Okay here goes; I do not think that there will be any further chapters to 'Txt Messages'. Okay yeah I know I'm a bitch and I should go burn in hell. Would you accept an apology? Probably not just yet as you are most likely are still seething in your chair.

This started out as harmless fun and had no real intention of a plot so to all those who asked what the deal was. Try this; Randomness.

This is actually quite a hard thing for me to do because I swore that I wouldn't abandon any fics of mine. Because I know how goddamn annoying it is, to be reading something and waiting for an update and then you get a crappy little "Sorry but no more". Yeah I feel bad but I still think this needed to be done. It actually cost me quite a fair bit of money when I wrote these texts for fun and then to feel compelled to do it. Well frankly it sucked. Coz I am cheap. Yeah I could write them with out using the phone, but then what would be the point?

For all those non yaoi lovers out there and those who clicked on this fic because of the Larxene link (go you :3 ) I intend to write a Het pairing one of these days. So if you would like me to write a Het fic/s let me know and which pairings coz yeah I haven't written one yet. Go figure. I haven't even attempted to pair up a guy and a girl yet, there are so few that don't annoy me to hell. Yeah I support Yaoi and Yuri but I support all other types as well. So yeah.

Basically I probably won't write a Het fic unless someone bugs me too. In that case I feel obliged to do something and right now I actually kinda don't. But it may not be posted for a little while because I have to finish my other fics first.

Okay, so go on and flame me and I won't resist. I just probably won't care, yeah I'm trying to be sympathetic but I am not feeling to well today and I really could not be bothered. So best be off.

Fallen Animosity.