Author's Final Note on TPP:

I apologize for this final imposition but I thought this the best way to alert loyal TPP readers of a couple of things.

When I posted the final Chapter, I wasn't sure if I would write an Epilogue. There will be no Epilogue. I was also asked if I would write a sequel. I'm not going to say 'no' but just the thought of doing one makes me laugh!

However, I had to address one major missive pointed out by the reviews – I forgot to write about Ron's closure. I've updated the last chapter and it now contains a short Ron-Hermione conversation the day before the Hogwarts Train Trip.

This story started out as an excuse to get Harry and Hermione into bed :). It became so much more because of reader reviews and participation. The ideas and the conversations in the story are not entirely mine. Thanks again to those who contributed to it.

There are plenty of good HP fanfics out there. Just remember, keep reviewing and keep us writing.

BB Ruth