Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or anything else in this fanfic unless otherwise stated. Never mind, can't own stuff until I'm 18…

The academy was boring, just like any other day. Shikamaru was asleep at the teacher's desk… again, and the class was going insane… again. Shikamaru was the new teacher at the academy since there were too many students now and it needed to be separated into two classes.

Unfortunately for Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi were gone today. He could always find someone to hang out with but he didn't particularly fancy talking to claw kid, hook hand, or mini Lee.

A paper airplane flew at Shikamaru's head, successfully waking him. Yawning he picked his head up from his desk and looked around the room.

I don't feel like teaching… troublesome. "Alright kids, let's go outside so you can run around and do kid stuff. Like troublesome kids. And stuff. So yeah leave me alone."

The kids all calm down a bit as they run at the door causing them to trample some of the smaller kids. It takes a while for all of them to get outside and in sight of the playground, Konohamaru being the last one out.

As Konohamaru is walking outside he stops in the doorway, staring down the street. What are they doing here? Aren't they three day's away at a Shinobi's pace? Seeing people from Suna walking down a Konoha street is not very common, in fact it is very rare even though the two villages are allies. Isn't that the girl Shikamaru fought in the Chuunin exams? He's also told us about her saving him on the Sasuke retrieval mission…

With a shrug Konohamaru is about to walk away when he gets a brilliant idea. Taking a long look at Shikamaru and then at Temari he's found what to do with his day… Today could certainly be interesting… hehe. Now who to recruit?

A little ways away in his own home Kiba awakens after a long rest from his most recent mission. After bumping his head on the headboard and muttering a string of curses he looks tiredly around his room. Across the room stands a television set on a small round table with drawers. Clothes are piled around the room seemingly not able to make it to his closet. On one wall hangs a calendar. Making his way over to it, he has an in depth conversation within himself.

What is today's theme? It could be pirates… No wait, I did that one on Wednesday. What about a princess theme?! No wait… that would reveal my greatest secret. What day is today? August 14th? OMG IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY!"

"Today's theme is Valentine's Day! I call being Cupid!" Of course, knowing Kiba this was shouted to the world through his window. His much abused window of misery and woe. Pulling on his ninja garments he heads to the door with his, very unhealthy, breakfast in hand and starts walking down the street to the training grounds.

Who should I target first? Neji would kill me, Naruto would be, well, Naruto, And Lee is too youthful for my help with the ladies. Hmmm, Shikamaru should be my target! Who should he be with? ………………………………………… after much silence in his overly used but not very accurate brain he comes up with a seemingly perfect match. Ino!

Finding no faults in Shikamaru, although many of us can think of some, Kiba decides upon his unfortunate target. And thus, this hero's journey is about to begin. And crash. And eventually burn. Although not too eventually. Soon enough.

First in my plan I shall… find Ino and tell her to love Shikamaru! Absolutely flawless! Running down the street to tell her the news he spots Chouji and stops. I better get Chouji in on this too, he is after all Shikamaru's best friend.

Looking back on the past hour or so Kiba decides that he needs to find Shikamaru another girl. Preferably a troublesome one to spite Shikamaru for going to so much trouble for him.


After running up to Chouji and telling him about his master plan to get Ino and Shikamaru together a frown crosses Chouji's face.

"Kiba slow down! I didn't hear a word you just said! Wait, did you learn a foreign language?"

"Glad you noticed Chouji! I speak turkey now! Anyway I was telling you about this plan… (insert Kiba's master plan explained above here)."

After the complicated overview of the plan, Chouji had an even more dismayed look on his face. Even though he was puzzled by Kiba's surprisingly wide vocabulary (above the expected second grade level) he decided to get right to the point. "You can't go try to pair up Ino and Shikamaru! They're not the same type! They only get along without a major fight when Mars and Jupiter are aligned! How dare you even think of putting them together! Ino is a brilliant smile in a sea of frowning and angry faces! Wait, faces don't grow well in the sea… And"

As Chouji continues his crazy rant, Kiba does some thinking. And of course being him he has to blurt it out at the nearest possible time. "Yeah yeah, great Chouji." An evil smirk crosses his face, "I know that the real reason you are opposed to my carefully spontaneous coupling is because you like Ino! Admit it!"

"Shut up Kiba! You're going to spread unnecessary rumors! And of course since they are rumors they have very rumor-like qualities! Such as being very rumorful!"

"Whatever, I have unlocked the truth!" Kiba then skips away down the wide streets of Konoha for a replacement konoichi to pair the ever unfortunate Shikamaru with.

End Flashback

I suppose it's time to tackle the mysterious reason for the appearance of the sand siblings…


Temari walks into the house she shares with her brothers, obviously very agitated. She was about to beat to a pulp the next person who decided they were brave enough to so much as talk to her. And the only one that would talk to an infuriated Temari was… lucky Kankurou!

As soon as Kankurou spots Temari he HAS to poke fun at her. "Guess what Temari, we're going on a trip. AND you get to see your boyfriend!"

"He is not my boyfriend! He's too young and lazy and totally trouble-," cutting off the word she gasps and covers her mouth, "ful," she finished lamely.

At this a not very concealed smirk crosses Kankurou's face, "If you deny you like Shikamaru then how come you knew who I was talking about without a name?"

Temari who WAS completely oblivious to this slip NOW was not. A look of terror crossed her face when she realized this. Kankurou just laughed and started leaving the room when he remembered what else he was supposed to say, "Oh yeah, in case you didn't pick up on it because of your embarrassment, the trip is to Konoha. Since Gaara has important missions to go on elsewhere it'll be just be you and me!" Hugging his overly violent, fan carrying, tactical sister he laughs and quickly backs away.

"Why are we going to Konoha?" Temari for once was not being violent toward Kankurou, if only to gain information from him.

"We're strengthening the alliance between Suna and Konoha! We get to be diplomatic and stuff! I wonder if Konoha has different age restrictions for sake…"

End Flashback

And thus, the sand siblings minus Gaara set out for Konoha and end up walking down the street just in time for August 14th.

Oh and, see if you can figure this out:

Sand siblings-Gaara+(Kiba+Konohamaru)+geek squad squared-(the coefficient if Akamaru-a conveniently placed door) a whole lot of trouble+ a very amusing fanfic

I would very much appreciate reviews and/or suggestions. I will incorporate any characters people want in this fic so feel free to ask. I will also consider couples other than shikatema which this will evolve into. Flame anything except the couples and see you next update! Ja ne!