From AK-tutti; Hi everybody :). So yeah, the last chapter is finally here. It took a long time to get here, but we're here, and we hope you'll enjoy the last minutes of Twist of Love, because we know we will. We're feeling very sentimental about this, so yeah. Though when you're done reading, don't be too mad at us, and don't hate us, because the ending has been planned since the beginning. Anyway, thanks for the reviews, and happy reading ;b.

From Stessa; It is here guys. The last chapter, I really can't believe it. I want to thank you all for the reviews for the last chapter, and tell you that we had some disagreements on this chapter and how to end it. Let's just say… we went for a compromise and we both got our inputs. I think it'll turn out quite alright. I hope you like it, anyway! And also… don't hate us too much, please?

Disclaimer; We don't own High School Musical,

Twist of Love

Chapter 19.

"Gabriella?" Cole said, his voice filled with emotion, "Do you want to marry me?"

Gabriella just stared in complete shock at the guy she had now been with for quite awhile. She tried to let the words sink in, but it was so hard for her to really comprehend what he had just asked her. It wasn't just any simple question, it was something so huge and life altering. And he just sat there, with the ring in his hands, down on his knee, smiling like a complete idiot.

And it might seem crazy, it might seem so unbelievably stupid for a 19-year-old girl to feel this way, but all Gabriella wanted to do was scream out 'YES!'. She loved that guy. She had never felt this way about anything or anyone in her entire life. And while she was still young, it meant something to her. Not even when her and Sharpay had recorded their first CD had she known that this was for good. She hadn't felt like this was it – like it was the most important; sure, her career was all that, but it could never be as important as love. And she had love with Cole, and she wanted to marry him.

She could see the two of them, so many years from now, strolling through the park together, their kids running around, brown hair flying everywhere. And even further into the future, she could see them together as they sat in their garden as two old people, still so very much in love. She could see her and Cole getting together with Troy and Sharpay when they were married too; she could see their kids playing together and having fun.

Gabriella couldn't help the huge smile that came to her lips as she felt a tear roll down her cheek. He had just asked her to marry him – this was it; they were for good. What more could she ever ask for? This was everything she wanted, everything she had ever dreamt of. And Cole was just… the perfect guy.

Cole smiled nervously too, "You look happy…" he tried. His eyes were shining so brightly, and Gabriella fell to her knees, to be on eyelevel with him, "What do you say?" he suggested, looking briefly down at the ring, "Is it good enough? Do you wanna marry me?"

Gabriella smiled smugly at him, "I do wanna marry you… like, a lot." She said, and she felt a whole bash of tears splash out of her eyes. She didn't mind them, she didn't brush them away, this was a happy moment, and she was allowed to cry, "And the ring's fine too, it's perfect."

Cole smiled warmly, the love reaching all the way through his eyes. They fell on the ring again and he carefully took it out of the box, clasped that one together, let it fall to the floor, and reached for Gabriella's hand. She could feel her heart beat faster as his warm fingers slowly slipped the ring onto her shaking finger. But even if she was nervous, a huger smile broke out, when the ring finally sat there, and she could admire it from her position.

It was beautiful.

"Thank you…" she whispered, as she looked up at him again. Never had he looked more handsome.

Cole let their hands fall and linked them together, "No…" he said, his voice was still soft and so full of love, "thank you." He paused, and then added, "For marrying me, Gabriella. Thank you."

She chuckled lowly and leaned forward, pressing her lips slowly against his in their first kiss as an engaged couple. This felt like a whole new them, they were still the same old people, but they now had forever. She knew that her life was going to be great. She and Sharpay were back together again as a group, they were friends; she had Cole, and Sharpay and Troy had each other. Taylor and Chad even had each other! She was sure that they would all have great lives. The future looked so bright for them.

She believed, right that second, that nothing could go wrong.


Early the next morning Sharpay, surprisingly, sat in the kitchen at the kitchen table in her own apartment, scribbling down words on a sheet of paper. It was going to be a new song, and she had begun it at 4:23 am, when her morning sickness woke her up, and she suddenly felt the inspiration. Her life had been an emotional rollercoaster in the past year, and some of those emotions had to be written down on some paper.

She had a huge glass of skimmed milk by her side, every now and then taking a sip of it. She was so tired, she had been up for hours, and at that point, even though she hated it, coffee sounded pretty good to her, but if she ever were to try that horrible beverage, it shouldn't be when she was pregnant, so she could risk the health of her baby.

Her baby, Sharpay smiled to herself, whenever that thought struck her mind. Her baby, it was amazing to think about, now that she had digested it, but she was still reluctant to tell Troy, even though she should. How did you tell something like that to someone? Easiest would be to call him right then, but no matter how easy it seemed, one didn't do these kind of things over the phone, that much she knew!

The song was about secrets, obviously, due to all the secrets she'd had to keep over the past years, and what would happen, when people uncovered the truth, how one had to pay for the wrongs in one's secrets at some point in one's life. Troy wasn't gonna be another section in the song, so she had to tell him, she was pregnant soon.

Sharpay placed a protecting hand on her still flat stomach, as she let out a sigh and reached for the milk with her other hand, she took a sip of it, just as Gabriella barged through the front door and slammed the door shut. Sharpay got such a fright from the loud bang, that she first spilt the milk all over herself, and then she dropped the glass to cover her stomach with her second hand also, as an instinct wanting to protect her baby from the noise.

"Geez, Gabs. Baby's got big ears, thank you very much." Sharpay reproved Gabriella for slamming with the door, as the Latina occupied the chair at the other end of the table, not really registering it, because she was still floating on a pink cloud from yesterday.

"I'm sorry, Sharpay, but you're never gonna guess it!" Gabriella exclaimed, all giddy and excited to tell her best friend the news. She held up her hand to show Sharpay the beautiful, blue butterfly-looking ring on her finger, showing off a proud smile as well. "I'm engaged, Shar. Cole asked me to marry him, and I said yes. Can you believe it, I'm engaged!"

A caring smile reached Sharpay's lips, and she removed the hands from her stomach. Of course, that was why Gabriella had rushed in, in the manner that she did. Cole had finally done it, and the ring was more beautiful than Sharpay recalled. Maybe it was because of the fact, that it now was a permanent resident on Gabriella's ring finger?

"Wow, it's a beautiful ring, Gabs. Congratulations, you guys are gonna be so happy." Sharpay said, feeling herself tearing up out of happiness for her best friend, and Gabriella nodded in agreement along to what Sharpay said. "I would get up and hug you, but I'm covered in milk."

Sharpay practically jumped off the chair and rushed to her bedroom to change, leaving Gabriella in the kitchen all alone. Gabriella didn't seem to mind, though, she simply lowered her hand, so she could admire the ring on her finger for the billionth time, since Cole had proposed to her.

Gabriella barely heard the noises coming from Sharpay's room, as her blonde friend got dressed in there, she was too wrapped up in her ring, but she did look up from her hand, when Sharpay re-entered the room, wearing pink silk boxers, a white top and a blue silk bathrobe, which Gabriella recognized as hers, but chose not to comment on it.

Instead, Gabriella got out of her trance and went to pick up the broken pieces of glass from the floor, as Sharpay sat back down on her chair. Gabriella threw the pieces in the trash and was about to retreat to her chair, when Sharpay waved her over to her end of the small table.

Gabriella walked over to Sharpay's side, and the blonde reached out her arms and pulled the Latina in for a hug, forcing Gabriella on her knees, so she wouldn't damage her back. Sharpay hugged her best friend so good and long, that Gabriella's knees started to hurt, so she had to break off the hug, so she could get back on her feet and back to her chair.

"I'm so happy, Shar. I don't think, I've ever been this happy before." Gabriella gushed, as her butt hit the seat. She looked at her ring once more, and then she looked Sharpay in the eyes again. "I'm serious. I love being in The Sweethearts, and we have enjoyed lots of success, enough so I'll never have to work again, if I didn't want to, and we'll enjoy a lot more success in the future as well, but it isn't forever. I think we both know that, unfortunately, but this, my future with Cole, it's forever, and I can't possibly feel more joy, than I do now." Gabriella paused to catch her breath, she didn't usually go on and on like that, that was usually Sharpay's territory, but she was in total bliss and couldn't help it. "Unless you tell me, that you'll name the Sweetheart you're carrying Gabriella, after me. That'll just add to the joy."

"What if it's a boy?" Sharpay questioned, and Gabriella just shook her head, like there was no way that would ever happen. "It could be a boy."

"A boy can't be a Sweetheart." Gabriella reasoned with her best friend, not that she had anything against boys, obviously she didn't, because she was engaged to the most wonderful person of the male gender. It was just, when her and Sharpay fantasized about having kids, when they were younger, it was always girls. Mini-Sweethearts.

"He can, if he's gay." Sharpay playfully retorted, raising an eyebrow. Nothing against gays though, she actually thought for the longest time, that her own brother might how been gay, but that was totally ruled out now. He had been with this girl named Sofia for 2½ years. "He can even wear a pink little tu-tu."

"Do you really wanna aim for that?" Gabriella challenged, giving Sharpay her best 'I dare you' look. They often did this, trying to see how far they could take each, before it became too much for one of them. Sharpay usually won. "Come on, Shar? Little Gabriella Bolton, what do you say?"

Sharpay shook her head and scrunched her nose in disgust, and then she said; "It doesn't really have a ring to it, sorry Gabs. If I do have a girl, then I'll come up with something on my own."

"You know what does have a ring to it?" Gabriella said, as her eyes fell upon her beautiful engagement ring again. "Gabriella Austin! I can't wait to be known as Mrs. Austin, personally of course."

Sharpay noticed, how Gabriella was all hyper that day, and she needed to gear down just a tad. Maybe she drank too much coffee, before she got there? Sharpay knew that her Latina best friend was a walking, talking coffee mug in herself, and because she never drank decaf, these things had to happen from time to time.

The little Sweetheart in Sharpay's stomach craved hot cocoa with whipped cream, Sharpay could feel that, and she also knew how to get it, but if she decided to get, she would also have to provide Gabriella with more coffee, and she could never convince that girl to go decaf. Perhaps she could trick it into her, just say that it was regular and have Gabriella drink it? OMG, now she was scheming.

"I want some hot cocoa, do you want anything?" Sharpay said, rising from her chair and moving out of the kitchen into the hallway. She grabbed the doorknob to her front door, ready to turn it down once she had Gabriella's order down, which she already knew would be coffee.

"Coffee, please!" Gabriella hollered from the kitchen, not even wondering why her friend had left the kitchen, she was busy with her ring again. She did wonder one thing because the thought of not getting her coffee was unbearable. "How are you gonna get it? I mean, you don't own a coffee machine, coffee beans or even powder."

"Oh, don't worry Gabs, you'll get your coffee. I have my ways." Sharpay shouted to Gabriella in the kitchen, so she could hear it, and then she turned the knob down and opened the door slowly, lowering her voice a little bit, so Gabriella wouldn't be able to hear her from the kitchen. "Wow, I could sure use some hot cocoa with whipped cream and a nice cup of coffee. It's matter of The Sweethearts' wellbeing." Sharpay smiled to herself, she was too smart for her own good sometimes, and then she remembered something important, that she had almost forgotten, and she hissed; "DECAF!!"

Sharpay gently closed the door behind herself and walked back into the kitchen to Gabriella, who laid across the table, letting out dreamy sighs from time to time, but she lifted her head and focused her best, when she heard Sharpay enter the kitchen again. Her eyes grew puppy-dog big, as she questioned; "Coffee?"

"It'll be here in 15 minutes, tops." Sharpay said, almost certain, calming Gabriella down with coffee in the near future. She looked at her best friend, the beautiful ring on her finger, and decided they needed to discuss what lay ahead for them. "Sooo... Have you decided about your future? Are you gonna be a Sweetheart still, or are you gonna be a fulltime housewife?"

"What kind of question is that?" Gabriella asked, extremely surprised by what Sharpay had just said. Never in her life, or her career as a Sweetheart, would she have thought she would ever hear that question from her best friend.

"It's a question to start with, Gabs, and I really wanna know." Sharpay elaborated, and she really did wanna know. She needed to know about Gabriella's future plans, and if it would still contain The Sweethearts, cos she, herself, was scared about the future. "I need to know if I'm no longer a Sweetheart, I need to know about my future, okay? It needs to be somewhat stable now that I'm expecting."

"Sharpay, you need to know that I'll always be in The Sweethearts with you, as long as it's possible, married or not." Gabriella explained, reaching her hand over to Sharpay's end of the table, squeezing the blonde's hand to let her know it was all gonna be okay. "Cole has always travelled with me on tours and stuff related to my career, so why should it be any different now that I have a ring on my finger?" Gabriella shook Sharpay's hand from side to side a little, offering the girl a teasing smile and sent some silly faces her way, until the blonde finally cracked a smile. "What about you? Are you still gonna be a Sweetheart, and does anybody else, other than me and Taylor, know that you're pregnant? Troy, perhaps?"

"Oh, yeah. I've made some plans about the future. I'm gonna continue to be a Sweetheart all through my pregnancy, until my doctor finds it unwise, and then I'll take a short maternity leave, and as soon as I'm ready for it, I'll be back, travelling with the baby." Sharpay revealed her plans of the future, and Gabriella really admired her best friend, because she could adapt to a new situation that well, and then make plans to fit so quickly. Gabriella had never been able to, and Sharpay continued. "Troy doesn't know yet, though, but I'm planning on telling him, as soon as I get the chance. It's just hard, because how do you break something like that to someone? I know, I'm good at doing that in the moment thing, and I am, but I need to know what to say."

"I understand, I think that's a very good idea." Gabriella agreed, she let go of Sharpay's hand, and retreated her hand to look at the watch on her wrist to check the time. She needed coffee soon. "By the way, Shar, I know you're pregnant, and I have just gotten engaged, and there are still singles to be released off of Back For Good, but I think we need to discuss our next album. Remember what we agreed?"

"One album a year." Sharpay remembered, she loved the day they agreed upon that. They thought it would be the best way to stay on top, never letting the public get a chance to forget them, though with all the no. 1's they had, there was really no chance of that, but still...

A knock was heard on the door, and Sharpay immediately knew who it was and what it meant. The cocoa and the coffee had arrived. Sharpay rose from her seat again, and made her way into hallway, where she opened the front door and accepted the fluids from the guy she had send down after it with a thank you.

She walked back into the kitchen and handed the to-go cup of coffee to Gabriella, who immediately took a sip, as Sharpay sat back down on her chair with her cocoa, taking a sip of it as well. She didn't place the cup on the table afterwards, she kept it in her hands for warmth, and so did Gabriella with her cup. At some points, they were so alike it was scary.

"About the album..." Sharpay led off by saying, taking a sip of her cocoa again, keeping it in her hands. "I have song I have written with a friend called 'Strawberry Feeling', which I think should be on the album. It's amazing." Gabriella nodded, because she trusted Sharpay's judgement of that, and also because Sharpay always wrote incredible songs, and she knew this would be incredible too. "Which also reminds me, Troy and I are going to a celebration dinner tonight with Taylor and Chad, whom I wrote the song with, and I want you and Cole to come a long, then it'll be like a triple date. We're celebrating the song Chad and I wrote, but I guess now we can also celebrate your engagement to Cole?"

"I'd love that." Gabriella agreed with a smile, sipping on her coffee, and it only took a few minutes, before it was gone, which was good. She had realized something, and Sharpay would know what to do, so with the coffee gone, nothing could distract her from getting it off her chest. "I just struck me, Shar. Cole and I have to announce our engagement, do you have any idea, how we do that?"

".com, dear. The best way is to announce it on our website." Sharpay said, as helpful as ever, and it was the way she intended to go, once she was ready to announce her thing. "I mean, I would do that, if I had to announce my engagement someday. I'll also announce my pregnancy on there, once I've told the people who needs to know about it first, like Troy. Plus we've always said that if there is a rumour that they don't know is true or not, they should come to our website, and they'll see the truth."

"Yeah, that's right." Gabriella took in Sharpay's idea, which seemed good, and she could do it with Cole when she got home, and get it out. With all the rumours and stuff floating around, it was nice to have a place where the true story would be, not that there had been any nasty rumours about her and Cole recently. "Oh, which reminds me, Shar.. You remember that magazine I get weekly? Well, apparently you and Troy have broken up three times this month."

"Wow, I didn't know that." Sharpay rolled her eyes at this information, she hated those silly rumours, but they came with the price of living her dream, so she had to take the good with the bad. "Back to the album, I went through some of your lyrics a few weeks ago, and I fell upon some brilliant ones, like Don't Let Me Down, which should totally be on our next album. Oh, and by the way the dinner tonight is at seven, just so you know."

"You don't know how to stay on one subject for long." Gabriella stared at her best friend in wonderment, as the blonde took a sip of cocoa, then finally putting the cup down, so she could cross her arms.

"Better than you."

"Nuh uh!"

"Uh huh!"


So their plans for a nice evening, just the six of them, to announce the engagement, panned out. They were gathered together at a nice restaurant, Sharpay had made sure they'd get a private room and not be disturbed by fans; they needed their privacy this evening, it was very important to her. She had to make sure that Gabriella got everything said, and while she wasn't ready to share her own news yet (she was still very much hugging her secret), she just wanted it to be perfect and subtle for her best friend and co-singer. And of course, she wanted to properly announce that her and Chad officially became co-writers, too.

Taylor was smiling happily next to Chad; she was really glowing, and Sharpay believed that those two would end up tying the knot sometime. They seemed so in love, it was kind of scary. Of course she was in love herself, but those two were so weirdly in love – they were sweet to each other one moment, and then argued about something silly the next. It seemed to be the nature of their relationship, and Sharpay couldn't understand that because when her and Troy fought (which was very rarely), they really fought. Then it was heated and they had their opinions, and when she then watched Taylor and Chad, flipping out because of Chad who wanted to take her out, and then she didn't say yes because he didn't ask her properly, she just got really confused about what really happened between them.

Chad was glowing too, he had a hand resting gently on Taylor's thigh and a glass of wine in the other; he was in his right element and the happiness he felt inside shone through his eyes and infected those around him; Sharpay herself felt her cheeks pull up whenever she laid eyes on him.

Gabriella and Cole hadn't announced anything yet, but they were probably waiting for the right moment. Only Sharpay knew so it was a big deal to get it said. After this was announced, it should be announced on their website and everything would work out with the fans too – the friends and family just had to know first.

Troy was being himself. He had no reason the be happier than usual because he still didn't know. He was just happy to be with his friends and his girlfriend; it made his day, and Sharpay knew that. She was happy too, and when their hands brushed each other on the table, she still got the tinge-ling in her lower body.

Their food was perfect, and Sharpay was just picking up a piece of salmon to her fork, when her cell phone started going off in her purse. She let her fork drop to the table, as everyone got quiet. Who the crap was calling her now? She was with the five people in the world who'd call her on a night like this. Well, except…

She turned around quickly, hair whipping around her, and digged her cell phone up. Anticipating, she checked the screen and was happy to see Ryan's name across it. Of course he was the only person left on earth who'd call her at a time like this, and since she hadn't spoken to him for so long, it was a very happy surprise, and so she flipped the phone open with a, "Hi big bro!"

"Hey sis."

She could hear the smile in his voice, and she couldn't help but smile herself, "What's up? I'm sorta having dinner, but I'm very happy to hear from you. I've really missed you."

Ryan chuckled, "I've missed you so much too, Shar, we've only talked on the phone the past year, and you haven't even heard Sofia's voice for that long."

Sharpay knew it was very bad, but she was so busy, she couldn't help it, "I don't think I've ever spoken a word with her on the phone, Duckie." She whispered, pushing her vegetables around on her plate with her fork (hey, she had to do something with her spare hand, didn't she?), "And I've only met her once…" she sighed, "Gosh, now I feel so bad that I don't visit more."

Ryan was quiet for a second, before he softly spoke, "Don't feel bad, Shar, you've got your whole career going, and I completely understand that." He paused again, "And then earlier, Sofia and I realized… we haven't been the best at visiting either, so we decided to do something about it."

Sharpay could immediately feel her chest bubble with happiness; just the thought of seeing Ryan made her so happy. She wasn't sure what exactly he meant by 'doing something about it', but she hoped that it meant he would come soon to see her; she wanted to tell him about the baby in person too, she wanted him to know because he would be so happy for her, she knew it for sure. "What do you mean by that, Ry-Ry?" she questioned instead and happily locked eyes with Gabriella, who smiled too, knowing how close the two twins were.

"Weeeell…" he dragged the 'well' out and Sharpay felt laughter spread within her mouth, but she didn't let it out yet; she had a feeling this was good news, but she wouldn't count on it completely yet.

'What's going on?' Gabriella mouthed, even if everyone's eyes were on them.

Sharpay loudly spoke, just to make sure that Ryan would hear, "My brother is being stupid."

"Hey!" Ryan objected in the phone, while the rest of her friends laughed lovingly.

"But you are!" she objected back, before getting serious because the suspicion was still killing her; she really had to know, "Seriously Ry, though… what did you mean by that?"

Ryan laughed, "Not much, sis, it's just that… That Sofia and I are sorta standing outside Gabriella's apartment."

Sharpay couldn't help it, she really couldn't, she let out a high shriek and covered her mouth so she wouldn't scream out too loud, "You are!? Oh my God, what happened? Why!?" she lowered the phone from her ear before he had a chance to answer, and told her friend, "Ryan and Sofia are fucking standing outside your flat, Bri!"

Gabriella's eyes widened in happiness and Sharpay let her phone to her ear again, to hear what Ryan had to say, "Well," Ryan continued in his best 'I'll tell you what'-tone, "we went to your apartment because actually we wanted to see you there, but when you were gone, we thought 'where is Sharpay when she's not home?' and eventually came to the conclusion that you'd be with Gabriella, but since neither of you are here either, we were sorta wondering where to go… we're a bit away from home, y'know?"

Sharpay pushed her lips into a pout even if he wasn't there, and Troy arched an eyebrow in her direction, questions in his blue eyes, "We're out eating… I'm with my friends and Troy, I guess you could come if you want… I know Gabby will want to see you, too!"

Gabriella nodded frantically and Ryan said, "Hey, I haven't even met this guy yet, and we're kinda hungry. Where are you at?" he questioned.

Sharpay giggled again and gave her twin brother the name of the restaurant.


She jumped into his arms and gave him hugs and kisses until he almost couldn't breathe, "Ryan!!! I've missed you so incredibly much." She giggled as he spun her around during their hug, before he sat her down and stared at her deeply, "How have you been?" she finished, locking her eyes deeply with his; it felt amazing to have him right there with her. It really had been too long, it shouldn't be that long in the future.

"I've been great, we've been great, but nothing's the same without you." Ryan honestly said, smiling happily at her. He gave her another hug, before he turned around and enveloped Gabriella in a deep one too, "Hi Gabby!" he chuckled.

Gabriella happily kissed his cheek, "Hello Ryan!"

"This is Sofia, by the way." Ryan introduced his girlfriend because only Sharpay had met her before.

She waved at them all, "Hi."

Sharpay then pointed at Chad and Taylor, who still sat together by the table, "This is Chad and Taylor. Taylor's father was our manager for awhile a couple of years ago, and I just… wrote a song with Chad." She giggled, "Guys, this is my twinnie Ryan."

"Hey Ryan."

"Hey man!"

Ryan placed his arm around Sofia and nodded towards Cole who had his arm around Gabriella in the exact same way, "And that awesome guy sowed to Gabriella's hip must be…?" he trailed off.

"Cole's the name." Cole said, and Gabriella kissed his cheek, too.

Sharpay then grabbed Troy by the arm and pushed him forward, knowing how Troy was nervous to meet her brother because he told her so a million times before Ryan and Sofia arrived at the restaurant, "And Ryan… this is my boyfriend, Troy." She smiled between them, quite nervous herself, "Troy, this is big bro, Ryan."

"I've heard so much about you." Ryan said and shook Troy's hand.

Troy swallowed loudly, "Likewise." He mumbled.

"Why don't we all sit down and continue our meal?" Chad then questioned from his seat because who else would suggest that? He was the dude who ate all the time when Taylor let him (that was one of the things they often argued about).

In that second Sofia's stomach decided to growl loudly and she quickly covered it with an apologetic, "Sorry, I'd really love that… I'm starving."

Sharpay pulled her chair out and sat down, "Take a spare chair, I took the liberty of ordering for you guys. It just got here like… three minutes ago. Ryan said you were so hungry."

Ryan kissed her hair, "You're the best, babysis." He said as he and Sofia took a seat and quickly started to inhale their food.

"Your brother seems awesome." Troy whispered in Sharpay's ear, as he took a seat next to her, "…kinda like you."

"Oh?" she turned to him and faked angriness, "Kinda like me?"

Troy did a funny thing with his nose where he scrunched it up a few times before he let it be, "Well yeah… he's not awesome like you, at all. If he were, then I'd want to have sex with him, and believe me… I don't."

Sharpay couldn't help but giggle out loudly which caused the rest of the dining people to look at her questionably.

"What?" Ryan asked; happiness was written all over his face, but it was because he hadn't seen his sister for so long and nothing would be able to bring him down from that cloud.

Sharpay took a quick sip of her sparkling water, "Oh, Troy just said that he doesn't want to have sex with you.", it was said in her usual 'here's the deal'-kinda-voice, and with an arched eyebrow thrown in as well, she really made Taylor and Gabriella giggle.

Ryan just looked very surprised for a second before he turned to Troy, more confused, "Eh… same here." He mumbled, before he turned back to his food and Troy stared into his plate in shame, hating how his girlfriend could do such thing to him.

"Anyway!" Gabriella cut in, and Sharpay felt her chest bubble again; now was the time, "Cole and I have something we… wanted to share with you guys." She stared deeply at Sharpay for a few seconds and Sharpay could see how completely in love and happy her best friend was; it was written all over her face, how someone couldn't see it was beyond Sharpay. Gabriella then turned to Ryan with a huge smile, "It's actually perfect that you're here too, Ryan, then you can hear it as well…"

Ryan gave her a short nod and Taylor held back a huge grin across the table. Sharpay gave her a confused look and Taylor moved her head slightly towards her hand to indicate that she knew what was going on; Sharpay smiled back at her before her look turned to Gabriella, who had spent most of the evening hiding her hand whenever possible, but apparently Taylor had noticed… Sharpay would have thought she would, she was so smart after all, and really… a woman notices these things, doesn't she?

"What is it, guys?" Troy questioned, now having forgotten how Sharpay outed his comment before.

Cole and Gabriella stared at each other for only a second, before Gabriella reached her hand forward and held it down so everyone could see the huge sparkly rock on her finger, while Cole said, "We're getting married."

And then started the screaming-session. Taylor, Sharpay, Sofia and Ryan jumped out of their seats and screamed of joy (it's true, Ryan actually did this; it was one of the reasons Sharpay had thought he might be gay, earlier in life), they enveloped Gabriella in a huge group-hug and congratulated her, started asking her of the wedding and bridesmaids and dresses, while Troy and Chad patted Cole on the back in a very manly way.

"Congratulations, dude." Chad said, he seemed calm, but Sharpay knew that had it been him, he wouldn't have been calm at all.

Troy smiled too, "Yeah man, congrats."

Sharpay pulled herself away from Gabriella since she had already congratulated her plenty earlier, and gave Cole a hug instead, even if she had known for a long time (remember the unfortunate incident when picking out the ring? Yeah, so did she), "You take good care of my girl, okay?" she reminded him, trying to act stern, but she wasn't doing the best job, "I'll kill you if you hurt her."

"I'll help her, bro." Troy mumbled, because he had hurt Gabriella himself along with Sharpay, and neither of them wanted to see her hurt ever, ever again.

Cole's laughter bubbled with joy, "Don't worry, guys, I'll take good care of her…" he then reached his hand out and grabbed Gabriella's tightly, pulling her to him, to plant a kiss on her lips, "I've loved this incredibly gorgeous singer since I laid eyes on her during that The Sweethearts documentary meeting."

"Thank God that thing never became anything." Sharpay mumbled and dramatically sighed; it could have been fun, but how wouldn't that have been, having to have a camera crew with her for more than a year? That'd be unbearable.

Gabriella laughed, love shining through her eyes, "Yeah, how many times wouldn't you have embarrassed yourself in front of your fans during a year?" she clicked her tongue, and talked to their other friends, "I'm telling you guys, that would have been a lot."

Sharpay made a big deal of hanging her jaw open in offence, "Hey! I do not embarrass myself!"

"You can be pretty clumsy at times, Sharpay, we all know that," Taylor said, but gave her a hug just the same, "but we love you."

"Yeah, we totally do." Chad smiled and hugged her from the other side. He then pulled back and reached for his glass of wine, "Which reminds me… We love you guys too, Cole and Gabriella," he stared at them, and his brown eyes showed nothing but love for the two of them, "and we wish you both the best during your engagement, and later your marriage…"

The rest of them reached for their glasses too, and Ryan then chipped in, "All your life together, actually."

"Exactly," Chad agreed with a small nod, "so this is for you;" he raised his glass, "for Cole and Gabriella."

"To the happy couple." Sofia said, even if she hadn't met them before, but simply because it was so romantic and she'd soon be apart of their amazing friendship, she'd be there to watch them fall even deeper in love.

"To the happy couple!" everyone agreed and they clinked their glasses while Cole and Gabriella kissed briefly and took a sip as well.

Cole then chipped in, "And for Sharpay and Chad of course, and their amazing song."

Taylor laughed and poked Chad in the side, "And for The Sweethearts' future success."

"And for friendship." Cole mumbled, smiling at them all.

"And for love." Sharpay finally murmured, looking lovingly at Troy, before they all clinked their glasses again, hoping for a very bright future for all of them. Nothing, it seemed, would go wrong from now on. It seemed like the future, for them all, seemed pretty bright.


"So what did you want to talk to me about, Twinnie?" Ryan questioned, as he took a seat in front of Sharpay with his blended coffee cup from Starbucks and a chocolate with whipped cream for Sharpay. He placed it in front of her and couldn't help but smile; it had been nice yesterday to be with all his friends, but now, when he was finally alone with his sister, he felt really good.

Taylor and Gabriella had taken Sofia out for the day because they knew that the people who once shared a womb needed some alone-time. Troy and Chad were playing basketball with some friends and Cole was working, so everyone was out, doing their thing, and they really had time to talk.

Sharpay had told him yesterday, when they all made plans, that she needed to talk to him about something very important, and for some reason he believed that Taylor and Gabriella knew what it was, because they were very quick to say that they'd hang out with Sofia; those girls could sure put together a scheme, not doubts about that.

Sharpay happily took a sip of her drink and let out a happy sigh, before she wiped her mouth off with the back of her hand and gave him a huge smile, "It's very important Ry, and I'm just going to come out and say it…" she looked at him, very seriously, "You don't have any heart diseases I need to know about, do you? You don't have a tendency to pass out, lose your breath? You don't faint for apparently no reason, do you? I mean… you don't have a weak heart, and neither do you have a throat that closes itself when you're freaked out?" she kept rambling off, and Ryan just stared at her weirdly. She decided to finish with a, "Your asthma is not bad lately, is it?"

"No." he firmly said, but decided to make her smile at little, because her face got red from all the talking and she did look kind of out of breath, "But if you don't stop talking you're gonna need my inhaler…" he couldn't help but laugh when she took in a deep breath and nodded, "What's up with you, Payday? Did something happen?"

She swallowed loudly and he could tell that this took a lot for her to say. He could tell that she struggled to get the words out, she struggled to phrase herself, and he gave her the time she needed, but even if he knew she would say something – something that was important by the looks of it – he was by no means prepared of what words that would come across her pink singer-lips, "I'm pregnant, Ry."

And then it happened. He could feel his throat tighten greatly as if he was having an allergic reaction; he could feel his heart beating faster and his hand immediately went to check his pocket to make sure that he had his inhaler in case he suddenly couldn't breathe.

She just stared at him from across the table, chocolate with whipped cream in hand, and a confused and scary look across her face. Her eyes were full of hopes and doubts and worry, and she looked completely lost as she sat there. She looked like a little girl in the need of reassurance, not like a famous popstar who was carrying a child.

Oh crap, she was carrying a child!

Ryan couldn't get his mind around that; he was shocked. Sharpay was pregnant. His wonderful and beautiful and talented twin (who was more like a baby-sister) was pregnant! She had a child inside of her, she had… sex. Alright, so he had known that she was sleeping with Troy because of the disaster when The Sweethearts first broke apart, but it was a matter he had chosen not to think too much about. But now… it was starring him right in the face. Sharpay was going to be a mother, Troy would be a father, and he… He, Ryan Evans, would be an uncle.

That was amazing.

"Oh my God…" he finally breathed out, let his breath go, and was happy that he wasn't in the need of his inhaler, "You're… you have a baby inside of you?"

Sharpay blinked happily, "I do, Ry-Ry." She smiled and put her plastic cup on the table, "So you're… you're not mad at me? Not disappointed? You're not gonna give me a lecture?"

She looked very confused and Ryan couldn't help but laugh as he shook his head, "I'm not Payday, you're… you're gonna be a mother!" he stood up from his seat and went around the table; Sharpay stood up too and he picked her up, enveloping her in the biggest hug they had ever shared, "Congratulations, babysis." He whispered into her hair, as she clung to him in happiness with giggles all over the place.

"Mhhm, thank you, Ryan." She whispered as he put her down and stared down at her, deeply into the brown of her eyes, "I'm so glad that you're not mad. I've thought a lot about what to do and I'm gonna be a Sweetheart as long as possible, and after that I'm gonna bring it with me on tour."

Ryan reached a hand out and stroked a piece of loose hair behind her ear, "Sounds awesome. You're gonna be a perfect mother, Sharpay… You and Troy are gonna be great parents, even if you're so young." He felt the need to add the last part, just to let her know that he found their age too young, but she had probably already known that, she wasn't stupid. Troy wasn't even educated yet, but luckily they'd never know financial troubles because of Sharpay's great success.

"I think we'll be alright too." She said, and nodded to him, hands resting protectively at her still flat stomach, "And oh… just so you know, I've only told Taylor and Bri 'cuz they were there for support when I took the test, so just… don't tell Troy, alright?"

Ryan smiled happily down at her before he kissed her forehead, "No worries, I won't tell a soul. That's your story to share."

She laughed up at him before she wrapped her arms around his shoulders again and jumped onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist so they could share another great hug. He was a bit taken aback by her weight so he stumbled a step backwards, still hugging her with all his might. "I love you so much, Ryan…" she whispered, then pulled back slightly and stared him deeply in the eye, "You're the best brother in the world. I'll have to see you more often. You should be a part of my baby's life. I'll come visit at least once a week when I'm not on tour."

Ryan felt himself smile again, even if her weight was tiring him since he wasn't so strong. But he had great news to share too, that was the whole reason him and Sofia had come here to visit in the first place; so he could tell his twin in person, "That won't really be a problem from now on, Twinnie…" he whispered, their noses inches apart, for they had always been closer than most people, and some found it disturbing, but that was the nature of their relationship and he took care of her no matter what, "Because…" he stopped. Just to tease her.

She pouted her lips, "Because of what? Tell me, Ry!" she whined.

"Because Sofia and I are moving here. We got an apartment together." He revealed, happily. Sofia was older than him and she had just gotten a job at a magazine, and he was still taking a year off, dancing as much as possible before he went back to school; he hadn't even gone to college, but it was probably better to get an education at some point.

Sharpay's face lit up in joy, and he was glad that she was happy, "For real? You're not shitting me, are you?"

Ryan was happy to shake his head, "Nope, I'm not… kidding you, Shar." He arched an eyebrow to remind her, "Remember your language now? You're having a child, missy!"

She was still clinging on to him for dear life, but it didn't look like she was on her way down anytime soon, "Oh yeah, I'll have to remember that…" she bit her lip, before she kissed his cheek, "Now, spin me around, please."

Ryan couldn't help but laugh as he backed away from the table, so he could move freely, "Anything for you, Twinnie," he whispered, happy that everything was coming together for both of them; happy that they were both happy, "anything for you."


It was a nice day, except for the sky being grey and the sun being clouded, as in you couldn't see it at all, but other than that; awesome. It's called being sarcastic, and it happens to all the great people, because the day wasn't great at all, and it was as grey as Sharpay felt. The clouds were dark, and it looked like, it could begin raining whenever, which would match her mood even better.

See, Sharpay had decided to tell Troy about the baby that day, but... she had no idea whatsoever, how she should break it to him. She had settled on a location, but that was about as far as she had gotten, they were going to the park. Gabriella and Cole were going with them, Gabriella for moral support, Cole had no clue what was going on, though they would be in the other end of the park, once she was gonna tell Troy, so it really didn't help her much, she was still gonna be alone.

How was she gonna lead off? 'We need to talk?' No, that indicated a break-up, and she never wanted to do that again. 'I have something I need to tell you?' No good either, that implied she had done something bad, and she hadn't, unless Troy would count her getting pregnant as bad? She hoped not. 'I've got some news?' That was the best option so far, it did imply anything bad, it was just news and it could be anything. A baby.

For once Sharpay was at her own apartment, getting ready to go to park. There were a number of reasons for it, officially because she wanted Gabriella and Cole to have some privacy, seeing as they'd just gotten engaged and needed it. The best friend on the couch didn't exactly say 'we're about to get married'. Another reason was, she couldn't prepare, what she was gonna say over at Gabriella's, because she knew Gabriella would be watching her every single second. And she was so nervous, she had to be alone.

She was awfully over-dressed; she had on a top, a t-shirt, two sweaters and a thick winter jacket, 3 pair of pants and big, warm boots, and don't even get me started on accesories. She didn't want the baby to freeze, even though it technically wasn't a baby yet, but still it was, and it shouldn't freeze. She, he? Shouldn't freeze, end of discussion.

A knock was heard, and she spun around (which was a whole task, because of all the layers) to see Troy standing in the door of her bedroom, he was smiling at her, totally unaware that the trip to the park wasn't a date, but the place where Sharpay was gonna drop the 'bomb'. She smiled back.

"Aren't we a little over-dressed? It's not even winter yet." Troy questioned his girlfriend, chuckling slightly. Even if she was ridiculously over-dressed, she was still so cute, it was all part of her charm. "And it's one of the warmer autumn days, it's not even freezing."

Sharpay moved slowly (again, the layers) over to Troy, and he enveloped her into his strong arms, giving her a tight hug, kissing her forehead. "Even so, I don't wanna be cold." Sharpay said, snuggling closer to Troy, hoping she didn't feel different to him in any way. "I hear the flu is going around, and I don't wanna catch it. Think of the shows The Sweethearts would have to cancel!?"

"Thinking about work, even in your free time? I love that you're so dedicated." Troy admired his girlfriend, who was very big in her layers of clothes, he had to let go of her, because he could barely keep his arms around her. "Now, are you ready to go to the park? Do you want a 30 minutes jumpstart, and how long to you want us to wait for you?"

"You're not nice." Sharpay exclaimed, slapping her boyfriend across the chest, in a playful manner of course. She walked away from Troy and over to her bed to collect her sunglasses, and she put them on, one is a superstar, right? "Ok, I'm ready to go. So let's get moving."

She skipped over to Troy and linked arms with him, and then they walked out of the door to go meet up with Gabriella and Cole at the park by the swings, where they had decided to meet. Sharpay's idea, she had a very childish soul.

There was a 5 minute walk to the park, but it felt like 50. Sharpay felt bad, that she hadn't told Troy yet, but that's why they were going to the park, so she could tell him, but because she felt so bad, it made the walk seem longer.

5 minutes, seeming like 50 had passed, when the park, Gabriella and Cole finally came into sight. Sharpay squealed and let go of Troy's arm, running over to Gabriella, and the two of them embraced each other in a warm hug.

"Are you nervous?" Gabriella whispered to her friend, and then they let go of each other, Sharpay nodding her head. Gabriella smiled and stroked her best friend's hair gently. "It'll be alright." The latina assured the blonde, who retreated to her boyfriend, and Gabriella spoke up to everybody. "Hey, I have something I need to show Cole at the other end of the park, so how about we meet back here in like an hour? Sounds good."

Gabriella and Cole walked away, hand in hand, and Sharpay watched them leave, convinced that Cole already knew about Sharpay's 'condition', because they were the kind of couple, who would never keep secrets from one another.

Once they were out of sight, Sharpay let out a sigh, gazing at Troy; this was it. She led them over to the swings, she occupied one, he took over the other, eyeing her expectantly. He had a feeling, something was up, he just didn't know what yet.

Sharpay slowly rocked back and forth, back and forth on the swing. She knew, how she was gonna begin now, but now she just needed to get herself to say it. It took some guts, but she knew, if she focussed intensely on getting it out, it would soon.

Troy sat still on his swing, simply watching his girlfriend on the other swing. She was deep in thought, he could see that, but deep in thought of what? He was curious, but he could see, she was about to spill it, or he hoped she was. He wanted to know.

"Listen, Troy. I've got some news." Sharpay revealed, pushing her feet into the sand, stopping the swing's movement that way. They locked eyes with each other, and Troy made his ears big, paying all of his attention to what, Sharpay was gonna say next. "I... y'know I love you, right? Yeah, so the thing is, I'm.. uhm, I am pregnant. Yes, I'm pregnant."

She sighed with relief, and then she smiled at Troy, hoping he would be happy with it, but of course he would. She looked at him, expecting his answer, but then...



Sharpay and Troy were lying in bed together on a sunday morning, when a cute little girl with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes ran into the room, screaming; "Mommy, daddy. Mommy, daddy. Auntie Gabriella and uncle Cole are here, they say you need to get out of bed, and daddy needs a haircut."

Their little girl, Lucille Gabriella Bolton, jumped up in the bed to them. "Sharpay, honey, you need to have a conversation with your best friend, I don't think, she's grasping the concept of a sunday." Troy chuckled, kissing his wife on the lips, and then tickled his favorite little girl. "And it this hour? What time is it even, 7 in the morning."

"Don't be that way, Troy, I asked her to come." Sharpay said, slapping Troy playfully on the arm, and then she removed the covers and got out of bed, she walked over to her closet and quickled found an outfit to wear, and then she got dressed. "It's sunday, which means they announce the charts today, and we wanna know, if we're number one. 'Where Are Your Manners' is a nice, catchy song, but your dad was very sceptical, so it's important to us."

"Mommy is a Sweetheart." Lucille, or Lucy as they called her, told her dad, as if he didn't know, and he couldn't help but let out a small laugh at his daughter's incredible cuteness. Lucy pointed her cute little finger at herself and smiled. "So am I!"

"Yes, you are." Sharpay agreed, as she put on a belt to complete her outfit, and then she closed the closet door. She walked over to the bedroom door, and was about to leave to go and greet their friends, but then she turned and smiled at her perfect little family. "And Lucy, sweetheart, if you wanna cut your daddy's hair, you have my permission."

She exited the room, and heard her daughter exclaim 'daddy, where are the scissors?' on the way. Sharpay chuckled, as she reached the livingroom, and there stood her best friend with her husband, smiling at Sharpay, always happy to see her no matter how long, it had been.

"Hi, sweetie." Gabriella greeted her best friend with a huge smile, and swung her arms around Sharpay, and she was forced to quickly let go, so Cole could give her a hug as well, and as he did, she said; "Are you excited to know 'Where Are Your Manners' chart position?"

Sharpay nodded. The Sweethearts had since their comeback enjoyed a massive amount of success, everything they touched turned to gold, and they both knew, that they had enough money for 5 lifetimes, and they didn't have to work anymore, but they did because they wanted to, and they enjoyed it so much. It was the third love of Sharpay's life. The two others were Troy and little Lucy.

They had been worried, back in the days, when Gabriella announced, she was getting married, and Sharpay announced, she was having a baby, that people would lose interest in them, but they never did, they became even more supportive. And then Sharpay announced, she was getting married to Troy, but the fans were still as supportive as ever, especially since The Sweethearts continued to make great music.

Sharpay knew, nothing was ever perfect, and Gabriella knew it too, but they would both go out on a limp and say, that the life they had now, was pretty damn close. Nobody could argue, nobody would want to.

Sharpay had everything. A loving husband, a beautiful daughter, the best friend she could ever want, an amazing family, and a hell of a career. Oh, and the best manager in the world, who was also her father in law, the grandpa of her daughter, whom he absolutely loved. Pretty damn close, yes.

"Mr. B said he'd call us, as soon as he gets the news, which should be very soon." Sharpay explained, and Gabriella smiled, all giddy and excited, and she gave her husband a quick peck on the lips, who was very excited for his wife. It was weird, neither Sharpay or Gabriella had kicked the habit of calling Jack Bolton mr. B, but he would find it just as weird, if they ever did stop.

The phone rang, and Gabriella and Sharpay looked at it, both with wide eyes. Who was gonna get it, who was gonna be the first to know? Sharpay was, she lived there, so she went over and pressed the green button on the phone.

"Hello, mr. B?" Sharpay questioned, and then she paused, as mr. B spoke. "Okay." She paused again, nodding as she listened to, what he was now saying. "Okay." She silenced again, as mr. B explained something, or told her their chart position, only Sharpay knew, what he was saying. "Okay, sounds great. Thanks, mr. B!"

She hung up the phone and put it back in it's rightful place. Gabriella watched her best friend, trying to read her expression to see, if they had gotten a good or bad chart positon, because she was eager and curious to know, she was about ready to burst over with excitement.

"What did he say, what did he say, what did he say?" Gabriella chanted, and Cole put an arm around her to calm her down, she was nearly as overgeared, as the day she had gotten engaged to Cole, which was a lot. "Sorry, but what position are we in?"

"Oh, just that same old no. 1 spot." Sharpay said, as if it was no big deal, but it was. No matter how many times, they had been in the position before, it was still as great as the previous times, because it meant, people still wanted to listen to them, which was great.

Gabriella shrieked, a high pitched one. She was so excited, and so was Sharpay. Gabriella's shriek had caused a chain reaction; Gabriella shrieked, Sharpay shrieked, Gabriella shrieked, Sharpay shrieked, and so on.

They embraced in a deep hug, as Troy rushed out into the livingroom with Lucy in his arms, wanting to know what was up, and so did Lucy. The little girl had learned though, that when her mom and her aunt shrieked like that, it usually meant good news. Lucy was not a stupid little girl.

"WE'RE NO. 1!" Gabriella and Sharpay squealed in unison, and Lucy got herself twisted out of her dad's arm and ran to hug her mom and aunt. Cole and Troy joined in on the hug, and they all had themselves a little group hug right in the Bolton family's livingroom.



Troy slid of the swing and fell to the ground, face down. Everything happened in slow motion, the loud bang, Sharpay's fantasy, Troy falling the ground, Sharpay couldn't comprehend, what was happening at that point, but she knew it was no good. Not pretty damn close.

Sharpay's only reaction, she screamed and fell to her knees in the sand next to Troy, and it all felt like it happened in slow motion too. She screamed again, and lifted up Troy's body into her arms, and she just held him, letting him bleed on her. She didn't care.

His blood felt icky and cold, even with all of her layers, she could feel it, and she could feel his heart still going, but the beats sounded further and further apart, but he couldn't die on her now, not when she'd just told him about their little baby. What about her perfect fantasy? What about pretty damn close?

Some bastard had shot Troy. Sharpay cried hysterically, as she held Troy in her shaky arms. She gently rocked him back and forth, like she hoped, she could rock him back to life, that she could make his hard beat faster, but deep down she knew, it was impossible.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sharpay could see, that Cole and Gabriella was running towards them, hands linked. They were probably going as fast, as they possibly could, since they had heard Sharpay screaming, but what she saw was slow motion, and she had a horrible feeling, that Troy would be... she couldn't even get herself to think the word, but he would be, before they got there.

Who had done this? Who would shoot a guy like Troy, just like that? Someone who was clearly out to hurt Sharpay, because just like that, everything was ripped away from her. She wouldn't get her happy ending, she wouldn't be with Troy forever, and what about his kid? He couldn't just... when she was pregnant, he was gonna be a dad. He was gonna be a dad, so he couldn't.

Troy got colder, Cole and Gabriella got closer, more tears formed in Sharpay's eyes. Troy wanted to tell her, that it was okay, this was clearly his destiny, he wanted to tell her, she had brought him more happiness, than anybody else would ever experience in a lifetime, and that he was so happy, that he found out, he was gonna be a father, before this happened. Was gonna be, being the word. But he could say none of those things, the shock of the shot was too big.

In a strange way, Troy was happy. Happy, that his last minutes were spent, looking into the two brown eyes, he loved the most. He wished, he didn't have to go, but if he did, he was glad this was the way, though the tears in Sharpay's eyes hurt him so bad. The hurt would soon go away, he knew that unfortunately.

Sharpay thought about her pretty damn close fantasy, crying even harder then before. Her fantasy was how her life with Troy could have been, but now it seemed, it was never gonna happen. She was never gonna get her happy ending with Troy, she was gonna be an alone mom, and she would never find love with anyone else. Troy was it, and someone chose to take him from her.

Sharpay locked eyes with Troy the best she could, saw his eyes were fluttering, which could only mean, that his time was close. Cole and Gabriella still nearing, but they wouldn't be there in time, Troy's eyes were fluttering, and Sharpay was scared, but she was holding on to him, like it could save him.

Troy focussed all his energy on getting three little words out, because he was set on getting his last words, everybody deserved them, and those three little words to Sharpay was gonna be his. It was a struggle fighting to get the words out, he was so weak and tired, he didn't think, he would be able to get them out, but able to or not, he was gonna.

"I love you." They said at the same time, Sharpay's voice overly emotional, Troy's weak and raw. He looked at her with his fluttering eyes, and she knew what it meant. She bent her head forward and placed a sweet kiss, their last kiss, on his lips.

Troy closed his eyes and faded away in Sharpay's eyes. He was dead, just as Cole and Gabriella finally reached them, they knelt down next to them, but it didn't matter, Troy was still... dead! Sharpay let go of Troy's lifeless body, and then she threw her arms around Gabriella, wanting comfort, and the latina hugged Sharpay for dear life, afraid what would happen, if she let go, and Sharpay cried on Gabriella's shoulder.

Troy was dead, he took his very last breaths in Sharpay's arms, and the heartache felt like, it couldn't be cried away. Troy Bolton, the love of her life, dead.


From Stessa:So yeah. That was it, deaires. I hope you enjoyed everything, it's been a really long ride. It's probably a year and a half since we posted the first chapter of this, so it has taken us a long time. I want to thank you all for the support through our very slow updates and for reading everything. I am so glad that many of you enjoyed it. And please do read more from both of us, I know AK-tutti has a HSM Troypay up, and I have a Hannah Montana story going, if that's at any interest.

From AK-tutti: And we're done. Hope you enjoyed it, even though we were so kind to kill Troy, which by the way was my idea, so please don't hate Stessa. It was the original plan from the beginning, and we hope you liked it anyways, because what is a good story without a little tragedy? Anywho, as said before, we are now done, but I hope you'll continue to follow our individual work. And you're in luck, you can read my fic I'd Rather Be Special, and catch the last 3 chapters, when they are posted. Anyways, thanks for ready, and please review.

Stessa & AK-tutti were here :) (for the very last time)