A/N: Tenten is 17 and Kankuro is 18.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto...

"The Photo Of The Past"

Chapter 1


14 years ago: (Ten: 3 Kank: 4)

Tenten was taking a nap on the couch while her mother was making her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to eat when she woke up for lunch.

There was a knock on the door, which woke Tenten up.

"Coming!" Tenten's mother shouted running towards the door.

"Hello," It was Kankuro's mother and a little Kankuro standing behind her, "I have to talk to you."

"Ok, come in."

"Kankuro, go play with Tenten while I talk to her mommy, okay?"

Kankuro nodded and ran to Tenten with a big smile, "Hi Tenten!"

"Hi Kanky! Do you wanna color with me? My mommy got me a new coloring book."

"Ok." They both sat down on the floor and began to color.

Kankuro's mom and Tenten's mom sat in the kitchen. "I-I-I'm moving to Suna."

"What? Why?"

"I can't explain it to you...it's...I..."

"What's wrong?"

"This guy...he's looking for me and Kankuro, here in Konoha, and I heard he already looked in Suna for us, I'm thinking it'll be safe there."

"Why is he looking for you?"

"I...-" Kankuro's mom began to cry.

"Mommy?" Tenten walked up to her mom with a sad face, "What's wrong with Kanky's mommy?"

"Nothing sweaty...go back over there and play."

"Ok..." Tenten walked away.

"That's why I brang Kankuro over, so they can play for the last time before we leave, and...I brought this..." She pulled out a polleroid camera, "so they can keep their memories together."

"Where is Temari?"

"She's already in Suna. I got a baby-sitter to watch her. I only brought Kankuro..."

"Okay, do you want to take it now?"

"Yeah, after that, I should get going."

"Do you know where you are going to live?"

"Yes...you don't have to worry about us. We'll be fine." Kankuro's mom gave a smile.

"Okay," Tenten's mom smiled back, "Alrighty! Tenten, Kankuro! Come here so we can take a picture." The two toddlers walked over to them, holding hands.

"Why are we taking a picture?" Kankuro asked his mom.

"Just for fun." She gave him a fake smile. "Ok, stand next to Tenten there...yeah," She put him standing next to Tenten, and Tenten was sitting down holding up her new coloring book, showing the two pages they colored together.

"Say cheese!" The two mothers said. Kankuro's mom took two pictures of the same pose. She kept one, and gave the other to Tenten's mom.

"Well...I guess we'll be leaving now..." Kankuro's mom picked him up and headed for the door.

"Goodbye." The two women hugged. Kankuro and his mom walked out, and no one from Konoha saw them, ever again.


"DAMN!" A loud thud came from Kankuro's room, "TEMARI!!"

"Yes?" She peeked in through is door with a grin.

"Where is the remote!?"

"What remote?" Her grin turned into a frown.

"FOR MY T.V.!" Kankuro hit the wall making a hole.

"Jeez, calm down. I don't know where your "precious" remote is!" She walked out.

"Ugh! DAMN!!" I can't miss that game!!" He stormed out of his room and into the living room.

"Where are you going?" Temari asked.

"I'm going to the bar so I can watch the game!" Bye!" He slammed the door.

"Gosh," Temari started, talking to Gaara who was sitting on the couch reading a magazine, "is a football game really that important?"

Gaara shrugged, "I guess to him it is..." He said softly.

"Whatever, I gotta go get dinner for tonight Gaara, I'll be back later."



Kankuro walked into the bar. There was loud music playing, drunk guys singing and flirting with the waitresses. Kankuro rolled his eyes, and sat down on a stool, next to the t.v. hanging on the wall.

Damn...it's loud in here...I can't hear! Kankuro pounded his fist on the table.

"Hey!" A woman shouted.

Kankuro turned to see a woman standing behind the counter. She had two buns in her hair, her bangs pulled to the side of her face. She was wearing a white tank top, and a tie and mini skirt that matched.

"What?" Kakuro asked, not caring if he sounded rude or not.

"Can you please not pound on the table like that? There's enough noise in here as it is...and second, those tables cost alot of money."

"Whatever." Kankuro scoffed and turned to watch the television.

"Okay, sir...whatever, so, what would you like to drink?"

"Uhh...just...get me a beer." He said not turning away from the t.v.

"A beer, sir?"

"Yes...a beer." Kankuro was becoming annoyed by this girl.

"But, sir, you don't look a day over 20, if you drink now, you can damage your brain and-"

"Just get me a damn beer!" Kankuro pounded on the table again.

"Okay, sir. If you say so. I think water would be better for you though." She walked away to get him his drink. Kankuro gave a little grin. She walked back with his beverage. "Here you go sir." She handed him his drink, and started to walk off.

"Wait!" He called to her.

"Yes, sir?" She turned around.

"My name is Kankuro. Just to let you know. I don't like being called "sir"."

"Okay, then...Kankuro." She smiled and walked away. Kankuro smiled back at her, and returned to his game.


Kankuro got up off of his stool for a potty break during the commercials. While he was walking toward the restroom he saw that girl, with the buns in her hair. He couldn't help but stare at her, not paying attention to where he was walking-

"Hey! Watch it!" Kankuro bumped into a big buff guy.

"S-sorry." Kankuro said and walked into the restroom and did his "business". After he was finished he walked out and saw that girl again. She turned around and gave him a wave and a smile. He waved back at her, with a goofy grin on his face. She giggled at him and walked off.

You idiot! Kankuro thought to himself. He sat back on his stool, and started to hit himself on the head. He completely forgot about the game and stared at her the rest of the time he spent there.

"Hey, Dan!" The girl shouted walking towards another man, "I gotta leave 5 minutes early, is that okay?"

"Sure, you did a good job today." They hugged eachother and she walked out.

"Thanks Dan!" She shouted and waved.

Kankuro snapped back into reality and realized his game has been over for about an hour. Dan, walked up to Kankuro behind the counter, "Hey."


"Do you need something to drink?"

"No, that's okay, thanks-say, what days does that girl work here?"

"Which girl, son?"

"The one who just left, with the buns."

"Oh, her. Why do you want to know?"

"No reason." Kankuro said with a shrug.

"Then I got no reason to tell you." The man chuckled and walked off.

"Ugh..." Kankuro glared at him and walked out of the bar to go home. Bastard!