
(Serenity's POV)

Princess Serenity glanced in the mirror one more time, her hair and dress were perfect but her face held no smile, how could it? Today yet another suitor was coming to 'claim her hand'. Yeah right, all those so called suitors want is a beautiful silent bride.

Serenity grabbed her cloak and draped it over her shoulder when a light knock came at her bedchamber door.

"Come in."

In walked a beautiful woman with purple long hair and a handsome man with chestnut hair both had the same golden crescent moon on their forheads.

"Princess Serenity, please you will be late to the throne room to meet the prince."

The dark haired woman approached. Serenity rolled her eyes at her family's console.

"Luna, Artemis. All because I am meeting another prince does not mean you have to call me by my title."

The young princess snapped. Luna gave an uneasy smile. The princess always got in moods like these when princes came to 'charm' her.


Artemis said soothely using the princesses nickname that lighten the mood a little.

"Serena, give the prince a chance. Please just meet him first."

Artemis begged watching the princess get a little annoyed about the topic. Serena always got this lecture when ever a prince came around. She was always accused of being bias.

"As you two recall my mother said I may pick who I marry so as far as anyone else is concern I am still looking. So let us go and meet todays lucky loser."

Serena snickered putting up her hood cover her face and hair. It was times like these Luna and Artemis felt like babysitters.

...Throne Room...

(Q. Selene POV)

Queen Selene looked down at the noble prince from earth, a little nervous why her daughter had not made an appearance yet.

Serenity my daughter, please for once give one of these young men a chance.

Selene sighed having a feeling in her gut that maybe all this was a bad idea. However what choice did she have Serenity was the one and true heir to the moon kingdom throne and if she married a prince she could create a strong allinace with another kindgom. Personally Queen Selene had high hopes for the prince in front of her. He was the crowned prince of Earth, a marriage allinace that would benefit the moon greatly. Relations with the Moon and the Earth were already on uneasy ground so if they married then that could end the contention.

"Please forgive my daughter, she is not often so forgetful as of lately she has had much upon her mind."

Queen Selene bowed slightly to the prince wearing black armour on his knee in front of the throne.

"Please your majesty there is no need to apolgize."

The Prince of Earth bowed again his midnight black hair draping over hiding his eyes for an instant. Queen Selene smiled.

Well this young man is different from the others. Maybe my daugter will see the same thing if she gives him a chance.

Queen Selene decided to try something she and no one before her had done.

"Please Prince Endymion of earth I would like to invite you to stay here in the Palace as a guess of the royal family. I see something different in you than I have not seen in others I wish to observe more and let my daughter have more than one day to decide."

Endymion looked up in surprise, shock. He had never heard of something like this happening to any of the other suitors who came to the moon.


(P. Serenity POV)


Serenity could not believe what she just heard her mother had just said. She just invited him to stay in the palace with them!

NO! This was not how it was suppose to work! They are suppose to show up I look at them and say 'no' in one day's time and we all move on with life! Now he will be staying with me for who knows how long."

Serenity stomped up to her mother, her face still covered by her cloak showing nothing of her beauty.

"Mother are you insane!"

Serenity had know intention of lowering her voice. Queen Selene scowled at her daughter for her disgraceful tone.

"Serenity! Hush. Now remove your cloak and present yourself to our guest."

Serenity's mother commanded. Serenity had the right mind to just walk straight out of that room and never talk to her mother again. Serenity pulled off her cloak allowing her golden hair to fall her pure blue eyes staring angrily at the prince and her yellow crescent showing upon on her forehead.

"Fine, I can not help that my mother has invited you but take this as fair warning I am not a trophe and I have rejected every prince before you because I can read people. So watch your mind or else I will reject you as fast as my mother invited you."

Serenity snapped, turned and left the room without a good-bye to her mother.\

"Welcome to the moon Kingdom, Prince Endymion!"

Serenity yelled from the hallway in less than a plesant tone.

(P. Endymion POV)

Prince Endymion could not help but stare as the young princess removed her cloak. Her long hair falling, it reached to the back of her knees, and the round orbs on her head were beautiful. The queen has them to but they just seemed to add to the princesses beauty more. The rumors he had heard we no where near right. They all said she was beautiful but what he was looking at was, beauty close to a goddess.

"Fine, I can not help that my mother has invited you but take this as fair warning I am not a trophe and I have rejected every prince before you because I can read people. So watch your mind or else I will reject you as fast as my mother invited you."

Her words were sharp. He had not even said one word to her and she was already rejecting him? No doubt she is beautiful but manners are so easily forgotten with her. She says someone is so easy to read well I will make sure I become her hardest puzzle to solve.

Maybe I will not marry her but my new goal is not to get a wife but to teach this little judge mental princess that not everyone is the same'

"Your majesty I would gladly accept your invitation."

Endymion smiled releazing the new challage he was about to undertake. He was going to show the sweet princess she can not get away with mouthing off to him.