Catherine introduces Sara to a trust-building activity. FEMSLASH, in other words, Sara and Catherine will be having fabulous sex – don't click if you find the idea offensive. However, if you find the idea totally hot like I do, click away.

Wham! Catherine's back hit her kitchen wall. A moan wrenched itself from the back of her throat. "Ffffuck, Sara…"

"I'm workin' on it baby." Sara nipped Catherine's jaw line as she worked the buttons of her lover's jeans.

Catherine arched her back and wriggled as Sara finally managed to slip her hands between hot flesh and tight denim. Working together, they managed to shuck her jeans and panties.

Sara smoothed her hands over the newly bared flesh, then hiked Catherine's legs about her waist.

Catherine couldn't still the movement of her hands; sliding over and into Sara's dark hair, down to roughly cup a breast. Sara jerked as Catherine gave a nipple an especially hard pinch.

"I think someone needs a lesson in manners."

"And I think you have way too many clothes on."

Moaning and stumbling, the couple made their way out of their remaining clothing and into the bedroom.

Sara leaned down drawing Catherine into a deep kiss. She drew Catherine's lower lip into her mouth giving it a thorough massage then scraping it with her teeth before backing off to look into her lover's eyes.

"You know I love you." Sara cupped Catherine's face with a long fingered hand, then leaned down till their foreheads pressed together. "I love you so much."

Still panting from recent activities, Catherine drank in Sara's closeness, her scent, felt her tremble with the emotion of her declarations. Feeling slightly overwhelmed herself, Catherine nuzzled Sara's face, their hot breath mingling. "Sara." She rasped.

Catherine pressed soft kisses across Sara's cheek, down the graceful line of her neck. Catherine parted her jaws, resting her teeth on either side of the smooth shoulder. Sara pulled back only to feel the firm press of her lover's strong, white teeth, she gasped, hands going still on Catherine's waist.

Had her mouth not been otherwise occupied, Catherine's lips would have twisted into a feral grin. She slowly increased the pressure of her bite from firm to bruising. Sara's breathing grew ragged and her hands tightened reflexively around her lover.

Catherine's hands were blazing hot trails over Sara's body. One hand slid down to palm the small of her back, exerting a firm pressure, fingers resting lightly on her butt. The other slid sensuously up her spine, nails teasing her scalp as Catherine took a fierce grip on her hair.

Catherine gave an uncharacteristic growl and bore down as hard as she could. Sara let out a strangled cry as her knees buckled. Catherine released her bite, still gripping Sara's hair as she allowed her lover to kneel.

Sara stared up at her, a sweet mixture of arousal, confusion, and a touch of fear tinting the brunette's features. Catherine couldn't stop staring at her lover, the sight of Sara kneeling before her bearing her mark made her dizzy with arousal. Keening softly, Catherine's hips rolled and her grip in Sara's hair tightened as she fought for control.

Sara was equally mesmerized, still reeling from Catherine's animalistic outburst, she dropped her head against Catherine's abdomen and focused on drawing a steady breath. The feeling of Sara's hot breath so near her center tipped the balance of power out of Catherine's favor. Giving another low whine, she loosened her grip and continued the gentle thrust of her hips.

The heady smell of Catherine's arousal brought Sara out of her torpor. Turning her head, she began tracing gentle lines and curves with the tip of her nose. A small smile played across her lips, hearing Catherine's breath hitch, Sara began dropping wet kisses just above the thatch of golden curls. Blowing cool air over her work, Sara felt Catherine jerk in surprise, she was so ticklish.

Catherine was lost in Sara's teasing, when the sensation stopped, she looked down and met deep brown eyes. A wicked grin spread across Sara's face. Holding Catherine's gaze, she extended her tongue, teasing the top of Catherine's slit. Before her lover could tumble, Sara gripped the back of her thighs and tossed her bodily onto the bed.

Catherine gave a squeal of surprise as she landed with a soft thump. With a wolfish grin, Sara grabbed her lover's ankles, roughly pulling her to the edge of the mattress. Catherine gave a throaty laugh and tried to sit up, only to be met with a firm hand that pushed her back down. Slipping her hold, Sara ducked under Catherine's thighs and set about pleasing the woman she loved.

A/N Shit, have to work again. The thrilling conclusion and the "trust" part when I return home.