Personal Problems

Alright it's now day 75 and everyone is doing pretty well physicly anyway. Emotionly, well that's a different story. E&T, M&J, and D&N.

Nathan's video diary.

"Way to much has happened. From the Panther, to the cave and slide, to Lex going missing and from Eric getting hurt. it's been 75 days, we need to get home or Daley and I will never be able to get togeather. This sucks!

End of diary

It was a usual morning everyone has just eaten and is off doing there usual stuff to making rafts, signs in the sand, or there basic chores. Everyone is hoping for rescue and a another problem of some sort so that everyone cam still keep trying to avoid there personal problems.

Jackson still blames himself for what happened to Eric, but right now he has Mel to deal with. Taylor has a big problem, Nathan knows she likes Eric if he tells she will have no where to hide. Eric has to still stay in the tent so he has plenty of time to think about his personal problems. Daley has to think of what if they are here longer and are Nathan and her ever going to get to be togeather. And Lex, well he has a point of view of everything!( More info on the lex think later.)

Boom! Boom!

"Oh Crap, was that thunder?" groanded Eric as he poaked his head out of the tent.

"At least we know your doing better." laughed Daley.

"Another storm is coming." said Lex as he ran up the beach.

"How long do we have before it comes?" asked Taylor.

"An hour or so." said Lex.

"Everyone in the plane." called Nathan.

Taylor helped Eric into the plane, (she also brought the first aid kit.) Nathan and Jackson, Nathan, and Melissa started to put everything in the plane. Daley and Lex helped as well.

1 hour later

"UhOh, I just felt a rain drop." said Melissa.

"Thank God we are done." said Jackson.

They all ran into the plane. When they were all inside the rain begain to fall down faster and harder.

This was scary, not the storm but now everyone was stuck in the plane, nowhere to run now they had to deal with the personal stuff.

"It's looks like we are going to be in here for the rest of the day and night." said Lex as he got comfortable.

"Perfect." said Taylor.

They sat there bored as ever. Lex was rading one of his books, Jackson was listening to his Ipod and so was Nathan, Taylor was rading one of here magazines, (she brought like 50.) Eric was trying to sleep, he had just taken some Asprin, and Daley was brading a vine. 4 Hours have past and no one has said a word.

"Jackson what time is it?" asked Eric as he groaned and streched.

"3:10." said Jackson as he yawned.

"Ughh, can this day get any slower?" groaned Melissa.

"Did it stop raining yet?" asked Taylor.

"Nope." said Daley.

"I am so bored." said Nathan.

"We can play cards, I brought some for the trip." said Lex.

"Who wants to play?" asked Lex.

Melissa, Taylor, and Eric agreed to play. "I'll play too, said Jackson as he yawned again. Everyone looked real suprised but still smiled. They all went closer to Eric cause he really couldn't move that much.

Daley was looking out the window watching the rain fall. Nathan walked up to her.

"Daley, we need to talk." Said Nathan.

I know how to make chapter's now so I will update after I eat diner. please R&R!