Within a cold hill on the outskirts of Scotland, a man as old as time had a tear falling down his face. Finally his imprisonment was over 1,000 years trapped within that hill because of the ambition of his last apprentice who believed she would get away unharmed; however, 5 years later that same apprentice died for her betrayal at the hand of the man's only living son and heir. His son whose name time had forgotten had, had only one son and any generation that followed since only had one heir.

To this day only one son or child was ever conceived from the family line. The man, who once upon a time had been the greatest warrior and wizard during the rein of his most royal King Arthur Pendragon; now wept for all the years trapped with in the hill watching as his family went through the greatest of times to the worst of times.

He was only able to watch his heirs through and enchanted mirror that he had charmed with the help of his blood to keep track of his beloved family. He watched as one of his heirs got his son stolen and he watched now how his other living heir is raised in a house a hate. Tormented by those who were supposed to love, protect and teach him.

His youngest heir, may the goddess bless his soul, had his power bound for if left unbound they would cause destruction and devastation around him. For in him long forgotten powers culminated and grew.

His oldest heir is the headmaster of the world's greatest school of witchcraft and wizardry; however, the school had lost its connection with the wizardry part and now only taught witchcraft magic.

Wizardry magic, which consists of elementals, dragon, phoenix, griffin, unicorn, wand less, wordless, occulmency, legimency, and all ancient magic both light and dark. The wizardry world also had lost the meaning of dark not meaning evil but needing stronger emotions and very precise focus to use.

His youngest heir is destined for greatness. Many would believe that someone as old as the man once trapped for what seem to be an eternity in a mirror with in a hill would have passed on to the next greatest adventure; however, he is one of the last immortal wizards left to safe guard magic for all eternity.

The guardian of magic, was saddened by what had once been a great and Ancient family. Now torn apart by people trying to gain not only immortality but all the secrets of magic. Taking up titles as Dark Lord, Lord of Darkness or Lord of Dark Magic; however, those were titles that were given to a person on the Council of Magic. An archmage, who not only protect the ancient Dark Arts. But also assured that no one ever abused them.

It had been centuries since the last council had died. Now only remnants of the heirs to those seat remained. Some weren't even being trained properly to handle the influx of magic they would receive on the eve of their magical maturity. A witches/wizards magical maturity came on the eve of their 15th birthday in which it was marked that they would be considered Apprentices to someone in their family to be trained to take their place on the council.

Each council was different and was created for different reasons. The last one came about after it was decided in the late 17th to early 18th century that the magical realm would no longer reside in cohabitance with the mortal realm.

However, the magical realm didn't withstand the test as war spread of who would control the realm and make up the laws. So each and every nation created their own ministry and own laws.

Never achieving true coexistence with each other.

The Guardian cried as he watched his beloved world crumble without his guidance. Many of the ancient grimores where stashed away in a vault by his many descendants for fear that they would be destroyed or worse used in a war against the mortals.

Some of those grimores were written by the first Council of Magic as a way to document all of their spells, potions, curses, hexes and many other rituals which were created to help with the progression of each of the council's individual powers.

Included in the things hidden away from the magical realm were relics which were used by the 1st through the 20th Council's of Magic. Items that were used for the protection of earth and to help it recuperate after a war of great magnitude, items such as Thor's Hammer, Merlin's Staff, Lady Morgan's Cauldron, Excalibur and even the most powerful of all items his royal highness magical throne*.

Also hidden within the special vaults where manor's, castles, towers and islands which with the help of a special ritual, staff and gem, were shrunk down and stored within the gem so that no harm would come to it. Many of the ancient families of magic and holders of chairs on The Council had centuries before decided to have their Family Seats shrunken and stored in the vault for fear of the vast libraries within them being destroyed.

Castles, manors, islands, forests, fortresses where all shrunken down in the middle of the night and hidden away from all the world.

As time went by families married into other families. Many forgot about their magic and joined the mortal realm. Others began campaigns of hate against their fellow wizards/witches to try to gain power. For it seemed that the Ancient Mages were correct in hiding their power seats in the vault. Heads of Families conned and tricked other Heads of Families just to get their wealth and power. Not knowing that in the end it wouldn't matter, each family had a set power that was attributed to that families blood.

Some events even angered the great Guardian. Events like his heirs son's kidnapping, the death of the Great Lady*, the cursing of the Dragon Lord*, the theft of land from one of magic's beloved family and many other things.

As the Guardian watched his beloved elder heir, he knew that time was coming for him to return. The imprisonment that his last apprentice had put upon him was coming to an end as the spell/curse eve of the 1,200th summer solstice of his entrapment.

For his last apprentice had entrapped him in the year of the lord 797 AD*.

Since that time the Guardian had started to prepare. Prepared to reunite his family and to begin the ascension of the final Council of Magic. For his youngest heir, was with all rights and privileges Immortal. For he had been chosen to lead magic for eternity and to bring unity to the broken magical realm.

For now, the Guardian watched as his heirs encountered each other. As his youngest went to the school in which the oldest heir was the Headmaster. He watched proudly as he did his first bouts of controlled magic. Watched as the youngest stood up for what he thought was right. Watched as he became friends with two great people who would later be part of history in the making. Saw how one misguided idea by a professor cut his heir's insatiable ability to make potions and to foster a true relationship with the one who would one day free him of his most darkest secrets.

The Guardian, also watched as his other heir became fascinated by the youngest. Saw how little by little the older one became fond of the younger one. He listened as the older ones nightmares at night of his beloveds betrayal and the finding of the only woman who he would love and later become his wife's death. Listened at how he would yell out for his lost son. Cried as his oldest became broken down years before encountering the younger one in the school he loved as his home. Watched as the love the youngest one project healed and helped the older one with his troubles and nightmares.

Watched as Harry looked into the mirror of Desire and saw his mother and father. Cried at Harry's sadness at what he had lost that frightful night. Watched as his oldest, Albus Wulfric Percival Brian Dumbledore, too looked into that same mirror and saw his beloved, his wife and his son. Cried at the heart wrenching despair that Albus felt for never finding his son. Sobbed as his many times grandson Albus never knew the truth of the little boy who had moments before stood in front of him.


September 30th, 1906-

Persephone Dumbledore had days before given born to a beautiful baby boy named Phoenixus Dumbledore. He was a child of fair complexion with startling emerald eyes that had belonged to Albus' great great grandfather who had live to his 350th birthday before being burnt in what was considered and accidental fire but most Albus believed that it had been a deliberate fire caused to kill his beloved Great Great Grandpapa. Albus had cherished Alphonse Dumbledore. For, Alphonse Dumbledore was kind, humble and protective of his only great great grandchildren after the massacre of his family during a war in which the Dumbledore's had decided to remain neutral and provide no help to both sides. It was on the eve of the Winter Solstice while Albus was at school that the mysterious fire consumed the house in which Alphonse resided; however what no one not even Albus knew was that Alphonse had been assassinated long before the fire had started.

Albus and his brother were in tears when they notice that Phoenixus had the emerald eyes of both their great-great grandfather and their departed sister.

December 20th, 1906

The Winter Solstice had began and Albus was trying to hurry home after a long day of preparations of his lesson plans for next teaching term. As he came upon his manor he saw a cloud of smoke coming out of it and started to run towards the manor. He screamed for Persephone but as he approached their bedroom/nursery he say it was too late. Her throat had been slit, as he mourned the death of his wife, he went in search of his beloved son Phoenixus in his crib only to come upon an empty one. He screamed for all his beloved house elves to begin the search of the manor for his son while he dealt with the fire. The house elves searched the manor top to bottom and even searched the grounds but the child was never found. What Albus didn't know was that hours earlier, his wife had been attacked and killed by a person he had once cherished and loved. That his son had been taken by said person to make Albus suffer for not following him on his quest, however, as the person walked through the forest that surrounded the manor werewolves came upon him and surrounded him. He dropped the child and apparated away leaving the poor child at the mercy of the werewolves. One of the female wolves picked up the child and took him to the cave they used for their transformations and guarded him like he was one of theirs. Then, in the morning never knowing that the child's father was looking for him. The female werewolf left the child on the doorstep of Orchid Evans and her husband Rupert. When the Evans found the child and saw that he didn't have a letter or even something with a name on it they named him Alfred Evans.

**** End of Flashback****

As the Guardian remembered those events he cried but was also happy that Phoenixus had been giving to a loving couple who by their own accord couldn't have children but took in Alfred as he was later called and loved him so much. But the Guardian lamented that his beloved heir, Albus, never found his son or knew what had become of him.

He remembered how the nights for Albus were filled with grief and sadness for years; until, slowly he become used to the thought that his son had died. Never knowing that two towns over his child slept safe and warm.

Oh how the Guardian wished he could have gotten out of his goddess forsaken hill and gone to Albus, comforted him and told him where to find his child. However it was never meant to be.

For he, Ambrosius Aurelianus, also known as the Father of Modern Magic, Myrddin Wyllt and Lord Emrys. Scholar, protector and teacher was entrapped in this hill until the summer solstice of 1995 in which he, Merlin, child of magic, teacher of Arthur Pendragon, master of Morganna, would be able to defeat the enchantments and finally be free. For his name Ambrosius Aurelianus casts great respect from all the magical brethren hidden and visible.

He would once again heal his family and all of the magical realm helping it progress to where it should have centuries and millenniums ago have been.

For he, the Guardian and Protector of Magic, would help teach is youngest heir how to wield the Ancient and Familiar powers bound within him. Help his oldest heir heal and rethink his ways. Help all of the magical brethren hidden and visible take their places on the Council of Magic, next to his Royal Highness of Magic and help restore all the stuff hidden away for too long in the sacred vault under Gringotts

Author's Note:

*Royal Throne – the history of the throne and its creation will be a major part of this story and will tie together many of the things that I will prelude too and also mention but never clarify

*Great Lady – her story will come up later in the story.

*Dragon Lord- his story will be coming up also later in the story

*797 AD is when I believe that Merlin was entrapped within the hill in Scotland a century after the apparent destruction of Camelot and the death of Arthur.