I don't own Inuyasha or Sesshomaru.(cries) I do own Sabaku.(Jumps for joy).

Inuyasha slid in and out of consussness, he had no idea were he was but he could hear Kagome talking to someone and giving them directions.

'Sesshy were are you, I need you I am scared.' Inuyasha said to himself as the darkness took him again.

"We need to hurry he is starting to regain consissnes again." Kagome said to the men traveling with them.

"How are we going to get through the well my lord?" Sabaku asked as he looked down the well.

"My bond with my mate should be able to get us through I hope. It works with Kagome and those frigging beads that she has around my mates neak which remindes me to make her take them off of him when I find them. Lets go Sabaku, my mate is waiting for me."

With that said they both jumped into the well and were surrounded by a bright light.

"What the fuck,were the hell am I" Inuyasha said as he woke up. "Would some one turn off the fucking lights I can't see a damn thing."

"ahh, so you are awake, Inuyasha."

"How do you know my name?" Inuyasha asked the voice as he tried to sit up but as he did he noticed he couldn't move he was tied down. "What the hell is going on were the hell is that bitch Kagome I am going to kill her when I get out of this."

"Ha. I would love to see you try, If you can even remember your own name after I am done with you, You son of a bitch I can't belive you let him mark you, You were supposed to be mine!" kagome cried. " But that will all change when the doctor here gets finished with you."

" What the hell are you talking about you crazy Bitch!" Inuyasha shouted " What the hell do you think you can do to a demon you crazy bitch."

" Inuyasha do you know what tonight is? No, well it is a new moon andd you know what that means right?"

" Oh shit what the hell are you thinking Kagome? Are you really that desperate? You know he will find me right?" Inuyasha asked.

" Only if he can get through the barriers that surround my house but by then he will be to late to save his presious mate! HAHAHA!" Kagome laughed as she turned to the doctor.

" I think it is time we get started Inuyasha." The doctor said as he started walking to Inuyasha with a needle in his hand. Inuyasha saw this and started struggling against his restaints.

" There is no use struggling Inuyasha you can't get away." the doctor said as he turned Inuyasha's head to the side and plunged the needle into his neck. inuyasha let out a huge howl as the liquid started to travel throughout his body.

" Sabaku, go up top and see if we have made it."

" Yes my lord" Sabaku said as he lept upward to the top of the well.

" Well Sabaku, Sabaku answer me what the hell is wrong with you, why won't you answer me Saba..." Sesshomaru was saying as he pulled himself to the top of the well and saw some men surrounding Sabaku with some sort of stick with blue lights at the end of them.

" WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!' Sesshomaru yelled as he saw Sabaku laying on the floor in pain.

"There's another one get him!" one of the men shouted.

The men came charging at him. he was not in the mood he needed to find his mate. Sesshomaru then turned into his true demon form. The men stoped were they were and stared up at a fifty foot white dog.

" What the fuck!" shouted one of the men " First it is a half demon, now it is a fifty foot dog I'm out of here screw this!' He yelled and ran out, all of the other men ran after him.

" Well that was easy enough, Sabaku are you ok?"

" Yes my lord, did you find Lord Inuyasha?" sabaku asked as he got up from the ground.

" No but I have a bad feeling about this lets find him quick befor anthing else happens."

Sesshomaru and Sabaku ran out side and saw a house.

"That must be that wench's house." sesshomaru said as they walked to the house. Sesshomaru threw open the door and starteled the family inside.

" Were is Inuyasha humans!"

" Who are you and how do you know inuyasha?" aske a small boy as he walked up to Sesshomaru.

" Why should I tell a human child who I am?" Sesshomru said as he looked at the boy

" I just wanted to know if you are here to help him or are you going to hurt him?" the boy asked.

" What the hell have you done to my mate!" Sesshomaru yelled as his eyes started to bleed red.

"Lord Sesshomaru, Please calm down as you can sense your mate is not here he has been taken."

Sesshomaru turned to see an old man standing in the doorway.

" How do you know who I am old man, and what do you know of my mate?"

inuyasha woke with a start the last thing he remembered was the doctor comming at him with a needle .

'Ouch my head hurts.' he thout to himself. he then herd voices comming from out side his room. He listened to what the were saying.

" He may not know who he is let alone who you are so take it slow ok."

"yes doctor." he herd someone reply. Just then the door to his room opened, inuyasha closed his eyes and pretended he was sleeping. He then felt someone shaking him and calling his name. He slowly opened his eyes.

" Who are you." He asked as he looked up at the girl standing over him.

" I'm Kagome,don't you remember me?" she asked.

" No I'm sorry. By the way who am I?" Inuyasha asked looking at Kagome then to the doctor, who had a big smile on his face.

"Why you are Inuyasha and you are my husband." said kagome with a wicked smile on her face. 'Sesshomaru now try to take him from me you bastard!' kagome thought to herself as she shook the doctors hand.