Author's Note: Sorry it took so long to get this up. Thank you to all who reviewed. This is all new, and there's a bit more in the next chapter than what I put in the preview at the end of the first fic. I hope you like it. I'm working out some stuff about David and Evelyn's relationship so it's taking me longer than usual to get chapter 3 out, but I've got a bit of it down. Anyways, that's the news. Hope you enjoy the sequel!

Chapter 1- Gang Leader's Girl

Evelyn sipped her coffee and flipped through the paperback she held in her other hand. She stood in a bookstore in the downtown area of Santa Carla. She shook her head, flipping the hair, which always fell in her eyes, out of the way.

"Excuse me. You can't drink that in here," said a voice from behind her. Evelyn turned around and saw a short, young woman wearing a tunic, skinny jeans, and flats. "Sorry," she continued. "Do you want me to throw it away for you? There's a trash can over there."

Evelyn thought that one of the most perfect combinations that could be found in the simple life was books and coffee. The chilly bay wind was blowing outside in the evening air and Evelyn did not want to step outside to finish her coffee, nor did she want to throw the almost full cardboard cup away. "No thanks," she said. "I'll pay for anything I spill it on."

"Uh…" said the young woman, unsure of what to do. Evelyn smiled at her. It was a kind smile, wide and open, but it was laced with cyanide and a promise of retribution if Evelyn was crossed. The young shop girl, Julie, looked up at Evelyn. She thought she had seen her somewhere. She was one of the ones who made certain areas of Santa Carla their regular haunts, but where was she from? The town square? The downtown area in the art district? The Spanish Gypsy, a local club haunted by many of the art crowd and wild college age kids? No, she wasn't a regular at any of those places. She was surely from the Boardwalk then, one of the girls who loitered around the many attractions of the Boardwalk, floating from bonfire to bonfire. Was that who she was?

"I'll finish it quickly," said Evelyn. She took a big gulp, hoping to finish her lovely coffee before this girl got too pushy.

"Uhhh… erm… I think… It's still against the rules to drink that in here. You could go outside maybe… I'm sorry," Julie said, struggling for the words that would have some effect on this young woman who clearly wasn't going to listen to her.

Evelyn took the cup away from her lips again. "Please," she said, only it sounded more like a command than a plea, "I'll pay for anything I spill anything on. I swear. It's just," Evelyn paused, fixing her eyes on the girl, "I really hate to waste—" but at that moment, the bell above the door rang and instantly Evelyn seemed infinitely more docile in comparison to the group who had just walked in through the door.

The Lost Boys, they were famous among true Santa Carlans. Anyone who had ever been down to the boardwalk at night not but a few times would instantly recognize the crew. There were a lot of crazy dressers around Santa Carla, but this group demanded your attention not only through there clothes, but more so through their manner. They were in charge and there was nothing you could do.

A chill ran through Julie, partly because of her proximity to the four handsome boys, but more from fear. There were a million and one bad stories about them. If you got on the other gangs' bad side, you would find yourself ostracized at the least, and beat up at the most. If you got on The Lost Boys' bad side, a small gang of only four young men, what happened was simple: you went missing. As Julie looked back at Evelyn she remembered who Evelyn was. She was the girl on the back of the bike. The boys were here for her, and she wasn't just any of the boy's girlfriend, she was their leader's lady. She was the Persephone to David's Hades.

David smirked at Julie. He knew she was afraid. Evelyn wasn't afraid, though. These were her friends. Regardless of what they did to others, they were on her side. Of all the discomforts of being a veritable outlaw's girlfriend, and friend to the baddest bad boys on the Boardwalk, one of the comforts she most enjoyed was the protection. Whatever happened there was someone looking out for her. She could walk the streets carefree because she knew that everyone else knew that if you messed with her, David would come for you. A lot of fear she didn't even know she had was gone because of that. The Lost Boys got special treatment from people because others were afraid, and Evelyn was content to roll along with it.

"Can I help you?" asked Julie, reverting to the automatic phrase she was trained to use, smile included.

The other boys laughed quietly, and Julie wasn't sure what they were laughing at. David shook his head, still smirking. Evelyn had walked over to the trash can, and from the angle she was tipping her cup Julie could tell she had finished her drink.