Prince of Tennis: The Way Of Affection

Disclaimer: Do Not Owe Prince of Tennis!

"Made Made Dane," Ryoma said with a smile as he had just defeated another opponent in his own college. Ryoma Echizen was now twenty-one years old as he attended Aichi Gakuin University. He was the only one from the Seigaku tennis team that landed in Aichi, everyone else is now off college and is doing important jobs.

Kaidou Kaoru- After the group split up, he went to another team to start playing tennis straight to the nationals. He had attended college first and then went off, nobody had seen him except with his team members in the television.

Momoshiro Takeshi- He still plays tennis but is now teaching children on their basic skills. He is the coach at a college that was near the Seigaku tennis team, he is now dating Tachibana's little sister, Ann.

Inui Sadaharu- Inui had quit tennis and is now working as a computer programmer. He is still a fan of tennis and still sees the Seigaku regulars a couple of times.

Kawamura Takashi- Still a fan of tennis but is now a teacher at an elementary school that is near Momoshiro's place. He plays tennis with the Seigaku regulars once in awhile, but not all the time now.

Kikumaru Eiji- He is now dating Oishi Syuichiroh. The two became lovers a year before the split of the Seigaku regulars, Eiji is now playing with Kaidou in the nationals as Oishi rarely sees him but is helping out with Momoshiro with the children as he is the co-coach at their school.

Fuji Syusuke- he is now married and has two kids of his own. He had quit tennis and is now at home as he deals with computers with Inui. His wife is a nurse as Fuji plays tennis once in awhile with the others.

Tezuka Kunimitsu- the captain of the Seigaku regulars that split up. He is now a teacher where Ryoma is attending, Tezuka had injured his arm again during a tennis match during the preliminary and decided to be a teacher instead. Tezuka is now teaching Agriculture as well as Japanese History.

"Is that all?" Ryoma asked with a yawn as he stared at his opponent.

"In fact, the bell should be ringing soon so I better get going," his opponent said frightened as Ryoma watched him leave the court quickly.

Ryoma shrugged as he picked up his tennis bag and went inside the boy's locker room to change. He knew he was going to be late anyway since Agriculture started in about ten minutes, he had no idea that Tezuka was the teacher since there was a mixed up in his scheduled and Ryoma didn't checked to see who the new teacher was yet. He got out off the locker room and began walking towards his class, "Ryoma!" A voice called out cheerfully as Ryoma turned and saw his ex-girlfriend Sakuno.

"I didn't know you came here Sakuno," Ryoma said as he stared at her.

"This is a nice University and it has all the classes that I want to take," Sakuno said with a grin.

Ryoma didn't said anything as he began to walk once again.

"Um, where are you going Ryoma?" Sakuno asked shyly.

"Sakuno, you do realize that we've broken up a couple of years ago, right?" Ryoma asked.

"I know," Sakuno said slowly.

"Then why do you keep of following me?" Ryoma asked annoyed.

Sakuno didn't said anything, "now, if you don't mind, I'm already late for class," Ryoma said as Sakuno stopped and nodded as Ryoma walked off.

Ryoma sighed in relieved as he opened his Agriculture class, "you're late," a stern voice said as Ryoma looked up and gasped.

"Captain!" He exclaimed as every head in the class now looked at Ryoma and at Tezuka.

Tezuka didn't say anything, Ryoma stared at him for a moment before sitting at a seat that was in the middle near the front.

Tezuka cleared his throat, "Echizen, for being so late, see me after class. Is that clear?" He asked as Ryoma nodded as Tezuka returned to his lecture.

Ryoma smiled to himself, this is going to be an interesting year, he thought to himself.

He stayed after class as he was told too as he waited for the other classmates to finish asking Tezuka for either help or information, once that was done, Ryoma sat on his desk as he waited for Tezuka to speak.

"I have a gut feeling why you were so late Echizen," Tezuka began.

"Oh? Then why am I so late then?" Ryoma asked with a grin.

"Don't get cocky Echizen. You were playing at the tennis courts, weren't you?" Tezuka asked.

"Hmm, you got that right."

"Dare to tell me, why you were there in the first place and not early to class?" Tezuka asked.

"I wanted to see if this University has some strong players, that's all," Ryoma said.

Tezuka stared at him, after the break up of the team, he had seemed so disappointed, he was still in high school, even I told Kaidou that he would be the new captain once every Seigaku regular were out off there, he thought.

"Captain?" Ryoma asked as Tezuka blinked.

"You don't have to call me that Echizen," Tezuka began.

"What can I call you then?" Ryoma asked with a grin.

"Call me 'professor' while we are in class together, but besides that, you can call me by my first name," Tezuka said as he gave Ryoma his rare smiles.

Ryoma nodded, he looks so handsome when he smiles, and he should do it often, Ryoma thought.

"Since you were late Ryoma, I want an one-page stating on why you shouldn't be late for class and it has to be typed, double spaced and due tomorrow first thing," Tezuka said.

Ryoma shrugged, "sure. I have a couple of easy classes this year anyway," he said.

"What are your classes?" Tezuka asked intrigued.

"Agriculture, Math, Tennis and English."

"You might make the team here in Aichi," Tezuka said.

Ryoma looked at him surprised, "the team here in Aichi might not be better then we were before, but they are good. I'm sure that the captain will choose you and I will recommend you," Tezuka said.

Ryoma looked down, "I don't want to play tennis anymore," he began.

"Then why do you have it in your class schedule?" Tezuka asked.

"I want to play but not be in a team anymore."

"Could you tell me why?"

"It isn't the same."

"How so?"

"It isn't the same with 'us' being in it."

Tezuka now finally understood, "it won't be like in junior high or high school when we were all in one tennis group, right?"

"It's not just that."

"What Ryoma?"

"Your not in it."


me: well, this is the first story dat I made to Prince of Tennis.

Ryoma: are you serious?

me: hey, I just started liking the anime just two weeks ago about when it began.

Tezuka: we'll be onto the next chapter soon

Fuji: review and update.