The sun shone heavily through the bars of the cell. Brennan woke with the sun in her eyes. "Ok, ok, I'll tell you everything I know. Please, just turn the light off!" she said, her eyes squinting before realising the truth.

She looked down at her hands, before rolling onto her other side. On that side was Booth, still asleep and snoring slightly. She nudged his shoulder with her still bound hands.

"Booth!" she hissed, hitting him roughly. "Booth!" She hit him roughly again, rolling him completely off the bench. He hit the floor with a thud. "Ouch Bones, what the heck was that for?"

This brought an evil smile to her face. "Aww, did poor baby hit his head?" She said in a patronizing tone, laughing at his unimpressed face.

She asked him, "Booth, how do you feel about handcuffs?" She managed to keep hers hidden from him, from the angle he was lying at on the floor.

Booth answered confidently, "Unless a sexy lady is wearing them, I'm not so big on them. Why?"

Causing Brennan to smirk was never a good thing. She spoke in a playful tone, "Be grateful yours aren't pink and fluffy then."

Booth looked down at his hands before saying, "Ah crud."

Booth didn't think his day could have got any worse. With a blindingly sore headache and one very pissed off, confined-in-a-small-space Bones, he was frightened for his life. All he needed now was his whole office to show up and do the Macarena.

He couldn't have been more wrong when an officer appeared at the door of the cell. The man was clearly an idiot, that much Booth could tell.

This was all he needed, when Brennan looked ready to freak out at any minute. He just severely hoped she was going to pull a Psycho special and find a knife to plunge into him with eerie music playing to each stab.

"Through here!" he called to an unknown person.

"Oh my God," Booth uttered. "Someone up above really hates me."

It was none other than Angela. " It looks like someone had fun last night." She indicated the bra round the Booth's chest. "And to think all I had was hot steamy sex."

"Angela!" Booth said, in the fashion of too-much-info.

"Don't you Angela me. I'm not the macho FBI agent who's wearing a bra," she said before reaching into her bag. "I came here to pay the bail but first, I'm gonna have my fun."

Brennan had said nothing up until this point but when Angela Montenegro pulls out a camera, you know you're in trouble.

"Please Ang, we're not in the zoo! You don't get to bring your kids, take some snaps of us before buying stuffed versions in the gift shop!" Brennan said, eyes fiery with humiliation.

"Oh, a stuffed mini of Seeley Booth. Now that's something worth buying," Angela smiled, taking a rapid succession of quick clicks before throwing the camera into her bag.

She turned to the officer. "Let them out, yeah?"

She slid the envelope with the money along the counter to him. He opened the cell door and uncuffed the pair. Brennan rubbed her wrists.

"Can we have our stuff back?" Booth asked the guard.

"Yeah Booth?" Angela said. "You might wanna remove that pretty accessory of yours and give it back to Brennan. I think she needs it."

They both blushed while Brennan unhooked the bra from Booth's back. He found he quite liked the touch of her fingers on his back. She found she liked leaving her fingers on Booth's back. They lingered just a little longer before Brennan returned her modesty.

"You mean, like your gun?" Angela smiled knowingly.

Booth nodded. "Yes, my gun."

The officer looked alarmed. "You're not going to hurt me, are you? Mr Agent?"

Brennan whispered to Angela, "What is he like seven? Mr Agent, honestly!"

Booth in turn asked the man, smirking after Brennan's comment, " No but is there a reason I should?"

"Last night, you threatened you were going to shoot me. I think you said, 'I'm gonna shoot your ass so hard it'll make your hair scream blue murder' " the man said, obviously too timid to be an officer.

"Right kids," Angela said before Booth could laugh, "Let's just collect our stuff and go, right?"

"Ok," Brennan agreed. When Booth turned to help Brennan put her jacket on, aloud band nearly left him needing CPR.

"Whoops," the guy said, indicating a hole in the ceiling.

Booth took his gun and put the safety on, muttering something about, " Damn officers and anthropologists, all too damn trigger happy."

Outside, Booth shook his head, before saying to Brennan, "I think that guy was one Johnny Depp short of a pirate movie."

"Oh yeah," she answered. "I like him. He was in Pirates of the Mediterranean, wasn't he?"

Booth shook his head in amusement.

He wasn't so amused when Angela pulled up outside Brennan's apartment and told them both to get out.

"Apparently Angela thinks it's safer you stay here," Brennan said, indicating a couch to Booth.

"Yeah, apparently," Booth said, flopping down on one.

"We had a good time last night, didn't we?" Brennan asked him, sitting down beside him.

"We did," Booth said, smiling. "Until, you asked guys to take off your bra. Then we had a problem."

Brennan blushed before rising her head in a challenging manner, "The blame doesn't all land on me. If I remember correctly you were the one rolling around on the floor at one point. Why Booth?"

"Because he was trying to chat you up and …take off your bra!" Booth spluttered in annoyance.

"Yes, I know that. I meant why does it matter?" she asked, her voice showing she was truly curious.

"Because…" Booth knew he was fighting a losing battle, so went for the truth.

" Because those slime balls don't deserve a beautiful woman like you. I wanted to be wanted by you." He shut his eyes, waiting for a resounding slap to be heard.

Brennan was touched by Booth's words. She leaned over and touched heads with him He opened his eyes, gazed deep into hers.

"But you are wanted." she whispered, letting her lips gently meet his.

After the soft kiss, Booth broke away and laughed.

"What?" she asked.

"I think we should keep you away from the drink for a while," he said.

"I'm going to agree with you. But you're thinking about that now?" Brennan wondered aloud.

"Only because ponies and bras get the worst end of the deal with you," he replied, stroking her cheek. "I was just wondering if I was the same."

"Never," she answered. "You are neither a bra or a pony, thought I might be inclined to say you're a bra-wearing pony."

Booth laughed before leaning in for another kiss.

A/N: Ok that's the end of this kids. I know this chapter wasn't very funny but we had to wrap it up at some point. I can now spend the rest of my time working on my other stories. I credit the idea of this chapter to niah1988.

Thank you for the many hours of enjoyment I got from this!