Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.



Ino carefully tied the stalks of the beautiful red roses with a red ribbon, handing them back to Neji with a grin. "Don't worry, I'm sure Tenten will love them," She said, and what looked to be the beginnings of a blush crossed the face of the usual stoic ninja. Ino smiled lightly as he headed out of the shop. Her blue eyes took a quick glance around the shop as she rang up a bouquet of tiger lilies for a proud looking young woman. She needed to close up, and there was only one person left in the shop as the tiger lily-woman left.


The former Roots member seemed out of place in the shop. His eyes were bewildered as they took in all the colors and flowers. Ino had never seen a person so amazed by flowers as Sai appeared. His dark eyes were filled with wonder, and his stance seemed about ready to explode. Shaking her head, the blonde emerged from behind the counter and stepped daintily over to the other being in the shop.

"Need some help?" She asked sardonically, leaning against a display of marigold flowers. Sai blinked and nodded lightly.

"Yes. I do," He confirmed. "To tell someone you care, it is customary to bring said someone flowers, correct?" He asked, as if reciting from a textbook. Ino raised her eyebrows. He sounded so strange.

"Yes..." Ino answered, examining the petals of a white lily.

"But which flower is used to say these things?" Sai asked, looking at all the colors in awe. Ino straightened.

"Most men just buy roses," Ino explained, pointing the roses. "They've been a symbol of romance forever. But," She put up a finger as Sai opened his mouth to speak, "Some girls don't think it takes much thought to just buy a rose. See, if you wanna tell somebody you can't live without them, try primroses. Or if she's got pretty eyes, tulips are nice. Red ones if you wanna tell her you love her. If you want to elope, spider flowers. See? You've got to put a lot of thought into flower arrangement," She finished. Sai seemed to think it over, peering at all the flowers.

Finally, he spoke. "Red tulips please," He said. Ino raised her eyebrows. Sai in love. That was an interesting notion. Ino nodded and gathered up a group of tulips, leading Sai to the register and tying up his flowers with a flourish as he counted out exact change- Sai seemed to have a fetish with paying exactly. When he found the right amount, he dropped the mix of coins and bills into Ino's open hand and took up his flowers.

Ino smiled politely, and turned away, dropping Sai's money into her register. When she turned around, Sai was still there. "You need something?" She asked, looking at him oddly. He looked quite strange standing there.

An innocent smile passed onto Sai's face, and he held the red tulips out to Ino.


A/N: Another 500-word drabble from Mo. I still hate writing Sai. He's so hard! Please review constructively.