Disclaimer: I own nothing! I swear it on the life of...everything...lol!

The Interview

Miley sighed, "Yeah, we better get going but first..." she hit his shoulder lightly, "You're it!"

"No fair," Oliver whined, "You got a head start!"

Miley just laughed at him and took off. Oliver shook his head and started chasing after her, their happy laughter ringing through the air.

Who would have thought that this would all happen because of that stupid interview...Miley thought happily as she allowed Oliver to catch her and kiss her thoroughly. Mmm...that stupid interview...

Chapter 5

Miley looked in the mirror, nervously re-arranging her Hannah wig. Today she was announcing that Hannah Montana had a boyfriend, a real one, Oscar Owen...and they were getting engaged. Miley couldn't help but smile at the thought of Oliver. They had been dating for three years and Miley couldn't remember ever being happier.

Miley felt a pair of arms slip around her waist and quickly turned around to grin at Oliver and quickly kiss him on the lips.

"You should put your wig on," Miley whispered as he kissed her again.

"I know," Oliver sighed.

He kissed her again, "But you taste so good..."

Miley didn't say anything, only kissing him back passionately. They broke apart a few minutes later breathless. Oliver reluctantly untangled himself from Miley's arms and went to get his wig, ducking quickly into another part of Hannah's dressing room. He returned a moment later as Oscar Owen, his long shaggy dark hair replaced by a dirty blonde wig.

Miley smiled at the change, quickly settling into his arms, resting her head on his chest. Both were silent, Oliver absently stroking her hair.

"I can't believe we've been together so long," murmured Miley.

"What didn't you think we'd last?" joked Oliver with a glint in his eyes.

"No, I don't think I expected us together in the first place..." said Miley thoughtfully, "if it wasn't for that interview...who knows how long it might have taken me!"

Oliver waved a hand dismissively.

"I would have got tired of waiting eventually and just pushed you up against the lockers at school one day and planted one on you," he said matter-of-factly.

"Is that so," said Miley, lifting her head to smirk at him.

"You bet," said Oliver leaning down to do just that when Mr Stewart walked in, pointedly clearing his throat.

The two quickly separated a blush rising over their cheeks.

"Hi daddy," said Miley walking up to give him a hug.

Mr Stewart returned the hug.

"It's hard to believe my little girls' all grown up," he said, pulling back to look at her, his southern twang thickening with emotion.

Miley not knowing what to say just smiled back at him.

Mr Stewart stepped back and said gruffly, "The Press are waiting."

Miley nodded. She strode over to her mirror and checked her appearance one more time.

"You look beautiful Miles," said Oliver, "Don't worry."

Miley smiled shakily and walked towards the door, grabbing Oliver's hand.

"Let's get this over with then."

Miley, leading the way, guided her Dad and Oliver down to a medium sized, Press Room. As she entered the room her Hannah confidence seemed to suddenly ooze out of her. The Press started snapping a million pictures of Hannah and Oscar's joined hands. A few female reporters even noticed the diamond situated peacefully on her hand.

The trio quickly took their places at the table out the front. Left, right and center the press were yelling out questions for Hannah and Oscar. Robbie Ray called them to order.

"If y'all be quiet please, Hannah has an announcement to make."

The room was suddenly deathly silent.

"Hey y'all, as most of y'all have probably guessed, the rumours are true...Oscar and I are dating..." a bubble of noise rose up form the press but Hannah pressed on, "...and we have been for three years now."

That shut the press up.

"In fact, today Oscar and I are here to announce our engagement."

A huge surge of noise emerged from the press who immediately started shouting out their questions.

"One at a time!" Robbie Ray shouted.

The press raised their hands, waiting for one of the trio to call on them.

Hannah called upon a young redhead reporter from the front row.

"Why didn't you tell the press about your relationship?"

Hannah shrugged, "We wanted privacy, having a relationship in the spotlight can be hard. I learnt that with the fake Jacksanna."

Robbie Ray then called upon an older reporter standing at the back of the room.

"When did you first meet?"

Oscar answered this one.

"We met about five years ago when Hannah moved a few blocks away from me. Lola Luftnagle and I had been friends since kindergarten and Lola introduced us," Oscar smiled at Hannah, "And we've all been best friends ever since."

Oscar then nodded at a young reporter with dark hair on the left side of the room. Miley thought amusedly that he could have passed for Clark Kent: Ace Reporter.

"Hannah, since your relationship with the infamous Jackson was fake, is Oscar your first boyfriend?"

Hannah smiled shyly, tilting her head to the side, "I suppose he is."

Many of the press exchanged knowing smiles. The next few people that were called on all had questions for Oscar. Hannah zoned out, smiling and she watched Oscar handle the questions smoothly.

How lucky am I? she thought, a lazy smile on her face, A famous pop star by night, ordinary girl by day, fantastic friends and family and I have a perfect boyfriend.

Hannah zoned back in just as, Clark Kent: Ace Reporter asked,

"Is Hannah a good kisser?" prompting a few chuckles.

Oscar and Hannah exchanged looks, laughing. While Robbie Ray pursed his lips.

"The best," said Oscar in a smug tone.

A cheeky smile grew over Hannah's face as she called upon another reporter. This time is was an older, stern looking lady with grey hair. She was sitting next to Clark Kent: Ace Reporter.

"It seems as if you two have liked each other for a while. How did you finally get together?"

Hannah and Oscar exchanged looks and smiles before Hannah said, "Well...there was this interview you see..."


Well, I hope everyone liked it, this is the absolute end to this story, and I'm fairly sure that there won't be a sequel. Thank-you to all my reviewers, PLEASE R&R ONE LAST TIME!

Thanks to...

Moliver FAN 01, Sidhe-Anomaly, Starry Eyes, iheartdisney128, -Lilly-Jackson-mad-sugar-but-sweet, Violet Kefira, gypsyeyes91, iygwfas:-), The Jazz, raindropsX and Lackson lover... for their reviews!

Please R&R one last timeā€¦
