-Kimiko p.o.v.-

I watched smilling as Raimundo sparkled and his clothing changed into his new Shoku warrior robes; red pants, white under shirt, a black gi top with a red dragon on his left sleeve, and a yellow sash, officially making him our groups Leader. 'Of course it's Rye. It was his descisions that led to our victory in that last showdown. Through the course of our adventures he's gotten rid of his ego-mostly anyway, beat his greatest fear, and become highly skilled-I mean come on! The guy held his ground against Hannibal Roy Bean, Wuya, Chase Young, and a evil version of Master Monk Guan! When he 'betrayed' us to Hannibal he managed to kick all our asses till Guan stepped in. Clay's not commanding enough to be leader. I'm not that strong, or know how to lead for that matter. And Omi's too head strong, he would think himself invincable-which would get him killed.'

Thinking this, and accepting it all instride, I jumped into Ryes arms and pecked him on the cheek. Blushing lightly he held my small figure in his arms as Clay gave him a pat, 'More like light slap, actually.' on the back. He put me down as he and Omi locked eyes. What Omi did next surprised me, greatly, clearing his eyes of tears, he bowed to his leader. Rye smiled, and returned the bow.

"Raimundo I require you in the Temple of Awakening. I also ask you too bring a friend, to be your confident, along. I'll be waiting there. Dojo shall guide you when you're ready." Nodding to the monks, and miniature dragon, he exited the Great Hall.

Clay and Omi headed off towards their 'rooms'. "Be seein ya in the mornin, partners." Omi nodded as he followed Clay out.

"Lets go, Kimiko. If we hurry we can get to sleep, before midnight." Rye tolled me, tugging my sleeve.

I just gave him a blank look.

He groaned."What did I do this time?" I didn't respond."Kimi? Kim? Tohomiko Kimiko, are you in there?"

I snapped out of my daze when I heard the beginnings of worry in his voice. "Gomen, Rye-kun. I zoned out there for a minute."

"Yeah, I noticed that much. Any reason?"

I shrugged. "I had this crazy idea that you were going take me with you to the Temple of Awakening." I gave a nervous laugh.

Rye raised an eyebrow. "What's so crazy about that?"

I sighed. "I'm not-" Rai cut me off.

"Not what? Bonito, you are the bestfriend I have. Sure I may see Clay as a big bro of sorts, someone I can take my guy problems too. Do you think the others know, or have even asked, the names of my family? Do you think they see how upset I get when I recieve a letter saying someones ill, or that I even get letters from home? Kimi, you are the person I turn to for, almost, everything." I was stunned into a silence.

-normal p.o.v.-

This time Kimiko didn't resist her Leaders tugs. "Lead the way, Dojo." Nodding, the miniature dragon led the Shoku Warrior of Wind, and the Wudai Warrior of Fire, out of the building towards the woods. For most of the trip there was silence, until Kimiko broke the silence with a question that had been buging her for a while.



"What does 'bonito' mean?"

Raimundo froze. "Uhh...I said that outloud? I'll tell ya tomarrow, k?" Narrowed sea blue eyes met embarrased hunter green as Kimiko nodded. After that the two made small talk as they ascended Mount Hong, by way of an ancient looking stair case well concealed by its surroundings. When they reached the peak they gave a low whistle, instead of the Chineese buddhist temple they had been expecting, there was a mid-evil England gothic two story building.

"This way, guys. And yes, this is the right place." Dojo answered their unasked question, holding open the massive steel doors. Inside the place was gutted, making it one giant room. Master Fung stood at the other end of the room, infront of a giant Xiaolen Dragon symbol, the intire floor was covered in elaborate runes-Chinese, Japanese, Celtic, Latin, and others neither recognised.

"Welcome, young Dragons, to the Hall of Awakening." Master Fung greeted, Dojo now resting across Fungs shoulders.

The two stayed in the threshold, not wanting to take a step in the wrong spot, at attention."What do you need me to do, Master Fung? And why did you ask me to bring Kimiko?" Raimundo asked after a polite pause for Fung to explain without proping.

"First I shall answer your second question. I asked you to bring your confident, you chose to bring Kimiko. I told you too bring your confident for this sole reason; she shall be the only one you are permitted to talk too about what is mentioned in this building. All that we are going to tell you is top secret. Only those of Shoku rank, along with their confident, may know. is this understood." It wasn't a question. "Good. Dojo." The two foot long dragon nodded.

"Do you two know what gives you your elemental poewers?" They shook their heads, Dojo continued. "At the time of a Xiaolen monks birth one of several spirit stones, whose location only I know, glow and release a dragon spirit that enters the body of the newborns body. The time it takes differs from person to person, but when they have gained a 'correct' bond with the person it's in we bring you here for trainning-and no it's not a sign of higher power if it happens quickly. You may have noticed, but the trainning you've gotten so far has been...lacking for guys protecting the world. This is for one reason: your dragon spirit has not yet gained a deep enough bond with you for anything too heavy. However this is going to now change for Raimundo. By releasing all the power you have axcess too, when you feint you will be in a 'mindscape' that best suits you, there you shall meet your dragon spirit. Be warned this rite gives a 50-50 chance of death, at best."

Fung continued. "Shoku Raimundo Pedrosa, Dragon of the Wind. You have been selected as the first Shoku Warrior, of your generation, making you leader. As such you are being offered a chance to meet your dragon, this is a honor like few others that this order bequeaths, do you wish to proceed knowing the odds of survival?" There was silence as Rai bowed his head, thinking hard. You could hear the wind outside, it was a windy day, settle down as its avatar thought over the choice before him. Rai slowly rose his head, and his hunter green eyes locked with Fungs terquise eyes.

Kimiko felt a chill run down her spine, she knew what he had decided to do before he even opened his mouuth. "I accept this honor bequethed to me, and I except the dangers that come with it."

Fung gave a solemn nod. "Remove your shirt." Rai did so, throwing it into a corner, leaving his gold medallion to dangle on his bare chest. "Do you see the spiral?" Looking at the floor Rai indeed saw a clockwise turning spiral that started at his feet, he nodded. "Good. Walk the spirals path until you reach its end." Rai nodded took a step, before his foot touched the line he turned around and faced Kimko. "Incase I never get to..." Before she could ask what he meant, Rai bent over and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Before she could react, positively or negatively, he spun around and began to walk the spiral. Still frozen in shock Kimiko didn't notice Fungs, or Dojos, shocked expressions at what symbols Raimundos 'spiral's path crossed. Rai stopped in the middle of the large room, facing Fung an Dojo.

"What now?" Rais voice snapped Fung and Dojo out of their surprise.

"Simply channel all the power you have avaiable to you." Rai nodded, loosening his stance, he began to let his chi ciculate through his body.

"Wind!" Rai called the first movd he had learned, the air around him stirring into life. "Typhoon Boom, Wind!" The wind that had been stirring now roared into life. "Wudai Star, Wind!" The new force of Rais wind was forcing Fung against the wall, strangely Kimiko was uneffected. Minature twisters surrounded him as he yelled. "Shoku Tiger, Wind!" This time Fung was thrown against the wall. The miniature twisters grew larger, reaching up to the high ceiling. No one seemed to notice, but the star in the Xiaolen insignia began to change from gold to silver. "Kimiko! Will you lend me your fire?!" Rai yelled over the howling winds.

Kimiko, finally, snapped out of her daze. "On one condition! After this is over, You tell me why you kissed me!"

"You've got yourself a deal, bonito!" Ignoring Fungs shouted order to not do it, Kimiko judolei flipped next to Raimundo.

"Fire! Wudai Mars, Fire!" Fungs eyes widened in surprise, as Kimiko's fire began to mix with Raimundo's maeltsrom. Mean while, the stars slow chnge from gold to silver became much faster, the whole star becomeing silver in the blink of an eye. The two monks felt something snap.

"Kimko." Rai roared to be heard. "Did you feel that?" She gave a deth nod. Rai grinned, and held out a hand. "Shall we?" She smiled, taking the offered hand. "Orion Form, Wind/Fire!" Though Fung didn't know it, since he was in the building, the fire storm was no longer only inside the Temple, or even China. All over the world, families jumped as the fire in their hearths grew to unnatural hights. Fire wasn't the only element acting up, oh no, hurricanes, twisters, tornados and the like came into excitence, leaving the worlds scientists to wonder what caused such, upprupt, violent, wheather.

Back in the Temple, Fung stared wide eyed. 'These children, no, not children. These are teens, they can no longer be called 'children',' Fung corrected himself. 'Have already found their other piece. To be completed so young...' Fung trailed off, noticing that the blackness of the the cosmic forms was beginning to receed. Fung noticed that, though the darkness was receeding, some spots were still there, leaving tattoos made by cosmic energies on Raimundos body. On each side of his upper chest he had two parralel slashes going across his pecs, dissapearing under his armpits. His shoulders now adorned large circles, with an odd Y shape under them. On his neck there were three odd triangles. On his shoulder blades there was the Japanese kanji for 'winged'. Lastly a winding eastern style dragon spiraled from his right shoulder, and ended at the back of his right hand. 'Amazing.' Fung thought as the two gazed at eachother.

"Nice tattoos, Rai." Kimiko said, sounding exhausted.

"Thanks. I'll tell you when I wake up. K?" He fell forward as he feinted.

"Sure." She answered as she feinted, falling on top of Rai. Slowly they faded away. Fung smiled.

"Well, as unexpected as that may of been, that went well.Yes, Dojo?" He asked the miny dragon who was pulling at his pant legs.

"L-l-l-look!" Dojo stutered, pointing at the Xiaolin Star.

"Hmm?" After a second of looking at the silver star, Fung gasped as he remembered it's meaning. "Gingetsu..."

(A/N) I know I know. I have a few stories going all at once...but...yeah, I made another one. Anyway, this story is going to be an x-over XS and Avatar the Last Airbender, and I might add Golden Sun at a later time. And if you didn't get a good picture of Raimundo's Tattoos, think Yusuke's from Yu-Yu-Hakusho. Yes, I skipt the villian thing, but I don't care.