Title: Boy Soldier

Title: Boy Soldier

Author: Neldluva ()

Fandom: FFVII

Pairings: None, or lots, depending on how you look at it.

Rating: NC17

Don't read this if you don't like: Angst, sex (of the m/m and m/f sort), foul language, underage sex, questionable consent, masturbation, voyeurism (sort of), violence, blood, drug and alcohol use, prostitution

Disclaimer: Reno and FF7-verse are definitely not mine. Please don't sue, I have negative monies. The OC's are mine, though. Don't steal.

What you can expect from the fic overall: This is my version Reno's backstory, or how he got where he was in the various FF7 games and movies. It is a long, difficult journey, sometimes funny, sometimes sad. But hey, that's life.

What you can expect from this chapter: A very, very intense torture scene. Reno is, after all, a Turk, and you just shouldn't fuck with a Turk…

Author's note: Yes, Reno scares even me sometimes. But fear not, the story is not over, even though this is technically the last chapter. I plan to have more in this arc coming soon. A huge thank you to everyone who has read and/or reviewed! You guys have supported me through more than a year of posting this story, and I think it's turned out quite well! Please let me know what you think, I always love knowing how you guys respond.

As soon as Reno was functional enough to return to the Turk offices, he set about plotting his revenge. Someone had hurt Essie, and he fully intended to hurt them right back. He just had to find the doctor who had killed her. And with his connections as a Turk, that would not be a difficult task.

Rude must have mentioned something about Essie to Tseng, for to Reno's surprise, Tseng had no problem with him taking a little more time on his own to search for his target. Tseng even managed to look sympathetic and assigned Reno less work to compensate for the time he'd be spending elsewhere. So he began to spend most of his work day below the plate, haunting the slums and searching for information. He drilled the whores about doctors, asked around for even the unlicensed guys. He spoke to the girls Essie had known best to see where she might have gone.

It took a couple of months. The doctors knew their works was mostly illegal and frowned upon by society, and so they were good at hiding. But at last, Reno was able to find the hiding place of the poor fucker who had killed Essie, and he plotted his revenge.

Dr. Gonzales was tied to a chair when Reno entered the room. The redhead wore a grim, slightly manic smile. Good. Just how he wanted him. The sorry bastard was whimpering quietly and shifting in his seat, trying to loosen the handcuffs and rope that bound him. He couldn't make any better noise because his mouth was taped shut. His skin glistened, oily, sweaty, melting beneath his limp hair.

"Hey," Reno greeted, slowly pulling off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves. "You probably don't know me, huh? Well, you're gonna end up knowing me real well. See." He started pulling out various instruments: pliers, knives, clamps, displaying the most sadistic fun toys ever. "You sort of hurt the best thing in my life. Hurt her so bad she died. So I'm gonna make you hurt so bad you'll wish you were dead. But I'm not gonna kill ya, not until I'm good and sure that you want her alive too."

Dr. Gonzales whimpered again, a weak pathetic noise out of his nose, and tried to edge away from the tools Reno displayed.

Reno got up close, straddling his lap and running a knife along the man's cheekbone. "Rule number one," he whispered into the doctor's ear, an obscene mockery of a lover's gesture. "Never mess with a Turk."

Dr. Gonzales made a sound that would have been a scream, struggling harder as Reno's knife pierced the muscle of his shoulder. The blood started to flow, staining his shirt red and making the air smell like copper.

Reno smiled and twisted the knife slightly. "No passing out on me yet … we've barely started."

He picked up the pliers next. He used them to dig up Dr. Gonzales's fingernails enough to get a grip on them and yanked them out, one by one, ignoring the muffled screams of pain. He dropped the discarded nails to the floor and let the bloodied hands dangle. Blood had spattered his shirt and arms, staining them as red as his hair. "How's that, huh?" he asked, shifting his hips in the doctor's lap. Another obscene mockery. "I bet you're thinking you hurt enough to pass out, maybe enough to die. You'd be surprised how long it takes to get to that point. No, no, you don't reach your limits until your body's ready to give up, your heart seizes up and your limbs freeze and your lungs don't work. That's when you can't take any more." His hands traced down Dr. Gonzales's torso, caressing fondly. His voice dropped, taking on a husky note. "I ain't gonna let you get there, you son of a bitch. You're gonna suffer until I damn well give you permission to end your miserable life."

He climbed off of Gonzales's lap and picked up his EMR, swinging it lightly against his leg. "You know what this is? It's an electro-magnetic rod. If I turn it on high, this sucker could fry your brains before you could even take a breath to scream. If I turn it on nice and low, it'll cook you slowly and give a few burn marks to go along with it."

He reached out and ripped Gonzales's shirt open, displaying his flabby, sweaty chest. Gonzales shook his head, protesting, but Reno had already set the tip of the rod against his sternum. Gonzales went still, his teeth clenching behind the gag as the electricity ran through his body. Reno smiled again, that half-insane grin that was so frightening. He pulled the rod back after a few moments to give Gonzales a chance to regain his breath, turning it off and tapping it against his leg again.

The room smelled like torture: piss, shit, blood, burned flesh, sweat, fear. At some point, Gonzales's bladder and sphincter had given up on him, making the room stink even more. His face was the precise shade of gray that living faces weren't supposed to be, as though his body already thought he was a corpse. Blood dripped into his eyes and down to the tape, and he breathed painfully through his broken nose. Reno stood over him, blood reaching his elbows and wetting the knees of his pants and spattered across his face. He wore the crazed face of a reaper who liked his job.

"This's been a fun time, Gonzales," he drawled, straddling Gonzales's lap again and rubbing his face with the muzzle of his gun. "You having fun too? Looks like it. Shit, look at that. Look just like your old lady when I did her in."

A spark of life glimmered in Gonzales's eyes, and he glared at Reno.

Reno smirked back and nodded. "Oh yeah, I wasted her. And your boys too. It was nice and quick, don't worry, bullets to the back of their heads. Your lady was pretty, too, sad waste and all. Dunno what she was doing with a sack of shit like you."

Gonzales stirred, trying to get Reno out of his lap, but Reno just dug his bony hips down.

"Uh-uh," he said, shaking his head. "Not gonna get rid of me that easy. Anyway, you like me here, huh? Sick fuck." He tilted his head, licking his gun from butt to tip. "Mmm. Bet your old lady sucked your cock real good, huh?"

Gonzales tossed a little and shook his head, avoiding Reno's eyes.

Reno wrenched his face back and ripped the tape off his mouth, rubbing the gun against his lips. "C'mon, big boy, suck it. Suck it like she sucked your cock. Suck it like you like it."

Gonzales made the mistake of opening his mouth to draw a deep, rattling breath. Reno took the chance and shoved the muzzle of the gun past his lips. His grin grew wider as Gonzales choked and coughed around the cold metal.

"C'mon, there," he murmured in Gonzales's ear. "I know you can suck it better than that. Suck it well enough and I just might blow your brains out."

Gradually, still protesting the presence of the gun, Gonzales started moving his mouth on it. He was obviously inexperienced, and Reno scoffed. It was like watching a virgin. Still, it was amusing to watch the man try to save his life. At last, Reno pulled the gun away, wiping it on Gonzales's pants with a look of disgust.

"M-Mercy," Gonzales said hoarsely, his voice broken with the screams that had been contained by the tape. "Please, mercy. Let me die…"

Reno raised his eyebrows, grinning again. "That's what you want, huh? You really want me to blow your brains out?" He shoved the gun up against the underside of Gonzales's chin, caressing the trigger fondly. Gonzales's eyes went wide with sudden fear. "You forget what I told you before, huh? You want her alive as badly as I do?"

"I don't … I don't know who…"

"Bullshit. You're a pathetic waste of skin and blood, you know that? I think I'm done with you." Without even flinching, Reno pulled the gun away from Gonzales's chin and shot him in the thigh, right through the big artery there. Gonzales's scream echoed through the room, piercing and shrill like a dying rabbit. Reno got up and walked over to the door, leaving Gonzales to struggle and whimper through the pain of bleeding out.

When Rude met him outside with a damp towel, Reno was covered in blood. His clothing was irreparably stained, and it freckled over his face and smeared over his nose. There was a cold, hollow sort of look in his bright eyes, and little expression on his face. For the first time, Rude was afraid of his partner. "Hey," he said quietly, holding out the towel.

"Fuck off," Reno muttered, though he took the towel and began to wipe off his arms and face.

"Day's over, partner," Rude said, starting to lead Reno away. "Time to go home."

"You had something to report, Tseng?"

"Sir. Reno has completed his interrogation, and Dr. Gonzales is dead."

"Excellent. Let Reno have some time off, I think … send him on a nice vacation. Somewhere not Wutai."

"Sir," Tseng said, bowing deeply before leaving the office.