i have been so busy latly but i still dont want to leave people waiting to long i hope you enjoyed, if you think i should go back and do it again let me know
Logan and Max started at each other hope written on there faces they looked at Sandeman,

"Are you sure" Logan didn't want to get his hopes up, he didn't want max giving up hers either

"Sure, is fairly simple," he grinned, they both shot him a disbelieved look "if you know what your looking at" he added giving a small chuckle, he pointed the picture on the screen and tried the best he could to explain what was there,

"What do you need," Max asked swallowing the excitement that crept up in her voice,

"Well hopefully most of it I can find around here, but I may need a few things we can only get out there,"

"Write up a list, and I'll see what I can do," Max said, Sandeman took of with a couple of transgenics behind him, Max sat down next to Logan and smiled at him, she didn't know what to say, the look on his face told her he was feeling the same, "I better go and see if anything needs to be done," She excused her self

"Yeah," he replied clearing his throat, turning back to his computer his fingers poised over the keyboard, he was filed with excitement, more than the last two times they had tried to get rid of this thing that was keeping him from properly touching the woman he loved, he had a feeling that this time was for real.

Max sat on top of one of the highest buildings I the city, it wasn't as good as her space needle but it would have to do, she could see the front gates that led into the city, the police cars where gone bout a group of humans still stood there yelling and holding up signs, a burning X was placed I front of the gates again, a news reporter and cameraman behind them, hoping to get something interesting on tape that could possibly give them the promotion that they wanted, she wasn't to interested in them, her thoughts where set on what Sandeman had said, she didn't want to get her hopes up, the last two times had ended badly, she didn't want to get let down again, she didn't know if she could handle it this time, she had only just allowed herself to let Logan Cale back into her life properly, she didn't want to have to push him away again, she knew that it wouldn't be long until, she pushed him away for good, she thought about how it could be if this virus was really going away, she thought about Gem and feeling she got when Jewel was placed in her arms, she smiled subconsciously

"Hey little fella," Joshua's friendly voice brought her back to reality, "Logan told me virus bitch going down,"

"That's the plan," she said to him,

"I told you father could help," he smiled sitting down next to her

"Yeah I'm not going to get my hopes up though," Max said "he might not be able to do it."

"If anyone can, father can, he created you, all of us, he'll do it," Joshua hugged her, and Max allowed herself to smile again, having a renewed feeling of hope.

Logan and Sandeman sat at the computer, Sandeman had produced a list of all the things he needed, that he couldn't find around the city, having four transgenics who knew what they where doing made it a lot easier, the things that he had found sat on a table, already put together ready and waiting for the missing parts,

"A lot of this stuff, will be easy to get, but this item here," he pointed to the third item on the list "they stopped making them available to the public back in '05, only high Tec agencies could get one, is there anything you can use instead,"

Sandeman looked at the item, concentration written on his face, "not that I can think of, this is pretty important, it quiet essential, I need the blood machine in order to find the right strain that is holding the virus in Max's blood we have to make sure that everything is done properly," he said "maybe you could find it back at manticore,"

"The only problem there, is that it was burnt to the ground,"

"This item is durable, it could withhold fire," Sandeman told him, "it could be worth checking out," Logan turned towards Luke, who had taking on the job of assembling and directing,

"Luke, I need you to find me a team that could get into manticore and find this item," he pointed to the screen" and then another to get the rest on this list, I'll pull up some addresses, some of it wont be easy to retrieve,"

"No problem, Logan," he took off to do as he was asked,

"So how long do you think it will take once we have everything we need,"

"Maybe 5 or 6 days, if these transgenics have been trained properly maybe less" Sandeman replied, Logan frowned, he was getting impatient, and he wanted to hold Max in his arms again, but they had waited this long a few more days wont kill him.

Ames White stood by his car in the dark street, waiting to meet someone, he looked up at the building across from him, he could just make out the man holding the sniper riffle, he had assigned there to take out his father, the Conclave came first. His father had lost that priority when he had left, turning his back on it. It had taken them a couple of years to find him and his brother, but they had finely be able to track them down and tuck them away in asylum where they could keep an eye on them, after awhile, people stopped asking questions, if C.J hadn't escaped that time then they would still be in hiding, but then it had worked out in the end, he would be able to find out what he needed to know, then take out 452, he was hoping that she would follow Sandeman then he could just do it here and now, he watched the street glancing in both directions hoping to see her. But he only saw his father

"Give me good news," Ames said

"They don't trust me as much as you thought they would,"

"So you've found out nothing,"

"I know they can get out of the city undetected I just don't know where," he replied a cold sweet started

"You're nervous,"

"You have an explosive in the back of my neck why wouldn't I be," He replied,

"Well it almost over with," Ames replied, he pulled out something which looked like a pen out of his pocket and pressed a small button, he didn't get the result he was looking for, his father should be dead right now, he was lying to him, he no longer had the metal his neck, and he was on friendlier terms with the transgenics than he was saying "were you followed" Sandeman fought the urge to look at Max who was hiding in the shadow behind White,

"No, I don't think so," he replied, Max saw White glance up at the building and she followed his gaze, he feline eyes zoomed in and she saw the man on top of the building, light from the moon reflected briefly off the telescope, she didn't want to give herself away until she was sure that Sandeman was in danger, she needed him to get rid of this virus, White nodded to the top of the building, Sandeman looked up behind him, horror on his face when he saw the flash of light, Max moved quickly blurring, she ran towards Sandeman knocking him to the ground as a shot rang out, Pain pieced her leg. Another shot sounded and blood began pumping from Sandeman stomach, Despite the pain she got up, and turned to white, ready to fight, she took a quick glace at Sandeman he was still breathing short sallow breaths a hand pressed firmly over the bullet hole, she had to make this quick she need to get him back to terminal city, so they could try and save him, she flung towards White her fist connecting with his stomach, he hardly even reacted to the blow, but hit max sending her stumbling back, she lost balance on her wounded leg and fell to the floor, she managed to roll out of the way as bullet sped towards her impacting with the road next to her, she was felling light headed from the loss of blood, she tried to stand again, White was walking slowly towards her, taking his time, watching as she struggled to stand up, he placed one foot on her chest and Max gasped out as he pressed his foot down, max felt a rib crack, and she gasped again,

"Well 452, I finely have you where I want you," he said applying more pressure,

"Why don't you just get it over with then" she said her bad girl defensiveness taking over her fear, the sound of a motor drowned out Ames reply, and he went flying back as Alex skidded the bike into him stooping just in time to stop from running max over, he grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her up swinging her onto the bike behind him,

"Where's Sandeman," She said

"Moles got him," he replied as her made the engine roar and then headed back to terminal City

"Max," Logan cried out when he saw Alec carrying her in, Mole was carrying Sandeman, both where unconscious the medic trained transgenics rushed over to asses the situation, they where both placed on makeshift tables, made out of benches found in other places that had been removed and placed in the area that had been assigned for there little hospital for the wounded transgenics that showed up and the ones that went into labor, as about a half a dozen transgenics huddled around them, stepping in to action as they tried to stop the bleeding of both victims, Sandeman breathing was more ragged now, as he was hooked up to a ventilator, 4 of the 6 transgenics worked on saving him, Max had only lost a lot of blood , and suffered a cracked rib, once they could stop the bleeding, she would be fine after some rest, but Sandeman was an ordinary, he didn't have the fast heeling and thick skin of a transgenic, they managed to stop the bleeding but his breathing was still coming out slower and slower, the ventilator could only do so much for him,

A few hours later, Max opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was a sleeping Logan, sitting in a chair his glasses sat awkwardly on his face, he was wearing his white glove and held her hand in his, Max smiled then winced in pain as she tried to sit up, he stirred as he hand became empty, then smiled when he saw Max sitting on the end of the table,

"How you feeling," he asked, removing his glasses and rubbing his eyes with his ungloved hand,

"How long have I been out," she asked, not ignoring the question but thinking it sounded more like a statement

"About 5 hours," he replied,

"What about Sandeman, is he alright," She asked trying to stand up, he legs buckled underneath her, and Logan first reaction was to catch her, his arms went around her waist, he nearly dropped her when they both realized what had happened, Max pulled away, Logan stepped back,

"Damn it, Logan," Max cried out,

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