Disclaimer: I do not own this and I am not making any money off this. It is the property of Hiromu Arakawa, Funimation

Summary: When faced with Love's difficulty, can three people locked in its hold push aside their fear for the sake of it? Sequel to Feel Me, Shame Me, Heal Me.

A/N: Sorry, everyone that it took so long. The reasons why will be explained after the story. So enjoy!

When the Cherry Blossoms Bloom

Episode 21— Say What You Need to Say.

Brian noticed that the sun had gone down, and since it was technically still his and Anna's birthday, he wanted to have some more fun. The thought of swimming at the lake entered his head. Oh, how great it would be to sneak there without his mother and swim like a big boy. He was, after all, five years old now. Of course no one should go swimming by themselves; it's always more fun if there was someone with you. He looked to his sister who was trying to read her alchemy book, he could tell she was struggling a little bit but with Uncle Alphonse's help with the reading, she would get it in no time.

Brian really wanted to go swimming so he had to make sure Uncle Alphonse was out of the way, and with a stroke of good luck, Alphonse stretched his arms up over his head announced what he had to do. "I'll be right back," Alphonse said with a smile. "Nature calls." He joked as he walked out of the kitchen and heading towards the stairs and for the bathroom.

This was it!

Getting up from his place on the kitchen floor, Brian hurried over to the swinging door and poked his head out of the kitchen. What was his mother and Mr. Roy doing? He wasn't sure if calling him Daddy was acceptable yet, even though his mother told him that Mr. Roy was their father. He supposed he could ask Mr. Roy that later.

Noticing his mother and Mr. Roy fast asleep on the sofa, he giggled quietly to himself. Running back over to his sister, he leaned in close to her ear. "Mama is sleepin'… hurwey, let's go to da lake. We'll be back befo' bed time."

"But Mama'll get mad at us." She informed in a no-nonsense tone

"We wunt tell her, otay?" Brian grinned sneakily, "we just swim for a widdle bit, den we be back befo Mama and Mr. Roy wake up from der nap. Otay?"

It sure sounded like a really good idea and Anna's serious expression turned into one as sneaky as her brother's. Giggling, she nodded, "Otay." Only, that little voice in the back of her mind had her wondering if it was a good idea, considering it was already starting to get dark. Nah! It'll be okay. It would be just a quick swim. She always loved the lake, any water especially.

The two of them snuck quietly passed the sofa where their mother and Mr. Roy were fast asleep. Brian quietly gripped the handle of the door and as light as possible turned the knob, he pulled the door open. It squeaked! That noise caused the twins to turn back towards the adults, making sure they were still sleeping.

The twins stopped moving all together and was as still as stone, the air eerily quiet, as their little hearts pounded hard in the fear of getting caught. Roy snorted loudly in his sleep as Winry groaned and nestled more into the soft cushions of the couch.

Realizing that Mama and Mr. Roy were not waking up, their actions made the twins both smile and they tip toed from living room and out the door. Brian closed the solid wood ever so quietly behind them.

"We did it!" Anna cheered.

They squealed and giggled, jumping up and down in excitement. Hand in hand the twins took off in a run towards the lake. It was going to be such fun! All that water! The twinkling stars above, along with the delightfully warm weather. It was the most perfect evening for swimming.

They practically raced to the edge of the lake and tore off their shoes in a fit of giggles. They waited not one moment as they jumped into the water and started splashing about. No one would hear them out here and they could be as loud as they wanted.

"It's cold!" Anna squeaked as she continued to splash in the water. Swimming back and forth appearing much like a little otter, she twirled in figure eights lazily on her back and used her arms to just float about gently.

A great idea flooded into Brian's mind, and he snickered. "Les hab a contes," he suggested.

"Oooh, wha kin?" Anna turned over so that her feet could touch the soft squishy dirt beneath them. She smooshed her toes into the soft mud and it felt wonderful to her.

"Les swim out to da middle and see who can touch da bottom of the da lake da fastes!"

She was so much faster than her brother, Anna was sure she was going win this contest for sure! "Otay! I gonna win!" Anna taunted and immediately started out towards the middle of the lake. The further out she got the steeper the bottom of the lake became, and before she knew it Anna could no longer feel the mud beneath her feet. She could see Brian and he was gaining on her quickly and then in a flash he zoomed right past her. No! This could not happen. "You no win, Brian. It gonna be me!" She grunted and using her little arms she tried to speed ahead of him.

"I made it first." Brian cheered and flapped his arms up and down in the water, laughing so hard in his first victory.

Anna pouted, she hated losing. "My legs were gettin tired, I let you win." She sniffled with her nose in the air. "Les go back now."

Brian gasped, "But what 'bout da secon part of contes? We hab to swim to the bottom of da lake, see whos da fastes."

"But I don wanna, inymore." She complained. Her legs and arms really were getting tired right now. She wanted to go back to where she could feel the bottom of the lake.

"You afra, you jus gonna lose. Cause I'm bedder dan you." Brian sniggered and without waiting for her dove under the water.

That did it! There was no way Anna was going to stand for that. She was going to beat him this time. "No! no, I'm beddar!" Taking a really deep breath, she quickly dove under the water.

Anna zoomed down to the bottom where there were many, blackened dead trees and other bushes from many years gone by. Some of the gnarly limbs from dead bushes and trees were a little scary as they seemed to reach up for her. She had to get away from those frightening tree branches. She twirled over to swim upwards. She could see Brian in the moonlight as he was already half to the surface. He was going to win! No, he couldn't win! She had to win!

She tried to push hard off the flooring when something caught the hem of her dress, she tugged and tugged but it wasn't coming loose. She glanced down and a branch that resembled an old witch's hand had hooked itself around the back of her dress. She continued to pull at her dress but it wasn't coming free. Raising her head towards the surface, she was realizing that she couldn't call for help. No air, no help. And the pressure in her throat and chest started to build as she couldn't continue to hold her breath for much longer.

Brian splashed up when he reached the surface. "I win!" he gasped in the fresh air, pulling it deep into his lungs. He almost thought he wasn't gonna make it. "Did you see, I won!" he giggled and splashed around in the water like a maniac while he looked around. There was no sign of his sister.

"Anna?" He turned in a circle taking in the area. "Anna, wher are you?" His heart slammed harder. "ANNA!" he splashed around, diving and looking for her. But the bottom of the lake had gotten too dark to see anything. He lifted back up to the surface. "ANNA?"

There was a sudden rough splashing in the water and he turned around and saw Uncle Edward. "Anna, where's Anna?" Brian asked him, tears filling his eyes.

"What are you doing out here? You're mother is going to be very upset." Edward said grabbing Brian by the ear.

"No, no can leabe! Anna! I can't fin her!" Brian said in a panic trying to get out of Edward's hold. "Did you no hear me! Anna is in da wadder!"

"Wait, what?" Edward stopped pulling him towards the edge of the lake at the panicked words that left the little runt's mouth.

"We were habing a contes to race to da bottom and she no come up!"

"Oh, Shit!" Edward's heart sank and he pushed the little boy towards the edge of the lake. "Go get your mother! Now, I'll find Anna!"

Swiftly, Brian reached the edge of the lake and not even bothering with his shoes took off like a shot back towards the house as Edward dove under the water.

The little boy's heart continued to jump up into his throat as he raced onward, reaching the front walk way. His feet pounding on the wooden planks of the porch as he thrashed through the door with strength no five year old should have. "Mama!" he shouted jolting the pair awake on the sofa. "Mama!" He cried

As Winry came to full alert and jumped up from the soft cushions as Roy's head from being woken up in such a violent manner.

Winry approached her son and the first question in her head was why was he soaking wet? Then anger etched onto her face. "You two were at the lake again, weren't you? I told you not to go there. "Where's your sister?" She said, her tone angry.

Tears cascaded down Brian's cheeks. "I don know! We was swimmin' and she no come back up."

Nothing could describe the fear that erupted onto her face as she paled instantly. Not even a second passed as she took off, racing out the door.

Roy was hot on her heels; the only thing in his mind was a cold bitter fear. Anna, his daughter... He needed to get there before the worst happened. Why were there always deadly circumstances surrounding everyone that he loved? Back when Winry was kidnapped and almost sold into slavery, then Maes' murder, and now his little girl might be drowned. He shouldn't have fallen asleep on the sofa! He should have been more alert. He should have been a better father! He should have been here the whole time! He never should have broken his promise to Winry. He should have come back. None of this would have happened if he had not been selfish

'Anna, ANNA! I'm on my way!' Roy was pleading for her to be safe, 'please, be all right.'

…Edward could see her! There she was, lying in a mess of weeds and branches from an old dead tree. He dove quickly and grabbed a hold of her cold body which her clothes was completely tangled in the mess of hard dead branches. Letting her go, he quickly changed tactics and clapped his hands together and light sparked around his hands while planting them on the lake's bottom. A large hand made of rock shot straight up out of the water with the dead tree, little girl and him up into the air.

How long had she been under water for? He touched every where he could to find a pulse. Water droplets drizzled from his bangs falling onto her face. Even though he was soaked, he could feel sweat from nerves prickling his skin as his heart twisted. He couldn't find… no wait, there. The pulse at the side of her neck… it was barely thumping, but there was a small sign of life.

"Edward!" Winry shouted from the lake's edge and he looked over at her in panic.

Edward wasted no time, clapping his hands together once again and planting them firmly onto the rock hand he had created. That same familiar light and energy left from his hands transforming the hand into a bridge that led all the way to where Winry and Mustang were standing. He picked up Anna holding her tightly to him as he ran across the bridge towards them.

He jumped down to land hard on the ground below, and he could see Brian run up behind his parents.

He didn't know what to say, so he just gently began setting her down onto the grass as Winry was hovering near, leaning over. Her heart thumping wildly, "Please don't be… please don't be…" She couldn't even voice it, it was just so wrong. Nothing could erase the feeling of terror that pitted itself in her belly. Her eyes were fixated on the still form of her little girl on the ground. She could hear Brian vaguely in the background crying as he tried to push past his parents to his sister.

That's when Roy scooped him up and turned away from the scene, holding tightly onto his boy. He didn't know what to do, there was nothing he could do a d felt completely helpless. He had never felt so weak and useless than right now. The only thing he could think of was try to keep Brian safe, to keep him close and try to comfort his child who couldn't stop his tears.

"Dis my fault, I did it!" Brian cried and Roy crushed his son to his chest tightly

"It's not you fault, Brian." Roy tried, but the boy shook his head, burying his face against him.

"I neber should hab come here wit her," Brian sobbed hard.

"Shh, no, no." Roy ran his hand through his boy's hair, trying to soothe him. "You didn't do anything."

Her pulse was faint, but it was still there and Edward scratched the back of his head trying to think of something that he could do. He turned and glanced at Winry who was clutching her hands tightly to her chest. Her normally pretty blue eyes that were always so full of life were streaming hot tears that continued to race down her cheeks in thick streams. Her breathing was so hard and erratic that he figured she might lose consciousness. That's when it happened! An idea popped into his brain and Edward's head snapped up towards his best friend. "Winry! I saw something once while Al and I were traveling. It was how to help someone after they've swallowed tons of water. I think I can help." Kneeling down at Anna's side, he began the possibility of saving her life by using that technique, what was it called again? Oh, yes! It was called mouth to mouth resuscitation.

In what seemed like no time at all, Anna choked and came to life. She was coughing and hacking up the water that had been in her lungs. She was breathing harshly, but at least she was getting air into her system

Tears continued to run down Winry's cheeks as she nearly jumped onto her little girl, wrapping her up in her arms so tightly, that she might crush the little body. Never again would she ever let this little girl out of her sight again.

"Ma…ma," Anna breathed hard, "Sowey."

Roy's eyes closed tightly at the sound of his daughter's voice. "Thank goodness." And a heavy sigh of relief escaped from within him. Still with Brian held tight in his arms, went to his daughter and Winry's side.

Winry cried, burying her nose into her daughter's wet hair. "My little girl," she gasped out quietly. "My little girl…"

Together the four of them started back towards the house, with Edward following quietly behind him. He was thinking quietly to himself that if he hadn't been heading back from town when he had that Anna would most likely be dead right now. He saved her life. The daughter of that bastard General Mustang! Well, he hated the General… but maybe the kids weren't so bad. Sure, they played pranks all the time on him, but that's just what kids do. Perhaps he had gotten attached to the little monsters himself. Perhaps he would be just a little more patient with them… Nah!

After Winry had put the twins to bed she left Roy up there as he wanted some time alone with the twins. She was sitting back on the sofa cradling her face in her hands, silently sobbing to herself. This had been the worst experience of her life, nothing would ever compare with the almost loss of her child. Seeing her almost lifeless cold body lying in the grass, Anna's usually pink cheeks had been chalky and cool to the touch. Her heart wrenched as the weight of what had happened continued to attack her and she just couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

"Winry?" Edward's voice came from the stairs and he saw her straighten up and wipe at her eyes. He slowly walked over to her and came to stand before her. "Winry, I'm sorry."

"Ed, don't be sorry." She lifted tired, red eyes to his golden gaze. "You saved her life. You should be proud." Winry sniffled. "I'm so thankful, Ed. I don't know what I would have done without you." She said wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand. "I just keep reliving what happened over and over again."

He sat down on the sofa next to her. "I'm sorry because you are still hurting over this."

"I'm a mom, so I'll probably always worry and cry over my kids." She laughed lightly. "But I should have had an eye on them a little better."

Gently, Edward lifted his hand towards her face and using his thumb brushed away the tears staining her right cheek. "You're a good mom, Winry. Don't ever think that this incident is a reflection of your skills. This literally could have happened to anyone. And come on, the twins are risk takers. Just look at who their parents are, of course they are gonna push the limits! Just imagine how they are going to be when they are teenagers. You are always going to have your hands full." The corner of his mouth curved into a crooked, silly grin.

"Ed, I'm so happy you came back into my life. You always know how to make me laugh and cheer me up." She leaned forward and rested against his shoulder. It was so good to have her best friend back. She always missed him while he was away on his many adventures. Always had been left behind, watching and waiting for him.

"I'll always be here for you Winry," He wrapped his arms tightly around her at hearing her breathing soften, "I…" He glanced down at the top of her head, peering at her face. She was fast asleep. "I love you, Winry." And he kissed the top of head, cuddling her close as he leaned back on the sofa, taking her with him so that she was lying comfortably against his chest in her sleep.

Hearing another bunch of footsteps, he turned towards the stairs, but finding no one standing there. He silently shrugged to himself and breathed in the scent of Winry and rested his chin atop her head. It was a rough night on his best friend. Winry almost Anna on the very day of her birth, how messed up that would have been. Thank goodness everything was all right now.

Roy walked passed the twins bedroom towards his own, he saw Alphonse leaning up against the wall next to the door of the room he was occupying. "Alphonse?"

"I shouldn't have gone to the bathroom." Alphonse snorted. "I was watching the twins at the time."

"Don't start feeling guilty, it was an accident." Roy said, patting the young man on the shoulder who nodded. "This is a nice house, a good place for the twins to grow up."

Alphonse's eyes narrowed in confusion. "Yeah, it is."

Roy pursed his lips and let out a soft breath. Watching what had gone on between Fullmetal and Winry down in the living room, his decision was made. It was time. Yep, he was leaving… It was the right thing to do. Edward and Alphonse would help take good care of the twins; Anna and Brian would be in excellent hands with them. Roy knew the moment he got to Resembool that he didn't fit in here, not in the life that was built without him. He would just be in the way. Edward, although small and over the top sometimes, was still a good person with a noble heart. It was time to let Winry move on with her life.

"Good night, Alphonse Elric." He nodded in respect to the young man and went into his room.

Roy shut the door quietly behind him. He went over to the small desk and from his belongings pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil and began to pen a note to his Winry. Writing that he was going to leave early in the morning for Central City, he realized that Edward was the better one suited for her and to take care of their twins and to take care of her. Edward was a strong person and would never hurt her, that he would always be there for her no matter what. He continued to write that he was sorry for everything that he put her through, that she had been part of the healing force in his dark world and for that he would never forget her.

After he was satisfied with his letter, he readied himself for bed and the longest night of his life. For, in the morning he would leave for the train station and would never do anything to bother the safe world Winry had here in this small country town. This was such torture on his heart and soul, but often the hardest choices were the right choices.

Quietly making his way down the stairs, the sight of Fullmetal and Winry asleep on the sofa did not go unnoticed by him. This was how it should be. He was wrong to try and come back here, pretending as if nothing in the past mattered. That they could just pick up where they left off. It was a fool's dream. He sat his letter on the table in front of the sofa and quietly headed to the door, resisting the urge to touch her, to feel the strands of her hair between his fingers. 'No more', he thought to himself and headed for the door. Taking one last look at the inviting living room, he opened the door and stepped out into the crisp morning air.

"Are you sure?" Alphonse said from the porch which startled the General, who jumped a little.

"Alphonse, I didn't realize you were up this early." Roy said, maintaining eye contact.

Alphonse smiled, but it wasn't out of humor. "I'm always up this early." He eyed the general suspiciously, his temper rising, "Again, you're leaving her again. I ought'a deck you." He formed a threatening fist.

"Hold you temper, Elric." Roy arched a brow. "This time I'm doing the right thing for Winry. Your brother is the better man for her."

"Why does everyone think they are doing what is best for Winry? You and Ed are so stupid. Do you two ever stop to think about what she wants? Stop pushing your decisions on her. Let her make them for herself. Gosh, you guys are selfish! So go ahead, run away."

"I'm not running away." Roy countered in an angered, yet controlled tone, "You forget who you're talking to."

"No, I haven't forgotten." He snarled, with eyes blazing "You're just afraid. Why don't you stop acting like a frightened little kitten and stand up and be a man for once! Sheesh, you are hopeless." Was the last thing Alphonse said before walking passed the general into the house and slamming the door behind him.

Roy groaned, that kid would never understand. He was doing what was right. Winry needed someone she could depend on, someone who understood her, to be there for her when she fears the world around her… He felt a strange twinge at the idea that the man was himself, but he pushed that feeling to the back of his mind. No! He made his choice and he had to stick to it. There would be no more arguing with himself on the subject, and with suitcase in hand started off towards the train station. There was no way he was even going to inform his own parents of his choice, they would just argue with him over it. And right now was not a good time to have that argument, especially with his father…

The clock on the mantel chimed and Winry who found herself lying in Edward's arms blushed a little, having never been in this type of position with him. She stretched her arms back while in mid yawn, then leaned forward, "Oh, what time is it?" Her eyes focused from sleep and for some reason they flew to the coffee table where there was something for her. It was an envelop with her name written on it.

Curiosity got to her and Winry opened the letter. Pulling it from its paper encasing, she began to read it. The only reaction on her face was that of her jaw dropping open. 'What…No!' She then jumped up from the sofa, much to Edward's complaining of being too loud. Winry charged up the stairs to Roy's room, throwing the door open she found it empty. Her heart would not stop racing as she then checked the twins room, a little bit quieter, but still with a force of fury. She raced all over the house searching for him. Perhaps, he was still outside and she continued towards the kitchen to check the backyard first.

Winry ran out through the kitchen door to the world outside where she could see Alphonse, he was sitting beneath the cherry tree that had barely begun to sprout little green buds. Winry didn't have time to be astonished at the so called dead tree that was showing signs of life.

"Alphonse, you haven't seen Roy have you?" Winry asked carefully, she saw him roll his eyes the nearer she got to him.

He snorted, "yeah, that coward." Alphonse stood up from his seat on the grass. "You read his note, I take it."

"I can't believe it." She stared the ground. "He left again."

Alphonse was completely fed up! All their whining and complaining about how life isn't fair, the noisy tones of 'I can't trust him', 'she's better off with someone else'. He listened to this nonsense for what seemed like forever! Longer than anyone should have to! It was everywhere he went, even when he went to sleep at night, the last things he could hear was Winry complaining, or Edward's rants of 'how Winry could betray him like that,' considering Edward never even wanted Winry until someone else was in the picture and then all of a sudden, she was the one Edward loved. He really needed to move on and find his own happiness! Yes, even the General was annoying him. And it definitely takes quite a lot to irritate Alphonse Elric! He was just so sick of being the only normal one in this family! "You know. I have had just about enough of all of you. Seriously, you all need some special help! You're all friggen nuts! I can't take anymore of this!" He ranted throwing his arms up in the air in rage.

Winry stared wide eyed and took a step back, "A…Al, are you okay?" She squeaked in alarm, worried for his sanity.

"No, I'm not!" He slapped his hands down against his thighs. "What did you expect him to do, Winry? Honestly, wait forever for you to make up your damned mind?" He raged, pointing at her rudely. "Your constant back and forth with how you feel and how you don't feel, it's enough to confuse anyone! I'm surprised he lasted as long as he had with you!"

"Alphonse!" She yelled, wanting to ring his neck, "Don't talk to me like that!"

"Oh, he's not escaping my rant either, being so selfish and cowardly. I'm surprised you've put up with him. Gods, any sane person would have chucked his ass long ago with all that he has done to you! He's manipulated you so badly in the past among the many horrible things that he has done to you. His ideas of trying to take over the government for his own selfish desires. Then he stuck you with two kids and left you alone to fend for yourself. And then when you thought all was okay and you could have some kind of normal life, Mustang came here to confuse you and hurt you all over again. And now look what happened, he got what he wanted and left you! Again! Just took off, not caring about—" He was cut off with a hard slap to the face.

"You don't know what you're talking about!" She raged at him "You don't know him! He's not a terrible person like you're accusing him of, Alphonse." She squeezed both hands into tight fists at her sides. "He's a good, noble man who is only trying to do the best that he can, to be a better person. To be someone we all can be proud of!"

Rubbing his cheek, Alphonse smiled. And that was exactly the words he needed to hear. He cleared his throat and stared down at the grass beneath his feet. "So, then what are you doing?" His calm tone had returned to his normally pleasant voice.

"What, huh?" Winry's brow crinkled in confusion as she tilted her head. "I don't understand… Alphonse?"

"You just told me how you feel about him. So why are you holding back now, Winry?" He reached out and grabbed her hands tightly in his owns. "You were not afraid to stand up for him, not to anyone. So why are you still afraid to open up? You already know how you feel. So don't be afraid to admit it, there's no time to be timid." He watched several emotions cross her face. "Say it, Winry."

All this hit her like a two ton brick and Winry gasped, it was true. That was how she felt. She felt so much for Roy and it was okay to feel it, it wasn't wrong. The confusion left her mind as if it had never even been there. All those years that had passed without him seemed to dissolve and all she could see was a future ahead of her, a future with Roy Mustang. "Oh my God, you're right! You're so right."

"He left for the train station early, but it won't leave here till nine." Alphonse grinned. "There's still time to catch him. "Tell him all you need to… before you never have another chance again."

Alphonse was so right, Winry couldn't believe it! It was true, she didn't want Roy to leave. She never wanted to be apart from him again and its time she man-ed up and took a chance. It might not come around again. She loved Roy, and sure it had been rough, but he came here to try and win her affections again, and without his familiar tactics, he was showing her that he could be an honest man. So, feeling that he had lost the opportunity to be with her she knew that he decided to let her go. He really was the most selfless person she had ever met.

There was no reason to be afraid anymore, she had to try to take that chance to be happy, to stop shutting people out because she could get hurt. She had to reach him, she couldn't let him get away.

"Alphonse, I don't think we'll make it."

Almost in comical fashion, the sound of a motor purred to life and Pinako appeared from around the house in the most amazing converted scooter than Winry had ever seen. It looked a lot like her old one, but with a few new modifications which seemed to delight Winry to no end.

"I figured you would eventually need this, so I repaired it." Pinako replied, feeling very proud of her enhancements on this wonderful invention of Winry's.

"Let's go, Winry." He grabbed her by the arm and as Pinako jumped off the scooter, Alphonse pulled her onto it behind him, he revved the engine. Winry, behind him, clutched his middle hard as in lightning speed they zoomed past the house and onto the dirt road heading for the train station.

Edward ran out the front door just as he heard the ruckus the scooter was making, just in time to see the tail end of Winry and Alphonse heading away. Edward sighed deeply, staring down at the wooden planks in his own grief, knowing the choice that she had made and that nothing would change her mind. He knew that Winry was chasing after Mustang, there was no hope for himself now…

Roy could hear the trains whistle off in the distance and growing closer, he looked towards the direction it was coming from and saw the big black engine rushing towards him. He stood up and straightened his appearance, running a hand through his now short hair. He held the strands just a little bit more than he should have, remembering when Winry gave him this trim.

He knew he shouldn't be dwelling on this idea that he was leaving Winry behind again. The only thing that's important is her happiness and being here with Elric boys, they were definitely what brought her so much joy. It had always been that way. He was always in the way of her true happiness.

After the other few passengers disembarked the train and the train hands began the process of refueling, it was time to let the new passengers on board. The conductor spoke the stops the train would make and Roy gathered his suitcase up in his hand ready to put Resembool and Winry Rockbell in his past.


His brow creased in confusion as he thought he heard is name being shouted, what's more is that the voice shouting his name sounded a lot like Winry. It was all in his head! Damn it! He really had to get her out of his mind. He was already falling into some kind of insanity, he just knew it. He stepped forward towards the train, lifting his right foot and stepping up onto it.

"Roy!" was shouted again. This time the voice was definitely closer and he knew it for sure that it was Winry's voice. He turned around in her direction, still remaining on the bottom step of the train. He couldn't believe it, why was she standing here at the train station? He was sure she had more important things to do then see him off. This was wrong, all wrong. He had to get her to stop this, he had to or else he would lose his resolve. He had to make her mad at him. Inside he was a rage of emotions, yet outside he appeared ever so cool and in control. Roy stood tall and proud while looking down at her, "Winry, what are you doing here? Go home." He sounded much like his former self commanding his troops.

"What are you doing here?" She said up at him, her eyes narrowing.

For a brief moment, Roy's eyes connected with Alphonse who was standing a few inches behind her and then back at Winry's. He snorted and replied in a tone that he knew would infuriate her, "what do you think I'm doing? I'm getting on the train to go back to Central. I thought it was plainly obvious."

She growled lightly, feeling that familiar spark of hostility, "I can see that, you jerk! That's not what I meant and you know it," she shook her fist at him. "Why are you leaving?"

He did not smile even though he wanted to smile at her, her growls had always been so adorable. He just had to be strong and firm in his decision. Roy was trying to think up something rude and bitter to make her mad enough that she would hate him. Only, that's not what came out of his mouth, the truth instead managed to fight its way out of him. "You were right, Winry. I shouldn't have come here. I shouldn't have bothered you. You were fine and I just came and messed up your life all over again."

"But—" She was cut off with the wave of his hand.

"No buts," He wanted to reach for her, but dared not to. It would be too hard on his heart of he even moved an inch closer to her. "Winry, this time I must walk away from you. You're better off here with the Elrics…and Ful—I mean Edward. He'll be good to you, you know that. You two are close, best friends. He'll always be in your heart. I see that now."

"Then it's not just one eye you can't see out of, you're completely blind!" She saw his eye narrow "because if you really understood anything about me, you would have seen that Edward, sure I care for him, but not like I care for you." She couldn't help it, tears started swelling in her eyes. "It's true that I was afraid, afraid of you in some ways. Yet, it was totally wrong, I was mistaken. What I was most afraid of was …myself. But if you don't risk everything, then you'll never gain everything. And that's what I'm risking with you, I'm risking it all." She clutched her hands together against her breasts, trying to still her rapid beating heart. "Please don't go, don't leave. Stay with me, I… I love you, Roy Mustang. Don't go!"

Stepping backwards, he shook his head. "I'm sorry." The train slowly started moving.

Winry couldn't take it. She couldn't watch him leave her again, not again! This time he was leaving for good and never coming back. She could feel her heart starting to shatter all over again. She turned around, facing Alphonse as she could no longer contain her emotions and crushed herself against him.

Alphonse closed his eyes and held her tightly in a strong comfort and he could hear the train moving off in the distance. This was terrible, this wasn't how it was supposed to happ— he opened his eyes and across the way on the other side of the platform was…

Winry felt a rapid patting on her shoulder and she looked up at Alphonse, where he with a nod of his head, gestured over her shoulder. Slowly turning her head and looking in the direction he was signaling to her, her eyes widened in shock. Her heart pounded powerfully in her breast as she turned around fully, seeing Roy Mustang standing on the platform, a soft breeze rustled through his hair.

For a moment she wondered if this was a dream or a hallucination, and then reality slammed back into focus as she blinked. Yes, he was surely still standing there. "Roy!"

A soft, tiny smile curved his mouth at her expression. "Say that again?"

She let out a loud cry and jumped over the train tracks to where he was standing. Winry didn't wait and he seemed to anticipate what she was going to do as she jumped at him. Roy seemed to catch her effortlessly against him, holding her so tightly to him. He never thought three words could have such an impact on him. He kissed her right there, everything he felt poured from his soul. He was never going to let this woman go. 'I love you' was the most amazing thing she ever could have said to him.

This was where he belonged, with Winry and the twins. This was his family, his reason for living and nothing would ever change that.

Well that's it for chapter 21. I know you're all thinking why it took so long to get this out. Sure I could have crapped out a terrible ending just to end the story, but that's not what I'm about. In anything I write, I want there to be quality and an ending everyone can be proud of. So, I wanted to give this fanfiction the proper attention that it deserved instead of just rushing through it just to get it finished. All of you, my wonderful readers, who have been with me through this story and its prequel. I want to give you an ending you all can be proud of. Now, there is only one more chapter to go and it will be finished for all time. I will try my hardest not to take a year to give you the last and final chapter to this wonderful story, haha.

Now as to inform you the reason it took so long for me to get this out, is because I have been focusing on my original writings, which the first book of my 5 book romance-fantasy series is now for sale over at Amazon . com, it's listed under Ryoko Blue of course. So if you would all be so kind to check it out. It will be available in paper back soon, but currently it is just e-book form, but you can download it even for just your computer.

I'm currently editing the second book in my series, so I'm constantly writing. I hope you enjoy what I can give you in the terms of my original works.

So stay tuned for the last chapter for When the Cherry Blossoms Bloom. Thank you for reading.