From AK-tutti; Ok, so here's the deal; this is the second time Stessa and I join for a fic, which we hope will be as well received as "One Word Is Enough". Both of us are quite hyper today, Stessa has just gotten Ashley T's CD, I'm really jealous of her. I tried to order her CD too and even from the same site (cos it's cheaper than the site I usually order CD's from), but of course you can only pay with credit card on that site, and just my luck my mom has no money on her, and I don't have one myself, soo.. I'm so upset by that, cos on the site, where she orders CD's, were some CD's, that I really want, but I can't get them on the site I use. Anyway, because of the stupid payment methods they use on that stupid site, I had to use the other site. So yeah, to make it as short as possible; I got JoJo - The High Road and Carrie Underwood - Some Hearts yesterday. Yay. I've been into the word warning label lately, so I'm gonna throw one in here (hoping that Stessa can live with it). So here's my warning label to you: This story will cause reasons to hate! So I just want to point out, that there will be no hating Stessa, cos this is my idea. That's actually why Stessa and I joined forces last time: I get the best idea and she is the best writer of the two of us. Have I mentioned, that I'm a mind reader? You guys are thinking: 'Get on with this story already, I haven't got all day!' And to that I have to say, when I first get started with talking, I have a hard time stopping. Are you sure you still want that rambling competition, Stessa?

From Stessa; Yup, I sure do, AK-tutti, I know you're gonna win, but ah… I'd love to lose to you then ;p And hey! I'll send you Ashley's songs over msn later, k? And about the whole idea/writing thingy. AK-tutti is lying. Maybe she gets the wonderful ideas, such as the title and the whole plot and everything, but really… we're equal good writers, got it? Don't believe a word she tells you about that… And uh; expect crazy authors notes from us, because we're that… crazy :D On with the story now…Sorry, one more thing: Uhm, AK-tutti pretty much wrote this chapter herself, because I'm wrapping up "Her Heartbeat" and then focusing on this story along with "Forbidden Beauty".

Disclaimer; Yes, we actually own High School Musical. Stessa invented the nail and I myself invented the 'read between the lines'-finger. What do you think?

Twist of Love

Chapter 1.

MTV Music Awards, one of the best known music awards. It had just been announced, that Natasha Hamilton and Gary Barlow would be presenting the award of 'Best Band'.

As Natasha and Gary walked on stage, The Sweethearts linked their hands, they were nominated in this category. Sure, they had already won 'Best Pop Song' for their song 'Maybe I'm Right', but 'Best Band' was a bigger deal.

"This is so exciting, it's the first time ever, that I'm presenting an award at MTV Music Awards." Natasha said, when her and Gary reached centre of the stage, "And that I get to do it with one of my biggest idols is just the dot above the i. Are you guys excited too?" The crowd went wild and screamed insanely. "I will take that as a yes! Are you ready to find out, who's the 'Best Band'?"

More screams.

"So are we. In this envelope we have the name of the band, but first we have to check the nominees." Gary continued, holding up the envelope, "The nominees for 'Best Band' are:"

My Chemical Romance (a clip of My Chemical Romance's latest music video was shown.)


Girls Aloud (a clip of Girls Aloud's latest music video was shown.)


The Sweethearts (a clip of The Sweethearts latest music video for their song 'Back In Your Heart' was shown.)


Gorillaz (a clip of Gorillaz's latest music video was shown.)


Atomic Kitten (let's just say, that they are back together, when this story takes place, k'?) (a clip of Atomic Kitten's latest music video was shown.)


"Don't you think, that's a woman's job?" Natasha asked, when Gary was about to open the envelope. He politely handed her the envelope, "Thank you. And the winner is..."

When she had opened the envelope, she just stood there for 30 seconds or so. She knew the suspense would be too much for everybody, so she wanted to tease them for a little while.


At the news of being the best band, Gabriella Montez and Sharpay Evans's mouths dropped. They screamed and hugged each other. They then looked around, taking their time to adjust to the news, that they were the best band. When they had done that, they screamed and hugged again. When they were done hugging, they went on stage to receive their award.

People couldn't stop cheering.

On stage they received their award from Gary, whom they also gave a hug. Afterwards they turned to Natasha and gave her a hug as well.

It was like they were high on joy, that they couldn't tell up from down. They spun around on stage looking for the mic, that they were too 'high' to notice. Finally, Sharpay got her eyes on it and grabbed Gabriella, together they walked over to the mic.

"Woooow!" Gabriella began all shaky. She had a smile from ear to ear, enjoying the moment on stage just looking at her and Sharpay's fans, "Woooow! I know, I've already said that, but really... There are no words to describe the joy, that we are feeling right now. We didn't expect this, since it is our first year in this business. We just assumed a band more experienced would get this award, that's why we're so, like, 'really?', y'know? Sharpay?"

"Um. I really don't know what to say," Sharpay said, letting a tear of joy slip down her cheek, with a smile as big as Gabriella's on her face, "I think it's about time we thank some people. First of, we'd like to thank our manager, for being the incredible guy that he is, and for believing in us at all times, without him we wouldn't be where we are today. We'd also like to thank everybody, that we've worked with the past year, cos you're all amazing. Our fans, we love you guys. Without you, Gabriella and I would just be two regular girls from New Mexico, so thank you so much. We also want to thank our families, of course."

"And God. Don't forget God, Shar!" Gabriella interrupted, cheerfully. She seemed comfortable with the situation, now that she'd had about a minute to get used to it, "She meant to thank God too. Uh, and coffee. We gotta thank coffee for helping us stay awake all those long hours."

"I don't drink coffee." Sharpay said, giggling a little at Gabriella's reaction to all this. "But speaking of helping us stay awake all those long hours, I'd like to thank my bed and my showerhead. There's nothing like a hot shower to wake you up."

"And coffee!"

After that, they said 'thank you' in unison and left the stage with their award. People were still cheering, clapping and whatever comes with that. You just name it.


I want to be back in your heart

But I don't know how and where to start

I won't be starting another fight

It's just a stupid excuse to run and hide

But I ran further and further away

Just to realise I need you in my life everyday

No more lies, it's just you and I

Let me back in your heart

The Sweethearts - Back In Your Heart was playing at the celebration party held at the manager's house. They'd went there straight after the award show, Gabriella and Sharpay were amazed by how many, that had shown up for the party.

Gabriella and Sharpay took over the dance floor and did the dance routine from the song. As they were dancing, their manager approached them with a woman, most likely his wife.

"Gabi, Shar, this is my wife, Lucille," Their manager yelled over the loud music and gestured to the woman, who's hand he was holding, "Lucille, these amazing girls are Gabriella and Sharpay, The Sweethearts."

Lucille shook hands with Gabriella and Sharpay. Sharpay was the first to speak; "So, you're married to Mr. B? He's said so many great things about you, so it's really a pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs. B."

"Please, call me Lucy." Lucille said, smiling lovingly at her husband. Gabriella and Sharpay exchanged a look, that said clearly said 'should we go and leave them alone or?', but before they decided what to do, Lucille continued; "So I hear you won 'Best Pop Song' and 'Best Band', that's great for you."

Before they could answer her, their manager said; "I'd also like you to meet my son, he's here somewhere, I just need to find him. So I'll see you, when I do. You girls have fun, ok?"

"How many kids do you and Mr. B have, Lucy?" Gabriella asked, putting pressure on Lucy, as it felt weird to call their manager's wife by her first name.

"Just the one," Lucille replied. A weird and somehow silence filled the air, but not for very long, "We wanted more, of course, but it was just impossible for us to conceive."

Again with the silence. If it hadn't been rude, Gabriella and Sharpay would have walked away from Lucille immediately, but she was their manager's wife, so they felt committed to stay with her. Sharpay cleared her throat and asked; "How come?"

"I've had cancer. But enough about me and depressing stuff, tell me something about yourselves!" Lucille said, to Gabriella and Sharpay's surprise very cheerfully, as if they hadn't had the kids talk.

"We've got an early day tomorrow. We're recording a Christmas album, which should be out by the end of this month. We're also releasing a Christmas single, which hopefully will be out in the beginning of next month, around the 3rd or something like that." Gabriella said, barely audible. It was clear to Sharpay, that Gabriella felt awkward and out of place.

"Lucy, will you please 'scuse us, while we go to the bathroom?" And with that being said, Sharpay took Gabriella's hand and dragged her with her away from Lucille. When Lucille was out of sight, Sharpay said; "Can you believe, that one woman can make you feel so awkward and so depressed."

"She was nice, Shar. I guess, it was just the kids thing, that made it so awkward and depressing to talk to her. It's really not her fault, that she had cancer."

"Yes, she was very nice. On the edge of being too nice." Sharpay admitted. To change the subject she continued; "Are you ready to Jingle Bell Rock next month, Gabs?"

They laughed all the awkwardness away. They were still laughing, when their manager approached them.

"Ok, so here's the deal, girls. I can't find my son right now, it's a big party. There will be no drinking at this party for you, you're under age and you have an early day tomorrow. Understood? Good!"

With that, their manager left them again. Gabriella and Sharpay exchanged a look and once again they burst out laughing.

"Now I have to pee!" Sharpay informed. She did a funny little dance, after the dance she ran as fast as she could for the bathroom, leaving Gabriella alone at the party.

"Fun party, I gotta admit." Gabriella said to herself, "I mean, this party is for Sharpay and I, and yet I'm standing here all by myself with no-one to talk to. I could always talk to myself? Like mom say: an interesting conversation with an interesting person! Yeah, I'm interesting, I'm gonna talk to myself. So Gabi, what do you think of the party so far? Well, I'll tell you Gabi, it's been good so far, if you look past the fact, that I've spent about 10 minutes talking to my manager's nice, yet depressing wife with Sharpay. I gotta admit, that it's cool, they're only playing The Sweethearts music at this party. The Sweethearts is my favourite band, I'm in the band, y'know. Really? Me too. How cool. Sharpay asked you a question before, are you ready to Jingle Bell Rock? I guess.. I mean, I'm really nervous and all, but despite that, I'm really looking forward to it."

"Do you always talk to yourself?" She heard a voice say behind her. She spun around and her eyes were met by the most gorgeous blue one's, she'd ever seen. "Or is it just my entertainment for tonight?"

"I... no. I'm just waiting on someone. Sharpay, my friend." Gabriella said, quietly. She was all of the sudden very shy, but she could do this. She sang in front of millions of people almost everyday, he was just one guy, "So who are you?"

"My name is Troy Bolton, I live here." He said, as he shook Gabriella's hand, "And you are Gabriella Montez from The Sweethearts, am I right?"

Before she could answer that question, Sharpay came back and exclaimed; "WEEHUW! Gabs is pumping up the party now."

"That would be me." Gabriella said and rolled her eyes at Sharpay's comment. She pointed towards her, "And I'm sorry to inform, that this is my best friend, Sharpay, also a member of The Sweethearts."

"Nice to meet you, Sharpay. My name is Troy Bolton." He grinned, as he shook Sharpay's hand. She smiled at him, and he couldn't help but notice, just how beautiful it was.

"Ok, Troy. Just a little warning, Gabriella drinks coffee," She giggled, giving Gabriella a big hug and whispered in her ear; "He's cute."

"Have you been drinking, Sharpay?" Gabriella asked, concerned, "You know what Mr. B said. No drinking, we have an early day tomorrow."

"I haven't been drinking, Gabiiiiiiiiiiiiiii," Sharpay replied, yawning, "I just miss my showerhead or even better: my bed!"

"I see you've met my son, Troy." Their manager yelled over the loud music, "I hope the three of you get along."

From Stessa; Wrapping up first chapter, guys. Hope you liked it? Uhm, now the thing I told you in the beginning about AK-tutti writing most of this chapter, that was a lie. See, she wrote everything, I just wrote my authors notes, which you probably would have felt better without, but what can you do? Please now, I'm gonna beg you to review us, and… maybe AK-tutti has something to add…?

From AK-tutti; You know me, Stessa. I always have something to add ;b. But I'm gonna make it quick, cos I have to tuck our little Steve into bed. Like Stessa said, review us please. Or else... or else... I'm gonna use my 'read between the lines'-finger on you. I have a question to all of you: Who here thinks Zac Efron is t-o-t-a-l-l-y beyond HOT with his dark hair? If you think he is, you better leave us a review, otherwise his hotness and dark hair will go to waste. Ok, now I have to pee, so thanks for reading and all, and I'm gonna say it again; please review.

Stessa & AK-tutti were here :)