Well, this was NOT the way I wanted it to end, but sadly it must.

I'm (sort of) abandoning this story, but for good reason. I know that may disappoint some, but it comes with good news (also sort of). But first: the bad. I've gone back over this story and realized, being blunt, how sloppy it is. I got lazy, skipped chunks, figured I'd cover it via flashback, even tried adding a side-ship of sorts just for the hey of it and to be different. (Though oddly enough in an AU I do think that ship could be a thing... but I doubt anyone wants to see it.) I've also been dealing with some personal issues, and its kept me away from my writing far longer than I'd like. As a result, I've forgotten some of my plot threads and where I was going with them.

That being said, the reason I'm doing this is because I'm going to redo the whole thing from scratch. Want to do this because of the aforementioned reasons, but also because I now have a far better grasp of the series from when I started out, and we also have some more detail from Toriyama himself about these characters, how they behave toward and feel about one another, and also a bit of how their relationship came to be.

Therefore, I plan to put this knowledge to use and write one that I feel is more in-line with the canon.

Fulfillment, however, will eventually be continued, if only because I still think it's a kickass and unique idea and refuse to let it go. To those of you holding out, you're welcome, and I'm so sorry you've had to wait so long for me to sort through my personal junk.

Anyways, I suppose that's it for now. Also, be sure to check my bio. Got a link to a tumblr page (wait stop running come back) where I occasionally post some "meta" stuff and the like. There's a smattering of Spider-Man and whatnot, but I may just make a separate blog for my DB stuff soon. Also a link to an awesome K/18 fan blog run by an awesome friend and fellow writer, whose profile will also be linked. You can get a good K/18 fix there as well, and Lord knows it's needed.

I guess I feel called to do this because... well, the fandom is sleeping on this couple again, despite even the new series. We see a ton of love for other ships being rekindled because of the new series and movies, yet K/18 is often cast aside (or even split up) once again. I'd like to give them some love one last time.

I can't guarantee how often I can update, but you can expect some one-shots here and there once in a while too. Whatever enters my head.

Just gonna have to remember to write it down right away.

Thank you for being so understanding and patient, it means the world to me. I hope to make it worth your while.