For this story, I have added a backstory describing what happens to make it all a bit clearer. You can skip it if you'd rather not read, but it would help to make it all have that much more sense. Basically it's a prologue.

I have bumped down the rating to T. Be aware that there is some harsh language used in the upcoming chapters.


"Come on Megan, you know I don't believe in that stuff," Clarissa whined as her red-headed friend Megan pulled her by the arm towards a fortune teller seated in the corner of the room. Megan only waved her hand at the sound of the protesting.

"Oh will you shut it. It's your twenty-first birthday, and she's not like the other ones I've taken you too. Whatever she predicts is true." She pushed Clarissa down into the chair facing the gypsy.

"Megan, I really don't want-"

"So you seek my help in search for your destiny," the women spoke in a mystifying voice, and Clarissa's eyes couldn't help but wander to her.

"No actually-"

Megan put her hand over the displeased girl's mouth to silence her, and the gypsy continued.

"Today is your birthday, is it not?" she questioned. "Your twenty-first." Her dangling earrings clanged while she spoke, the many beads and trinkets attached to her unusual dress joining in as she shifted into a comfortable position on her chair. Megan gave Clarissa an encouraging look, but Clarissa did not seem amazed.

"Yeah it is. But the Happy Birthday balloon floating over my head was enough of an indication," she replied curtly. The fortune teller reached out and abruptly took Clarissa's hands in hers. "What are you-"

"There is something surrounding you," she interrupted, her eyes staring forward. She moved her thumb across Clarissa's palms, and then turned quickly to the crystal ball sitting in the center of the circular table. Megan couldn't help but smirk at the instant attention Clarissa gave the women, and she had to struggle to choke back her laughter as fear replaced the disbelief in her friend's eyes.

"Is it bad?" Clarissa asked in an urgent whisper, and the Gypsy's hanging bracelet jiggled noisily as she waved her hands over the ball. She ignored her and stared down into her crystal ball as it began to light up, giving off a pale pink for a brief moment, before returning to it's normal opaque.

"Something is troubling you, Clarissa," she stated, looking at her over the rims of her glasses with serious eyes.

"Everything is fine," she insisted, but immediately she felt her heartbeat quicken in her chest. How does she know that? Nobody knows, not even Megan!

The fortune teller leaned her head back and closed her eyes, humming and muttering to herself. "It is something about love. A past relationship." She snapped back into focus and stared at Clarissa, her eyes boring into the girls. "You have a lover who wishes to leave you."

Clarissa felt the heat rise up in her cheeks, and she heard Megan beside her gasp loudly. "I do not," she lied, but the fortune teller's eyes pierced into her like a knife.

"I am getting visions," the women told her, staring straightforward again. "About a movie theater two nights ago... And a boy with the name of...William..." A dreadful silence followed her last statement, and Clarissa couldn't believe her ears. This women is lying. How can she know about me and Will at the theater two nights ago? He must have set this up to get back at me. That's the only possible answer.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she played stupid, but clearly it would take more then a lie to fool a psychic.

"And he told you... to stop calling him for a while...that he needs to think..." her voice trailed off, and all Clarissa heard was her pounding heart in her ears. There's no way she just said that. I bet this is all some horrible dream and I'll wake up and realize how stupid I was. Yeah, that's right-

She was interrupted by a hard squeeze in her shoulder by Megan. "You never told me that!" she yelled, causing a few heads to turn.

"Megan lower your voice!" Clarissa hissed. She turned back to the fortune teller. "How do you know that?" she choked, her voice catching in her throat.

"The visions come to me...But you are lucky for it is your birthday..."

"What do you mean?" She was almost desperate for an answer, and she leaned in across the table and closer to the mystic.

"I predict that when you go home, and enter you bedroom, you will find something." She paused, and Clarissa wanted to reach up and strangle her for not finishing.

"What will I find?" Her breath came out in a hoarse whisper, and the women looked back at her, her face very stern.

"Your destiny..."

Slowly she rose to her feet and gathered her crystal ball. Clarissa watched, almost in pain, as the fortune teller left the room, leaving nothing but a trail of jangling, and suddenly she felt distant from everyone at the party, and the gypsy was the only person she was aware of.

Megan broke her trance again with a harsh pinch. "Why didn't you tell me?" she growled, and Clarissa looked up with a pained expression.

"Megan, do me a favor and get me a drink," she asked, standing up and walking slowly and shakily over to another table and joining with other friends. All she knew was that she wanted to forget the gypsy and everything she said, and she did anything to distract her mind from it.

In about an hour or so she was already convinced that there would be nothing odd in her bedroom, and for the rest of the night she kept swallowing down drink after drink until she could barely talk straight. She had no clue the party ended when it did, and Megan was forced to take the drunk girl back to her home, which was a struggle in itself.

When she finally managed to get Clarissa into the house, she dragged her to her bedroom and kicked open the door with her foot. The girl stumbled into the room, walking into the dresser and a few other pieces of furniture, before hitting the bed and collapsing. Megan shook her head in pity and sat against the wall beside the bed.

"This is going to be a long night..." she said pathetically, wishing she never allowed her friend to drink so much. Sighing, she leaned her head back and let it hit the wall softly, having a hard time falling asleep with Clarissa's drunken babble. It was 4 am when she finally managed, but not for long, for what woke her up she would never imagine in a thousand years to happen.