The own has been away on border patrol for the past few months. It is almost time for the bad weather of winter to start. While away, the fort in which the own has stayed has received many female visitors…

"I would like to announce that we are about to return to Corus, in order to be back for the midwinter celebrations. If you are not packed and ready to go by 6 am tomorrow sharp,we will leave without you for sure!" said Raoul, commander of the King's own.

"Is he sick? He hates heading back for midwinter with all of the parties! Why is he so happy?" asked Dom

" I don't know" said Kel. Hmmm… maybe it has something to do with all those visits from Buri…

"I can hear you two!" said Raoul. "I'll let you know, I have my own reasons. Which you will probably find out later." He then headed to his tent to begin his packing. As did the many other men whi were preparing to leave.while thinking: they will be so suprised when they find out I am engaged. Especially when they realize my wedding will be soon. That is probably the first party I am excited for. Now that I'm thinking about it... parties don't semm so bad. I most definitly must be a changed man!

As Kel and Dom headed back to there rooms.

"How do you feel about heading back home to Corus?" asked Kel

"Im getting excited for all the parties! The delicious food… much better than this military stuff oh and the best thing, clean clothes!"

"Haha. we both know you just can't wait to see all the court ladies again. but i do agree with those two points."

"No, actually, I'm thinking of turning over a new leaf, settling down… maybe finding just one girl for me."

"Really? I find that a little too hard to believe. Besides? What about the Own?" yeah right he would never be able to do that. I can't even think about Dom with just one court lady. Or do I really just not want to? Where did that come from? Dom and I are JUST friends and I want to keep it that way! I think…

"Hmm. Good point… I better get myself promoted to a commanding position. Hopefully sooner rather than later."

"Well I'm happy to see my family and friends again. I have really missed them. It will be nice in a way to be in the castle with the conditions so much better then our fort. but also less privacy so there is a downside. Well here's my room see you at dinner."

"Yeah later. Wait you've got an eyelash on your cheek"


"no. hold on I'll get it for you." As he reached out to remove the eyelash from her cheek… wow. Here cheek is so soft… where did that thought come from? Something weird has been going on with me lately… I can't stop thinking about Kel…

his hand slipped and he accidently poked her eye.

"ouch! watch what your doing! "

"oooh I'm so sorry. An accident."

" its ok i guess... thanks"

Was that a spark when he touched my cheek? Or am I just imagining things.And why did his hand slip and poke my eye. was that intentional? When Dom was talking about finding one lady, Does that mean he has taken a liking to a certain court lady?I hope not.I don't know, I should be packing. Then I better go eat. Im so surprised we are leaving tomorrow, so sudden.

I'm starting to think I will be the only one of my friends who shall never marry. I mean seriously, who would marry a female in the army, especially one who travels with the own? Maybe its time for a little change, maybe lalasa could give me a more feminine look while we are in corus this winter. I think that's a good Idea I can turn over a new leaf also.

In the tent of Neal (yuki is there)

" Yuki, I think Dom has feelings for Kel. You should have seen them together, I spied between the tents."

Yuki walks across the room to join Neal.

"Well I know that Kel has feelings for dom. Shes my best friend even though she hasn't mentioned it, her feelings for him are very obvious."

"Yes but do you really think it is possible for him to change his ways for her? She's my friend to, what if he cheats on her?"

"Neal, honey, everyone deserves a chance, I think we just need to give them a little push in the right direction this time off gives us a perfect chance."

"You do have a point and they would make an interesting pair. I guess we can try but if he does something stupid we cannot let Kel be with him!"

"I guess some people can't just see whats right under their noses… speaking of, we need to tell Kel and everyone else about us." Said Yuki "One day someone is gonna ask me why I wear gloves so often and why there is a big bump on my left ring finger."

"Well you know, I could always get you a smaller ring honey."

"No no that won't be necessary but I really think we need to tell at least Kel what is going on between us. We also need to begin our wedding plans."

"We will, just give it some time, we don't need to shock everyone."

" Ok but I think we should-"

Neal silenced her with a kiss. People who stepped too close to the tent could hear giggling. Then Someone silently walked into the tent. After a few moments he cleared his throat…"

Who has found them out???


Anyways one question for you, should I continue this story? If I don't get reviews I won't but anyways and comments ideas or suggestions are welcome please click the button and… you guessed it REVIEW!!!!


Wings of a dragonfly