Do not own the series.


Summary: "Don't push yourself too much, doctor." A smirk, "Why…worried?" It all started with an infatuation between the deadliest nurse and the sexiest doctor. Yet only God knows it's curable.

Pairing: NejiTen

Plot: Alternate Universe (AU)


Remedial Infatuation

Expect the Unexpected



The sound of a ringing phone could be heard throughout the residence.

"Hello?" a feminine raspy voice answered.

"Tenten-nee'san? Is this Tenten-nee'san?" asked the person on the other line.

"Hmm…yeah?" answered the feminine voice, Tenten.

"This is Sakura! Tsunade-sama and Shizune-san has some business with us to attend to."

"What?! At this hour?"


"Oh come on! It's like…oh screw it."

"I know! I got woken up in the middle of my beauty sleep too!"

"Alright, alright! Gee…I'll be there in an hour."

"Okie! You better not be late! I feel so alone here. Ja ne!" And with that, the other line hung up.

Tenten also hung up her home-phone. She sighed and looked at the time….


"Not bad…. Not very unusual." she sighed grumpily and yawned. "My job isn't easy!"

That's right. She works right in the most known and famous hospital in the world: Konoha National Hospital. It is also where the popular Doctor, Tsunade, works. She was her godmother and the person who called her awhile ago was her younger cousin, Haruno Sakura. Well, that made her Haruno Tenten. Sakura had Tsunade as her godmother too.

They were currently both nurses, except that Sakura was still in training. She just started six months ago, but Tenten, she started a year ago. Sakura was a year younger than Tenten. Tenten is 17 which made Sakura 16. The two of them worked whole day almost everyday. Like when they were in school, some sudden call from Tsunade cut their studies off, but the fact didn't make their grades low.

If so, how were they going to be continuing as a nurse?

They never complained at those troublesome things because they know it was for themselves; for their goals. Also, the salary just had to be so high.


"Geez…I love my life. Saturday morning and there just has to be work. I need a proper life…." Tenten grumbled as she pinned her silky henna hair up in a bun with some hair sticking up at the high end (like a fountain or rooster…?).

"Wait. No that is just so wrong. I got the most beautiful life EVER!" she grinned as she checked herself at the mirror carelessly.

She wore a collared cream opened three-forth shirt with an umber thin-strapped blouse inside and her boot-cut pants were pure black. She wore black thin socks also. Her neck was decorated with a silver choker with matching silver dangling (not-too-long) earrings. And her left wrist has a thin black leathered watch and the other wrist has a simple white stringed bracelet. Her hair was neatly fixed in two buns with very tiny metallic chopsticks sticking out. Her bangs were long and reached lower than her chin (though her actual bangs are far longer than this) and framing nicely on either sides of her face.

Tenten was never the girly type, but she still has a feminine mind. Her heart…well that's a different story. She was the athletic type but when it came to studies, she was a nerd. She was also not the most beautiful façade for a girl. She could careless, though. Heck, her cousin had more of the feminine goodness! But you can say she was really stunningly attractive and appealing (unbelievably cute, really) compared to any other girls, even if they are lovely as ever.

"Now I'm all set. Only 30 minutes left…." she muttered to herself and went out of her room, downstairs to eat breakfast.

Not long after though, she was complete and currently heading out of the entrance door of her home, locking it afterwards as she wore her slightly heeled (it's not like she needs them. She's actually really tall) white sandals. She angled her head as the sun rays hit her delicate face.

She smiled, "Another nice day given to me…."

She headed for the garage and took out her own car. It was a metallic gold Honda Airwave®. Yes, she had her own car, since she was in the right age to drive. She had gotten the automobile from her parents, who were currently in business abroad, during her 16th birthday.

She drove from the residence and headed for the hospital. After about fifteen minutes, she arrived, by taking a shortcut. From her darkly tinted window, she caught sight of a bubblegum-rose headed girl. She parked her car next to the young lady and went off.

"Hey!" greeted Sakura cheerily as she gave a big smile.

"Hi! How have you been?" asked Tenten as she gave her younger cousin a warm hug.

Sakura had her hair in two low pigtails. Her hair reached down just to the crook of her neck. Her hair ties were two little cherries. She was wearing a white baby-tee that is slightly V-neck and a red blazer on top. She also wore white-jean skirts and pink one-inch heeled sandals. Her wrists were decorated with bracelets.

After they pulled apart, they smiled at each other and walked together in the hospital.

"I've been fine! I swear it was a tiring week though!" Sakura said as she and Tenten walked in the corridors, greeted by other people and nurses, and doctors.

Tenten smiled at a nurse as a greeting and turned to Sakura, "Who took you here?"

"Me? Oh, I rode the train. I really wish I could drive right now! I mean…I still have to get license and driving lessons!" Sakura babbled.

That is true. Sakura couldn't drive but she had her own Toyota Allion® which she received during her 16th birthday, from her parents.

"That's true. I can take you home later if you want. You know…like the usual we did before the vacation." Tenten offered as they entered the elevator.

Sakura grinned, "Sure! Did you know we have school in two days?"

Tenten nodded, "I figured. I could always pick you up before school and take you home after. Also, I'll help you take the driving lessons!"

"That would be great!" Sakura said as they both went out of the elevator, "When do you think is the perfect time for driving lessons, by the way?"

Tenten shrugged, "The sooner the better."

Sakura pouted, "Fine, I guess….."

"We're here!" Tenten breathed out as they stepped in front of a room.

Sakura smiled as they both entered it and saw two people waiting fro them.

"Good morning Tsunade-sama! Shizune-san!" They both greeted with big smiles on their faces.

Tsunade gave a small smile, "Good morning girls. You're late for 5 minutes."

Tenten and Sakura sweat dropped.

Shizune smiled at them, "Take a seat. I'll prepare some tea."

"Oh! I want juice!!!" exclaimed Sakura quickly, "I don't like tea!"

Shizune sighed, "Okay."

With that, she walked off to get drinks.

Tsunade began, "So…as you have known….I called you here to tell you something really important."

Sakura and Tenten listened carefully. Sakura's eyes were glistening with joy and Tenten simply plastered a smile on her face.

"You may not be really happy, but…. Sakura." Tsunade continued.

"Yes?" asked Sakura.

"I have found suitable driving lessons for you."

"Really?!" Sakura asked, "Yahoo! I've been waiting for that! When will I start?"

"Tomorrow." Tsunade said.


"TOMORROW?" asked Tenten and Sakura.

Tsunade grinned, "Tomorrow!"

"But…but…what about my JOB?" asked Sakura.

"Oh, that's no problem. Also, you'll be practicing for two months or more, okay?"

"Two months? That long? Who'll be in replace for my job?" asked Sakura.

Tenten nodded in agreement.

Tsunade smiled, "You are currently resting from work, but in this case for important situations."

Sakura sighed, "Ok! I guess I could do that…."

Tsunade smirked, "Now for you, Tenten. We are getting of the subject, but…"

Tenten did not like the look on the doctor's face at all, "Yes?"

"As you know," Tsunade began just as Shizune came back with a tray in hands, "there will be a new doctor-in-training coming for today."

Shizune smiled, "Here are your drinks."

Sakura, Tsunade, and Tenten thanked and took a sip of their drinks.

"So…about that doctor-in-training dude or dudette…whatever, Tsunade-sama?" Tenten began.

Tsunade nodded, "He is a new one, as I said. He will be coming in about an hour, Tenten. I shall recommend you to get ready as soon then."

"What? Get ready? But why? And a he?" asked Tenten.

Sakura nodded in agreement. Shizune smiled.

Tsunade smirked, "I will accept any reactions from you, Tenten. However, you must do it…for the better."

"What exactly should I do?" asked a slightly annoyed Tenten.

Tsunade grinned wider, "You will be his personal nurse."

There was a very awkward silence between. Even the once chirping birds stopped singing and the wind stopped ringing.

"A PERSONAL WHAT?" Tenten outburst shockingly, after a few minutes of silence.

Sakura was also shocked, but giggled madly as she squealed, "That is so new, Tsunade-sama!"

Shizune grinned, "Yeah. I was even more surprised when I heard that it was―"

Then the phone suddenly rang, interrupting Shizune.

Tsunade frowned and answered the phone.

Meanwhile, Sakura turned to Tenten and grinned, "Come on…it won't be that bad!"

Tenten, still gawking, snapped out of her thoughts and glared at her cousin, "Easier said, Sakura."

Sakura smiled and sighed, "Okay, okay. But really, you must be very lucky, Nee'san."

Tenten sighed also, "Really? Think about it? What if it's a golden aged man? I mean no offence, really…"

Sakura gulped and almost gagged imagining what her older cousin just said, "Ew. Gross! I don't even want to talk about it!"

Tenten rolled her eyes, "Main point, taken."

Tsunade suddenly cut into the conversation, after finishing talking to the phone.

Shizune asked, "Who was it, Tsunade-sama?"

Said the female head doctor smirked and a glint made its way to each of her eyes. She smirked, "Be ready, Tenten. He is almost here."


Tenten shifted on her seat as she nervously, yet irritably chewed her lower lip. She could clearly hear unfamiliar footsteps from the outside. And, boy, how was she going to deal with three people looking at her in a horrible way? But she swore she could her squealing, screaming, giggles, and other stupid fan-noises made from outside….

Sakura was glancing at her every second with a silly grin on her face.

Shizune was smiling too sweetly for her liking.

And Tsunade…she has the most scary look ever. How can you stay with a psychotic doctor?

Then she stopped shifting on her seat and chewing her lower lip. As a matter of fact, she froze. She could see Tsunade and Shizune making their moves to stand up and walk towards in front to welcome the new guest.

Yes. The new guest.

Here they come…. Here they come! Wait…? They? No! I mean…here he comes! Oh, dear lord, please save me! She thought.

Then, all she can hear repeating in her head is the sound of the knocking on the door and the slight creak it made.

Tenten could practically see Sakura from the corner of her eye, gaping. That is when Tenten became curious.

What should I do?

She counted mentally from one to ten and immediately made up her mind, but someone interrupted her thoughts.

"Ah…you must be Hyuuga Neji. Address me as Tsunade. Your presence is very welcome at Konoha National Hospital. We have been expecting you. Please take a moment to meet my successful assistant, and my two lovely goddaughters or…successful young nurses." Tsunade introduced pleasantly at the newcomer.



Rewind it, please.

Your presence is very―

NOT that.

You must be Hyuuga Neji…

Hyuuga Neji…

Hyuuga Neji…




WHAT? A HYUUGA? Tenten practically screamed in her mind.

After, she heard…

"Hyuuga Neji. Pleased to meet you, Tsunade-sama. I am very grateful to be here." said the newcomer (as Tenten guessed), in a very manly, baritone and deep monotone voice…that sounded…really sexy.

Well…his voice does not seem so bad. It actually sounds…nice. Tenten thought.

She heard Sakura squeal quietly, while gaping madly and felt a nudge from her.

Tenten flinched, but slowly turned her head, for seemed like eternity to her, but in reality it was only three seconds.

There. She saw him. Oh, dear angels! He is so damn sexy. That didn't come out right, but honestly. He is so hot. So cute. So…pretty. Thank God…

His eyes were the usual ones of a Hyuuga blood and his hair…oh his hair…tied in a low-ponytail that reached his halfback. (In this case, regarding that it is AU, there is no Branch and Main family. And no cursed seal :D) He wore a white simple collared shirt (tucked in loosely) with a button opened, and he wore black formal pants (like of school uniforms). There was a branded watch around his left wrist, also and a black wristband around his right.

Then, Tenten looked away as she heard Shizune introduce herself.

"Call me Shizune, Neji-kun. We are very glad to have you here."

Said the Neji, he bowed politely and murmured a 'Thank you'.

Tch. Tenten thought dryly.

And then…

"Good morning, Neji-san. It is a pleasure to meet you. Please call me Haruno Sakura." Sakura smiled warmly as she introduced herself and stood up.

Tenten saw Neji looked over at her younger cousin with a simple nod of acknowledgement. She could also sense the disappointment of Sakura.

And then she was spacing out.

Well, this young doctor does not seem to be bad at all. Maybe she could deal with him.

But then again, could she be so sure?

Something was telling her…this was not going to be easy at all.

Suddenly, she felt something nudging her arm. She blinked and looked at her right and saw a glaring Sakura. She felt other people's gazes on her and she suddenly felt cold.

"Er…what?" Tenten managed to say quietly, mostly over to Sakura.

She can't help but feel small under the newcomer's gaze. They seem to be looking right through her. But, duh, he is a Hyuuga. And Hyuugas are one of the most prestigious clan in whole wide world.

Anyway, now is not the time for that.

Tenten heard Sakura whisper, "You need to introduce yourself!"

Tenten opened her mouth to say something, but her throat felt dry. So dry.

She looked ahead at the three people and opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She could see Tsunade and Shizune raising their brows at her.

And then she was face to face with the Hyuuga Neji; their eyes lock into each others gaze.

"If you keep on doing that, flies will come right into your anatomy system!" Sakura whispered to her mockingly.

Tenten immediately closed her mouth and nudged Sakura, but her gaze was still locked with Neji.

Oh my…what do I do? Say hi? Say…what should I say?! She thought angrily.

That is when she decided to say what is on her mind, "I-I need to get out."

And then she blinked.

Where the hell did that come from?

She could see Sakura gaping at her and Shizune and Tsunade blinking at her. And last but not least, she saw Hyuuga Neji looking at her in a weird way.

She realized what she said and laughed uneasily, "T-To the restroom…? I'll be back shortly."

With that, she passed Neji and walked out of the door, almost quickly as she shut the door behind her.


Once she was outside, Tenten walked as fast as she can as she tried to calm herself down. She could feel the stares of the people around the corridors of the hospital, but she could only careless.

Crap…I'm damned! I'm really doomed! She thought, panicking.

She stopped and turned her way to the comfort room and went inside. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed frustratingly.

"GAH! I'm such an idiot! Now, what would they think of me? I could almost imagine Tsunade-sama boring her angry stares at me! I just disrespected a guest!!! WHAT THE HELL SHOULD I DO?" Tenten exclaimed annoyingly. "I feel hopeless."

"U-Um…?" she heard a small voice squeak out.

Tenten looked to her side and blinked. There was a young girl (about 12 years) looking at her frighteningly.

"Oh. Hello!" she greeted with a smile.

But her smile faded away when the girl screamed and ran out of the toilet.

Tenten sighed, "Now someone thinks I'm a psycho."

She looked at herself in the mirror again and sighed for the…something time. "I should probably go back. Sakura will be freaking out if didn't."

Shrugging, she walked out of the comfort room.


Tsunade sighed as she guided everyone in the room to sit down.

"Do not mind Tenten. She just doesn't seem to be used to new guests."

Sensing the guest's perplexed look, Sakura smiled.

"The person awhile ago, who just ran out, was my older cousin. Her name's Haruno Tenten. Don't worry about her. She's really weird at times." she explained.

"Oh, I am. Ain't I?" asked a dry voice from the door. It was Tenten. She just entered the room and raised her brow at Sakura as she entered.

Sakura glared at her, "Well, who wouldn't think you are? Running off like that?"

Shizune looked at Tenten worriedly, "Is everything alright?"

Tenten forced a smile and shook her head, "Everything is just fine, Shizune-san."

She turned to Tsunade and bowed, "I apologize for my disrespectful actions, Tsunade-sama."

Tsunade sighed and smiled, "It's fine. Just don't go ditching people like that ever again."

Tenten can't help but feel embarrassed, "Yes."

She sat down beside Sakura, in front of Neji, who looked at her impassively. She returned his look with a slight bow and smile.

Dear heavens…why did God made such a perfect person? Well…it's not like he IS perfect, but…he looks so…I don't know…so…prettier than meTenten thought grimly.

Tsunade caught everyone's attention when she spoke, "Alright! Now that everything seems to be set up, first of all, this is your last day Sakura, temporarily. And I want you to start everything for tonight."

Sakura smiled sweetly, "Okay, Tsunade-sama!"

"And as for you Hyuuga-kun…" Tsunade continued as she looked towards Neji's way, "I am greatly sure that Tenten will not mind touring you around for the rest of the day and so on until you memorize everything. She will also be guiding you if you have any problems."

Neji looked towards Tenten, who looked like she was about to die trying to absorb everything, and smirked secretly.


"Just so you know, she is your personal nurse." Tsunade smirked as she said those words, enjoying the look on Tenten's face. Pure shock…

Tenten can't help but mentally make a Tsunade voodoo doll and tear it to pieces. She was practically screaming in her mind to think that it was all a dream. No…nightmare…a horrible one, indeed. But when she saw Sakura's devilish smirk, she died immediately.

No. Not really.

Well…maybe died mentally.

Oh please, save me! Somebody! How in the world are you going to be happy if you are just declared as a personal nurse of someone? And not just someone, but HYUUGA NEJI of all people!!! She thought, breaking down.

Sakura sweat dropped as she saw how her older cousin was suffering. She could sense it…duh…they're cousins.

I think she's gonna have a mental break down for eternity…. She thought.

Tsunade clapped her hands happily and said, "Alright! Well…I think that's enough information for you all! Shizune, you go help Sakura learn some medical skills. And Tenten, you know what to do!"

Sakura and Shizune stood up as did Neji and Tenten, who kept an innocent façade (but mentally, she's breaking down).

"Dismissed!" sang Tsunade and got back, drinking her precious liquor….

Everyone exited the room. Sakura and Shizune bid goodbye to Tenten and Neji in a…very oddly sweet way.

Now, Tenten was left alone…with a certain someone she was supposed to be a personal nurse to…and a GUY! And most importantly, the prodigy of the Hyuuga clan…! A genius!

So she turned awkwardly to him and smiled, "Well…shall we get going, Hyuuga-san?"

Said the Hyuuga Prodigy looked at her with an unemotional façade and just nodded. Tenten walked ahead of him and he followed her. But…

I could've sworn I just saw a damn smirk on his so-called beautiful face. Tell me…who could survive with an arrogant sexy…I mean conceited egotistic heartless cold bastard? Certainly, NOT ME.

And thus…it was a new beginning.


Next Chapter: And They Start