Another explosion shook the building around them, causing fragments of cement and plaster to fall to the ground. Hermione and Ron were running franticly to avoid getting hit. They stopped under a staircase. Hermione's sweating hand was still clasped in Ron's. Her face was shinning with sweat and her once stunning face was now filthy and tired. A long, bleeding cut slanted across her forehead. Tears flowed steadily from her eyes, mixing with sweat and blood. The bottom half of her shirt had been completely torn off, revealing her smooth, and now badly bruised midriff. Her skirt was burnt all around the hem; it was completely unrecognizable now, as was her face.

"Ron, I can't do this anymore. I can't…" Hermione said in a hoarse voice. Ron stood and glanced quickly out of their safety haven. He was in no better condition. His face was ashen and bruised, sweating profusely. His shirt was ragged and torn in several place and had blood stains everywhere. Where there was a tear in his shirt, a cut or gash bled freely.

"I don't want you to do this anymore. I never wanted you to be put in this danger. I love you too much for that," Ron said softly without looking back at her. Their silence was broken by a blood-chilling scream. Hermione grimaced but Ron's face remained stony; he had heard it too many times to care now.

"That sounded like Fleur," Hermione commented in a whisper. Ron merely shrugged.

"Mighta' been."

"Crucio!" someone's deep voice roared. Hermione jumped. There was a shuffling of feet and bright light that illuminated Ron's face. He looked sharply at Hermione. Without a word, he seized her hand and yanked her up, tearing out from the stair well and sprinting down a hall, leaving a man's screams behind. They wove in and out of rooms, jumping obstacles, locking doors behind them. Hermione and Ron finally reached a small window in a cellar. They both stopped a moment, panting.

"Okay, you've gotta get outa here, 'Mione. Now. Go." Ron ordered sharply, pointing at the window. Hermione looked at him desperately.

"Ron, that's not fair! What about you? What about Harry and Ginny and your parents and Fred and G-"

"There's no time for that now, Hermione! You've gotta get out while you can. I'll worry about them. Go!"

"But Ron-"

"Stop it, Hermione!" Ron roared furiously. Hermione whimpered and Ron calmed slightly. "It'll be my fault if you die at nineteen. Please Hermione. I couldn't take that heartache." Hermione let a soft sob escape through her bleeding lips.

"Oh, but Ron, what if you die? How would I live? I couldn't do it Ron, I couldn't!" she cried. Hermione put a hand over her mouth to stifle the sound. Ron hugged her and leaned close to her ear.

"You're a strong woman, Hermione. And beautiful. And I'll be okay anyway. You'll see," he whispered, gently moving her toward the window. He thrust it open. "Tonks is coming to take you somewhere safe. Go on." Hermione looked at him and then slowly made her way for the open window. She brought her face up to it. A soft breeze flew in a ruffled her hair; breathed deeply. Hermione clambered through the window and turned to look and Ron. He smiled weakly at her.

"Stupefy!" a dark figure shouted. Hermione screamed as the spell hit Ron, throwing him against the wall and rendering him unconscious.

"Ron!" Hermione shrieked, horrified. She hastily made to go to him, but a pair of pale, strong arms held him back. Hermione looked back to see a young woman with long, dark curling hair and somber eyes. "Tonks, its Ron!"

"He'll be okay. Common." Tonks began to pull her away, but Hermione fought to stay. "Hermione, stop. We have to go."

"No! Ron! Ron!" Hermione heard Tonks sigh. "Stupefy," her quiet voice murmured and Hermione knew no more.

A/N: Okay, I'd love to hear your opinion. Please give me some feedback.