Hello, my name is Redskin122004. You just can call me Red for short,and I made this story during my long months of not writing. Here is my first story for the avatar nation

Dark Avatar

Summary- Aang's avatar spirit has been infected by Koh, and turned Aang on his friends. Can Katara stop Aang before he causes destruction and chaos to the world (Takes some time after season two)

Rating: M

Disclosure: I don't own Avatar, If i did, Katara wouldn't wear those bandages when she trains with aang. Just to see Aang squirm as he realize he can see Katara more 'clearly'

-Spirit World-

Avatar Roku was on his knees, struggling not to fade out of existence. Breathing heavily, he looked up to the last spirit he wanted to see.

"Koh." he stated, unsurprised. "What do I own to this ungrateful visit?"

"Oh, don't be so kind old friend." Koh said happily " I just wanted to help you."

"I am not your friend." Avatar Roku stated "Why are you here?"

"Like I said before, to help you" before wrapping himself tightly around Roku's body. Koh's body began to glow dark red, laughing the whole time.

"What are you doing?!" Roku screamed.

"Killing the world's last hope. Making the Avatar power's

for my use. Like destroying everything in sight, killing everyone without mercy. The avatar will no longer be about the balance and light, but of chaos and darkness!"

"You can't do this!"

" My dear Roku. I have. And Aang will be the Avatar everyone will fear."

-Living world-

Aang's eyes snapped open, breathing hard and fast, fighting the forces that could not be stopped.

"Katara!" he choke out. Katara looked up from the stew she was making for Aang.

"What is it, Aang?" Concerned filled her eyes, Aang's body was still healing from the wounds from Azula. She fought every last tear from showing, trying to be strong for Aang sake. " Do you need your bandages changed?"

"Run...away..." Aang managed to get to his knees, holding his head to the ground. His eyes glowed brightly, a screamed erupted from his mouth. "Run away NOW!"

A shockwave erupted frm his body, sending everyone off their feet.

"What is going on with Aang!?" Sokka yelled over Aang's screams.

"I don't know?" Katara stammered, noticing Aang's eyes turning into black. The air around Aang calmed down, Aang closed his eyes and was standing on his feet, staring at the ground with closed eyes. Toph was walking up to Aang, but Katara sense something was amiss. But was too late to warn her.

"Toph don't ge-"

"Hey twinkletoes, what was all that for?" Aang turned his head to her, eyes glowing black.

"Toph! Watch out!" Toph turned her head to Katara.

"Wha-" Toph was sent flying into a boulder by Aang's earthbending. Toph jumped back onto her feet.

"HEY! What was that for!?" Aang then slammed his hand into the ground. Toph felt the earth rushed to her, but was so startled by the attacks that soon felt herself being squeezed by the earth. Aang was trying to kill her, when it finally hit her. She struggled to free herself, which she thought was an easy tasked, soon found that Aang's power was to strong. Air was leaving lungs and bones were being crushed.

"HELP ME!" she cried as Aang continue to crush her.

"Aang stop!" Sokka attempted to hit Aang over the head with his club, Aang then brought his other into play, making a small pocket of air and throwing it to Sokka, but instead of sending him back, it engulfed his head. Sokka dropped the club and tried to break the bubble, but couldn't. Sokka face soon stated to turn white with fear as he realized that he couldn't breathe. He fell to his knees, his hands to his throat. Trying to breath the air that was so close but could not get. Aang's face made a wicked smile, laughing a laugh so evil.

"Pitiful mortals." he said in a voice that was not his. He turned to face Katara. "Your turn." Unaware what was above him until he looked up. His face fell into a frown when he realized hundreds of gallons were above him. Katara took the time to gather as much water as possible. She gave a small frown and dropped the water on Aang. The earth that held Toph crumbled and toph took one step forward and fell face first into the ground. The airless bubble thinned out and Sokka collapsed, out cold for the lack of air.

Katara watched as the water spread out everywhere, and aang standing in the middle of it, with not an ounce of water on him.

"Who are you? What did you do with Aang?" she said

"My, my. Aang never told you about me, for shame Avatar." he said with an evil smile. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Koh." Taking a bow to Katara. He looked up at her, but not her face.

"Well for shame Aang, not telling me your crush for such a pretty little girl." he said licking Aang's lips. "You should of told me, now i have to do things to her."

"What are you talking about!?" Katara yelled at him, realizing that he was staring at her body. HE ignored her question and continued talking .

"My what a cute body you have, young Katara. Such curves you have, wide hips, nice long legs, and hand-size breasts. You should really see the dreams Aang has about you, such a naughty boy he is." he said, drool dripping out of his mouth.

"I even bet that Aang can please your desires, since he is the Avatar, he gets an unique...appendage." he added, causing Katara to blush red hot. "Maybe after all this, i could please the boy by fulfilling his erotic dreams."

"Shut up!" she screamed, and started to waterbend everything she had at him. Koh only laughed at her attempts, easily blocking her every attack

-10 minutes later-

Katara fell down on all fours, defeated. She looked up at Aang, no Koh. She reminded herself

"Now, time to please this young man, don't worry. I won't kill you . You will be this body play toy until you are no longer any use to him. And you got a lot of years ahead of you." he said laughing cruelly. HE reached down and grabbed her by the throat, causing her to choke. "Don't worry, i know a different way of making you choke, something large and long." he laughed.

"Any last words before i begin." he said.

"Yes," she said softly, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I know Aang can hear me, and i just want to let him know. NO matter what happens..."afraid to say the rest, Katara almost did not finish. But she said it, just to let Aang know her feeling to him. "I will always love you more than a friend, Aang. I love you Aang, with all of my heart." Koh smiled.

—lemon sequence--

"Play time." Taking out Aang's penis, and forcing it into Katara's mouth. Tears streaming, she was forced to swallow the large penis. Koh laughed the whole time, stripping Katara of all her clothes, till she was bare. Unaware of the rage building inside Aang's body. Minutes passed, and soon, pressure fill in Aang's penis. Koh smiled as he released it into Katara's mouth.

"Eat it, swallow it, suck it up into that pretty little mouth of yours." Laughing hysterically. Katara cough as she sucked the cum from Aang's penis, swallowing it, crying the whole time. Koh shoved the penis into her mouth.

"No more!" she cried, but Koh grabbed her by the hair, forcing her mouth opened again, shoving it into her mouth. Squirting the last of it into her mouth.

"Fine. But now its your womanhood i going for now." Katara screamed as Koh forced her on her back, spreading her legs open. "I hope you enjoy this as much as i am." he said.

–end of lemon–

Aang's body froze, Katara watched as Aang's face contorted and shake. Aang jumped up away from Katara. Grabbing his head, he let loose a loud scream.

"NO!" Katara watched as Aang hit the ground, holding his head. "I WILL STOP YOU KOH." Aang screamed as something began to emerge from his body. "GET Out of my BODY!" A large centipede-like creature shot from Aang's back. Aang jumped to his feet, turned to face the Creature.

"Curse you KOH!" he ran straight at the creature, jumped up into the air and came back down. His hand making a cutting motion down the front side of the creature "DIE"

Koh froze, realizing that he was now real. Meaning he could die, which was why Koh scream in agony as Aang cut him in half with airbending. Half of Koh's body laid limp, the other half struggling to get away from Aang. Aang stomped on Koh's head. Aang then made large ice dagger from what water was left near by. He then turned to Katara and motion for her to come, she did, and aang gave her the large ice dagger.

"You do it." Aang said. Katara nodded her head she then raised the dagger over her head.

"I am a spirit." Koh cried, "You can't kill me!"

"You deserve to die." Aang said

"Lets see how you like!" Katara screamed, plunging the dagger into Koh's screaming mouth. Koh gurgled for a minute, the small flailing body stilled, then all went quite. Koh's body turned to dust and blew away in the wind. Katara started to cry, hugging Aang.

"I am sorry he did that to you." he said to her, fearing that she might leave back to home.

"Its okay..." aang opened his mouth to protest, but silenced him. "Its over. Besides, it was not your fault. It was Koh's."

"I will feel better, but i know that you were struggling to free yourself . But i am glad it was not Zuko or Jet that he possessed . I rather have you, than anyone else in the world, cause i love you." aang gave her a small smile.

"Thanks Katara, i love you too." she gave him a big smile and hugged him harder.

Tis a sweet ending, M-rated for soft Lemon. MY girlfriend thought i was being perverted, (probably involuntary perv moment, but there are more hardcore than mine, going all out than they should) but i could not get around the fact that Koh sounds like a rapist in the first place. Oh well. Read again or review

Next story: Zutang wars

Summary: What happens when the Avatar show gets cancels due to the shipping. Find out when Zutarians and Kataangains go to war with each other over the web. Surprise ending plan

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