This one is def NC 17

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Title: House of Dreams 9/?

Author: Music, Mistress, and Moms

Category: WWE

Rating: NC17…cause two of the three have smutty minds, well…all three of us do…but one doesn't write it out, the other sorta does, and the third is fucking brilliant (pun intended…lol)

Summary: A new job like no other, a handful for them both, but are they up to the challenge to house WWE Superstars? Are the superstars up to handling them?

Disclaimer: the OC's belong to me, jess, and lu… wrestlers belong to the WWE or themselves,

Spoilers: ummm I'm guessing not

Feedback: Please, let us know what u think…

Author's Note: Jess dreamed, I built on it and voila. We both rocked it, it's silly fun and basically all from Jess' warped mind.. although I do admit, I helped a little… :D This is my first co-author one.. man it's different but fun… we had a blast didn't we baybees?

Harm: Also….Jess is a bit…obsessed…with a certain TV show

Jess: I'm not obsessed…I just like it…a lot…mmm Nathan Fillion.

Luna: Whatever. You're obsessed.

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She needed water...and to brush her teeth. She knew she drank too much last night but right now she couldn't bring herself to care. She was wrapped up in arms, two in fact...that didn't match...wait that couldn't be right. How did...she looked up to find her pillow wasn't so much a pillow as a chest. A different one than the one she laid on the morning before...huh...scooting her body back didn't work too well either as she felt another body push into her back

There was a soft groan and she realized there was someone else on her. Cautiously she reached down stroking the long silky strands of hair. That touch alone told her the person on her stomach was female. Her mind was quickly clearing as the night's events came back to her.

Soft lips making their way down her neck startled her causing her to move away from the chest she was laying on and look at the color of the hair she was still currently stroking. 'What the fuck? Why is Abby in my bed?'

The sunset colored head nuzzled Serenity's stomach causing a series of butterflies to take flight. The young woman rolled her head up her breath ghosting over Serenity's skin. "You know if you feel this bad in the morning there should have been a night before," Abigail murmured to no one in particular. "Why am I naked?"

All four groaned when a flash went off. It was at that time that both Kennedy and Cena attempted to rub their faces in Serenity's neck, which caused her to laugh, which made Abby slide off the bed taking the blankets with her, which caused another flash to go off. "Why are you two naked?" Serenity practically yelled trying to jump from the bed

Abigail's blue green eyes peeked over the edge of the bed laughing as Ser tried in vain to untangle herself from both men. It became even more comical when she realized the occupants of the bed were all completely nude.

"I don't know why you're laughing, you're in much the same condition," an amused masculine voice told her.

She looked down to confirm what she already knew to be true. "That's all right," she answered with a shrug. "I usually sleep this way...I only conceded to clothing because one, I was drunk and two I figured that Ser would have a cow if I stripped down."

"You're damn right I would have," Serenity growled glaring at the young woman on the floor.

"So why are you naked then?" The same amused voice commented.

"I don't know. And get the fuck out Chris...jeezus...we're naked here and...AHH! Hands Kennedy!"

" hands are here," one hand gripped her hip the other was waving at her.

"John," she growled.

"What," he asked trying for an innocent expression and failing miserably.

Chris shook his head really trying not to laugh at the extremely odd sight of the normally in control Serenity sandwiched between both John and Ken, all of them in the buff. "I told you not to take your shirt off," he finally managed to say.

"I think they're kinda cute," Abby chimed in from the floor.

Serenity's eyes narrowed on the young woman. "Care to tell me how you managed to come to be resting on me to begin with?"

"The wall's're not," Abigail answered with a negligent shrug.

Serenity just rolled her eyes.

"Who decided to have us be all naked?" Kennedy asked throwing his arm behind his head a wicked smirk eyeing the goodies on display.

"I blame Chris," says Ser, unknowingly running her fingers up and down the chests of the two men in bed with her.

"You know it's not really fair to blame the only one dressed," Abigail commented leaning back on her hands unconsciously giving everyone a free show. "It's not his fault everyone's clothes ended up on the floor."

Ser scowled at the young woman. "You are so not helping," she hissed at Abby. "And don't you have something better to be doing than staring at us," she snapped at Chris who was still lounging around.

"Not at the moment," he returned casually.

"Huh, and I didn't think you swung that way," Abigail quipped drawing a laugh from the guys on the bed and a glare from Benoit.

Serenity just smiled her hands still playing with the guys. "If you want I can convince these two to put on a show for you?"

Benoit shivered with disgust and turned to leave. Serenity's shriek of laughter caused him to stop and turn his jaw dropping.

John's large hand cupped Serenity's breast his fingers teasing the nipple into a hard little peak as Kennedy's lips trailed kisses along the column of her throat his hand slipping between her legs cupping her sex.

"Oh goody a floor show," Abigail squealed clapping her hands in delight before a pout formed on her lips. "But I'm feeling all left out."

Chris just stood there watching the scene unfolding on the bed. It was like watching a car accident you didn't really want to look but you couldn't turn away. It wasn't until he felt warm hands sliding under his shirt that remembered there was one other person in the room. He had every intention of pushing her back of not sinking to that level when her lips attached themselves to his neck.

He grabbed her upper arms intending to give them both some breathing space when her lips found his. The pure urgency and need in that gesture had him responding even before he'd had time to think about it. His arms banded around her lifting her up as her arms looped around his neck.

On the bed Serenity wasn't in much better condition as both men continued to tease and delight her senses. Her lips were passed between Kennedy and Cena like manna from heaven. The feel of them hard and ready pressed against her body was almost too much to bear.

John's mouth caught her moan as Ken's fingers slid into her. It had been so long since she'd been intimate with anyone and now she had not one but two men seeing to her needs and desires. Her hand drifted down the chest pressed to her front her fingers wrapping around the throbbing length pressed against her hip. She felt Kennedy's erection sliding along the cleft of her backside creating a delicious tension within the young woman.

Breaking free from the kiss as her lungs burned for oxygen, she turned seeing Chris had Abigail pinned against the door. His shirt was lost and Abby's long legs wrapped around his waist. The young woman was making small needy sounds eliciting deep growls in return.

Serenity had a moment where her head cleared enough to think that things were moving too fast then Ken captured her lips again sending logic and reason into the ether. She lost herself to the feelings that these two incredible men were giving her.

The sound of Black Sabbath's Iron Man rang through the room giving everyone pause. As it continued to play it was Abigail that began to squirm. Confused Chris let her down and she dashed across the room to where her pants lay half hidden under the bed. "Hello," she said panting. "What," she cried looking up at the alarm clock on the nightstand paling considerably. "Shit! I'm sorry honey...I totally forgot. Lemme get dressed," Abby laughed delightedly. "I'll tell ya when I get home...I'm next door. I promise. Bye."

Abigail sat back on her heels her hands rubbing her face. "Well that was a mood killer," she muttered running her fingers through her tousled hair.

"Something wrong," Chris asked from behind her.

"Nope, duty calls and I gotta go," she answered. She leaned forward trying to find the rest of her clothing. Turning back to him she asked, "You don't happen to know where my shirt is...or my bra for that matter. Actually just point me in the direction of my bra and I can come back for my shirt."

"What exactly is it that you do," Kennedy asked his chin resting on Serenity's shoulder.

"Yeah, we've lived next to you for how long now and I don't think I've ever seen you leave that house except to come over here and annoy me," Ser chimed in.

Abigail grabbed her panties slipping into them before donning her jeans. She flashed the trio on the bed a dazzling smile. "Oh that's easy enough to answer I'm a nanny slash housekeeper."

"Huh, I never would have thought someone would trust you enough to leave their child with you," Serenity commented, the words softened by her slightly amused tone.

"Some days I feel the same way, but it helps when you're employed by family," Abby answered with a wink. She jumped a little when her red satin and lace bra was dangled in front of her. "Jesus Chris, you're quieter than a fuckin' cat!" He chuckled as she snatched the article from his hand.

"I just gotta ask, how come you're so at ease like that," John questioned gesturing to her getting dressed in front of a room full of people.

"Because I have long since passed the age where I give shit what anyone thinks of me. I am who and what I am and nothings going to change that pretending otherwise is just a waste of time." Turing to the trio on the bed she gave Ser serious eye contact. "Let me know if you need any help cleaning up."

"I may make you do it all," she threatened. "Both after they leave and before the next set comes through."

"Will it make us even," Abby asked referring to the room incident.

"I'll think about," Serenity returned.

"That's a start at least." Abigail flashed the other woman a brilliant smile. "Boys," she said nodding her head at them. Leaning up on tiptoes she kissed Chris' cheek. Waving at the room, "See ya round," she called out as she left.

Chris grabbed his shirt from the ground, the camera from the bed and walked to the door. Before he left he turned and took one last picture of the trio on the bed.

"Bet I can make a couple grand on Ebay with these shots," he grinned closing the door on their protesting shouts.

Serenity's hands started to move against their skin when suddenly her wrists were grabbed and she found herself under Kennedy. "Now where were we?"

"Sorry Abbs said...kind of a mood killer...wanna tell me how you got naked?"

"You ripped my shirt!"

"How did you get naked on my bed John?"

"You wouldn't let me leave!"

"Mm hmm...this still doesn't explain why there were four naked people, including myself, in my bed."

"Blame John," came Kennedy's reply with a grin as he rolled off of her.

"Works for me" she said sitting up


"That still doesn't tell me how we ended up naked in my bed though," Serenity reminded them both as she crawled off the bed. She had to leave or she was liable to give into the temptation of finishing what they'd started.

The men on the bed groaned as she pulled on a pair of cut off shorts and tank top. Sighing they both conceded that they should probably get dressed as well. Given the serious expression on her face she was bound and determined to get some answers...and get them now.

"So John, since it is your fault and'd I end up naked in my bed? Last I remember we were still at the club and you wanted to dance."

"Uh-uh," he answered shaking his head. "I didn't make you do anything."

"But he did strongly suggest that you might be more comfortable without any restrictive clothing to get in the way," Kennedy informed her.

"I see," Serenity answered her arms folded over her chest eyes narrowed on John.

The young wrestler held his hands out in front of him as if that alone would save him from her oncoming wrath. "It's not like Ken's makin' sound," he tried to explain turning a dirty look on the other man. "And it wasn't like I was the only doin' the encouraging."

"Mmmhmm," her arms cross in front of her, fingers tapping her arm. "Kennedy, what do you have to say for yourself?"

"If you're planning on giving me a spanking I'll just stay naked"

Her only response was to throw his clothes at him, before exiting the room...or not…at least she tried.

"Put me down John," said with a laugh.

" aren't allowed to leave until you admit it's not my fault."

"That's never going to happen," Serenity replied giving him a saucy wink as he set her down. Her eyes closed, caught up in the sensation of being pulled back against a hard body and lips attaching themselves to her neck. She whimpered, again wanting to just give in to the temptation these two men were offering her.

"Stop, wait," her hands slapping at the ones spread low on her waist. "I need to go make breakfast."

John immediately pulled on his shirt and scrambled for his jeans, tossing Ken his clothes as he came across them.

Serenity just laughed as she exited the room...finally.

--- ---

She needed water...and to brush her teeth. She knew she drank too much last night but right now she couldn't bring herself to care. She was wrapped up in arms, two in fact, that belonged to the one man she decided to give a chance to after everything she had been through. Even now as she started to move his arms flexed around her keeping her near him even in sleep. She couldn't stop the smile slowly blooming on her face and just for a moment she relaxed completely, basking in the joy of new beginnings. Burying herself down into his chest she closed her eyes laying a kiss on his chest as she fell back into peaceful sleep. The first one in years.

A few hours later she is awoken by the sound of the door closing. Opening her eyes she saw him walking slowly toward her. A vision to behold, his hair mussed by sleep, and he slowly crawled up her body, causing her intake of breath.

"Morning beautiful," he murmured before his lips are gently pressed to hers. A gentle kiss after a gentle night. "That was John...he says Ser is almost done with breakfast. He advised you hurry and go get dressed before she comes looking for you."

"Knew this was too good to be true." She sighed exiting the bed completely nude. She made her way about the room finding different articles of clothing here and there. As she bent over to pick up a sock she felt him behind her and then his hands were on her hips.

His hands glided gracefully up her body, straightening it to lean back against his. His hands gripped her hips before beginning to slide up her body making the young woman quiver with need. His fingers spread over her stomach feeling the muscles ripple and bunch under his careful touch.

Slowly, his hands slid up Rayne's ribcage drawing small needy sounds from her throat. His hands slithered past her breasts creating a ghost of sensation. His ministrations were done so that the final result would have her arms above her head. His hands continue their upward journey along her arms interlocking his fingers with hers. His breath a warm touch against her neck making her want him all the more.

Gently he guided her arms behind his neck instructing her to leave them there. Her body arched forward inviting him to come and play. His hands slid back down her arms smiling slightly as she giggled softly when he found a sensitive spot. He stored that little bit of information away for later use.

Finally his large hands cupped her heavy breasts drawing a ragged moan from the young woman in his arms. He rolled the turgid peak between thumb and forefinger eliciting another moan from her. His hands glided down her body one hand stopping on her hipbone the other continued on farther cupping her sex as her hips involuntarily jerked forward.

His voice was rough and deepened with need as he told her exactly what he was going to do to her body. She quivered as his finger slid into her opening whimpering as he teased her with that single digit. Her fingers dug into the skin of his neck as she struggled to obey his earlier command. She rolled her hips hoping to draw his finger deeper. Groaning her eyes slipped shut as he added a second.

Pinpoints of colored light danced behind her closed lids as she bit her lip hoping to draw out the sensations longer. She whimpered when he removed his fingers from her body. Eyes snapping open her lips parted in mute protest. Then she felt it the hot, hard heat of him sliding along her slick opening. "Please," she panted.

He needed no further encouragement as he sank his length into her welcoming body. They both groaned at the feel of once again being joined as one. One hand came up to cup a breast his thumb brushing over the hardened nub. His other slipped between her nether lips to find the hidden pearl that would send her skyrocketing over the edge.

She pressed down on him her head thrown back eyes squeezed shut to enjoy the feel of him filling her almost to the point of pain. The rapid pace told her that he was close. Reaching down her fingers joined his as she showed where and how to touch her for maximum effect. He was a quick study as he soon had her gasping and calling his name.

Paul could feel the muscles in her body straining to reach that elusive peak. He bent his head forward trailing light kisses along her neck seeking her mouth. She turned granting him what he sought groaning as his tongue mimicked intimate actions of their bodies. With one last swipe of his finger over the hidden jewel he felt her contract spasmodically around him and growled low in his throat. His movements took on an erratic tempo as he surrendered to his own release.

The pair slid boneless to the floor still wrapped around one another. They laid there in a tangle of limbs relearning out to be in their own skin. It was some time before either had the energy to move. Rayne turned to stare deeply into Paul's dark eyes. Framing his handsome face in her hands she leaned in her eyes slipping shut. She placed a sweet gentle kiss upon his lips. The silent sentiment in that act was not lost upon him and he returned the kiss with the same quiet passion.

Drawing apart they stared for a long time into each other's eyes. Paul could see the question swimming in her unusual eyes and laid another sweet kiss upon her lips. He brought her hand up to his heart letting her feel it beat under her palm. "It beats only for you," he told her reverently.

A single slipped down her cheek unchecked. She raised his hand to her heart holding his hand in the same manner he was holding hers. "Only for you," she swore.

Hearing footsteps coming down the hall had them both groaning as reality intruded once again. A knock on the door was followed by Chris' voice telling them, "You have exactly five minutes before Serenity comes up here to collect Rayne. So if you value any of your body parts you had best be down before then."

"I guess we had better get a move on," Rayne said flopping onto her back.

"I guess we should," Paul agreed his hand tracing idle designs on the young woman's body.

"Think we should give her a show," she asked a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

Paul shook his head. "I think not," he said when she pouted at him he confessed, "She's scary."

--- ---

Rayne walked down the hallway with fresh sheets in her arms, putting them on the hallway table so they would have easier access to them later. She was upset but tried her best not to show it. The guys were leaving in a matter of hours and she had no clue when they would return. By they, she meant Paul, and despite his earlier confession, she couldn't help but wonder what this could all mean. Where did they go now? Would he ever call?

"I'll call as often as I can."

She jumped and spun around, seeing him leaning against his doorway a small smile on his face.

"How did you…" The question died on her lips as she stared at him in confusion, wondering how he knew exactly what she was thinking.

He shrugged. "It was a lucky guess." He grabbed her hand, tugging her back into his room before closing the door.

"Where's Serenity?" He asked.

Rayne giggled. "Finishing off John and Ken's good bye cookies."

He leaned in, giving her a soft and gentle kiss. "I will call."

She frowned up at him. "How do I know that? Besides, how will you call me all the time? I don't have my own cell phone, just the house phone, Ser will start wondering."

"Get a cell."

She rolled her eyes. "I don't need one Paul. There's no feasible reason for me to have one."

"Then you call me when you can and I'll call you when I can and I'll be back to see you as soon as possible." Another kiss, causing a smile to bloom across her face.

He stared into her eyes, glancing back and forth between the two of them, she had purposely taken her contacts out after breakfast, hoping for one more chance with him and knowing how much he loved her 2 different colored eyes. A smile spread across his face as he leaned his forehead against hers.

"I'm serious Rayne. I don't take this, us, lightly, this wasn't just a fling."

She gave him another kiss. "I really hope so Paul. Because I did give just like you told me to and I don't want it backfiring."

"Paul, man, we're leaving." John said pounding on the door.

The two stared at each other. Paul looking sad, Rayne's eyes wide with unshed tears as she tried to keep them in check.

"Please don't cry." He whispered. "If you cry, I won't be able to leave."

And even though she was tempted to burst into tears to make him stay, she knew he had to leave.

"Call me later." He whispered into her mouth. "And I'll figure something out to contact you as well."

She nodded, blinking back the tears. He lifted her hand, gently kissing it before placing it on his chest.

"Remember, it's for you."

Again she nodded and he gave her one last kiss before opening the door. She followed after him, putting her sunglasses on to cover her eyes.

"Why the sunglasses?" John asked.

She groaned. "Too much to drink. Bright light hurts."

He didn't question it, nor did anyone else as they gathered at the front, the guys taking turns to hug the girls, Paul last to hug Rayne, holding her just a bit longer.

"For you." He gently whispered before pulling away.

Her eyes welled up but she pushed it back, watching as Serenity handed John a bag of cookies before hugging him and kissing him on the cheek, then doing the same for Ken who dipped her back and gave her a quick kiss. Rayne cringed as he pulled her up but instead of looking angry, she was laughing as she playfully slapped his arm.

After a few more hugs, the guys piled into the car and the girls waved as they drove away.

"We survived." Serenity commented when they were out of sight.

"I know." Rayne quietly replied, watching the street.

"You're not crying are you?" Serenity asked suspiciously. "That's not why you have the glasses on is it?"

Rayne adamantly shook her head. "Ser, my eyes really do hurt and while I'm not sensitive to the light, I still can't wear my contacts. You know how I feel about people seeing my eyes."

Serenity sighed. "Yeah, I know, I'm sorry."

The two turned back into the house, looping an arm around the others waist.

"So you and Kennedy huh?" Rayne asked.

"If you only knew." Serenity said, laughing.

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