Hahaha, it was funny. Today during Math, my nose randomly started bleeding. And I mean, gushing blood. It was kinda weird, but I thought it was hilarious. It took my teacher about 10 minutes to notice that I was raising my hand and noticed all the blood and almost yelled at me to got o the Nurse. XD The blood was yummy by the way...-gets weird looks- o.o; ..um...update!


"Fullmetal, are you listening to me?!"

"Yes!" Ed jerked out of his thoughts and met the gaze of a very annoyed Colonel, grinning sheepishly. "You were talking about the uh...thing with that person, right?"

Roy sighed in aggravation, running his fingers through his messy black hair. "Honestly, I'm trying to give you a mission, would it kill you to pay attention?"

"Maybe." Ed muttered, going back to staring blankly at the pile of unfinished paperwork on Roy's desk. It honestly wasn't his fault he was spaced out... On his way here, he could've sworn he saw two girls lying in the middle of a field, but they had disappeared before he got a second look. He suddenly looked up, starting to the right of him, which was just a wall. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what; the sound of my voice being ignored?" Roy asked irritably, folding his arms in front of his chest. Ed shook his head, "No, you idiot. Someone just called my name just now..."

"Uh...no..." Roy blinked slowly at his subordinate. Ed shrugged and continued to look at the wall, the direction where he had heard the voice call him. Randomly, just a moment later, a dark skinned girl with long black hair ran through the wall, tripped on her own feet and fell. Ed gawked at her, as she stood up, dusting off her black leather jacket and staring at the wall she had just gone through for a moment. "Cool, I went right through it!" She mumbled in glee.

"Who the hell are you?!" Ed demanded, starting bewildered at the girl.

"Um, Ed, who are you talking to?"

"You can see me?" The girl turned and looked at him, then gasped, her blue eyes widening. "Oh my-- Ed!" She squealed excitedly.

"You know my name?" Ed asked uncomfortably, not liking the look she was giving him. It was...oh, how would I describe it...something like that behind those wide, fangirling eyes was an evil girl plotting to kidnap him now, strip him and handcuff him to a bed. That's it.

Roy twitched. Apparently, Edward was talking to a wall now. That was normal...not. Maybe he's stressed out, Mustang decided.

"Of course I do, you're the freaking...holy snap, it's Roy!" The girl stared at the Colonel for a second. "Okay, I stopped caring," She looked at him again and smiled.

"I'm Ayumi, and I'm your new fiancé!" She announced proudly, and jumped forward to hug him. Ed squeaked as she passed right through him, making him feel all tingly. She tripped again, expecting to connect with something solid and cursed. "Shit! I forgot that I'm dead!"

A ghost? Ed wondered. Impossible, there's no such thing as ghosts. Is there? One was standing right in front of him, after all. And the books did say that homunculi didn't exist, and they did...his golden eyes widened in shock. "Gah! A ghost!"

"A...what?" Roy blinked slowly, trying to understand the younger alchemist's strange behavior. "Gh-gh-ghost! It'll kill us all! Run!" He dashed off before he could reply.

"Wait!" Ayumi chased after him.

Okay...so Fullmetal needs consoling now...great. Roy sat down and sighed, looking out the window instead of doing the work he should be doing. Another girl suddenly phased through the wall and stopped, staring at it in surprise. "Ha, I knew I could do it!"

Roy toppled off his chair, hitting his head on the behind wall. "What the?!"

"Eh?" Eli looked at him and her eyes widened. "Woah, it's Roy! Squee!" She beamed, resisting the urge to glomp him. Not like she didn't want to (cuz boy, did she want to, among some other things), but it's just that she assumed that since she had just gone through a wall, she could go through other things too. I guess we're really in Amestres now. But how? She wondered.

Roy blinked at her. "You wouldn't happen to be a ghost, right?"

Eli also blinked. "Actually, yes, I think I am. Why?"

"Oh..." Roy stood up, dusting his uniform off. He stared at Eli for a long time, going "Oh..." again, before screaming on the top of his lungs. "Ghost! It'll kill us all!" He dashed out of the room.

"Hey! No I won't! Actually...maybe Rose, Dante, Noah and all the other girls in this show that I freaking hate...but that's it!" She yelled, running after him. "Rou-kun! Come back!"


Yeah, let's end it now. .o. I'm surprised I was able to update, being busy with Nanowrimo...reviews! I got so many last time, a lot more then expected...that's a good thing, right? X3 Yatta!