Disclaimer: I own nothing, I'm just playing with them.

Summary: Grissom fears for his family's safety after a package is sent to him.

Spoilers: Built to Kill part 2; Post Mortem; Loco Motives; Leaving Las Vegas; Monster in a Box...basically all episodes that have the miniature crime scene serial killer in it.

A/N: This doesn't have a beta, so any mistakes are mine.

Grissom was walking down the halls of CSI, happy as can be. Work was going great for him, he had a wife, he had a baby girl, and he had a nice house. He also had no idea that his family could be in danger in a few days.

Nick caught up with him in the halls.

"Hey, Griss, a package came for you," said Nick. "I set it on your desk."

"Thanks, Nicky," he said.

"So is Sara at home with little Rachel?" asked Nick.

"Yeah," he said, his mind wandering to his house where his wife and six month old daughter were.

"Cool, I'll see you later," he said before walking away.

Grissom walked to his office, and saw a fairly large box on the desk. He walked up to it, and looked for the return address. Surprisingly, he didn't find one. Furrowing his brow in confusion, he took out his pocket knife. He carefully opened the package and froze when he saw another miniature model of a house.

He gently lifted the house out of the box and placed it on the table. He looked at the house, and his heart started thundering in his chest as he examined the house more closely.

"Hey, Gil, you okay?" came Catherine's voice from the doorway. "You look as though you've just seen a ghost."

He beckoned her forward. She looked at the house and gasped.

"How can this be...he hasn't sent one in over a year!" she exclaimed. "Everyone thought the real serial killer was dead, until he sent a miniature after the man who we thought was the actual killer killed himself...when you went on your sabbatical."

"I know," he said. "Everyone just figured this person died or moved away or something like that. No one – not even me – figured he would send another one...especially after this long."

"So, did our shift or another shift work a scene like this one?" she asked.

"No...I don't think this crime has happened yet," said Grissom. "I hope it hasn't happened yet," he added.

"Why do you hope it hasn't happened yet?" asked Catherine curiously.

"Take a closer look at the house," said Grissom quietly.

She moved closer and inspected the house more carefully. It finally dawned on her of whose house this was. She gasped and swore.

"Oh, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" she muttered. "Gil, this is your home!"

A/N: Sorry, this was a very short chapter. I'll try and make the other chapters longer, but no promises. Oh, yeah, please review if you liked it...eh, review if you hated it. :)