Strive For Tomorrow

Just one smile that's all it took. One little sign that no matter what happened I'd have you.

Ok one last time I don't own Sky High.


Thank you to Mel, Butterfly of Death, KagomeMiroku, Kaycee-red, Lyra Waterflame, iMnOTReAlLYcRaZy, PyroGurl313 for reviewing and everyone for taking the time to read this.



Caitie stood outside of her house, unsure if she should walk through the door or just turn around and run. Clenching her fists tightly she walked up the steps, she had never run away from anything, and she'd be damned to start now. Opening the door she braced herself for whatever happened next.

Whoosh,she didn't even make it through the door.

Stumbling back at the force that had hit her, she opened her eyes surprised to see her mother, hugging her tightly.

"Mom?" Totally unsure of what to do, the last time she had been hugged like this was the night that everything had changed.

Her shoulders shook, her head lying on her daughters shoulder, tears streaming down her face.

"Im..sorry, oh my god I'm sorry." Hugging her tighter.

"Mom I..I'm okay," Not exactly sure what to do.

Pulling herself together somewhat she held her daughter at arms length.

"When the principle called and said there had been a fight at your school and you had been hurt, I didn't know what to do," Trying desperately to stop the tears.

"Mom, I'm fine, I can take care of myself,"

"They, they made it sound like you'd been hurt so badly and how you'd been saved by some boy."

Wincing at the thought of some boy she chose to ignore her moms statement, instead asking what was really on her mind.

"What's going on mom? You haven't said more than 5 words to me at a time since the accident and now your hugging me?" The frustration she felt coming through in the words.

Her mother froze, pulling back she looked her daughter over once before lowering her head.

"I was ashamed," She whispered almost to herself. " I was ashamed at the way I had acted towards you."

Caitie couldn't breathe, she was to shocked. This is what she had been waiting to hear from her mother for the last year and half, yet now it didn't even seem to matter.

"I know it wasn't your fault that Mark didn't make it out, I just needed someone to blame and you were there. I'm so sorry." Raising her head she looked directly at her daughter. Waiting.

Caitie knew she should say something, anything yet at this moment she couldn't. All the pain and betrayal she had felt for the last year had finally been lifted. She couldn't blame her mom, she understood the vulnerable feeling, knowing you were helpless to save someone you loved, she had been there to.

Feeling tears start to pool in her eyes for what seemed like the twentieth time today she said nothing, instead taking a step forward and opening her arms.

A watery smile blossomed on her mother's face as she stepped into her daughter's arms. The first real hug In over a year, the first step towards a better relationship.


It had been two days since everything had changed for Caitie at home. Her and her mother had worked out most of their problems and for the first time it seemed as if she had a family again.

Also in those two days, she had done everything possible to hide from Warren and Layla. With Warren it had been easier, whenever she had seen him heading her way she'd run into the closest girl's washroom or start up a conversation with one of her other friends. But with Layla it hadn't been so easy, if she retreated into the washroom Layla would follow, planning to trap her in a corner until she finished their talk. When that happened she'd be forced to use her powers to faze herself through the wall.

Ya, what could she say, she really really didn't want to have the conversation. It was hard enough for her to admit it to herself that she might like him, let alone saying it to her best friend or worse admitting it to him! She was NOT one of those girls who fell over themselves to get a guy and never planned to be.


Cringing, Caitie looked over her shoulder at Layla, who had her hands on her hips.

"Hey Layla," Crap, crap ,crap! How does she keep finding me!

"Come on Caitie, you have to trust me enough to talk to me," Adding tears for good measure.

Knowing the tears were fake, didn't do anything for the guilt she felt, And they say I can be manipulative when I want something.

"There's nothing to say Layla," Hoping for once her friend would back down.


"Uh hu that's why you've been ignoring me for the past 2 days,"

Shaking her head in agreement she started to leave.

"And Warren?"

Sighing in defeat she turned back around.

"Do you like Warren?" She asked finally, the question that had been lingering over them for what seemed like forever.

Did she like Warren Peace? Was like the word she should use when describing him? The person who was her best friend and had looked over her.

"I don't know" she answered truthfully.

Sensing her friends honesty Layla shook her head in understanding, giving her friend a quick hug.

"Come on it's lunchtime, I'll buy you cookies?"

That won a smile.

Caitie made it another two days before everything changed.

It was lunch time and she had told everyone not to wait up for her because she had to finish a mad science project. Opening her locker she grabbed an apple, deciding against eating with her friends today. The sun was out and without a cloud in the sky it was a perfect day to eat outside. Sitting with her back to one of the larger trees on the grounds she sat hidden from view.

Closing her eyes she let herself relax, turning on her ipod she let herself drift away.

Frowning slightly she opened one of her eyes when she sensed someone in front of her.


He stood towering in front of her, his eyes staring straight into hers, trapping her under his spell.

Gasping she stood up quickly, looking for an escape, something to distract him long enough for her to escape. There was none.

"You've been ignoring me," he started simple. Stepping closer to her.

Taking a step back, Caitie felt her back come into contact with the tree, "No, I've just been busy," she stuttered, silently cursing him for the power he held over her.

"No, you've been hiding from me, every time I come close you run away," he continued, brushing the hair out of her face.

"No...I," Lowering her gaze, she stared at his lips, unable to think clearly.

"Come on Caitie, tell me what's wrong so I can fix it," Running his finger across her lips.

Staring him in the eyes again she was shocked to see the heat in his gaze.

"I.. I have to remember there are rules to being friends,"she whispered.

"Rules," he murmured his hand now caressing the side of her neck.

Nodding her head she shivered at the feel of his fingers running along the backside of her ear. "We're friends,"

"Yes we are," he agreed, his facing coming closer to hers. "Best friends," he added as an after thought.

Caitie gave up thinking, all she could do close her eyes and feel.

Seeing the look of abandonment on her face, he lowered his until they their lips were millimeters apart.

"Caitie," his voice coming out low, "Open your eyes,"

Struggling to listen she opened her eyes, staring deeply into his, she could hear their hearts beating as one.

Nibbling on her bottom lip he watched her reaction.

Gasping at the feelings she froze.

Taking advantage of this, he covered her mouth with his, his tongue flicking along her bottom lip.

Moaning her lips parted on a rush of breath.

Smiling against her mouth his tongue slipped inside battling with hers for control.

Letting go of her arms Warren moved closer to her, grinding his body into hers.Not one to back down Caitie wrapped her arms around neck moving into him.

After what seemed like hours they pulled apart, smiling.


It had been two weeks since that unforgettable lunch period. Since then they had become inseparable, something their friends (except Layla of course) found shocking.

Caitie stood outside her hair blowing in the wind. Wearing a black dress, in her hand lay a single white rose. Kneeling down she touched the surface of the head stone in front of her.

Mark Morgans

The son and brother, missed by all

Fighting back tears she lay the rose down gently.

Feeling a hand on her shoulder she stood, before being wrapped into a hug.

Turning she smiled lightly, grabbing her pyro's hand with hers, slowly walking back towards the entrance.

Fire has the power to take away everything in your life, it also has the power to help something heal and grow.

She had found her fire, her inspiration and had no thoughts about ever letting him go.



There you go, the story of Warren and Caitie.

Thank you to everyone who read my story and a special thanks to those who reviewed it!

Let me know what you think of the ending!


(Teaser: one shot or Warren/Layla coming soon! )