Naruto: lemme guess i'm a fox demo-

Yuki: -slaps hand over naruto's mouth and looks around- shhh don't give away the characters!!!

Naruto: mmph mm-mph!!

Yuki: huh?...

Naruto: -sweatdrops and points at mouth-

Yuki: -big sweatdrops and laughs hesitantly- oh..yeah..-takes hand off your mouth- ok to the fic!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Sasuke or Gaara does. I haven't decided for this fic.

Warning: use of foul launguage, and bxb.




Naruto, Hinata, Gaara, Ino, Sakura: 16

Shino, Kiba, Shikamaru, Neji, Kankuro, Sasuke, Lee, TenTen: 17

Temari, Kyuubi: 18

Itachi, Iruka: 19

Mikoto, Fuguka, Kakashi, Anko, Asuma, Gai, Kurenai: 21

Jiyara, Tsunade: 35

"As legend says, class, humans used to rule these lands. Killing our people; demons, werewolfs, and vampires alike. Fearing what they could not understand. Lazy ass mortals. That is why long ago, clans untied, working together to- Mr. Uzamaki! Is my class really that boring?," Kyuubi, Naruto's older brother, asked, smacking the sleeping blond upside his head.

"Itai!!! Ni-chan, your a teme!," the blond exclaimed rubbing his sore head. Glaring up at hi smirking brother, he pouted. "Whatta you want? Me to get Ero-sennin's new exclusive Icha Icha Paradise book for your perverted mind?"

Kyuubi blushed, then glared at Naruto, smacking him across the head as the rest of the class laughed at the two's antics. Of course this was normal so it didn't bother anyone, only brought a bright light of hope in their dull and boring school life.

The lunch bell rang, signaling the end of Kakashi's health class. Everyone grabed their shit and made a run for it, until-


"Hai, sensei?..-gulp-," the 'class' asked stimuously as they froze, turning their heads slowly at their teacher in anticipation. He glared at them then waved his hand, pulling out a small orange book with a giant red sticker on the hideous cover.

"Ma, ma, you have no homework for the next month, Ja!" He said walking out the door infront of all the kids who either A) anime fell, or B) had giant anime sweatdrops. Either way, their teacher was obviously insane. Insane as every other teacher at Konoha High.

Everyone made their way to their lockers, weaving in and out of the many students packed in the hallways like sardines.

"Hey, Naruto, wait up!!" Kiba yelled running up to the blond at an incredibly fast past. Well, being a werewolf and star quarterback of the football team at their school had it's up and downs. Even though Kiba was popular in mortal status, he was a total dropout, outcast, popular wannabe in this school. Same goes for Naruto, Hinata, Gaara, Shikamaru, and Shino. Nobody would hang out with them except Kyuubi and Iruka. Their History and English teachers, who only happened to be a few years older than them.

Naruto turned around and side-stepped as Kiba tackled .. thin air. Naruot could thank being a fox demon for that. Stealth and Genius, although he didn't show it during class but on tests and exams, were his specialties. Along with quickness and being able to be extremely quiet. Sometimes this turned out to be bad though. Like, the time he walked in on Kyuubi and his old boyfriend Kyo. That didn't turn out too well. He also had heighted senses, like Kiba's with smell and hearing, it could be both a good and bad quality.

"Sup my friend? Enjoy missing your gal, the floor that much?," Naruto said with a wicked grin on his face, as Kiba stood up slowly glaring daggers at him.

"Oh shut up Foxy!," Kiba snarled, as Naruto scowled at him.

"What'd you call me, Mutt!?," He shot back at his dog-loving friend.

"Oi, you two are so troublesome..-sigh-," A voice said behind them. They turned and smiled sheppishly at their vampire friend Shika. World-renound genius, and famous lazy ass. Pathetic excuse for a vampire if you asked me. Hinata was standing behind him smiling at the two. She was a proud werewolf like her mother, though her father, a vampire, was killed because of the no mating with different species law. Of coure that law was repealed as more... well.. kids started dating the opposite species. Gaara and Shino were standing on the other side. Gaara was one of the racoon demons like his siblings, and Shino, a vampire with a bug fetish. Both remained silence, as always. They only spoke on rare occasions and when they thought their opinions were worthy of knowing or speaking.

"C'mon guys, let's go to lunch! I'm starving and I want to show you my new drawing!," Naruto exclaimed excitedly, as he and his friends raced out onto the rec field. Sitting under their usually tree, they pulled out their lunches and started chatting and eating. All were unaware of the obsidian eyes watiching them from upon a limb on the tree they sat under.

Naruto took out a sketch book and showed everyone the picture of a fallen angel, sitting in a pool of blood, under a red moon and black sky.

"That's really cool Naruto-kun," Hinata commented, glad her stuttering problem was gone, as everyone awed and agreed with his drawing. He smiled, a real smile, only seen by his friends and loved ones. Seeing his beautiful sketches was a rare sight to those who weren't close to them too. The art work was so professional looking, it was amazing. Narut set down the sketch behind him as he and his friends finished lunch. The late bell rang as everyone filed into their classrooms. Sketchbook forgotten, left under that tree, forgotten by all but one.

"Uzamaki Naruto, eh?," a sultry voice spoke, as obisidian eyes looked at the sketchbook. The raven-haired boy, with eyes like deep pools of velvety black, bent down to pick up the forgotten object.

"Nice to meet you, Naruto..," The boy smirked walking into the school building, looking for a certain blue-eyed, blond.

Naruto: ..woah...

Yuki: Oh, Yeah!

Lin: I can't believe she wrote something that actually made sense.

Naruto: Were all so fucking wicked!

Yuki: -rolls eyes- guess who the raven was?

Naruto: I have no clue!

Yuki: -sweatdrops- ok then... 10 revies plz! then I'll update! R&R onegai!