Konnichi wa!

Kyah! I'm excited about this one!

I've always wanted to do something like this, and KYAH! LOOK! I AM!

Haha! You only get one name in this chapter, but the next will be fun :D

I promise! XD

I hope you like it!

From My Cold Dead Hands

Battle One – Reboot

:System Activated:

:Scanning for Foreign Anomalies:

:System Clean:

:Now Rebooting:

"-sama! He's awaking!"


:Analyzing Entering Sounds:

:Language Choice – English:

:Now Downloading English Language Database:

:Download Complete:

:Copying Database onto Hard drive:

:Task Complete:

:Now Recalling Database:

Eyes foreign to any type of light opened to darkness.

Special sensors in the orbs scanned for life, finding none in the pitch black room.

The same eyes – but with different sensors – took in the dimensions of the room and assessed them.

:Length – 30 feet. Width – 15 feet. Height – 10 feet. Area – 450 square feet. Volume – 4,500 cubic feet. Light source – None. Analysis –

:Not enough information given for complete analysis:


A limp head perked up at the sound.

:'Greetings' – a hello, or exclamation meant to greet another. Usually a peaceful way to make contact:

:Danger Level – Zero:

:Commencing Response System:

The head raised itself.

"Greetings as well," the body replied mechanically, no emotion whatsoever in the voice.

"Who are you?"

:Analyzing Response to Reply:

:'Who are you?' – A question, dealing with the identity of another:

:Detailing Response:

"I know not… who I am, or what I am," the mechanical voice stated clearly, devoid of emotion. "You tell me. Who am I?"

A door to the outside opened, and the delicate sensors in the retinas – retinas that had been blind and pampered by darkness – contracted and the eyes shut.

:Assessing Damage:

:None Taken:

:Sight Ability – 100 percent:

:Now shifting eye patterns and regularities:

With the eyes opened again, they were untouched by the bright lights that had come on inside the room and completely adapted to the intense glow of the bulbs overhead. Orbs that had thrived in darkness scanned the lit room.

"You are my prize."

The eyes shot to the front of the room, and black orbs turned red as they analyzed the newcomer, black tomoes whirling as they took in every detail of the other's body.

:Analyzing New Life Form:

In the eyes' sight, little arrows began to appear around the other's head, telling the mechanic mind exactly what the other was. The mind copied the information into its database.

:Name – Orochimaru Sannin:

:Species – Human:

:Strength – Mind Games:

:Height – 6 feet, 4 inches:

:Weight – 134 pounds:

:State of Mind – Sane:

:Mood – Calm with large amount of anticipation:

:Intelligence Level – High:

:Danger Level – Unknown:

Then the mind assessed the words that were spoken within the millisecond after the other information was recorded.

:'Prize' – something of value won or gained by completing a certain task or mission:

:Does not Compute:

"Prize?" The machine repeated, less than two seconds after hearing the answer. "What do you mean by prize?"

Orochimaru took a step forward, and the eyes immediately caught the movement, reassessing the other.

The Sannin smirked.

"Years of research and programming and praying brought me you."


:Not enough information to give a valid response:

:Commencing Reply:

"What?" The other asked. "I do not understand. Research and programming and praying brought you me? How so?"

Orochimaru took a few more steps forward – right until he was two feet away from the mechanic mind. He stared down at the other, and the machine stared back.

"I always wanted to create something like you." He raised a hand and set it on the smooth, humanoid face, caressing the soft cheek. "Perfect, smart, intelligent. Yet completely complying. You want to know what you are, my pet?"

He leaned forward, until his lips were merely a hair's breath away from the other's. The mechanical mind, which was unfamiliar with any type of touch, merely looked at him blankly, dark eyes ever assessing the taller.

"You are MINE."

End Battle One – Reboot

Kyah! XD

I'm excited!

Please tell me what you think! I'm DYING to know!

Ja ne!