
by: Serenity Blaim

(edited: 12/30/2008)

Chapter One...

Usagi fell out of bed, her daily routine. After being awake for hours, Usagi would act as "normal" as possible. This morning, she had faked some flakey dream about Tuxedo Kamen, and easily fooled her familiar. She thanked god Luna forgot how independent she had been before the scouts. She had approximately 15 minutes to get to school. She could do it. But she decided not to. Not today.

"Usagi! You're going to be late!" Ikuko yelled to her daughter. That was what it was like now, after almost a year of practise, Usagi merely decided when to use her abilities, and when to play dumb. Her fascade was merely her way of controling something she knew, deep in her heart, she couldn't.

Dressing quickly and tripping herself, she thudded to the bottom of the stairs, announcing herself to her parents. Grabbing her toast, she ran out the door. She yelled goodbye to her parents, wondering where Luna had gone, returning only to pick up the forgotten lunch, and finally made her way to school.

To be honest, Usagi wasn't clumsy. She wasn't dumb, although she could never compare to Ami's intelligence. She was as athletic as Matoko and Minako, and as Classy as Rei. When she wanted to be. It was all about control. Since she couldn't control the Negaverse, she would control the way people saw her. Naru was the only one to mark the change, but Usagi saw her less and less as her alter ego began to run, and later change, her life. Lost in her thoughts, of the one friend left behind, she didn't even notice when...


The one thing she hated more then her alter ego controlling her, was the fact that she could never STOP running into Chiba-san. It's like he meant to do it. Everyday, atleast once, she'd run into him. That was one stop she didn't want to make.

"Odango-Atama, late for school again I see." He also likes to tease her. Another thing she'd like to control.

"Moron, I don't have time for this!" she screamed, geely frustrated. She was going to be later than she meant to be and that was not okay.

"Lay-off, Odango. Not like I meant for you to run into me. It felt like an elephant seriously. You should lay off the ice cream." Usagi was already running, towards her school, she flipped him off as she turned the corner. He just didn't get it did he?

Ready to play the part, Usagi snuck into her classroom, unsuccessfully. She met the full fury of Ms. Haruna frustration. As a side note, her teacher seems to have relationship troubles.

"Tsukino! Hall Now!" It's not Usagi's fault she can't hold on to a man. She trudged into the hall with a pout.

Yup, ready for another typical day.

At lunch, she was intercepted by a hall-monitor on her way to the cafeteria. She was heart-broken to see Makoto sitting in the courtyard, as she was pulled away. "Miss Tsukino, you're wanted in the office." Makoto gave her a funny look as she allowed the annoying person in orange pull her away.

She was unsure of how to act in the situation, and so she went. Her parents and Her principal were waiting for her. This didn't look good.

"Usagi. We think you just aren't applying yourself here, at Yuban Public." Usagi's heart stopped, they couldn't expel you for being dumb... could they? He continued, "and so on the belief that your grades will improve, we've talked to your parents about enrolling you into Ginka Academy. Where you'll have the resources, I hope, to turn yourself around. "

Her chin dropped. On what grounds did they stake this belief? A different school, What kind of school? Separate from the scouts? That was the last thought before the girl fainted from shock.


Author's Note: It's all the same, only I've fixed some typos, and some other mistakes... I know it's far from perfect, but it's a start.