the left hand with the crown facing out, it means the heart is spoken for." Serena explained.

"Wow, so much for something so small." Mind gawked.

"Yeah, I think the main reason my mom got it was so she could tell when I got a boyfriend." Serena laughed as she put her ring back on..

"Good thing my mom doesn't know about this ring." Raye commented.

"I did a report on Celtic folklore, that's where I knew your ring from." Lita said.

"Serena, how do you wear your ring?" Amy asked as she noticed that Serena rotated her ring when she took it off and rotated it again when she put it on. Currently, her hands were folded and her ring was hidden.

"I wear it with the heart out. I don't have a boyfriend." Serena said as she moved her hands so they could her ring again.

"Well, at least we're all single." Raye commented.

"Are we?" Lita asked as they looked around.

With everyone's nod, they all laughed.

"Well, college will certainly be an experience." Mind said.

"Yeah, it sure will. I'm glad I met you guys." Serena agreed.

"Me too." Raye said as Lita and Amy nodded their agreement.