A/N: Well... it's been at least a year i think... but of those who remember me, let me say: Hello. I'm back. And i thought id just get my creative juices flowing with some practice drabbles. So here we go! Enjoy


School was out for the summer and that was good. It's not a secret to anyone, but I hate school. Well, High school, maybe college will be better. Although Jazz keeps saying I'll never make it to college if I don't focus of my schoolwork. Hey I'm an average person, I make average grades I live in your average city. On the outside anything and everything can be average.

What I've learned from just sitting in class not paying attention is it doesn't matter. School at this point in my life just doesn't matter. Nothing I learn here is going to help me get better at what I'm going to do with my life. I'm going to be a professional ghost hunter. I'm only saying 'going to be' for modesty's sake and not say that I already am. I mean, I'm pretty good at doing this stuff. I keep the city for the most part safe. It's not like I've destroyed Amity Park. Sure, I've come close, but we can rebuild, we always do.

The thing about May is that it's an in-between time of year. Here in Amity Park it's a mix of spring and summer. The mornings are just cool enough to wear a sweatshirt to school, but when we go home it's like the sun just decides to focus all of it's heat right at us… just because it can. And frankly I don't mind too much. It's nice outside and that's always a plus. It's been an abnormally long winter this year and I've been itchin' to get outside and play. I never seem to play much anymore. It's always save the world this or protect this person from the problem you just caused by trying to save this other person that. The days that are pretty quiet around here I just try to catch up on some sleep.

I think I'll go play with Tucker and Sam today. It's been awhile and I think we deserve a break. Final exams have been rough and the shadow of college looming over the horizon in a few years isn't doing much to help either. Yeah, I think I'll go play with those guys… but what are even going to do? We can't just go playing in the sandbox behind my house… that would be ridiculous. I'd reckon it would only fit 2 of us teenagers, let alone being able to make intricate sand castles. I guess we could turns though…

Or maybe we could just go hang out at the mall. Just having a good time looking over the different stores and gripe about how stores can charge 70 bucks for a pair of jeans that they ripped up and stained with God knows what… Sam made a comment one time that we could save 50 bucks if we just bought cheap ole jeans and ran them over with the lawnmower ourselves…

Heh, that Sam. I really can't believe how she manages to come up with such perfect comments and just the right time. She's pretty quick-witted. I'm terrible at that stuff. I mean, fighting all those ghosts, I spend too much time thinking of what to say in our pre fight 'exchange of remarks'. If I were to just charge in and attack while they wasted their time, I wouldn't waste so much time fighting ghosts and could perhaps actually have time to have fun. Not that being a super hero isn't fun. It's just kinda hard sometimes.

Man… I really need to get out more. Summer's here though, so I have plenty of time to do that I guess. Tucker told me that summers don't last long, and he's right, he didn't have to tell me twice…I guess I better get outside and play before September comes around.

A/N: There ya go! Thanks for reading. Please don't flame that's just rude, and any constructive criticism is encouraged.