Claire - So thanks for reminding me about the song, I fixed it! What would I do without you?

HuntingPeace - Thank you i was unsure about the last chapter but your reviews made me feel better.

xXjess886xX - Aww that means so much that this is one of your favourite stories. Thanks for all your support and encouragement.

Emily - Thanks girl! In return for my fic i would love another video from you lol

Erin - Thats ok i will forgive you for not reviewing hehe Love your story, i can't wait for an update.

Farah - I made you blush! Wow i didn't think that was possible lol I can't wait for you to update your fic

A/N - Wow i can't believe its been a week since i updated. I'm really sorry about that. Anyway this is the last chapter i have planned for this story. I've debated about whether to keep going with it for a bit longer but to be honest i think i've taken it about as far as it can go. I could be convinced to write an epilogue if you guys want...possibly with smut...just let me know.

So i'd just like to say thank you to everyone who has reviewed. Reviews are important to any writer but as this was the first fic i've ever written they have been especially important to me. So thank you so much.

I don't want nobody else
I ain't goin nowhere
I'm happy with you
You got me baby
I ain't thinking about
Nobody else but you.

Beyonce, Be with you

Chapter 7 - Be With You

Addison rolled over and groaned at the light that was shining brightly on her face. She buried her head in Alex's chest in an attempt to block out the light but it had little effect. The only thing it accomplished was that it woke Alex up.

Alex slowly became aware of the soft body pressed against his and the hair that was tickling his chest. He grunted softly and opened his eyes groggily. Addison had kept him awake most of the night, not that he was complaining, but the lack of sleep was taking its toll.

"Good morning," Alex said. He rolled on to his side so he was facing her and leaned over to kiss her softly.

"Good morning to you too. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Addison said quietly.

"That's ok, I guess its time I was up anyway. What time is it?"

"A little after 9," Addison replied.

"What?!" Alex sat up quickly and glanced at the clock to confirm what she said was true. "Crap, Bailey's gonna kill me." He groaned.

"I thought you weren't in until later?" Addison said, watching him as he jumped out of bed and headed towards the bathroom.

"No, crap, I was supposed to be in at 8," He shouted from the bathroom.

Addison groaned and stretched out on the bed. She felt completely sated and would have been perfectly happy to stay in bed all day. Unfortunately she had babies to monitor and expectant mothers to check on. She dragged herself in to an upright position and was just thinking about getting out of bed when Alex re-entered the room.

"Well there's a sight I'd like to wake up to every morning," He smiled and winked at her.

Addison glanced down and realised that the sheet had dropped down to her waist revealing her breasts. She blushed and grabbed hold of the sheet pulling it up to her neck. Alex shook his head and walked over to her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you self conscious. You're beautiful; you don't need to cover yourself from me, besides its nothing that I haven't already seen last night," He waggled his eyebrows and she couldn't help but laugh at his expression.

"Are you going back to your hotel room or straight to the hospital?" Alex asked.

"I guess I'll have to stop at the hotel first, I don't have any clean clothes," Addison said. "Can you drop me off?"

"Hmm I think I can manage that. I'm already over an hour late it can't get much worse," He said.

"What's your excuse going to be?" Addison asked curiously.

"Excuse? I'll just tell her the truth; a certain red-haired attending has an insatiable desire for my body so she kept me awake the entire night and I consequently slept through my alarm," Alex said simply.

"You dare! I'll…" Addison started.

"You'll what?" Alex interrupted. In one swift move he pushed her backwards on to the bed and straddled her waist. "What are you going to do to me if I tell?" Alex whispered against her lips.

"I…" Addison tried to speak but it turned in to a moan when he sucked on her neck just behind her ear. Addison ran her hands through his hair and held his head against her neck.

Alex pulled back from her and stared at her with a smug look on his face.

"Just admit it, you wouldn't do anything because you just can't resist me," Alex said cockily.

Addison narrowed her eyes at the smirk on his face. She pushed on his shoulders and flipped them over so she was on top.

"Maybe, Dr.Karev, you shouldn't underestimate what I would do," Addison whispered seductively in his ear before nipping at his earlobe. She leaned forward and kissed him fiercely; her tongue nudged in to his mouth and duelled with his.

Addison kissed him for a moment but when she felt his hand reach down to grip her waist she hastily pulled away. She stood up from the bed and pulled the sheet around herself tightly.

"What?" Alex sat up and looked at her.

"You have to get to work, after all I'd hate for you to have to tell Dr.Bailey that you're late because of me. I'm going to get dressed, can I lend a t-shirt?" Addison asked, smiling sweetly at him.

" the closet," Alex said slowly. He shook his head slowly as a smile spread over his features. He had definitely underestimated her.

Addison gathered her underwear and jeans which were spread out all over his apartment. She grabbed a t-shirt from his closet and pulled it on quickly. Glancing in the mirror as she passed she was shocked at what she saw. Her hair was a mess and she was completely free of makeup, but a genuine smile lit up her face.

It took her a moment to realise what she was seeing. For months she had moped over the mess her life had become but now…she was happy. It was as simple as that and yet the change was unbelievable.

Alex came over and stood behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. He kissed her on the cheek softly.

"You look beautiful," He said, as though stating a fact. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm ready," Addison replied.

Alex grabbed his car keys with one hand and laced the other hand with hers before heading out of the door.


The week passed by in a blur for Addison. She saw little of Alex at the hospital as he was still being punished for being so late for rounds, which meant endless hours in the pit. He more than made up for his lack of presence at work when they were at home together though. She hadn't slept at the hotel since their first night together.

Addison walked in to the cafeteria for lunch and saw Alex sitting with the other interns. She resisted the temptation to smile at him, and pushed away the stab of jealousy at the fact that he was sitting so close to Izzie Stevens.

Alex glanced up and caught Addison staring at him. She had just been served and was making her way over to a table to sit with Torres. Alex couldn't help but stare at her; there was something about her that drew him to her. At first he had been shocked at the depth of his feelings for her; he hadn't expected to fall so hard or so fast.

The many hours he had spent thinking about this in the pit had led him to the conclusion that it really hadn't been that fast. It had begun the first time she yelled at him for allowing the pregnant woman from the train crash to walk around unattended. It had grown with the grudging respect he had developed for her professionalism and for her ability as a surgeon. He realised that he had started falling for her a long time ago.

Addison sat down at the table with Callie.

"He's staring at you again," Callie said with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah I know, are we being totally obvious? I mean are we one of those couples who think they're being sneaky when really everybody already knows about them?" Addison asked.

"Well…I'm sure not everybody knows," Callie replied carefully.

"Oh my God! We are aren't we?" Addison blushed softly.

"It's just that you can't keep your eyes off each other, and you've both changed, and you both have I'm-getting-laid-regularly grins on your faces," Callie laughed.

Addison groaned to herself and held her head in her hands.

"Then why are we even bothering to try and hide it? If everybody already knows…" Addison said.

"Add, seriously, the first time you tried to have an affair you got caught. Didn't that experience teach you that you suck at sneaking around?" Callie said with a grin on her face.

"Uhh…ok I see your point. I'll talk to him about it later," Addison said.


Alex stood under the canopy outside the hospital watching the rain pour down. He heard the clipping of Addison's heels on the pavement long before he saw her round the corner. She made her way over to him quickly and kissed him hello.

"Hey you, I missed you today," She said softly.

"I missed you too. Dr.Bailey still has me stuck in the pit,"

"Yeah I know. So I was talking to Callie at lunch today…she said that everyone's already guessed that something is going on between us," Addison linked her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder gently. "Apparently we aren't as sneaky as we thought we were."

"I happen to be very sneaky…you on the other hand…," Alex laughed. Addison just rolled her eyes at him.

"OK then Mr.Sneaky, what do you think? Do you think people know about us?"

"Maybe, I don't know. To be honest I don't really care whether people know or not, it doesn't change anything. I still feel the same way about you no matter what people think," Alex said softly. He brushed the hair from her face gently and cupped her cheek.

"That's good to know…so you don't mind if people find out about us? It's just that I thought we decided we weren't ready to tell anyone," Addison said. She shivered as the cold wind whipped around the side of the hospital.

"Addison, I really don't mind. Whatever you want," Alex replied. He took his coat off and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Are you ready to go home?"

"Yeah…home?" Addison smiled brightly. "I love hearing you say that."

"Well you haven't been back to the hotel all week…I figured I'm stuck with you now," Alex teased her gently. Addison could tell he was joking but he leaned down to kiss her reassuringly anyway. "Ready to make a run for the car?"

"Yeah lets go home," Addison nodded.

Alex wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held his coat over head to keep her dry. Together they ran towards the car.

A/N - Just a quick note to say that i already have another story planned out, so keep your eyes open and i will soon be back with more addisex goodness lol