Chapter 1:


By: The Jonas Brothers

"(Lilly) used to be that girl
The one that never said a word
But she always sang
S Club 7 and all those boy bands
Now it's been a few years
It looks like things have changed
Now she's mine and I want to say
(Lilly) always laughs when I act stupid
I am unaware that I'm a nuisance
With her it's never wasted time
(Lilly) always knows exactly what I'm
Thinking and she's always on my mind
And now, I'm never gonna let her go
Cause (Lilly) always knows
(Lilly) always tells the truth
Even when it's hard to do
And she always understands
Even when it don't make sense
Even though she is a blonde
I'm the one that feels so dumb…"

Jackson was cut short of finishing one of his his friends': Nick, Joe, and Kevin, who "Hannah" had introduced him too, adjusted songs, when the two girls in question walked in the door.

He wouldn't be caught dead singing like that in front of either of them.

He realized it was pathetic that he had a crush on his baby sister's best friend. Come on, he could have any girl in his grade. He could even date a freshman if he was desperate. But no, he had a crush on Lilly Truscott, Miley's best friend, an eighth grader, the one girl he couldn't have.

He still couldn't figure out why. I mean, she was there for him during his worst break-ups while everyone else mocked him, she was genuinely sympathetic. It could be the fact she was always there, whether he wanted her to be there or not. Of course, she was there for Miley, not him, but he couldn't help but wonder if she would spend time with him if his sister wasn't around. It could also be the fact that she was hot, even though she probably didn't even realize it. Some guys liked the preppy princess type but he had tried it (quite a few times, actually) and hadn't liked it. He thought Lilly's skater girl chic was hot.

OMG! Was he really thinking this! Jackson "Hot" Rod Stewart get a hold of yourself!

He had to leave the house before she came back out of Miley's room. He was going to the beach to try and find another female worthy of his affection.

Sorry that this is so short! I swear the next one will be longer. It will probobly be a Moliver. I'll try to alternate.
I'm really excited, my band got all 1s festival!