A/N thank you so much for the reviews and sorry about the wait hopefully it will be worth it, enjoy…..

It took a moment for Catherine to process the information Grissom had just given her.

"Now?" she asked then realised it was a rather stupid question, "Right, where is she? Did she phone?" Catherine had taken charge and it was a good thing because Grissom still wasn't moving.

"Greg phoned he called an ambulance," said Grissom.

"Ok we'll go straight to the hospital," Catherine had turned and was ready to go, "Gil move," she shouted finally getting through to him as he almost leapt out his skin.

"It's too early, she shouldn't be….I don't think I could cope if anything happened," Grissom's walls broke and he has to struggle to hold himself together.

"It's not that early they both stand a very good chance," said Cath taking Grissom's arm and leading him through the lab.

"Hey what's going on?" shouted Warrick seeing Cath dragging Grissom by the ballistics lab where he and Nick were.

"Sara's in labour," shouted Cath as they left.

"Sara's it ok," said Greg his voice shaking, he was knelt down beside her with one hand gingerly on her shoulder the other holding onto the bath. Sara was sat lent up against the bath her face white with glowing red checks and loose strands of hair stuck to her forehead with sweat.

"It's not bloody ok," replied Sara through gritted teeth, "it's too early."

"Thirty one weeks has a great survival rate is say so…"

"Greg if you say the book I swear you will never have children," warned Sara gasping for breath.

"Got it," replied Greg, "I phoned Grissom he's going to met us at the hospital," he added as Sara grabbed his hands digging her nails in so far Greg was sure she was going to draw blood as she screamed nearly deafening him.

"Ok breath short out and long in or is it long in short out," said Greg his mind wondering of brought back as Sara released the grip on his arm panting.

"I'm breathing," she growled at him. Just in time for Greg he heard sirens.

"Thank you," whispered Greg a she heard the medics shout.

"Were in here," called Greg kicking the door fully open so the two medics stood in the front room could see.

"I'm only thirty one weeks," hissed Sara through her teeth.

"Don't worry your going to best place," the first medic reassured her but Greg noticed the other medic go outside and radio something but as much as he wanted to know what was going on her didn't want to panic Sara so sat with her as they took her Bp.

"Pressures a little high," he told Sara, "what's you name?"

"Sara Sidle," she replied pushing her hair away form her face.

"I'm Dyson and do we know what the little one's going to be?" he asked while taking her arm and inserting a needle that for some reason Greg had to turn away form, dead bodies were fine but watching it been put into his friend he was worried the tears he was holding back would fall.

"A girl, Rosalie," replied Sara wincing as the drip was hung.

"Lovely," he replied, "right do you think you can walk or shall I get a chair?"

"Walk," replied Sara already trying to hoist herself up but Greg grabbed and arm and Dyson the other slowly leading her through the house Dyson with a drip held on his shoulder as they walked. As they got o the front door Sara tensed up stopping nearly tripping Greg as a contraction hit.

"Ok deep breaths," Dyson said glancing at his watch as Sara face flushed red and she had to lean on Greg to stop her falling it lasted a couple of seconds and then somehow she managed to instruct her feet to carry her to the waiting ambulance. Once inside Sara was very grateful for the oxygen she was given despite the fact she kept moving it away to speck to Greg and Dyson putting it back on.

"Gil," said Sara looking pleadingly at Greg as the ambulance sped through the streets.

"He'll be there waiting for you Sara," reassured Greg as Dyson fixed a blood pressure monitor to Sara's arm she nearly knocked him out with her elbow as another contraction hit.

"Seventeen minutes," came the shout from the front.

"Is that good?" asked Sara fresh tears running down her now red face.

"That's fine it means I'm not going to have to deliver anyone in the back of my rig, messes the thing up for weeks," he smiled checking the readings, "How you feeling?"

Sara gave him a frustrated look.

"Your blood pressures a bit low any dizziness nausea?"

"Bit dizzy," replied Sara taking great gulps of oxygen.

"Your doing great Sara," smiled Greg taking her sweaty hand her fingers felt like they were on fire, any exposed skin was white with red blotches.

"Thanks," said Sara with an attempt at a smile.

"Gil," Cath frustrated shout stopped him dead in his tracks s he paced up and down the corridor of the ER, "if you do one more lap then you'll be the one needing medical attention."

"They should be here," said Grissom looking at his watch as if that was going to tell him where they were.

"Greg phoned you before the ambulance arrived and the nurse said they were on route they're hardly going to have stopped for coffee," said Cath as a nurse walked up to them with a small smile at what Cath was saying.

"They just arrived," said the blond nurse with a smile. She was from the NICU at first Grissom had panicked when he heard that NICU were coming down along with maternity but he had, had the time to calm down and everything had been explained.

"Grissom," he heard Sara's voice before he saw her she was been wheeled up next to him before it registered at a clammy hand grabbed his nearly pulling his arm from it's socket. She looked extremely harassed her face red with limps strands of hair hanging in front of her eyes an oxygen mask hanging on her chin while she spoke. Greg immediately moved out he way but noticed the quickly smile Sara gave him before she let go of his hand.

"Get her out," said Sara in low growl as she was wheeled into the trauma room during a contraction.

There was a hustle of noise around them as information was exchanged.

"You didn't tell me it felt like this," Sara shouted at Catherine who was sensibly standing just out of Sara's reach.

"Just think about once it's over and you're holding her," tried Cath keeping out the way of the nurses and doctors.

"She's not keen on waiting this one," said a women in a ;lab coat.

"I'm Dr Martins and I'm afraid were going to have to continue down here because this little ones ready to met the world," she finished. She had spoke to Grissom before telling him they were hoping to asses her in the ER then transfer upstairs if she wasn't too far along. Cath and Greg slipped out the door unnoticed into the hallway where Catherine nearly fell over Sofia.

"Right place then," said Nick who was holding a rather large pink teddy and next to him Warrick was stood holding a bunch of flowers.

"How is everything?" asked Brass who was sat on the other side of the corridor in the middle of the row of bleu plastic chairs.

"Well I just got out before the messy part so we'll know in a bit," said Cath with a smile. Twenty minutes later and the six had all joined Brass on the chairs each anxiously distracting themselves with something.

"ARGH," Grissom was beginning to hear a constant ringing from Sara's screaming in his ear. His fingers had long gone numb from the death grip she had on one hand while his other attempted to sooth her by running his fingers through her hair. But right now none of this mattered because he had just seen his daughter been born.

"Is she ok?" asked Sara breathlessly as the small bundle was whipped away and obscured by doctors and nurses.

"She's a bit slow to respond," said the lady who had just delivered her, "Sara I need you to concentrate for a bit longer while we deliver the placenta," Grissom was aware of Sara's grip on his hand slowly relaxing but his eyes were focussed on his daughter and finally heard a cry form across the room.

"Ok mom a quick hold before she goes to the NICU?" said a nurse bringing over a tinny bundle of a pink blanket.

"She's going to be on oxygen for bit but she's looking good, have we got a name yet"? she asked placing the blanket in Sara's arms.

"Rosalie Athena Grissom," answered as the blanket emitted a soft cry and a tiny arm poked out and Sara saw her daughter's tiny face for the first time.

"She takes after her mother," smiled Grissom "impatient and beautiful,"

The group outside nearly gave themselves whiplash as the blind in front of them was suddenly pulled up and they saw a smiling Grissom stood in front of the window. Held in his arms was possibly the smallest human Greg had ever seen.

"She's like doll," he said as they gathered round the window, Cath been the first to give a quick wave to the exhausted Sara propped up in bed across the room. Grissom gently handed the wriggling blanket over to a nurse who took her out of view and Grissom came out the room.

"Congratulations," smiled Warrick putting a hand on his shoulder as Nick patted him on the back.

"I think Sara did all the work," said Grissom smiling at Cath who had lost the fight to hold back the few tears that had escaped.

"Rosa's going to the NICU to be monitored, Sara wants to see you," he added looking at Cath who nodded and went inside.

"Greg there's something me and Sara want to ask you,"

"What?" asked Greg looking slightly worried.

"As you were there for Sara we want you to be there for Rosalie. Will you be her godfather?"

"Wh…" Greg couldn't think of anything to say and for a minute Nick thought the younger man was going to cry instead he grabbed Grissom's hand and started shaking it violently, "yes," said Greg getting patted on the back by Nick and Warrick.

"Why don't you go be with Sara and we'll go wet the babies head," said Brass stepping in as Catherine came out the room, her make up slightly smudged, "before the women get too sentimental," he added looking over his shoulder at Sofia who was wiping a tear.

"Thanks Jim," said Grissom as the group bundled their gifts into Grissom's arms and left.

"How's mom?" asked Grissom going back into Sara who was looking a lot better.

"Apparently I have a low Bp but I'm fine, when can I see Rosa?" asked Sara reaching out for Grissom's hand. As he dropped the gifts onto the end of the bed

"Someone form NICU's on the way to take you to her," said a nurse from the other side of the room.

"They went over kill," smiled Sara looking at the large pink beer and flowers

"They did," smiled Grissom, "She's perfect I can't believe we made her."

"What did you expect," replied Sara kissing him


Ok not entirely the end I'm doing a sequel I'm going for an ambitious fic done each week of Rosalie's life for the first year.